• Discussion: Background Pony Episode!

    You have once again been promoted to CEO of the Hub!  They are giving you free reign to create an episode based on a background pony from FiM. 

    Which one would you use, and what would it be about? Drop a summary in the comments.  Maybe someone will turn it into a fic and spam the poor pre-readers some more!

    Also ponies are chubby.

    Its cute.

    267 kommentaari:

    1. An episode through the eyes of Derpy.

    2. Octavia moves to ponyville and trys to do a show but it's too high class and uppity for most of the ponies.

    3. Since Nyx wouldn't work well how bout octavia?

    4. Hm.Some Colgate would do!

    5. Arrrrgh, why must we choose? Octavia, I suppose! Dunno what it would be about.

    6. My episode would be about Archer trying everything she can to try and convince the Cutie Mark crusaders to let her in the group, despite the fact she already has a cutie mark.

    7. Octavia and DJ Pon-3 have to join together in a band to pay off their respective rents.

    8. Octavia and Vinyl scratch deserve some canon shipping.

    9. ugh the episode i would like to do would be nothing like mlp so i would ruin the series ugggggggggggghh although lyra and bonbon ftw

    10. My biggest interest in non mane cast is to have an episode that gives me information on luna/celestia. But they're more of Support characters and not really background...

      So Derpy/Ditsy then? I'd like her to get an episode...

    11. Canon Twixie shipping would be nice...

    12. Mr. Breezy and why he has access to electrical appliances, unlike the rest of Ponyville.

    13. Twilight's parents. Simple premise: Twilight goes back home.

    14. I always have wished that Ziggy Stardust got more recognition, people hardly even consider him sometimes.

    15. Copyrights be damned, I want a Doctor Whooves episode!

    16. Or a Derpy and Dinky episode maybe?

      Or Lyra and Bon Bon, if anything...

    17. Derpy and Dinky

    18. I'd do an episode where the mane 6 go outside of Ponyville to do something uninteresting and the whole episode is focused on the backround ponies of Ponyville(Derpy, Lyra/Bon Bon and such). Like giving them all a minute or two of the spotlight. Not sure what they'd be doing but I'm sure it'd be awesome and/or funny.

    19. @A1CZERO theres a fic about that

    20. Derpy and Dinky

    21. @Anonymous
      Isn't there a fic about everything about now?

    22. Lyra and Bonbon, though the result would probably be unairable.

    23. Colgate and Octavia would team up to fight crime.

    24. If I did something like this I think it would have to be something like that "The Melting Pot" fanfic, although without the shipping.

      We would have the mane cast briefly written out of the story and see some of the antics that the backround pnies got up to without them. Specifically I would like them to show Big Mac, the flower ponies, Derpy, and maybe some less well known pony without a well-known fanon name.

      All of them would be caught up dealing with different weird problems until eventually we find out that they're all actually interlinked and the ending has them working everything out together.

      Then the mane cast would arrive back in ponyville to see everything the same as they left.

    25. I'm confused as to why Sethisto keeps calling Lyra and Bon Bon chubby in that image... isn't that the exact same build that all the ponies have?

      Anyway, the two in that image would definitely be my top pick of background ponies to feature... unless a full-blown time-traveling Doctor episode would somehow not break any copyright laws. Lyra's always so cute, hopping around in the background, but I have to wonder why she was in Canterlot at the start of the first episode... or why there are three of her in one shot hopping on clouds in Sonic Rainboom.

    26. I would definitely make one about Lyra & Bonbon. They have an interesting dynamic that I always find entertaining to explore.

    27. I'd like an episode focusing on Lyra and BonBon. Ideally, I'd like them to be portrayed as a loving couple, but due to executive meddling, they'd probably only be best friends or roommates.

    28. This came up on Bronyville the other day. And I think I agree with what one of them said; apart from obviously Lyra & Bon Bon, I'd like to see Doctor Whoof just doing something in the background for an episode. Runnin' about, maybe with Derpy, who knows! But I would just lose my apples if that happened.

      And I want some Vinyl Scratch and a bit of Octavia, too.

    29. Derpy, Lyra, and Bonbon help Berry Punch track Colgate when she leaves for her monthly get together with the mysterious Doctor Smith, who curiously shares her cutie mark...

    30. Caesar. It will explore the upper class of pony (the rich and powerful), and how he realizes in instances how little importance friends play in this class. over the course of the episode, he realizes the true value of a friend while spending time in ponyville amongst the poorer ponyvillagers(sp?)

    31. Probably not literally all of them, but certainly as many as is feasible.

    32. Obviously it would be about how Lyra is a spy for Princess Celestia, and how she moved into Ponyville on the same day Twilight did, using her magic to make Pinkie and everyone else think she'd been there a while. Of course it'd explore and her /good friendship/ with Bon-Bon and of course the general comraderie with the 'other six' of Lyra, Bon-Bon, Ditzy, Colgate, Carrot Top, and....whoever the hell the other one would be.

    33. Ah!
      Cheerilee! She does not get enough credit! Still need to get round to reading One Last Quest, though...

    34. Something with Bon-Bon that didn't make her look like a bitch.

    35. "Everybody Comes to Pony Joe's".

      It's Casablanca, but 22 minutes long and with ponies and donuts.
      "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship..."

    36. Definitely Ditzy Doo...
      Or actually, I'll change my mind. Vinyl Scratch for sure needs an episode!

    37. I think it would be interesting to see the first episode redone through Lyra and Bonbon's eyes. Figuring out why they were in Canterlot, and why they came to ponyville. My personal theory is that they were simply on vacation, and the reason Lyra wanted to say hi to Twilight is because she couldn't believe she was meeting the princess's student on the road

    38. Something about Vynil and Octavia hosting a concert together, but their interests in music clash and almost rips their friendship apart. Then the mane six find a way to make it all play out okay in the ens, and everyone gets cool techno classical music.

    39. Apparently, majority takes it for Lyra and BonBon hands down...

    40. An episode exploring lyra, bonbon, ditzy, dinky, vinyl scratch and big mac

    41. I would pick Moondancer

      And the episode would be about her learning that gaining new friends doesn't mean you have to give up old friends.

    42. I've said it before I'll say it again: full blown musical episode. Staring Lyra, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Blues. Four different ponies each representing a different genre of music and their musical numbers could reflect each style. Though to be quite honest I have no idea what kind of music a lyre is used for.

      Alternatively: a day in the life of the royal guards. Surely they must do something other than stand with a neutral expression like the guards at Buckingham Palace. Plus this could give character development to both Celestia and Luna by having the guards observe and interact with them.

    43. You know how Avatar, the Last Airbender had one episode of a bunch of shorts featuring each one of the main characters?
      Something like that, but for each background ponies (or group of them).

    44. A whole episode about Daisy and Flora, and then sit back and wait for Videomaster's reaction. :)

    45. Darnit, that's not chubby! lol

      I certainly see a fair share of love for me in here. I wouldn't mind having an episode centered about myself.

      As for what it'd be about. That's a tough call. An episode about the band and some adventure pertaining to us all might be fun. But there's many possibilities.

      I wouldn't mind seeing one centered around Dr. Whoof either. Because he's such a colorful character and so much can be done with him of course. Adventure! That's something that's sure to follow him in any story he's apart of.

      Lyra and Bonbon are very fun and adorable characters together. Definitely have that romantic sweet factor.

      Derpy... well, a lot can be done with her as well. And she could be the most fun and zany character to write an episode about. I'm sure she gets in some pretty funny situations.

      Really though, a ton can be done with any since their stories are all open unwritten books for the most part.

    46. Dr. Whooves.

      "A Dalek at the Races"
      The annual Ponyville Derby has arrived, but unfortunately, so have the Daleks. Can Pony David Tennant drive them off before it's too late?

    47. hm. I'd probably want to do something like the "22 Short Films About Springfield" episode of The Simpsons.

      Instead of focusing on one background pony in depth it would just be little snippets of all the background ponies done up in a style that flows nicely.

    48. Lyra and BonBon

    49. Lyra and BonBon

    50. Something like this:

      Be nice if someone can tell me the original artist, so I can find a more permanent link...

      Or, if we're forced to pick just one background pony, I'd probably go with Derpy or Octavia. I'd love to see some Lyra and Bon Bon, but the whole couple thing would be hard to work with in an actual episode... Dr. Whooves we can't do for copyright reasons, and Vinyl just never really appealed to me that much. :x

    51. Lyra and BonBon

    52. I'd leave the background ponies in the background and write a real episode.

    53. Doctor Whooves!

      I know this is nigh impossible but I would love to see an episode with Doctor Whooves.

      But! He isn't doctor whooves, he's John Smith (odd name for a pony) and he's the resident teacher for the colts at the school (I assume that they are separated because the fillies are taught by Cherilee)

      And during a couple scenes, you'll see a watch just lying on his desk. At one point, one of the characters picks it up, examines it then puts it back down.

      Roseluck is Professor Smith's assistant.

      I have no idea what the actual plot would be (maybe involving the CMC somehow) but even the slightest reference to a watch near Doctor Whooves would be awesome!

    54. I would have to say Lyra and Bon-Bon.
      I'd like to explore their friendship a little.

    55. Lyra and bon bon would be awesome but there are jackasses called moral gaurdians who think lesbian love is outright porn, when I think litle kids can handle the concept, like its like if rapunzels rescuer was a girl and they still fell in love
      they could us it like a moral about how love is love no matter the form

    56. I would have an episode where Octavia moves to Ponyville and is given a tour from Pinkie Pie (considering that they've "met"). Octavia is introduced to Lyra, Bon-Bon, Bright Eyes (Derpy), Doc (Whooves), and, of course, Vinyl Scratch. Thereby forming the background Mane 6. Also, some subtle Octavia/Vinyl shipping wouldn't hurt.

      I'm also thinking of an episode where Bright Eyes asks Doc out on a date and she goes to Rarity for advice. Rarity makes her a dress and has Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Octavia, and Vinyl give second opinions because they have "had experience appreciating the filly anatomy."

      That's just me.

    57. Big Mac. He counts, right? I mean he's only turned up like three times, properly.

    58. One of the Flower trio or all of them must cater several conflicting events that are unfortunately spread across town. All while fending off the local bunny population and other criters that see their wares as a snack.

    59. Dinky Hooves/Dinky Doo

      It would be an episode showing why Derpy/Ditzy is the way she is.

      It would also show how Dinky gets ridiculed by the kids at school because of her mother.

      Oh, and Dinky would end up joining the CMC.

      ...I'd make it a fanfic, but I'm a talentless hack, so I couldn't right a fanfic to save my life. :p

    60. An anthology episode around three ponies
      (like Treehouse of Horror on the Simpsons does)

      It doesn't matter which ponies exactly.
      More ponies per episode, more love per day.

    61. Soarin' and Spitfire

    62. An episode featuring the back 6? Lyra, Bon-Bon, Dr.Whooves, Derpy, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch (DJ P0n3)
      Based on a picture i've seen.

      I don't know... maybe an episode featuring just them as the main characters.

    63. The Cows.

      I would personally love to see an episode explaining the nature of the cows seen during "Applebuck Season." They are able to speak Equestrian just fine, which means they are intelligent beings just like the ponies, mules and zebra. Yet, despite being intelligent, the only time we ever see them is as cattle on farms, never having a life or job outside the farm. Was the whole cattle race enslaved or something of the sort?

    64. Lyra and Bonbon

      nuff said

    65. An interesting idea for an episode would be to take a look at a day in the Wonderbolts' lives. Following Spitfire specifically, it would dispel the ideas of glory as they live a militaristic lifestyle, having to avoid any pleasures that could weaken their resolve or abilities, meaning they don't even attend many parties. Spitfire would have to get up before the sun each day, and put herself through a personalized exercise scheme before she even met up with the wonderbolts at their HQ. She would then run them through drills, having to keep up with 5 separate fliers as they focus on each pony's weaknesses and abilities. In this particular episode, Spitfire would have to deal with one member's personal issues weakening his flying ability, and as team leader it's up to her to be counsel and caretaker along with drill sargeant. After lunch she would perhaps have to break up an argument between two other members. We'd see her stressful and busy day juggling so much, including an afternoon where they are required to go through application forms and then do a small publicity stunt. At the end of the day, we'd be wondering what keeps Spitfire going. And then we'd see her get out of her wonderbolt suit and fly off until she's in clear skies over nopony lands, and there she would let loose, spinning around to create tornadoes, playing with the clouds, and generally being awesome. She'd end the day resting on a cloud, thinking over her crazy life, and knowing that ultimately, it's all worth it. She would however appreciate a team member that's slightly more laid back, in this for the fun of it like she used to be, and her mind turns to a multichromatic pegasus she's met a couple times, and what a great addition she'll make to the team someday.

    66. Dr Whoof or Big Mac hands down. <3

    67. I would make an episode that used as many background ponies as possible without being ridiculous for a half hour show.

      Imagine something crazy happened in Ponyville while the mane cast were all at the Gala and it was up to, say, Big Mac, Lyra & Bon Bon, the flower trio and Derpy to set things right.

      There'd be at least one "The horror! The horror!" and lots of madcap hijinx. I'm not sure if the mane cast would come home to a wrecked town or not.

    68. I say octavia, maybe they can even put in a reference about her and pinkie pie's relationship. Maybe they can finally confirm her as her sister or cousin or something.

    69. Berry Punch and her alcohol problem. Poor mare needs help.

    70. I would have an episode starring Lyra and BonBon (but mostly on Lyra).

      The Diamond Dogs, after finding a powerful Cerberus Dog, they find out that only lyres and those who play them well can control these beasts.

      Cut to Lyra, playing music or teaching about music, but is undermined by no one respecting her music (either being ignored or insulted by unruly foal), making her sad. BonBon tries to cheer her up, but doesn't work well. While on a stroll, Lyra is captured by the Diamond Dogs, who try to force her to play her lyre to control the Cerberus Dog for them.

      BonBon and some of the mane cast rush in to save Lyra (one of them commenting that they already did something like this before). BonBon even goes nuts on an unfortunate Diamond Dog, demanding to know where her Lyra was. They reach Lyra, who has started playing her lyre and controlling the Cerberus Dog, but are ambushed by the guards.

      When ordered to defeat her friends, Lyra turns the tables on the Diamond Dogs and orders the Cerberus Dog (who can only be controlled by a lyre player) to attack the Diamond Dogs.

      They return home safely, everyone having a newfound respect for Lyra's musical abilities, BonBon reunited with her friend at last and Lyra (and the mane cast) learning a lesson about either having faith in yourself or even the most unlikely of talents can win the day. Lyra even jokingly threatens to call upon the Cerberus Dog once again if her music isn't appreciated, but only kids around.

    71. Episode: "All the Ponies in this Town Are CRAZY"

      The episode floats from one background pony to the other giving each of them a few minutes of fame. Starts with Colgate going to meet Lyra, then when they meet Lyra goes off on a tangent talking about some other pony and the scene follows that pony around, etc, etc.

      It's been done in other shows before (Scrubs comes to mind). It's a great way to flush out the setting and you will also get the see the mane characters from the eyes of their peers.

    72. Darnit, people saying Pinkie and I are sisters.

      And shipping me. But I knew that was coming already. Least it's mostly with Vinyl and not too out of hoof. Inb4 it getting out of hoof.

      But I like the idea of touching on multiple ponies stories to give everyone a view into the inner workings of their lives.

    73. @Anonymous

      Actually, they did a very good job with this kind of thing back in the 90's on the Batman animated series with Harly Quinn and Poison Ivy. They never came right out and said Harly and Ivy were a couple but they sure hinted around at it and the censors didn't seem to have a problem with it. They could do the same with Lyra and Bon-Bon. Though, hopefully tamer. Heck, just doing what they've already done, showing them together most of the time, is enough.

    74. What could be more logical than an episode about Octavia, who has her high-brow and bigoted tendencies learning to be humble and accept others and their ways of doing things and living differently from Vinyl Scratch?

    75. Lyra is originally from Manehattan where she writes and plays music. She's currently staying with her cousin Bon-Bon in Ponyville to search for new inspirations for her music. The episode would focus on Lyra and her interactions with other background ponies. The mane cast would have cameo roles where they're involved in various shenanigans, but these aren't elaborated on.

      Also, the reason why Lyra sits like a human on benches is because they do that in Manehattan so there's more space.

    76. An episode on Octavia and Vinyl Scratch would be interesting. But I also would like to know more about this Moondancer they've been talking about in the earlier episodes...

    77. http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/d1f964e6f464f06b864230076cc67431/27808
      I would call it "The Secondary Six". Have an episode of these guys.

    78. GUYS!
      get this one! guys!
      best episode ever!
      all the ponies get addicted
      . . . to,
      get this, this is the best part
      not even kidding
      this is gonna be epic!
      all the background ponies...
      ...gain an addiction...
      ...for the one thing that makes even the fans crazy...
      ... socks...

    79. @Eddie Perkins Yeah. true. PLEASE WRITERS MAY I HAVE SOME MORE LYRABON?

    80. I like Eddie's idea most I think. Maybe I'll try my hand at a screenplay once I've finished with Karamel.

    81. I'd love to see thier world as seen through Big Mac's or Ditzy's eyes.. either as the Patriarch of Sweet Apple Acres or The MailMare.

    82. The back story of Derpy Hooves and her trying to be a good mother to Dinky!

    83. I want one of Cloudwalker and her mysterious ability to walk on clouds even though she is an Earth pony.

    84. Big Mac + Caramel

    85. Needless to say, Octavia, maybe with DJPON-3

      But, I don't think that it passes some regulations.

    86. We should make Melting Pot into an episode...

    87. Doctor Whooves. There is a crack in ponyville and it seems to get larger. During those events there are also strange events where ponies would dissapear. Its up to Doctor Whooves to seal the crack and find the missing ponies.

      This might not be possible because of the whole BBC and Doctor Who thing but just sharing some ideas.....

    88. Here's what I would do. I would pack Carrot Top, Ditzy Doo, Lyra, and BonBon together in visiting Vinyl Scratch's club. Said DJ pony gets a surprise visit from an old friend while they're there. That friend being Spitfire, out-of uniform. She's here on mysterious official buisness.

      The next day, things begin to go missing around Ponyville. Our intrepid foursome connect the events with Spitfire's visit, and begin their own investigation. Will require at least one scene where Carrot tries to interrogate Pinkie Pie in the hard-boiled gumshoe fashion.

      Eventually, Spitfire will thank the lot for their help, but goes off on her own again. Vinyl shows up to tell the four to get saddled up, cause they're going to help her, wheither she likes it or not!

      Cue epic criminal organization, base invasions, and lots of explosions.

    89. Derpy and Ditzy proving they are not the same character and muffins.

      Plus five constant hours of background ponies, including Luna in socks, Octavia when she was a child and how Vynl Scratch earned her cuite mark. With a special guest star of Celestia in disguise helping ponies out of jams everywhere she goes which ties into the background ponies stories.

    90. @Sean
      Best idea I've seen so far. I would prefer Derpy being the star in the episode 9_6

    91. Dr. Who being reborn into Dr. Whooves.

      DO IT.

    92. Octavia, or Derpy. Lyra and Bon bon would get annoying, sorry, I love them, but it's true. Just the same, "OOH I WUB JOO" crap, or the daily life routine with a bit of Twilight sparkle running around causing ruckus...

    93. an episode that is octavia and vinyl scratch doing an interview/call in show/being awesome for their radio program. possible shipping hinted at

    94. Vinyl Scratch would be my first choice. After her it'd either by Lyra or Big Mac.

    95. Why not make an episode that focused on Lotus and Aloe's spa? Seriously, 106 comments and no one has mentioned them?

    96. A day in the life of Derpy Hooves.

      >mfw when both Dr. Whoof and Derpy more screen time than Luna

      >mfw I can't post images because this isn't 4chan.

    97. I wouldn't make an episode from a background pony, because that disrupt the fun of imagining what the characters might be like.

    98. COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! DJ PON-3!!!!!!!!!!

    99. Blizzard somehow gets lost whilst traveling from Canterlot to Cloudsdale and is forced to take shelter in a cave with Colgate, who followed her pet bird into the woods when it came free of its cage. While sleeping the following night, Colgate suffers from a nightmare and has an accidental discharge with her magic. Blizzard and Colgate get teleported into an alternate dimension in which the mane 6 do not exist. The world is ruled by background ponies and now they have to get out of there. Or that might be too long for an episode.

    100. Lyra and Bon-Bon are the obvious choice, and an obvious fan favorite from the comments here. However, it would be important to be _very_ careful making the episode. I would want to make it obvious to anyone aware of fanon that they are indeed a couple, but at the same time make it seem to anyone who wasn't that they're just really good friends and roomies. I don't want to get the show canceled due to skittish executives and outraged idiots.

      So, I think I would regretfully pass that and go with one I haven't seen in comments yet: Zecora. I really want to learn more about her background; what sort of culture she came from, why she came to Equestria, why she stays in Everfree Forest, and so forth. Lots of potential here.

    101. Sweet, I got here 100+ comments late and nopony has voiced my idea yet! Huzzah!

      RAINBOW DAY!! Poor girl has had a couple of lines in the show, and even made the San Diego Comic Con poster, and yet the majority of you probably don't know who she is (or if you do, it's because of the aforementioned poster and you wondering, 'who is that pony?')

      Episode plot: Rainbow Dash is out of town to visit her family in Cloudsdale, and Rainbow Day has been put in charge of the weather ponies. Day runs into problems when she finds that, because of Dash's lax leadership (or lack of it), she has a hard time getting anypony else to help her. The episode revolves around how she manages to win them over one by one, not by being a bossy jerk but by doing some quid pro pro stuff, and in the end due to the goodwill she earned by doing so is able to stop a major catastrophe from happening.

      And then status quo comes around and everyone forgets about it the next episode, but for one episode dang it, ONE EPISODE!!!

    102. Definitely Ditzy Doo. She'll go around causing a whole bunch of problems for the mane six (accidentally of course), but they don't realize it and start blaming each other. But when they slow down and start comparing stories, Ditzy comes up in everyone of them. Ditzy apologizes, and treats everyone to muffins she made with Ditzy. Twilight's letter to Celestia could be about not immediately jumping to conclusions.

    103. Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and Derpy all in one apartment. The episode's title is "Two and a Half Mares".


    104. About Octavia, what led her to play in the Gala and if she actually has any connections with Pinkie Pie.
      If not, then Vinyl Scratch. What is behind this mysterious pony?

      @Anonymous 10:12
      Good point, there would be a high chance that many background pony fanfics would be called "out of character" afterwards

    105. "Carrot Top and Colgate Are Dead". Chronicling their misadventures through the backgrounds of The Ticket Master, Suited for Success, and The Best Night Ever.

    106. Yeah, I would do it about more than one of the ponies, but Vinyl Scratch would have a large-ish part.

      I'd also like to see, maybe, a little more about some of the pets? Dunno, that would have to be done right or not at all. Perhaps it's best just to slowly reveal things. Probably. But Angel is the best :3

    107. Ziggy Stardust. I want David Bowie references everywhere. Oh, and I'll force my dog Ziggy Stardust to watch it. Yeahhh, that's right.

    108. WHO IS RAINBOW DAY? Oh wait her...

    109. Has no one wanted a Wonderbolts episode yet? Really?

      Personally, the way I'd like to see the episode, regardless of which character, is with the mane 6 running around in a panic averting a catastrophe in the back ground. Like a walk and talk past Twilight's big speech about something really dangerous. Dash getting knocked through a wall, dusting herself off, and flying right back through the whole she made. That's definitely what I'd like to see.

    110. Doctor Whooves would be walking through Ponyville, on the lookout for Applebloom, when he runs into Lyra and Bon Bon. Hijinks ensure.

    111. Um perhaps something about that nurse pony we saw during the baked bads incident since no one mentioned her.

    112. Screw your singulars. My episode includes Lyra, Bon-Bon, Doctor Whooves, and Derpy.

      Crazy stuff happens.

    113. OK I have three ideas.

      1) Twilight/other mane member is out of a home temporarily for whatever reason and needs a place to stay. None of the mane cast is available, but Cheerilee is. Actually, that makes me think it would work better with AJ or Rarity as their little sisters are in the class...anyway we learn that Cheer's good with kids, but not so much with older ponies. Cue life lesson to be less shy.

      2)Lyra and BonBon are best friends and live together (that's as far as the show will go). However, BonBon needs to go visit family for a week so Lyra is on her own. Lyra then starts trying to find a new friend to hang out with. However, she's VERY emotional, and sometimes does odd things. Not Pinkie level odd, but still...oh and did I mention she's clingy? Yeah, she's clingy, like a piece of saran-wrap covered in glue slapped onto you with cement. Somepony (probably RD) calls her out on it sending Lyra into a teary-eyed run-away. When BonBon comes back and finds out what happened, she explains that Lyra doesn't have many friends, and has trouble making them even though she tries so hard. Cue the 'did you try talking to her?' question and the lesson about learning to talk through issues and that others might not be as bad as you think.

      3) Dinky joins the CMC and her over-protective but clumsy mother watches over them. Hi-jinks ensue, usually exasperated by Ditzy/Derpy's antics in trying to keep Dinky 'safe'. Cue Rarity and AJ wanting to pull their sisters out because of all the ruckus until Ditzy explains what actually happened. Lesson about telling the truth before things get out of hand. Dinky now part of the CMC and Ditzy will keep her hoofs off...mostly.

    114. Lyra and Bon-Bon.

    115. Doctor Whooves and Ditzy Doo.

    116. kriss1989 I like your, Derpy, Ideas! (Derpy the pony, I'm not saying your ideas are Derpy)

      I'd like to see one where Twillight decides to further understand friendship she tries to make more friends, so we get like a few minutes to each background pony and at the end we learn the lesson that you can't Force everyone to be your friend. Also BaldDumboRat mus voice Derpy/Ditzy and Dinky.

    117. honestly, Luna could be considered a background character at this point. Methinks that they should have an episode where Luna takes Lyra in as her pupil and teaches her magic in a competition against Twilight and her older sister.

    118. @kriss1989 THIS. JUST THIS. Or these, really, but I digress, WRITERS YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS

    119. As much as I like Lyra and Bon-bon, I would have to make it centered around Octavia. She just reminds me so much of my long-lost fillyhood and just about everything I've ever done in music.

    120. How about an episode about Ace, the tennis pony. He is the manliest looking pony on the show.

    121. Princess Celesita sends the Mane 6 to drive away a dragon from some snowy place, they accomplish their mission, but on the way back, they fall in a frozen lake, so they all catch colds.

      Princess Celestia needs the mane 6 to do another mission for her, but since they're all sick, another group of friends have to fill in their shoes.

      Vinyl Scratch
      Dr. Whooves
      Ditzy Doo
      Granny (from Sonic Rainboom)

      They are... the Anyponies.

    122. @Br0nyma5t3r
      Lyra? No. Phoe gets to train Lyra.

      I'd take Octavia as my protege and teach her to become an even greater musician, something Twilight will never be.
      Actually, maybe I would take Lyra in, too, and create Equestria's greatest duet ever.

    123. What I'd like to see is something along the lines of "Aquaman's Greatest Adventure" from Brave and the Bold as Ditzy spends her day trying to deliver a mystery package; as she does so, we'd flesh out the setting by getting an insight into what motivates the various oddballs and eccentrics that populate her town of adventure. Eventually, the mystery scroll would end up in the hooves of an impatient Twilight Sparkle and we'd get an arch and ignorant comment about the poor mail service from an oblivious Pegasus who'll probably find herself a poor fit for the disciplined life of a Wonderbolt.

    124. @Uncle Leo
      Yes an episode about his tennis career, its plateauing, his love of his adopted sister with a wooden hoof, and his suicide attempt.

      yes that is just The Royal Tenenbaums with ponies but it would still be awesome.

      That or Vinyl and Octavia radio show.

    125. Lyra, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch must join forces to win a talent show prize.

    126. If they do make a Lybon episode where it's clear that they're a couple (which is doubtful), they must have Berry Punch overreact to their couple-ness and attempt to shield her filly and complain while the audience is shown that the filly can handle it. Lampshading ftw!

    127. An episode with Octavia showing Canterlot society through the eyes of an Earth Pony has potential.

      I like the idea of the Wonderbolts episode as well.


    129. A flashback episode that tells the story of how the Wonderbolts' former leader lead them to be the world's greatest performance fliers, how she brought together a rag-tag group of above-average fliers and turned them into the team they are now, and why she left the team.

      That pony, is Flutters- No, no.
      That pony is Ditzy.

    130. Besides something with Bon-Bon and Lyra I'd like an episode with Celestia!

      Anything will do, just so long as she is being her usual happy, warm, fun-loving self.

    131. @AnonymousI want to get berry pinch pointing out. But what if glass hoofs (Cinderella) prince was a princess? Would that make glass hoof bad, mommy?

    132. @ Fleymevas
      Or we could have an episode named "Trollin' with Tia"

    133. Lyra, Bonbon, Berry Punch =)

    134. I have an idea for a Lyra and Bon Bon episode, one that they could put in the show...

      Either Lyra and Bon Bon isn't at their house for whatever reason, so no need to elaborate their relationship. The plot stems from there. There could be subtle hints to the fandom about them being a couple however...

      As much as I would love for there to be an open same sex couple on the show I don't think they would put it in the show, sadly.

    135. An episode about Derpy, sort of like that episode of JLU with Booster Gold. Derpy has a mail-delivering adventure, to increasingly weird customers, while the mane cast has a grand adventure that we occasionally see nonsensical flashes of.

      Alternatively, something about my fantasy "B-team". (I like to think Lyra, Bon-Bon, Carrot, Colgate, Berry Punch, and Linky are there as backup in case the mane cast isn't available for adventuring.) Maybe the manes are off on a big adventure, but there's a dragon or something that trashes Ponyville, so Lyra and Co. have to take care of it.

    136. BTW, everypony, thanks for the fic ideas

    137. Vinyl Scratch

      nuff said

    138. Derpy delivers letter to Celestia

    139. My Little Time Lord. No question. Applejack goes to him after Applebloom breaks Granny Smith's pocket watch, an old model that catches his attention. At some point in the episode he heads out to his "shed" to get a special screwdriver, and if it's not too much trouble, he should say "Alonsie!" at some point.

      At least, I think this would get around any copyright issues.

    140. It'd be much more interesting to see them take a sort of Simpsons-McBane approach to the background characters.

      Instead of an episode dedicated to them, we see little random bits and pieces of events going on outside of what the mane six are doing. Out of context they don't make much sense, but strung together they form a plot.

    141. Octavia. I dont care.

    142. The Gala's piano player. Seriously, I want to know that guy's story, especially how he's so dedicated to his craft that he will continue to play the piano through to the end of the song despite the insane pink pony accosting him.

    143. My answer would be Vinyl and Octavia, but I'm biased.

      Now, if for some reason I couldn't pick them...

      This might sound weird, but it might be cool if there was a male pony episode. Like if for some reason Big Mac, Braeburn, and Soarin' all hang out in a G-rated equivalent of a bar. (Doctor Whooves wouldn't be there because he'd obviously be busy fighting Davros). And they all get a terrible idea to have a guy's night out and try to woo various female ponies with no success. It might be a nice change of pace, then again it could also be the worst idea ever.

      ...actually that's not a terrible idea. I might have to use that...

    144. @Shingo

      I second this amazing idea!!

      But I also have my own suggestion.

      An episode following just Vinyl Scratch, showing her traveling across Equestria. When she meets with old friends she has to choose between her friendship or her career!(spoiler: everything works out ok)

    145. Mami Tomoe (Timer Rabbit)6. august 2011, kell 00:30

      Oh so much poni. D:

      To keep the morals of "friendship" with a bit of fun and adventures, I know there's this one comic artist who wrote a very good "Carrot Top" comic. For a pony with only tallents of gardening, I know she will be a perfect candidate to go and help farm whatever vegetables you need! Except she will face with another monster-like animal who needs more help and only the veggi-expert can save any mutated animal's day!

      Yea it's a pretty rough idea and should give credit to the original author and his/her idea...

    146. A scheduling error due to some not-so-clever pony causes 'Tavy and Scratch to both be booked to play the same event. While seemingly amiable, the two musicians have always been at odds about whose work is true music. The episode then devolves into a Spy vs. Spy bit, with each pony trying to sabotage the other's equipment to keep them from playing. Scratch accidentally goes too far and snaps the neck of 'Tavy's bass, bringing the classical mare to tears. 'Tavy flees, Scratch has won, but feels bad about it, and makes a gift of her old bass to 'Tavy; turns out that Scratch went through many instruments before finding her interest. They argue briefly, each trying to let the other play, before deciding to play together. The episode ends in a bitchin' techno-orchestral mash-up, the likes of which mortal ears are not worthy to hear. Fade to credits.

    147. I have to admit, but I'd like to see a Diamond Tiara episode where she learns she's not really special. In fact, she's really a nobody. Lonely Diamond T... forced to associate with the blank flanks who get to have fun... who like each other! Diamond doesn't even like Silver Spoon!

      I think deep down, every pony wants to be good and happy. And I think deep down... she's not really all that happy.

    148. Lyra+Bon-Bon
      It's a holiday(or their anniversary, doesn't matter which) and they have to get each other gifts. They each have an idea of what the other would want, but when they go around town to shop, the mane six convince them to get different gifts based on how they know the two. Lyra and Bon-Bon exchange gifts and are both underwhelmed. They tell each other what gift they were going to get, and how the mane six convinced them otherwise, and share a good laugh before getting the gifts they meant to get. Twilight learns(she still has to send a letter) that no one knows you quite like your best friend.

      Octavia is in a rut with her cello playing and is sent to Ponyville to practice. She takes gigs playing around Ponyville, but each gig wants her to play a style she is not comfortable with. She goes to Everfree Forest to get away from it all, and in the peace she begins playing what she wants. Dinky Hooves hears her play and tells her it's beautiful, which reassures Octavia in her playing. She goes back to Canterlot Orchestra with a renewed vigor and invites her new fan to see her.

    149. Huh? A Background Pony episode? Oh, hire that Sethisto guy to do it. Yeah, I know that wouldn't be too interesting.... Tell him Tricie doesn't count as a background pony.... Yeah. Okay, but it'll have to wait until after I've cancelled Transformers...

    150. Vinyl Scratch's rave party.

    151. Mine would be about Blues (blue pony with music note cutie mark). He would be a musician in a hole in the wall bar in Fillydelphia and it would just be about his interactions with the patrons.

    152. Dr. Whooves sees Derpy and falls in love, but he doesn't know how to proceed to tell her. He goes to Twilight, who tells him how to get her by the book,which doesn't work out. So he proceeds to ask Rarity for help who tells him how to woo her. Proceed to repeat with all the other main ponies adding in their own little flair. and then have some sort of sweet ending that will make us DAWWWWWWWW :D

    153. Dr. Whooves, all other answers are not cool.

    154. I can easily see an episode that develops Octavia. Maybe she's distantly related to somebody in the show, and/or Twilight goes back to Canterlot for a handful of episodes. There is a confrontation with Pinkie Pie as an introduction, perhaps her antics messed with Octavia's head and since the GGG she hasn't played well. Develop her character as a hard worker who rose to the top and has an appreciation of social graces but is also a bit of a snob. Pinkie Pie "helps" her and her jazz band get back on track in an escalating series of misadventures that draws in the rest of the ponies.

      Lesson: hard work is rewarded, being a snob is bad.

    155. Moondancer feels that she's not as important as Twilight in the eyes of her peers or her superiors after the events the "Mare of the Moon" Episode and slowly falls into a jealous depression and starts to isolate herself from anyone but Princess Luna takes notice and with the help of other background ponies, they are able to help Moondancer break through her depression and jealousy and Moondancer is able to reconnect with old and make connections with new friends.

      (I think what I got so far is crap but prehaps someone out there with talent can turn this turd into something worth while.)

    156. Not that I don't want an episode about other background ponies, but I think we should let them stay as who they are, 'backgrounds', and let the fans decide who they should be instead of a solid personality

      What I would like to see:
      An episode focusing the Great and Powerful Trixie! Or maybe some nice Gilda

      If... That's okay with you all...

    157. Everypony thinks I'm a snob because I happen to play in Canterlot. :(

    158. Lyra and Bonbon would be my choice

      I like derpy, but having a whole episode on her would kinda ruin her.

    159. ARGH!!! So many choices!!! I really would like have DJ P0n-3, Derby and Lyra have some attendion.

      I'll guess I go to Wonderbolts!

    160. derpyderpyderpyderpy

    161. My top Cboices

      1. Lyra and Bon Bon
      2. Derpy
      3. Doctor Whooves

      These would make great episodes

    162. Big Mac.

      Not gunna lie, I want at least ONE male pony character as a regular. just one, to if nothing else, flesh out the fact that in Equestria, it seems the gender scale is tipped 75% mare, 25% colt. probably worse. Being a dude in the otherwise really frilly estrogen vortex must be an interesting, woeful tale.

      no wonder homosexuality is rampant in fan fics. In Equestria, there just aren't enough dude to go around.

    163. @Ihaveanamebecause?
      I hope you die a painful death

    164. I just wannna see something that resembles a blue police box somewhere in the background. OOH OOH OOH AND BRITISH VOICE FOR DOCTOR WHOOVES (The Doctor).

    165. Picture this:

      Staring Lyra and Bonbon, but it's like Seinfeld. And then, time travel, With a Delorean (Lyra is Doc Brown) And Huge Steampunk Zeppelin battle. It's the Future! and it's like a post apocalyptic cyber/steam/diesel-punk weird west world civil war thing and Angel has/is a Gatling shotgun!(and a scar/eyepach combo) He leads the outlaw tank/half-track/motorcycle gang made out of Fluttershy's animals (they have her cutie mark on the back of the flight jackets) Colgate is a street samurai/decker in the Hive-city of Ponyvill. They evade both the celestial tyrant's forces, with the help of the gruff resistance leader Twist! She tells them the only chance they have is the most powerful of the Dragon barons who's lair is a gigantic gilded locomotive. They find him and, yes, Spike, the size of a building! and he has a tiny mustache and bowler hat (like baby spike sized) and he helps them because Celestia and Luna are behind Rarity's killing (but her remains are being sustained by the locomotive) So The hero's make a daring final assault on Canterlot (split down the middle with one faction controlling half, picture Stalingrad) And in the desperate last ditch effort Lyra and Bonbon confess their love as all the friends they made in the future are getting slaughtered to buy them time. But it works! All the magic in the city is collided in to a single point propelling them back in to the past! And acting on the words of the oracle they met in the future who was Derpy, but here underped eye is blinded, stop the pony apocalypse.

      Or you know just Lyra and Bonbon, or Angel. Anything you want to do is fine.

    166. I want that an episode about that Brown Pony that everyone associates with Dr. Who. He's actually just bitchin', a total frikin' rockstar from Mars. He also has Tiger Blood.

      He's on a drug called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it one you will DIE. You face will melt of and your children will weep over your (twice) exploded body.

      He takes an episode and teaches the main six about the magic of winning.

    167. Lyra and Bon Bon

    168. Trixie, Trixie, Trixe. (Yes I know she isn't a background character) but she still needs more episodes! Other than her, an actual background character I'de choose would be Octavia. I'de imagine her story would be great.

    169. The mane six are in Canterlot and when a problem arises in Ponyville it is up to another group of friends to try and fix it. The episode would focus on Lyra, Colgate, Bon Bon, Carrot Cake, Ditzy and Lightning Bolt who as it turns out have a tight clique of their own.

    170. Big Macintosh and Caramel


      On a date.

    171. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch! That episode would have awesome music...

    172. How about an episode where the background ponies discuss the events of the show while the mane six are at the Grand Galloping Gala, but every story is exaggerated. Mr and Mrs Cake describing Celestia's visit more like a black ops mission(Not that far of stretch, they already have the military code words), Lyra and Bon-Bon describing the Paraspirte invasion like a 50's B-movie, Vinyl Scratch describing Rarity's fashion show as almost like a rock opera, and Derpy's story about Rainbow Dash at the Best Young Fliers completion will descend into something totally bizarre (more than likely combining Rainbow's rescue of Rarity with Nyan Cat or some variation).

    173. Rainbow Day gets an episode and finally some fandom attention

    174. @Anonymouswhy? Because i think that being gay is fine? I shall direct thee to a good argument because i cant fit my rage in one post http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/161/f/6/gay_marriage_and_other_things_by_ideth157-d3ikvom.pdf

    175. Yeah, I'd also try to use as many as I can. The "Lower Decks" Star Trek episode and "A View from the Gallery" Babylon 5 episode are good examples of viewing the world through the characters that make up the world. A city is a living organism, after all!

    176. Steven Magnet or Dr Whooves and Derpy :D

    177. Mine would be about Berry Punch trying to find out who she is and why she drinks and then once she finds out she becomes even more depressed and drinks more until a friendly pony named Colgate shows and makes her feel better about herself and she stops drinking thanks to Colgate's "Help"

    178. A day in the life of Carrot Top, average pony extraordinaire! The Mane Six are above average ponies, what's life like in Equestria for the average jane mare? Special guest star Derpy Hooves. Fridges may or may not be emptied.

    179. Doctor Whooves and Vinyl Scratch

    180. It'd be funny if the BBC would allow an obvious parody of The Doctor, but, unfortunately, I doubt it'd happen - if anything, it'd be a crossover episode of Doctor Who and not in MLP. That, in and of itsself, would be an interesting one, though.

      Derpy/Ditzy Doo would be a good one, particularly as popular as she is. In my opinion, it's the obvious choice - largest fanbase, most infamy, and a character that kind of needs some concrete development.

      I liked the Wonderbolts idea from earlier - could perhaps see it as Dash becoming somewhat disenchanted at first when she actually gets the chance to fly on the team, though later on she learns just how important her new job would be. Besides...we know two. There's four more mares and stallions on the team we don't.

    181. A Doctor Whooves centered episode that parodies Doctor Who and has the Daleks and stuff

    182. Background? Fuck that, just gimme a full episode of Big Mac or Luna.
