Having a good evening, ponies? I hope so. I've got some comics here that are sure to cause mood whiplash. Above, please find enclosed microgrid's efforts to cements Derpy as the bestest mommy of all time, and below find johnjesco's... well, it's something. I think it might be Phoe-specific nightmare fuel, but I haven't done much in the way of sleeping lately, so I don't know. Either way, enjoy!

ReplyDelete#1: D'aww. I love Dinky/Derpy comics.
ReplyDelete#2: I think Lyra's taking this a little too far. Humans do not typically climb into large pots full of vegetables.
D'aww at the first comic, LOL at the second.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to that second comic... what.
ReplyDeleteLove the feel-good comics and you can't go wrong with Derpy. Also Bobbon, wtf yo. Cooking your gf isn't ok.
ReplyDeleteThat first comic.... d'awwwwwwwwwwwww! So darn endearing I swear! Derpy is best mom ever.
ReplyDeleteDat second comic... Lmao! Sea ponies, oh no. And seapony Lyra. <3 Though she should be singing "Shoo be doo shoo shoot be doo!"
inb4 shoo-be-doo
ReplyDeleteBon, I think it's the "pot" that's causing you to see that. XD
ReplyDelete@number 2 darn, now i'm going to have to listen to that song again :/
ReplyDelete#2 was in the Drawfriend yesterday...or the day before, I dunno.
ReplyDeleteAlso, #1...I'd think tying an apron over one's wings would be rather restricting.
...Unless Ditzy secretly shares Phoe's bondage fetish...
#1: *joins the chorus of d'awwwww*
ReplyDelete#2: Huh.
That second one... it was confusing in a way that made me smile, but I'm not sure why...
ReplyDelete"Nope!" /Engineer ;)
#1 d'awwww I love Derpy/Dinky
ReplyDelete#2 no, I refuse to watch the shoo-be-doo video. Only watch it when it gets selected on synchtube...
@Display Name
ReplyDeleteNope. That one was with Applejack.
ReplyDeleteAnd the ponies of Ponyville are all slowly going mad and seeing merponies?
ReplyDeleteThat second one reminds me of Uzumaki....
ReplyDeleteMaybe mad with season 2 anticipation!
#1 - I seriously can't get enough of "Derpy is the best mother" comics. They're all so awesome. :')
ReplyDelete#2 - what the heck am i looking at here
ReplyDeleteDidn't even notice the AJ one...coulda sworn I saw #2 in a Drawfriend not ten minutes after seeing it on Ponibooru...
I sense a 20000 leagues under the sea/mlp fanfic
ReplyDelete1. Yes, Derpy IS the best mother. :)
ReplyDelete2. That is... actually very disturbing. And not in a good way either.
D'awww happy Derpy/dinky comics are so much better than sad ones.
ReplyDeleteNot quite sure whats going on in number #2 and im not sure i want to.
As beautiful as #1 was...
ReplyDeleteWhy is Dinky a unicorn?
#2 - HA HA HA! No...
1-HHHNNNGGGG...these always get me
Also why are some tagged as comics and some tagged as comic? It makes it easy to miss some things.
ReplyDeleteForget my previous comment on #1
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming Dinky's father is a unicorn, and that's where she gets her horn from.
#2 wont make sense with out seeing some of that artist other works.
ReplyDelete#1: Awwwwww.
ReplyDelete#2: Allow me to quote TheAmazingAtheist, "I think I speak for everyone when I say, 'What!?'"
Well, doesn't Bon Bon know Lyra is her very best friend?
ReplyDelete1. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belles faces concern me
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought I was the only one having Uzumaki flashbacks.
#2- only because of lyra
ReplyDeleteD'awww to O.o in ten seconds flat!
ReplyDeleteSecond comic reminds me of Uzumaki.
ReplyDeleteFirst one is adorable.
#2; Anyone else reminded of Uzumaki? Uuurgh D:
ReplyDelete#1 Awww~ :3
#1 Cute as excpected
ReplyDelete#2 She's gonna stew a live being! Get er outta there.
O_O lyra.
ReplyDeleteBecause she isn't her daughter...What? Somebody had to say it.
Lyra is really a Sea pony that made a wish upon a star to be a real pony and she eventually moved to Canterlot, became friends with Twilight, moved to Ponyville shortly after Twilight and met Bon-Bon some time later.
ReplyDeleteWhenever she gets splashed with water she turns into a Sea pony!
Seems Ponies think Bon-Bon is some dits or something cause they always put stuff in her things without her knowing!
Get out of there Lyra, you are not vegetable. You still got brain for gods sake
ReplyDeleteI could've sworn Dinky had a cutie mark...
ReplyDeleteOh well, I have an excuse to watch 'Winter Wrap Up' again!
#1- ;.; Damnit, why!? I was still recovering from the "Memories" comic-video. I need another handkerchief, brb.
ReplyDeleteQuick Bon Bon, pull her out FAST! I know you can save her! She's only singing the theme song! She hasn't yet had her brain boiled down to singing "SHOO BE DOO SHOO SHOO BE DOO"!
ReplyDeleteHURRY BON BON!!!
Also, first comic was a-dawwww-able!
@ #1, d'awwwww
ReplyDelete@ #2, i was wondering when someone was going to point out the show has yet to even mention hippocampus(sea version of pegasus)
"Lyra, We agreed. I would stop listening to Octavia and you would stop siting on my food. Now, get out of my dinner, unless you want me to start nibbling on you again."
ReplyDeleteThey have a very...interesting relationship.
ReplyDelete1: D'awwww in every possible ways :)
ReplyDelete2: The *beeep* is going on there?! O.o
ReplyDeleteThank Celestia I went to this AFTER Memories. Perfect thing to make up for it.
ReplyDeleteI just HAD to read this after the most heard-wrenching Derpy/Dinky comic ever....