• Custom Ponies: Background Pony Edition

    Well, okay, Zecora isn't a background pony. We'll call it minor pony edition.

    This Zecora comes to us from hgraves, the same pony who did the custom Luna in Socks, which also appears in that image. Find it on their DA page, here.

    Click past the break to see a custom Derpy by xanthestar, a custom Berry Punch by Hope Loneheart (who I spelled correctly this time), and a custom Octavia by JPP.

    A custom Derpy Hooves, by xanthestar, from a Pinkie Pie base. Find her on eBay here.

    A custom Berry Punch by Hope Loneheart. She seems to be getting really popular lately. You can find this one on Hope's DA here, and on eBay here.

    Last, but not least, is a custom Octavia by JPP. You can find this one on eBay here.


    1. Zecora O:
      Oh my god...
      Another awesome round of customs

    2. Zecora isn't a pony, either. Weren't you listening to Twilight? ;)

    3. Of course Berry Punch is getting popular! The wait for season 2 has driven many bronies to drink, and when we get deep into our cups, guess who shows up to join in the fun? (and mooch a sip or two from everyone else in the process? As if I could say no to a pony! Heck, one could come up and ask if they could sell my 'extra' internal organs [You have two kidneys! You don't need both of them!] and I'd be like, "Sure! Can I pet you, pretty pony who has a cutie mark of a bathtub filled with ice?")

    4. @Punchline lol fail?

      Didn't even notice the Ditzy Derpy Doo one, I will just append that onto my DO WANT list as well.

    5. Yay, Zecora. Her design can really lend itself to great-looking customs.

      Hey, there I am. Somepony obviously has good taste. ;)

      I'm really liking the Derpy and Berry Punch too. Especially when they make little accessories or pieces of clothes for them.

    6. Why is Fluttershy put in the background ponies category?!
      She IS the show!!

    7. @Anonymous

      But she's in the _background_ of that picture! Hence, even if for just one group shot, she and Applejack are background ponies too. It all works out, see?

      And huzzah for Background Pony header for the blog. LONG LIVE BERRY PUNCH! Let me go drink one in your honor as top Pony! (Yes, yes, I'll save one for you too, Berry. Just get here before it goes flat, okay?)

    8. Fantastic sculptures! Props to the designers!

    9. hgraves requires all of my money. That Zecora is perfect, stepped straight out of the show.

    10. Zecora + Derpy: DO WANT. The others? Eh, they're pretty good.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. And for those of you who are wondering, the alcohol content of Berry's wine is 20%

    13. The Octavia looks great, but the eye is a might off.
      Octavia's eyes are more angular, you know?
      All the same, I do want...

    14. derpy got a contract to deliver mail in japan?
      awsome !

      I love the octavia and berry punch as well I really need to start making more props for my sculpts :D

      thank ya'll for the comments the group image was to show all of my current *At the moment* finished sculpts together. the two ponys on the right of that image are OCs I made along the lines of practicing, one is a chemist earth pony named "BitsnBobs" and the other is a pegusus named star-flower.

      I'm currently working on a rarity sculpt. and now that i have a small oven i should be able to work faster :D

      peace and love to all of you!
