• Comic: Great and Powerful

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    Like the Great and Powerful Trixie wouldn't be all over this.  She would leap at the chance to go Alicorn mode.  I don't think Nightmare Moon could deal with the obnoxiousness though.  Trixie already thinks shes better than everypony else, I can't imagine what this would do to her ego. 


    1. HOLD ON A SECOND...
      I wanted to favourite the carp out of that. :|

    2. But seth...she didn't hav wings! :/ It seems like Trixie and NM kinda...joined

    3. I for one welcome our new Great and Powerful overlord.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Oh, bloody hell. We're all doomed now.

    6. so great and powerful

    7. Oh silly Seth! THIS is the correct source:


      Absolutely stunning art.

    8. Dat art. annnd yeah I gotta call bull shit. Nightmare moon would off herself before doing this

    9. Whoa, Nightmare Trixie is really badass-looking.

      I dunno, I think the comic depicts it well. I'm sure she'd be scared of seeing that at first. I's sure freak me out initially. But once Nightmare offered her such intense power and reminded her of what Twi and the gang said and did, she'd accept. Though yeah... the ego, oh the ego on that one. lol Really beautifully-done comic.

    10. On a related note, I now want a Nightmare version of myself. Probably look about the same though, with different colors.

    11. One of the things I like about this comic is that Trixie doesn't "go alicorn". The Nightmare merely enhances what's already there. Physically, magically, and emotionally.

    12. No Trixie don't go to the dark side.

    13. So Trixie is now a showier Anakin Skywalker submitting to the coercion of Nightmare Palpatine.

    14. As awesome as everything else about this is, the art style is really making the picture for me. I can't place it exactly, but it just feels like a more realistic cartoony style. In some ways kind of like Disney, or like when Family Guy copied their animation style in the one episode except with more what I'd like to say is a cell shading style?

      I can't really think of what this reminds me of. But whatever it is, it's awesome. Or should I say Great and Powerful?

    15. Great comic. Was the first bit of fanfic i read excluding that god awful cupcakes one (yes i know, shut up). Great drawings too :)

    16. Second fail tonight Sethisto. Get sum sleep!!!
      (Wrong source linked)


    18. Am I the only one who noticed that Nightmare Trixie is a blank-flank?

    19. So very bweetiful art. Lovely style :D

      @Octavia: noted. The idea of Nightmare Octavia is... intriguing. I might give it a pop at some point.

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. I'm not really worried, I can't see Trixie doing anything that bad, even when she is combined with the Nightmare essence. At the most she would scare the mane six and try to usurp the land from Celestia, realize how much work is involved and go back to her new and improved magic show. It would all blow over in a day or two.

    22. Good good let the hate flow through you. Soon your journey to the dark side will be complete.

    23. Trixie you just went full nightmare. You NEVER go full nightmare!

    24. I hope this turns out into an actual episode, because it would be BLoooody awesome.

    25. Not really a Trixie fan but i really like this comic. The style is wonderful.

    26. Trixie had just run away from the Ursa incident, lost and contemplating the events she had just gone through she wollows in.. in whatever ponies wollow in! In this case it was how she had made her self look foalish for such boasting which she was unable to backup and her cowardness for running off after all attention was on that Lavender pony, Twilight Sparkle...

      Suddenly a whisper in the trees calls out to her softly, a shade of a mare forming behind her unknowingly as Trixie gasped and looked around the swirling shadows encircling around her.

      Trixie takes a step back, her ears bent backwards, she's scared and confused as a now full blown shadowy figure with ruby red eyes seeped closer to Trixie. As it was upon her Trixie closed her eyes and the figure was gone, the instant she opened her eyes again the shade was on her oppisite side and began to whisper words of how she had nothing to fear, the shade began to offer her words of praise and started promising to help her become Greater and more Powerful a Trixie then she would without her help... of course all Trixie would have to do in exchange would be to eliminate the elements of Harmory and all her dreams would come true...

      "NEVER! I will NOT 'eliminate' any pony! I don't need your help! I AM Great and Powerful already!" Trixie barked at the shade...

      "Oh yes I witness your 'Great Power'" said the Shade said mockingly suddenly turning Trixie's attention to a twisted image she was displaying, supposedly the mares boasting about Twilight's feat against the Ursa Minor and how pathetic that Trixie pony was as all her boasting was all lies. The pony's in the image the Shade had projected for Trixie, exaggerating the events after Trixie's exit of Ponyville, the faces and eyes of the mares in the projection had a twisted evil all of whom kept supposedly making fun of Trixie.

      Trixie turned away unable to look or listen to their scathing remarks any longer. Words cutting her deep as any dagger possibly could... tears now streaming down her face as she admittedly did feel weak and useless... resentment building stronger within her as the voice of the mares in the image shown to her kept replaying in her mind. Her tears refused to stop as the voices of the mares and Twilight's boast of how much more a real unicorn she was compared to the hack of a pony Trixie was made Trixie's stomach churn and her resentment quickly grew into a spark of hate...

      This spark is all the Shade needed and whispered again her promises to make all of Trixie's sadness and fears wash away, that she would gain true power and be able to get her revenge of those who would dare mock.. the Great, and POWERFUL... Trixie closed her eyes and gave in to the Shade's will, and found herself being transported in an ocean darker then any night, she struggled for a moment gasping for air but nothing would reach her lungs...

      She had awoken in a flash! Trixie stood in that same spot, she had not even budged from her spot and now saw things in a new light. Her heart filled with one goal in mind. To exact her revenge of those who scorned her by destroying Twilight Sparkle and eliminate the Elements of Harmony!


      Sorry was bored and that picture was so amazing.. it speaks volumes and I would swear the whole thing screamed Disney quality! I wish I could say I love the NMTrixie but there was something less Trixie about her and just too much meh of a NM clone. Her persona would be hard to transfer I guess with having to share a body with the remnants of Nightmare Moons hate.

      Why do I feel this is going to some how be a plot twist in Past Sins? WHY?!

      P.S. There should be a "If this was a movie how would this movie play out" fanfic contest =P

    27. The Great and Powerful... NIGHTMARE TRICKSTER! >:3

    28. Hey some one have the same name with me~!

    29. Nighmare Trixie......Celestia save us.

    30. I love how she's still, technically, a unicorn, but the cape fills in the visual space that wings would otherwise take up.

    31. Oddly enough, my favorite part is her nigh unreadable expression in the last panel...
