Hmm, I just reread my comment. It sounds like I'm trying to cause heated/whining replies. I was just stating it doesn't make sense to 'Me', I don't care if it makes others laugh or not. Wish I can delete comments.
1st one, pretty funny. Second one, really? Why? That doesn't make sense under any context. Bronies are trying harder and harder to pervert and corrupt a good, innocent kids show, and I'm getting sick of it.
Second comic: Lame fanservice. And as for one person's comment: Since when did Scootaloo learn anything about "wingboners" from Rainbow Dash?
Oh, yeah, IN FANFICTION. Which some people seem to prefer to the show nowadays, since the show doesn't cater to their puerile tastes. :P
First strip was quite well-drawn, but didn't have much of a punchline, plus Pinkie was OOC. Her more logical reaction would be to bounce up and down and yell "A new spell? Show me! Show me!" and then hilarity ensues, or not.
In response to every body getting all but hurt to the second comic (which made me laugh) please refer to the following
The 2nd one reminds me of my second year science class when we were doing the reproduction system. When the class started, The teacher stood up and say "Alright, for the next two weeks we are going to be doing the Reproduction system and I want us to be professional about this. So for the next few minutes, Get all the sex jokes out of your system." As soon as she said that, one guy shouted "PENIS" and the next 20 minutes was spent making every related jokes we could think of.
First one: Heheh. Second one: LMAO. Now that was WRONG, but LMAO anyway.
First thing that came to my mind--- I can't remember WHICH fanfic it was, but it opened on a scene at the Cutie Mark Crusader's school, with Pinkie Pie, of all people, giving a guest lecture: Pinkie:"......and that's how ponies are made!" (BEAM) Students: (stunned amazement) Cheerilee: (silent scream of horror)
@stephen Agreed that made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. Kids say the darnedest things indeed! Plus the last panel with cheerilee, PRICELESS!
To everypony thinking that's a picture of Twilight:
The mane is all wrong. If anything, it more closely resembles mine or my student's mane, not that it's either of us. The tail almost resembles Dash's, but curls instead of staying straight.
Also, I'm kind of disappointed the picture didn't react to Scoots.
@Gozer the Equestrian Yeah, that explanation works as well as any. Dash needs to learn to watch how she talks around Scoots, or she's going to get in trouble yet.
And @Scootaloo Yes, I've seen how well you and your pals get on with dear sweet Fluttershy. Just try not to drive the poor mare crazy with your antics. Ponyville needs at least a few sane citizens...
Scootaloo would TOTALLY do that. What with Dash being her only canon role model, and her being one of the young and impressionable Crusaders, this is a best case scenario.
83 kommentaari:
yay for more comics!
VastaKustutaBoth were great.
VastaKustutascoot probably learned what a wingboner is from rainbow dash
VastaKustutaOMG @ the second comic
VastaKustutaI don't quite get the first though...
Hehehe.. Wingboner.
VastaKustutaOh Scootaloo... why you so amusing?
Hahaha! First? And I loved them both!
VastaKustutaAww, scoots. So adorable!
VastaKustutascootaloo shocked cheeralee right back to her 80s perm
VastaKustutaCheerilee always seems to be on the receiving end of all the dirty filly jokes :(
VastaKustutalol, scootaloo.
VastaKustutaWait a minute,
Is Scootaloo even in Cherilee's class?
Wow. The second made me ROFL, literally.
VastaKustutawingboner and then she gets one
VastaKustutaWingboners. What don't they make funny?
VastaKustutaOh wow the wingboner one just made me die. So funny.
VastaKustutacheerilie's face in the last panel is priceless.
VastaKustutaThe second one is making me LMAO way to hard. XD
VastaKustutaI literally lol'd at that last one. God, Scootaloo's expression...
VastaKustutaI don't know why but I can't stop laughing becuse of the second one XD
VastaKustutaFirst one was lol
VastaKustutaSecond one was... Ok, we all know it is not cool. The real question is why you keep mixing these type of comics in the same post?
eeeesh Scootaloo, calm down
VastaKustutaPoor cheerilee.
VastaKustuta1. hehehe
VastaKustuta2. oh god lol, Scootaloo is too young to know of such things
The first one made me chuckle, it was good...The second one, oh dear god I laughed so hard I woke my brother up in the next room.
VastaKustutaThat joke came so far out of left field, I was totally not expecting it in the least. Scootaloo, you need to stop hanging around Rainbow Dash.
Cheerilee the 70s called they want their hairstyle back :3 lol poor cheerilie
VastaKustutaoh man, Scootaloo's face in the second comic had me laughing so hard, I think I pulled a muscle...
VastaKustutaNo pony is as f***in' metal as Cheerilee.
VastaKustutajudging by the last panel in the second one, Pinkie Pie isn't the only one with a psychoreactive mane.
VastaKustutaThat second comic... lol. Scootaloo was WAY too excited identifying a wingboner... and Cheerilee's reaction. XD
VastaKustutaThe wingboner phrase didn't make much sense then, and now with this comic…makes it even less sense for me.
VastaKustutaI laughed too hard at the second comic.
VastaKustutaI think I cracked a rib..
...Why does the first comic make me think of Garfield? Perhaps, it's Pinkie's expression at the end.
VastaKustuta"We all know it's not cool."
Really? What isn't cool? Funny comics on the internet? God, I know. I hate those too.
Hmm, I just reread my comment. It sounds like I'm trying to cause heated/whining replies. I was just stating it doesn't make sense to 'Me', I don't care if it makes others laugh or not. Wish I can delete comments.
VastaKustuta1st one, pretty funny. Second one, really? Why? That doesn't make sense under any context. Bronies are trying harder and harder to pervert and corrupt a good, innocent kids show, and I'm getting sick of it.
VastaKustutaLol, the first question.
VastaKustutaMrs. Cheerilee: *points at drawing of Twilight* "What is this?"
I would live to see Pinkie actually do this!
VastaKustutaNo comment for the seconf comic.
The second one, oh lawd I lol'd!!!
VastaKustutaScoots spends way too much time around Dash X3
I swear I saw why boner
VastaKustutanot why bother
VastaKustutaEEEEEHeheehee~! Wingboner!
Where the heck did an innocent little filly like Scootaloo learn a word like "wingboner", anyway?
VastaKustutaHah, first comic was funny. Love when Pinkie throws the popcorn at Twi. And love Twi's expression in the last panel.
VastaKustutaThe second comic... oh goodness, Lmao! Scoots loves her some wingboners! XD
Last Panel in 2nd comic
I learned it from Fluttershy! She's always talking about Rainbow Dash and wingboners!
VastaKustutaWingboners for everyone!
VastaKustutaFrom... Fluttershy. *faceplant*
VastaKustutaScoot, you are getting an education you may not need at your age.
VastaKustutaOh Scootaloo, you never fail to surprise me...
VastaKustutaBut Fluttershy's a great teacher! She's been helping us with all our homework.
VastaKustutaPonies need to stop getting so worked up over the more "adult" jokes in the fandom xD They're rather harmless and amusing.
VastaKustutaEither way, two great comics. I love the CMCs :D
Second comic: Lame fanservice. And as for one person's comment: Since when did Scootaloo learn anything about "wingboners" from Rainbow Dash?
VastaKustutaOh, yeah, IN FANFICTION. Which some people seem to prefer to the show nowadays, since the show doesn't cater to their puerile tastes. :P
First strip was quite well-drawn, but didn't have much of a punchline, plus Pinkie was OOC. Her more logical reaction would be to bounce up and down and yell "A new spell? Show me! Show me!" and then hilarity ensues, or not.
In response to every body getting all but hurt to the second comic (which made me laugh) please refer to the following
VastaKustutathe best part of the second comic for me was Sweetie Bell's faces/ responses cause they were cute. Does this make me a good person?
VastaKustutascootaloo should spend some time away from rainbow, lol
VastaKustutaOne star. I am totally butthurt. Totallies forever. :<
VastaKustutalol, I love how Sweetie Belle sings each answer.
VastaKustutaScootaloo, you precocious filly!
VastaKustutaI think Scootaloo is being influenced in an inappropriate manner by her idol, Rainbow Dash...
VastaKustutaAnd I _SO_ approve!
My face hurts too much from laughing too hard at Scootaloo's telling reaction!
Scootaloo wing boner is best birthday gift ever... unless you somehow added Luna to the mix, then even better! :)
VastaKustutaAnd thats why we don't see Scootaloo in the school in Ponyville anymore.
VastaKustutaso many luls :P
VastaKustutaFunny how they didn't say anything about the horn tho ;)
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie wouldn't act that way; that's borderline mean. Plus, shse'd be able to know ahead of time whether Twilight's monologue would be long.
VastaKustutaI laughed like an idiot at the 2nd one.
VastaKustutaThe 2nd one reminds me of my second year science class when we were doing the reproduction system. When the class started, The teacher stood up and say "Alright, for the next two weeks we are going to be doing the Reproduction system and I want us to be professional about this. So for the next few minutes, Get all the sex jokes out of your system." As soon as she said that, one guy shouted "PENIS" and the next 20 minutes was spent making every related jokes we could think of.
VastaKustutaFirst one: Heheh.
VastaKustutaSecond one: LMAO. Now that was WRONG, but LMAO anyway.
First thing that came to my mind--- I can't remember WHICH fanfic it was, but it opened on a scene at the Cutie Mark Crusader's school, with Pinkie Pie, of all people, giving a guest lecture:
Pinkie:"......and that's how ponies are made!" (BEAM)
Students: (stunned amazement)
Cheerilee: (silent scream of horror)
@stephen Agreed that made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. Kids say the darnedest things indeed! Plus the last panel with cheerilee, PRICELESS!
VastaKustutashe probably heard it while stalking dashie.
VastaKustutaHeh, a royal Luna wing boner! :o
I do not get 'wingboners' or whatever they're called.
VastaKustutaI seem to recall a comic of that posted a while ago.
Aww... Pinkie, just come out here! yeah, through that wall you broke... No more dealing with these ponies.
VastaKustutaAnd scootaloo... I... I... idunno. I couldnt resist laughter.
To everypony thinking that's a picture of Twilight:
VastaKustutaThe mane is all wrong. If anything, it more closely resembles mine or my student's mane, not that it's either of us. The tail almost resembles Dash's, but curls instead of staying straight.
Also, I'm kind of disappointed the picture didn't react to Scoots.
@Gozer the Equestrian Yeah, that explanation works as well as any. Dash needs to learn to watch how she talks around Scoots, or she's going to get in trouble yet.
VastaKustutaAnd @Scootaloo Yes, I've seen how well you and your pals get on with dear sweet Fluttershy. Just try not to drive the poor mare crazy with your antics. Ponyville needs at least a few sane citizens...
that wing boner is just priceless XD
VastaKustutathe first one was ok,but the second one made me lol .
VastaKustutaDear God Scootaloo's expression killed me.
VastaKustutaScootaloo would TOTALLY do that. What with Dash being her only canon role model, and her being one of the young and impressionable Crusaders, this is a best case scenario.
VastaKustutaThen how would you feel if you saw your sister in a strip club?
Two epic comics XD
VastaKustutaNice going Scootaloo, you just earned yourself two whole weeks detention!
VastaKustutai will forever see that as a wing boner!