Oh for the love of Celestia, Applejack as Ariel? NO! Put her in a good movie! I can maybe see her as Mulan. Mulan was nice. But not THAT movie!
Sorry... I have issues with The Little Mermaid. Issues like hating it with the flaming fury of a thousand stars going nova. And I'm a big AJ fan...
Yeah, sorry again. I love everything else, especially Rarity in Beauty and the Beast. And I don't know why Dash and Gilda in Tangled amuses me so, but it does.
I love the art style here. Rarity, Bon Bon and Derpy, and the CMC and Lyra all made me chuckle, and Applejack looks way cuter than she should as a mermaid.
Wow. Tangledash was amazing. Using way-too-much-thinking(c), it's brillant. Y'know, because at the end, Rapunzel loses the shininess of her hair, and the colors become dull.
@MisterBull (Sorry about not being able to reply properly, I'm on an iTouch.) The entire escapade strikes me as very Disney-princess, but completely overdone. Sebastian and Flounder (I think that's his name) just annoy the heck out of me. The only songs I could find at all enjoyable were "Part of Your World" and "Poor Unfortunate Souls". The constraining parental figure was blown into epic proportions. And Ariel. That flippin' little... She is a complete idiot compared to all the other princesses, does the whole "I want a better world" thing WAY too much (You're waited on hand and... well, fin! Your life is already pretty dang awesome! Honestly, life on land isn't that great, dimwit!) and basically SELLS HER SOUL so she can be with a guy she's never spoken to. To be perfectly honest, I was rooting for Ursula, the best thing to come out of that movie.
The whole thing just irks me on a deep level. And this is coming from a big Disney princess movie fan. Though granted, I don't hate it as much as I do A Christmas Story... But don't get me started on that. I've spent way too much time ranting.
Very cute comic. I think they'd be so much better with ponies too. :> I can't decide out of them which I like best, I love'em all. Though the frog trying to kiss Luna was cute and funny... *kissu~ kissu~*
@pmcollectorboy Oh man, I didn't notice that at first! It's truly priceless XD Definitely an awesome comic! ... Plus Twilight is best pony. And Spike is best fez wearer.
i really loved Tangled, but it would so totally been 20% cooler if it was Tangledashed, or..... However thats spelled. Eventually somepony should actually write fics based off these!!!
67 kommentaari:
Luna <3
VastaKustutaI liked "Rarity and the Best" the most. Needs more Gaston (preferably played by Trixie), though
VastaKustutaloled these are good
VastaKustutaAlso love Gilda's expression.
This was well done.
VastaKustutaThis was awesome. The only problem I see is that the frog is a prince, and the only prince we know of is related to Celestia.
VastaKustutaI can't think of any better roles for Pinkie and Derpy than the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, respectively. It just suits them perfectly.
VastaKustutaUgh, that frog...
VastaKustutaHe never wrote back, never gave me flowers, he didn't even say anything about how I changed my mane!
Who ever made this is brilliant! And deserves at least a thank you.
VastaKustutaAH! Talking alligator! TALKING ALLIGATOR!
VastaKustutaOh for the love of Celestia, Applejack as Ariel? NO! Put her in a good movie! I can maybe see her as Mulan. Mulan was nice. But not THAT movie!
VastaKustutaSorry... I have issues with The Little Mermaid. Issues like hating it with the flaming fury of a thousand stars going nova. And I'm a big AJ fan...
Yeah, sorry again. I love everything else, especially Rarity in Beauty and the Beast. And I don't know why Dash and Gilda in Tangled amuses me so, but it does.
I love the art style here. Rarity, Bon Bon and Derpy, and the CMC and Lyra all made me chuckle, and Applejack looks way cuter than she should as a mermaid.
VastaKustutaGreat stuff! Kudos and praise to the artist!
@Party Favors
VastaKustutaMight I ask why you hate TLM? o.0 I kinda liked it growing up.
Luna is best pony.
VastaKustutaBwahahaa~! Cheshire Pinkie. So Fitting!!
VastaKustutaCMC Fairy Godmothers. May Celestia have mercy on Lyra's soul.
@.@ Do not be alrmed! I come bearing Gummy's classy cola. Free soda for all!
VastaKustutaam I the only person that thought of:
*button press*
I love these. And just noticed that one of the other Diamond Dogs is the teapot. XD
VastaKustutaI was a little distracted by the TALKING ALLIGATOR!
I love Gummy cola.
VastaKustutazomg yes
VastaKustuta*wink* Stay classy my friends.
Wow. Tangledash was amazing. Using way-too-much-thinking(c), it's brillant. Y'know, because at the end, Rapunzel loses the shininess of her hair, and the colors become dull.
VastaKustutaWell, he already looks and talks nicer than the frog...
VastaKustutaIf you go by the story of Into the Woods, she dies.
Then she loses all of her hair.
@MisterBull (Sorry about not being able to reply properly, I'm on an iTouch.)
VastaKustutaThe entire escapade strikes me as very Disney-princess, but completely overdone. Sebastian and Flounder (I think that's his name) just annoy the heck out of me. The only songs I could find at all enjoyable were "Part of Your World" and "Poor Unfortunate Souls". The constraining parental figure was blown into epic proportions. And Ariel. That flippin' little... She is a complete idiot
compared to all the other princesses, does the whole "I
want a better world" thing WAY too much (You're waited
on hand and... well, fin! Your life is already pretty dang
awesome! Honestly, life on land isn't that great,
dimwit!) and basically SELLS HER SOUL so she can be
with a guy she's never spoken to. To be perfectly
honest, I was rooting for Ursula, the best thing to come
out of that movie.
The whole thing just irks me on a deep level. And this is coming from a big Disney princess movie fan. Though granted, I don't hate it as much as I do A Christmas Story... But don't get me started on that. I've spent way too much time ranting.
Sorry for cluttering the comments section, folks.
Wouldn't AJ technically be a Hippocampus in that?
VastaKustuta@Party Favors
VastaKustutaYou hate Christmas Story? Go back to Mother Russia, you Commie bastard.
Pinkie's face is absolutely perfect.
VastaKustutaVery cute comic. I think they'd be so much better with ponies too. :> I can't decide out of them which I like best, I love'em all. Though the frog trying to kiss Luna was cute and funny... *kissu~ kissu~*
VastaKustutaHEEHEE, this is awesome! All of these are really cute!
VastaKustutaTo be that frog... >.>
Love it, but I still think Mulan would have been cool. Spike could have been Mushu.
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle is best pony.
VastaKustuta... Oh, yeah, and the comic was great too.
I think we're all biased about ponies by now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't watch these though.
VastaKustuta@Luna Well, your highness, he was a frog. They just hop from one relationship to the next. No staying power!... Or so I hear.
VastaKustutaAnd I like "Rarity and the Beast".
pretty amusing. Pinkie = Cheshire Cat works well
VastaKustuta*Thinks of more Disney-Pony Combos*
VastaKustutaUh... Stronghearthontas?
I can't believe I'm saying this but Gilda was effing adorable. :V
VastaKustutaAlso, Celestia kinda looks like a teapot... in an adorable sort of way.
Angel's expression at the end FTW.
VastaKustutaThat truly is a weird pony up there...
VastaKustutaOh man, I didn't notice that at first! It's truly priceless XD
Definitely an awesome comic!
... Plus Twilight is best pony. And Spike is best fez wearer.
Oh yes! Mad Derpy and Cheshire Pie!
VastaKustutaThe best moment in this: "Is it weird to have a kissing cutie mark?"
VastaKustutaReally scraping the bottom of the barrel there kids.
I don't know why, but the CMC as the three fairies amuses me in particular.
VastaKustutaChesire Pinkie...
VastaKustutaThis comic is gold.
We're still waiting for Princess Phoe to come wake the Mare Maiden, Lyra.
VastaKustuta@GummyThree Cheers for Gummy, bringer of awesome carbonated beverages! HIP HIP HOORAY!
VastaKustutaAlso Fluttershy as Snow White and the CMC as the fairy godmothers...so CUTE!
VastaKustutaYou know Fluttershy Is suitable on any Disney princess roles lol
VastaKustuta*imagines her singing Disney princess style like she did in The Best Night Ever*
I just love Gilda's adorable beak.
VastaKustutaDat Octavia.
VastaKustutaThese... make me lol.
VastaKustutaHoity Toity a tramp? Lol. He's still wearing his normal outfit, even.
VastaKustutaLittle Strongheart as Pocahontas = OBVIOUS!
And I ASSUME that's Blueblood yelling at Robin Goof and Little Snip because, well, who else fits? :P
Pretty good update overall.
meh. first ones were better.
VastaKustutaAnd yes, I've decided Snails gets to be Robin Hood even though he's bigger than Snips.
VastaKustutaSeth it might just be my future derp vision but didnt ya post the first comic already?
VastaKustutaDerpy as Mad Hatter > Johnny Depp as Mad Hatter.
VastaKustutalol I love these
VastaKustutaOctavia deserves better
VastaKustuta>>Once Upon a Pony
VastaKustutaThat's an anime.
Oh no, now one includes me... and Hoity Toity. Ehh, could've been worse. Least I wasn't named the "tramp" in it. ;)
VastaKustutaHoity Toity in a straight ship?
VastaKustutaThis is wonderful!
VastaKustutalolwut at 101 Ponies.
VastaKustutaOctavia and the Tramp....HA!
VastaKustutai really loved Tangled, but it would so totally been 20% cooler if it was Tangledashed, or..... However thats spelled. Eventually somepony should actually write fics based off these!!!