The first part of this is something we've already showcased here, but when a comic with this much life and polish updates with a new piece, it deserves its own dedicated post. I think you'll agree we made the right call here. Enjoy the continuing adventures of North Star and her quest to find the party pony who not only bumped her flank, but her heart as well. So much d'aww. I could stare at this forever...
North Star Dwells, Part 1
North Star Dwells, Part 2
North Star Dwells, Part 3
North Star Dwells, Part 4
North Star Dwells, Part 5
North Star Dwells, Part 6 (New!)
I find this to be more funny than anything - I mean really, a (potential) shipping story out of a 3 second clip? That's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteWith the recent comment activity I think it's pretty obvious that we have a parasprite infestation that needs some intense loving and tolerating.
ReplyDeleteAlso, love these comics
All this over a 3-second clip of Pinkie Pie bumping into her.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why I love this fandom so much. This is AWESOME.
This is bloody hilarious!
ReplyDeletewut wut in the butt
ReplyDeleteI love this comic
ReplyDeleteXD I re-watched the episode to find this happen to the purple pony the first time you posted this.
ReplyDeleteTo be guaranteed a role in this fandom, a minimum of 3 seconds of screen time is needed.
ReplyDeleteShe find pinkie making out with dash!
ReplyDeleteThis is cute :3
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the next couple of pages.
And then she walked in on Dashiepie
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think that it will eventually reach a point where every single frame of the show will have it's own baseless fanon.
ReplyDeleteWhich is wonderful.
Ehhh...what's so great about this? I don't get it.
ReplyDeletePlus, girl-pony-on-girl-pony shipping sucks.
I <3 Johnjoseco so much. It's like christmas every time I see I have a deviantWatch message for his stuff.
ReplyDeleteYou know what we really need more of(if we have any at all)? Graphic novel fanfics. Get some people like Johnjoseco for the art, and Pen Stroke + Batty Gloom for the writing. The result would be so full of win, I lack the words to describe it.
ReplyDelete*rub rub*
John's getting his own blog post here? I'm sure he'll be excited to find out. Congrats man.
ReplyDelete>I think you'll agree we made the right call here
ReplyDeleteehhhh...no, not really. I find nothing particularly special or interesting about this.
To each their own though.
ReplyDeleteWhats so great about past sins? i dont get it.
What is with Lyra in the 3rd comic? Lol
ReplyDeleteHer heart? But Pinkie clearly sexually harassed her!
ReplyDeleteOh Lyra.
ReplyDeleteLyra saves her heart for Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteThis is a Cinderella for the modern age, with butts instead of glass slippers.
ReplyDeleteI like how the artist specifies that this is not canon
I've been watching this comic for awhile now, I find it hilarious that a pony with 3 seconds of screen time is getting her own comic. Blast this community, you make everything so awesome.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I'd sell my soul to the devil to get a Johnjoseco piece!
ReplyDeleteHave you read through any of Past Sins?? (And I mean more than a page or two and then deciding that it's too long)
I LOVE that fic, but to each his own...
@M1Abrams No soul selling required:
@Anonymous I do believe that he was making a point.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see more.
ReplyDeleteI do and its so bad, opinions.
This is so wonderful, so wonderful, so cute!
ReplyDeleteJJ is the God of the pony Drawfriends.
ReplyDeleteI have a question, unrelated to the context, why isn't fimfiction along the other pony-related site links? Just asking cuz I had hard time finding it after my chrome decided to wipe out all the data :/
ReplyDeleteHah! I think we've found our next hapless background pony. Good stuff. Moreso than it seems possible.
ReplyDeleteI really don't get the whole shipping want, but if it creates amusing comics like these, who am I to complain.
ReplyDeleteAhh, Derpy and her Muffins...
ReplyDeleteshe's got the fever
ReplyDeletePinkie fever
There's just something so badong about this on so many levels that I can't help but love it.
ReplyDeleteOh nice, they made more parts to this comic. Though I font like to believe -every- pony from Canterlot is real snobbish or such. I like to think some of them are just as nice as ponies anywhere else. :) Still, I like these comics. I see where this is going too of course. lol Keep'em coming. :)
ReplyDeleteOh nice one. I demand moar!
ReplyDeleteWHUT?! I was GOING to make a Lyrarapefaceplz account on DA for Lyra in the third panel in the third comic, but I can't, because there's some... Pokemon-like person! GAH!
ReplyDelete*Ahem* A-anyhoof... *Ahem* I can't wait to see where this goes! 8D
>one rainbow colored pony
ReplyDelete>EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. assumed to be gay.
The GREAT and POWERFUL Trevor is NOT ammused! (Though one must admit that the site of the muffin makes one hungry!)
ReplyDeleteWhy am I so amused by this?
ReplyDeleteWhat have you Bronies done to me?
ReplyDelete>implying North Star is searching for Pinkie Pie just to get with her.
There are many possibilities with how this will end, and not all of them involve shipping.
For example, here's a possible scenario: North Star has experienced a type of fun that she is alien to - the fun that ponies get to enjoy when they don't care how they are viewed by others, because they know they're only having harmless fun. Because the feeling is alien to her, she believes that the feeling can only be experienced by "that pink pony" nudging her rump. This is reinforced by the shocked reactions of North Star's peers when she asks for a favour, and by the feeling not being the same by those who go through with her request. So, she feels compelled to find Pinkie Pie to try to experience what she doesn't realise is carefree fun.
Once North Star finally finds Pinkie, she'll come to realise it's not the action nor is it the pony that matters, it is whether North Star truly feels like she is having fun or not. Cue letting hair down, dress being put away, and a montage of scenes including kite-flying, spending time with new friends, and baking stuff to name a few.
Do you understand any of that? The comic isn't necessarily a shipping one, it can still make that clear. Not that a shipping tale would be bad, considering this comic also has stacks of charm and humour to boot
These are awesome! And two more still to come!
ReplyDeleteI really like the way this is drawn. It just works as a comic.
ReplyDeleteDitzy Doo- Best Hook-up artist ever.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is this? Honestly, I hate shipping anyway, but this makes even less sense than usual. Smh... I worry about this fanbase sometimes. I can't wait till season 2 starts so we'll have less of this crap.
ReplyDeleteI don't like shipping at all but this is hilarious
ReplyDelete- Crapton of characters
- 4 males with speaking rolls
- 1 married
- 1 that people do ship with other characters
- 2 syncophantic morons that fall in the too stupid to live catagory
- 1 timelord that gets paired with derpy for some reason
So yeah, there is an intense lack of respectable single male cannon characters. Self insert shipping is more weird than normal shipping (ponyshipping is the only shipping I read, since it tends to follow the rule of adorable or rule of funny moreso than other fandom shipping), so therefor there ends up being tons and tons of f/f shipping.
Maybe she's trying to summon the genie of the butt.
ReplyDeleteThis is going in a very interesting direction. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends with shipping, but it might be more interesting if the ending is something different, something unexpected.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I'm sure I'll like it either way.
And Lyra.
The Devourer of Baked Goods might not realize it but she's just done North Star a solid.
ReplyDelete>There are many possibilities with how this will end, and not all of them involve shipping.
I bet that, upon finding Pinkie, North Star kicks her in the face, yells, "How do YOU like it?", and runs away.
Lrya's face in part 3. Really like the artstyle of this comic.
ReplyDeleteHurr durr. I can't wait for the culmination of this nonsense. :D
ReplyDeleteShe lives in Canterlot and decides to find the unknown pinkie pony by asking around in various towns. Why in the name of Celestia didn't she start with Ponyville who's the closest settlement? Would have saved her a lot of time.
ReplyDeleteI'd belive that this is something of her mother pinkie hasn't seen for a while
ReplyDelete>There are many possibilities with how this will end, and not all of them involve shipping.
True. They ARE ponies after all, and real life ponies nudge, bump and nibble on each other all the time. It's how they communicate and socialize, whereas with humans it wouldn't leave that deep of a feeling unless there were something sexual going on. Shipping is a little played out, I'd be pleasantly surprised to see another type of relationship pan out. In this case, it would be exciting and good for Pinkie to have an unlikely but stable friend who doesn't have issues of their own (Twilight's intelligence with Rarity's grace, for example).
I do wonder about the seemingly snobbish guests at the Gala -they couldn't ALL have been jerks, because how many of them were singing and excited before the Gala started?
ANNNDDD... if you wanted to ship North Star with any pony, how about Octavia? That could lead into a reunion with her sister, Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteSo... Let me get this straight, Ms. Star. You appear to have fallen in love with a pony you don't know, and are currently searching Equestria for her, all because she sexually molested you. Is that correct?
*writing on notepad*
Possible... Borderline... Stock... Holm... Syndrome...
You do know that life ISN'T a romantic comedy, Ms. Star?
Pinkie will probably not return her feelings, but find a new friend. Or just find this pony that's attracted to her kind of weird.
ReplyDeleteThis is absurd.
yay! Part 5 says on DeviantArt (I've never read cupcakes and I never intend to) so, at least I don't have to fear where this is going!
ReplyDeletei want to see the rest of it.......
ReplyDeleteWow, Equestria really needs therapist ponies. Between this pony and the rest of the population of Ponyville, Someone could make an awful lot of bits just by being there.
ReplyDeleteIt was three seconds for us, but for her, it was a life trembling moment.
ReplyDeleteBUT MY BODY
Dude the fifth page has been out for days ಠ_à²
ReplyDeleteSo Pinkie gone sad mode after Gala? I wonder why
ReplyDeletePinkie will say yes and it'll dive right into PALcomix territory. (if you get my drift, AND I KNOW YOU DO)
ReplyDeleteI almost had a heart attack on page 5 with pinkamena and the party invite but then I read the note *phew*
ReplyDeleteWhere the heck is ending????????
ReplyDeleteOh boy... now I'm scared to see the ending to this. Hopefully we'll be pleasantly surprised? lol
ReplyDeleteWhat, you mean with lazy, off-model drawing and a weird fixation on spanking?
ReplyDeleteGood gracious, I hope not. I'd sooner see it descend into cupcakes territory than something as perfectly terrible as that.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to say this, but...
*hipster shades*
I read 4 and 5 long before they were on EqD
*is shot*
inb4 cupcakes
ReplyDeleteRead this before it popped up on Equestria daily.
ReplyDeleteartist states "The Pinkamena I know is based on the show. "
i'm going to guess becuase she says "say we're having a lovely party" its going to have sir lintsalot and Madame leFlour and that lot in the next part.
Comics great though, really like the simple background on panel three of page five, it fitted the difference in mood.
It's important to understand that creating a story out of 3 seconds is easier than a much longer scene. With just a blank background pony, there is so much story to fill in that the author can imagine whatever they want and there is no canon to clash with.
ReplyDeleteHm...flat-haired pinkie pie, inviting random pony to a "party" upstairs.
haha I love that I'm geeking out over a random pony that appeared for all of three seconds onscreen. I can't imagine how insane things will get when season 2 starts airing. I just feel sad for all those other ponies who appeared in that one episode for a few seconds who will never get their spotlight because all the old BG ponies will be forgotten in a month :|
ReplyDeleteOh geez, Pinkamena Diane Pie's back.
ReplyDeleteGET out of there quickly she is going to make cupcakes out you.
ReplyDeleteI honestly freaked out as soon as I saw Pinkamena - that us how powerful her characterization has become. And I haven't even read Cupcakes yet (Not that I will. I listened to the musical, that was good enough for me).
ReplyDeleteSo pinkie pie rubs her butt so she goes on a mission to find her so she can have her butt rubbed?
ReplyDeleteShe gonna get ate.