Second, I want to say some of the people posting on his face book annoy me. Some even seem to be attacking the man because it's a second after it hit 3500 likes... >_>
Daniel: Let's test the periphery demographic. Gimmie over 3500 likes, kids, and I'll give you a new song, unreleased- *reaches 3500 in half an hour* Daniel: ...okay
Wow, something like 4,000 overexcited bronies are now milling around his wall waiting for the song and discovering Facebook's image posting feature. It's turning into 4chan out there!
It's tempting to get a Facebook account just for this.
However, I won't. I can't support that company and its privacy-violating ways. I suppose I could use a fake name and such but I feel I shouldn't have to.
I was on a game when some guy gave me the link, it was at 2000. I got out of the game 10 minutes later, and it was at 2500. My nigga, I thought it would be going to take a few days.
You know, this was a comment on his wall, and it properly says how I feel at this moment. It was something like, "This is the best game of 'refresh the page' I've ever played!"
Oh wow.. I was wondering if we were going to break the number before I got home from work (in an hour) and was going to show my support. Looks like that won't really be necessary. I hope the spammers won't ruin it for us.
@Cereal Velocity"Is there no limit to your sexual perversion cereal? Stop defiling all that we love. If anything you'd be the bottom. Bitch" Do you need some ice for that burn?
What is WRONG with you motherfuckers, posting porn on the guy's page?
I hope every last one of you responsible for this fucking travesty gets banned, solely because this is a disgusting way to repay someone who has offered you something you might like.
You know what? I'm gonna forget the game I'm playing just to watch that counter go up. Gee, 4,500 already? I'm having more fun staring at numbers than playing "The Elder Scrolls".
336 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaIT BEGINS
VastaKustutaYou know, I never noticed how much of a sexy bitch Daniel is. Wow. I'd hit that. Just sayin.
VastaKustutaSaw it 19 seconds after it was posted. Get us a new song everypony!
VastaKustutaI was wondering how long it would take for this to go up.
VastaKustutaIn the immortal words of Fluttershy
Thus my awesome abilities to spread info fast prevails again! >:D
VastaKustutaDamn, I can't help cos I'd already liked him.
VastaKustutaComon everypony! We can't only be 3000 strong!
VastaKustutaWhen was this posted? And he's already got 3000 likes?
VastaKustuta...this shouldn't take long...
Done so quickly.
VastaKustutaNow I feel a bit sorry I'm not on Facebook...
VastaKustutaIs liking him in reality a viable alternative?
We'll have this music in ten seconds flat.
VastaKustuta23 minutes. Response time: satisfactory.
VastaKustutaThis will happen in like... an hour knowing bronies. It's already almost 3200
VastaKustutaEverypony report in damn it .... NEW MUSIC IS WITHIN OUR GRASP!
VastaKustutaalso: he has gone up over 300 likes since he posted this status. Everyone in the facebook comments was waiting on the EQD post for the big push.
Wow you read my mail!! I feel special? XD hahaah
VastaKustutagogogogog!! We need to get 500 moar likes!! ¬¬
Minutes after this is posted, the number of likes on Daniel's page increases at near 1 to 2 per second. Holy crap.
VastaKustuta@AnonymousHe already had ~2800 when he posted that message. Of course, that's 200 likes in about half an hour...
VastaKustutaLol, I saw this at the 152nd Drawfriend and immediately thought; Oh, Seth probably already got it covered xD
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaHe had 2800 likes before this.
This is what pushed me to finally make a facebook account.
VastaKustutaPast 3,200 now...
VastaKustutaLike I said, this shouldn't take long...
VastaKustutaMan... You know he's gonna have like 35,000 by the end of the day lmao...
VastaKustutaLike it! D:<
VastaKustutaAnd lol my names in the screencap! XD lololol that makes me FAMOUS! :O lol jk jk :P
VastaKustutaNow at 3,300...
VastaKustutaNot too much further, bronies!
I feel so accomplished knowing I was able to contribute a Like for this cause.
VastaKustutaPast 3,400 now!
VastaKustutaLess than 100 more, guys! :D
less than 100 away people :D
VastaKustutahell yes
VastaKustutahis gotten like 600 more likes in 15 mins
He should have aimed way higher. We're going to get there around 15 minutes after this was posted.
VastaKustutaMission Accepted! *loads shotgun* Whatever it takes, we WILL get those last few hundred likes....
VastaKustuta3500 WOOOOOOOH! Now where is it?
VastaKustuta3500 get!
VastaKustutaWE DID IT! :'D
VastaKustutaWe rock! Woohoo.
VastaKustutaWE DID IT! WE DID IT!
I love you all so much
VastaKustutaI registered just for that, I was like #2900... You guys are awesome!
VastaKustutaWE DID IT!
VastaKustutaThat was fast
VastaKustutaBAM, 3500+ Everypony! where is it? :)
VastaKustutaRev up those remix programs, its about to get nasty!
VastaKustutait's way past 3500 now.
VastaKustutaHoly shit! I might just have to finally cave after all these years, and actually make a Facebook account!
NAH, you guys will put it over 3600 for me in a few minutes. Fuck Zuckerberg.
I hit at 3407 less than 10 secs later the clock hit 3525! WE DID IT!
VastaKustutaTen seconds flat!
XD We've done it!
VastaKustutaWe did it!
VastaKustuta*Puts on hipster glasses
VastaKustutaI liked Daniel Ingram before he posted this.
VastaKustutaMan i thought i would have to get a facebook because it would be like 3499 likes xD
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaMy thoughts exactly, but then again, I haven't found a single person who's developing this show who isn't attractive in one way or another.
I came here expecting the target number of likes to have been reached.
VastaKustutaI was right. :)
Moosic plox!
VastaKustutawow that wast uncomfortably fast...
VastaKustutaIt was at 3200...I went to the bathroom and came was at 3644.
Never underestimate our numbers of the heard. We can get 1,000 like that. *whips tail*
VastaKustutaBehold the power of this fully armed and operational fandom!
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaBe right back, writing shipfic.
Really glad I told Seth this. I can't wait for the song...
VastaKustutaHe could have said 10,000 likes and I'd think we'd break that number within the hour.
VastaKustutawell that was kind of huffy...
VastaKustuta20% more fans in ten seconds flat.
VastaKustutawhere is new song?
VastaKustutafirst, this Rainbow dash line needs to be posted:
Second, I want to say some of the people posting on his face book annoy me. Some even seem to be attacking the man because it's a second after it hit 3500 likes... >_>
Well that took a whole twelve seconds.
VastaKustutaUh.. did we crash his page? It wont load for me anymore.
VastaKustutaHe *had* to know how quickly that would happen, right?
VastaKustutaDaniel: Let's test the periphery demographic. Gimmie over 3500 likes, kids, and I'll give you a new song, unreleased-
VastaKustuta*reaches 3500 in half an hour*
Daniel: ...okay
Victory! Oraa!!! Banzai! SIE- Alright that's enough but....
VastaKustuta*Breaths in*
Was just about to spam you to post this ^^ It's going to take a hell of a lot more than that to get me to sign my soul over to Zuckerberg. He can keep his unreleased song.
VastaKustutaDamn...that was fast. I love you, community.
VastaKustutaReached 3,804 Likes.
VastaKustutaHOLY SHIT
It just struck me... What if this is a properly sung version of the Crusader Theme Song? That would be so awesome...
VastaKustutaShoot, that was fast! Each time I refresh the page, it jumps! Now It's around the 3800 point... eh, that will change in 38 seconds...
VastaKustuta3,802 as of this post. Easy
VastaKustutaMore likes! Come on everypony click that button!
VastaKustutaHe's probably sitting around staring at the computer, wondering what in the world is going on. :D
VastaKustutaAlmost to 3800 now. He better pony up!
VastaKustutaHe's probably just leaning back right now, waiting for 5,000.
VastaKustutaPossibilities for song:
VastaKustutaFix'd CMC theme
Extended Title Theme
Longer Evil Enchantress
Anyone think Ingram looks like he's Keanu Reeves baby bro?
VastaKustutaI liked.
I'm just sitting on his page refreshing and reading all the comments. Comedy gold
VastaKustutaAnd Facebook erupts...
VastaKustutawait, it's already well over 3,500...
are we being trolled right now
Wow, something like 4,000 overexcited bronies are now milling around his wall waiting for the song and discovering Facebook's image posting feature. It's turning into 4chan out there!
VastaKustutaYup, there ya go. lol
VastaKustutaIt's tempting to get a Facebook account just for this.
VastaKustutaHowever, I won't. I can't support that company and its privacy-violating ways. I suppose I could use a fake name and such but I feel I shouldn't have to.
inb4 its the full opening theme that twilight sparkle toy sings, tons of bronies dissapointed
VastaKustutaHe HAD to see this coming... I'll bet he's watching that counter go up, laughing maniacally... that's what I'd be doing, anyhow lol...
VastaKustutaSeriously, you rock Daniel!
It's already 3918
VastaKustuta>implying extended opening theme released to public would make us DISAPPOINTED
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaLauren Faust is still the hottest person working on the show.
Yeah, its going to keep going up for a little I bet.
VastaKustutaAnd now everyone is spamming him a ton. lol Poor Dan.
3500 likes in ten seconds flat.
VastaKustutaThe music in the brony fan remix community is about to get 20% cooler.
Yikes. They're starting to post pony-porn
VastaKustutainb4 4,000 likes
VastaKustutaI didn't notice it before, but Danial Ingram is a smexy man.
VastaKustutaMan i dont want to make a facebook account :(
VastaKustutaah well.. looks like we are going to make it anyways..
My gosh things are getting heated up over-there. Rage and trolls going all out.
VastaKustutaSo, do we get a prize for overachieving and giving 500+ likes?
VastaKustutaIt just hit 4000
VastaKustuta80 fan photos have been posted on his page since he announced this
VastaKustutaEff the song, I just want to see that shit hit 5k now.
VastaKustutaWhy the porn? Some people are just sick...
VastaKustutaHe's laughing at us all right now...such trolls these MLP guys. Making us all nerd rage over they're amazing creations of love and tolerance and EPIC!
VastaKustutaWe have broken 4000.
VastaKustutaBronies...I think we've been trolled.
4000 and counting at a like every 2 seconds.
VastaKustutaHis page is a frakkin warzone right now.
VastaKustutaI was on a game when some guy gave me the link, it was at 2000. I got out of the game 10 minutes later, and it was at 2500. My nigga, I thought it would be going to take a few days.
VastaKustutagetting pretty hyped up over here...the great pony drought of summer 2011 has affected me more than I thought
VastaKustutaso many trolls on there now...
oh lets go look at the new song never mind there is just porn!
VastaKustutaTempting to make an account just to like, for the lulz.
VastaKustuta5000 is our new goal?
VastaKustutaCome back in 5 minutes.
10k would be a goal.
I have a feeling he stepped away and didn't expect this kind of explosion - that, or this is the most brilliant marketing ploy known to ponydom.
VastaKustutaDid we break his wall? It's not loading for me :s
VastaKustuta*loled when Keanu comment popped up on FB*
VastaKustutaIs there no way to report the Trolls over there? These guys are bloody repulsive and an insult to Human Intelligence.
VastaKustutaHoly cow, brony power ftw!
VastaKustutaI feel truly sorry for Dan's page, though. He's going to have to wash out his eyes.
Finally get song turns out to be:
You know, this was a comment on his wall, and it properly says how I feel at this moment. It was something like, "This is the best game of 'refresh the page' I've ever played!"
VastaKustutahow come when I just want ponies there's always gotta be trolls in the wake? It's like "oh no, something wonderful and pure. I must now post porn." :(
VastaKustutaFacebook's body wasn't ready for this.
VastaKustutaWow, we a slobber, drolling fans of MLP:FIM just looking at the likes just scream by.
VastaKustutaPersonally, I think he hasn't noticed and is going to get a shock when he logs back in.
Seth you're thinking to low.
VastaKustutaNew goal:
god damn you Seth I now I wont sleep until I hear this
VastaKustuta3.5k took exactly 38 minutes.
VastaKustutaWhile not 10 seconds flat, I'll still give that a "pretty damn good"
I liked it with my real FB account... I wonder if anypony notices @_@
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who was hoping for a rick roll with anon's youtube link?
VastaKustutaPink Celestia is more Troll
VastaKustutaSeth, was that REALLY you posting "My little Trixie: Trixie is magic"? (By time of post, it's probably buried under everything else.)
VastaKustuta@Desktop1030: I don't see a 'report' button or anything. But Daniel can (and likely will) go through and delete a lot of the spam.
VastaKustutaOh wow.. I was wondering if we were going to break the number before I got home from work (in an hour) and was going to show my support. Looks like that won't really be necessary. I hope the spammers won't ruin it for us.
VastaKustutaIt stopped for me for a few minutes, but its working again now.
Heheh, I saw that.
ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh... I wonder if it's the extended cut of the opening theme he mentioned that the Target Twilight Sparkle sings.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaIs there no limit to your sexual perversion cereal? Stop defiling all that we love. If anything you'd be the bottom. Bitch
750 to go last I checked!
VastaKustutame too
VastaKustutaActually, there is a report button. I went through and reported them.
It was actually "My great And Powerful Trixie: Trixie is Magic."
VastaKustutadiscussion thread!
@Cereal Velocity"Is there no limit to your sexual perversion cereal? Stop defiling all that we love. If anything you'd be the bottom. Bitch"
VastaKustutaDo you need some ice for that burn?
I think we broke it
VastaKustutaI only saw it briefly. I refreshed the page and then, EXPLOSION! So that's what it said...
Poor Daniel having to deal with all that spam. Still, I guess he underestimated how many of us there are and how fast this would spread.
VastaKustutaAmazing how many likes he has gotten in such a short time though! He only had 2800 or so this morning when I checked his page.
Holy shit
What is WRONG with you motherfuckers, posting porn on the guy's page?
VastaKustutaI hope every last one of you responsible for this fucking travesty gets banned, solely because this is a disgusting way to repay someone who has offered you something you might like.
Fuck you.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaSame, yay for bisexuality! ^_^ *Cough*... *Ahem*... I'm going back to his page now...
@Anon 7:37
Yeah, that was just... Ugh... Mean? Despicable? And I had been avoiding Rule 34 ever since I became a brony too... T_T
VastaKustutaI guess Anonymous' planned hack attack on the 5th Nov got bumped up to today!
VastaKustutaI guess Anonymous' planned hack attack on the 5th Nov got bumped up to today!
Can someone tell me the like count? I cant access
VastaKustutapeople like this"
Wow you guys work fast xD
4,416 as of my last F5. Need to replace the key now. Tis melted.
VastaKustutaI think this was posted on reddit, ponychan, and /co/.
VastaKustuta/b/ is too busy to acknowledge my posts on the matter.
Ingram: "Just as planned."
VastaKustutaSo, where's this here song we were told about.
VastaKustutaBut it was already over 4400 anyways, but who cares...
Yes, yes... let the Friendship flow through you...
VastaKustutaFuck this shit, i'm gonna go clop
VastaKustutaOoooh Danny boy, the herd, the herd is caaaaalllllllling
VastaKustutaFrom field to field, and up to Canterlooooooot.
Your song is new, and all the Bronies are waaaaiting...
If I were Ingram at this point, I'd hold out for another few hours just for the lulz. Because there are still a many to be had at this rate.
VastaKustutaWho wants to bet he gave us an hour, walked away, and comes back to 6000 likes?
VastaKustutaGaiz, chill out. He obviously typoed and meant 10,000. The video happen within an hour or 2
VastaKustutaDid we just break it
VastaKustuta4.5k! Keep it up!
VastaKustutaFrom what I can tell it was just one guy.
Also, the page has now become a brony-chatroom of a sort at the moment. So everyone get in and enjoy the most active page on Facebook!
VastaKustutaYou know what? I'm gonna forget the game I'm playing just to watch that counter go up. Gee, 4,500 already? I'm having more fun staring at numbers than playing "The Elder Scrolls".
VastaKustutaI'm loving all these comments SO MUCH.
VastaKustutaSO FUNNY!
Love being part of this madness, ponies!