What time is it, everypony? If you said comic time, you're both right and possibly cheating. You should be ashamed of yourself. But not too much, because comics. I am way out of practice with this stuff. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie has picked up the slack for me by learning how to draw laser guns. Find her zany antics above, courtesy of Solar-slash.
Meanwhile, Paraderpy has produced some of the most shocking and scandalous propaganda to date. I for one am dropping my monocle in horror, but as a journalist it's my duty to bring these things to you, the pony public. Find it

i'll be honest i don't get the first one
ReplyDeleteNot my sense of humour, but nice anyways.
ReplyDeleteLe first
ReplyDeleteIt IS a laser!
ReplyDeleteFirst one has that classic 'Looney Tunes' feel to it, which means I approve!
ReplyDeleteSecond one was bleh. Topic is borderline humorous to begin with, and has been done in much better ways too.
The first one is alright, but the second one is just meh. We've seen that joke a thousand times already.
ReplyDeleteI liked the first one.
ReplyDeleteSecond one...the joke's getting stale.
Pinkie once again shows her status as ruler of the fourth wall in the first comic, and in the second comic, Celestia shows that she has some serious egomaniac issues.
ReplyDeleteMan, going by the fan art it seems that Celestia is about as bad of a tyrant as Josef Stalin or the Mort Weisinger era Superman.
ReplyDeleteSomehow, I'm sure that "Drawing" is just a real laser that was somehow squeezed into a flat surface. Meaning the laws of physics are broken once again. Can we stop repairing them now?
ReplyDelete*Shrug* It's Pinkie Pie. I just assume that she breaks the laws of physics on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteOh, now that's not fair.
I pretty sure that she did it for the lulz. ;-)
ReplyDeletePray tell: if that is a laser, why is the beam expanding?
Pinkie just does whatever the hell she wants at this point.
ReplyDeleteBronode: Clearly the laser suffers from extreme diffusion issues. It'll need to be fixed before it can be used at any range.
ReplyDeletePinkie pie, you are so random....
ReplyDeleteAlso poor luna, she gets banished in everything.
"My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie and you will fear my laser face."
ReplyDeleteI don't think any other line would suit the first comic. The laser gun reminds me of Epsilon-Church.
@Adam C
ReplyDeleteYeah, but because I've thought too much about it, someone has to fix the laws of physics when they break. Since nothing is free, the fixers probably get paid with tax money. Meaning every time they break, taxes go up (hey, fixing reality itself can't be easy or cheap). And higher taxes are expensive.
I say its more of a Heat Blast
ReplyDeleteOf course! You just keep banning her everytime! D:
Sorry, I had to say it.
ReplyDeleteShe is.
Ou and whose fault is that, huh?
ReplyDeleteluna's been banished enough. There are plenty of other things that need banishing carrot tops failed banner and Prince blueblood for example.
Haha, oh Pinkie, I love ya and your silly impossible antics.
ReplyDeleteAnd aww, com'on, I like the second one. Sure, the joke is a bit over-done at this point, but still kinda funny. I liked it. And poor Luna's face in the bottom panel, awww. :'(
ReplyDeleteYou *SUPPOSE* that the laws of physics need a crew to repair them? But you don't have any evidence for this in a world where ponies can survive having pianos and anvils dropped on them and the sun and the moon are governed by magic goddesses? You physicists are all the same! Needless scaremongering about the effects of breaking the laws of physics to maintain your fantasies perfect Newtonian order!
ReplyDeleteBlueblood huh...
You sure love banning your relatives, don't you?
ReplyDelete1. further evidence Pinkie is most dangerous pony
ReplyDelete2. getting old, getting old
ReplyDeleteWhatever gave you that idea? besides, Bluebloods annoying.
...Is Celestia a swan?
ReplyDeleteI mean, look at the neck!
ReplyDeleteyeah, he is. He kinda deserves banishment after the way he treats people!
:( Stop sending my Luna to the moon
ReplyDelete~jumps between Luna and Celestia~
BTW, the first topic.. I can totally see Pinkie Pie doing that lol...
@Adam C
ReplyDeleteI admit defeat, because I'm pretty sure my I fried my brain from trying to counter those points. Now, I'm going to try to repair my brain. Maybe I ought to stop thinking for an hour or so.
ReplyDeleteBlogger Profile:
"Trolling Twilight and Luna; Banishing things to the Moon..."
Oh no, it must have been just my imagination again...
ReplyDelete...but yeah, he is REALLY annoying.
Oh the things we do to you.
ReplyDeletePoor Luna
Did she just fire a laser beam at her friend?! Hahaha, cooked well done for cupcakes! :D
ReplyDeleteFor the 2nd comic, was it 10 AM or PM?
Twilight is sooo cute in the first one!
ReplyDeleteCelestia seems a bit TOO happy about banishing Luna...
ReplyDeleteYaaaaayyyy! I'm a genieous! :D
(Yes, typo is intentional)
ReplyDeleteLower taxes are expensive, too. :P
Well the first one would have been funnier if Pinkie drew Cyclop's visor instead.
ReplyDeleteAnd the second comic Celestia is sooooo out of character I wanted to ask her who she was and what has she done with the real princess Celestia.
This is officially the summer that calling Tia a tyrant become old.
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Paraderpy, you're a talented artist artist, start something new!
Pinky Pie is now a laser. This is awesome enough that it should probably become canon.
I knew it! Pinkie Pie is secretly a cyborg!
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for both Luna and
Celestia. Luna for being banished again, Celestia for being portrayed as a tyrant.
My name is Pinkie Church... And you will fear my laserface! Sorry, couldn't resist. :P
ReplyDeleteHahaha oh wow.
ReplyDeletePinkie invents the craziest things..