Comic time is my favorite time. I will be so sad if I ever run out of comics to post. Do you hear that, artists? Draw more comics! Today's offerings begin with the above, a masterful and oh-so-incredibly poignant exploration of how Little Derpy earned her cutie mark, drawn by The Recliner27. Following it up below, is a piece by emeralddarkness, who wishes it to be known that socks are secretly evil. So that's today's public service announcement. If you love Luna, stop putting her in socks! Give your socks to Lyra.

best origin story for derpy ever
ReplyDeletePop! Pop!
ReplyDeleteGet freaky.
Love the Derpy comic :)
ReplyDeleteLuna in socks...the best pony in socks. Even if it means a trip to the moon.
I have couple of ideas for a comic but I'm not very skilled at drawing. Better start practicing.
ReplyDeleteLuna in frame 1 and 2, both are too adorable, I'd say mischief look in 2 is more so.
ReplyDeleteThat's a tall order, don't put Luna is socks.
ReplyDeleteDerpy is the most often overlooked Element of Harmony.
ReplyDeleteBut we can have both Luna and Lyra in socks. Then everyone wins!
ReplyDeleteALL SO CUTE /)*3*(\
ReplyDeleteSo much for that.
ReplyDeleteSo much static shock jokes.
Lets try Luna in pj's now
ReplyDeletePoor Lyra :-(
ReplyDeleteI love bubble wrap.
ReplyDeleteMy brother pulled a Luna on me last month. He wished he could go to the moon.
ReplyDelete*Totally imagined Luna chuckling like Peter Griffin as she charged up her socks* o_0 WTF is wrong with me-e-e-e-e-eeee!!!?!
ReplyDeleteThey're both so cute
Dawww @ both comics.
ReplyDeleteI lol'd at both as well.
nom nom bubblewrap nom nom
ReplyDeleteLuna's face Oo
ReplyDeleteBoth are pure win xD
ReplyDeletewell this isn't good for my heart at all!
ReplyDelete@1st comic
ReplyDeleteHER EYES! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER EYES? and Seth, we need a new ponies on mars rp post. we broke the other one.
/me hugs both Luna and Derpy
ReplyDeleteAwesome Ponies are awesome... as well as cute =3
Both were cute but derpy wasn't derpy-eyed in the first one.
ReplyDeleteDerpy's derp eyes are a medical condition that progresses as she grows up, causing them to shift more and more frequently in between her periods of good vision.
Frankly I'm concerned that you would complain about her getting a break from such a debilitating condition. For shame, sir or madame.
@Rita Lot
ReplyDeleteRita? Your here?
The first one is amazing beyond comprehension
ReplyDeleteI think this calls for a Luna-in-socks Super Hero Static Shock crossover. Do it! Because Luna is and will always be best sock pony.
ReplyDeleteYay bubble wrap! Pop pop. I love the Derpy comic. I could see that happening. Insanely adorable and funny. That's our little Derpy alright. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd no socks for Luna? But she's so adorable in her pink socks. :( I love the comic though. Poor Luna. She was just having fun. XD
Finally, someone else who knows the socks vile powers! The socks are planning to assimilate all of existence!
ReplyDeletePS "socks are apparently evil"; I've been saying that since the first sock compilation, and I restated that during the "7 days" post.
ReplyDelete"socks are secretly evil"
I agree with you, Phoe. Pony Comic time is the best time!
ReplyDeleteBoth of these were very cute. :D
I'm still confused. How can people dislike ponies in socks?
@ZeldaFan777 of course I am! you didn't think that I was only around for the mars thing did you? and by the way, seth needs to make another post for that. apparently you can only have 5,000 comments on one post.
ReplyDelete@PhoePhoe, please tell Seth to make another Ponies on Mars post because we reached maximum capacity on the old one. or better yet, post one yourself!
ReplyDeleteNo No No
ReplyDeleteLyra is the most awesome pony ever, and whoever doesn't agree is a faggot (or a sethisto, also might be phoe n' cereal)
I laughed so hard at Derpy. This is now canon!
ReplyDeleteTia's little stuffed Aslan = love.
Did anyone else notice the signature of the Luna comic? It looks like she had a seizure D:
ReplyDeleteThe derpy comic made me realize that bubbles do have something to do with being a mailmare! BUBBLE WRAP! seriously, they put that in packages sometimes to stop things from braking. IT TOTALLY FITS!
ReplyDeleteASDF LUNA
ReplyDeleteThat was awesome. XD
I was only getting back at her a little for that time when we were fillies and she told me I had to stay in a box in the middle of Canterlot, and that if I left, a giant dragon was going to eat me. Supposedly, the box made me invisible to dragons.
ReplyDeleteWell, after sitting there for three days, I finally stuck my hoof out, and nothing happened. So I climbed out of the box.
Then I found a sign that said, 'Fure Stewped Luna, gust takke her'.
ReplyDeleteThat comment alone is so daww and awww at the same time! I LOVED both comics. Bubble wrap Derpy makes total sense.
Luna in socks IS NEVER EVIL.
Clearly Celly did something that earned her that little bit of mischief. I find Luna in this comic to a kindred spirit. I have an exceptional tolerance for electricity. I used to hold the spark plug on the lawnmower and ask my brother for a wrench. I zapped him successfully... twice in a row once! That was so LULZY!
Oh. so. very. wow. :D
ReplyDeleteThat Origin Comic of Ditzy was... It almost brang mythical ''tears of cuteness'', that's what it was. :)
It just so simple and incredibly adorable; it makes you want to pop yourself those bubbles or, even better, to bring LOTS of those bubble-stuff to Ditzy. :D
It's just so fun and energizing to see Ditzy so ''simply happy with glee!'' in the last 5 panels.
I think I could continue to write about this 1-page until morning, but I have to sleep apparently ;).
*sniff sniff*
ReplyDeleteThat alone was worth seeing.
ReplyDelete@Rita Lot
ReplyDeleteWell we need you to go back to the Mars post, we got our second post!
Why is everyone so happy with that comic? I mean, popping bubble wrap is Derpy's special talent? That's almost as bad as having a mop for a cutie mark.
ReplyDeleteSooo cute. Derpy <3
ReplyDeleteOr having a dirty sock in your mouth perhaps ? They are full of fibers and flavors.
And a 'Janitor' cutie mark seems like a pretty honorable job... certainly better than a ''being grumpy'' cutie mark, hmm ?
Also, the ''buble-popping'' simply INDUCED the appearence of the cutie mark...
Did you saw what happened or what was happening at THAT moment ?
Did you saw the joy and happiness of Derpy/Ditzy ?
-Basicly, her mark means AND is a reminder of the simple joys in, life. :)
See ? When actually thinking for more than 30sec, it's easily to come up with great explanations and meanings.
I hate Celestia