The following comic is based on/inspired by a story featured right here on Equestria Daily. Go and read that here. For being the second best musical pony, Octavia sure does get a lot of attention. I can't decide if it's the mane or the adorable little bowtie, but I've got to admit she's got quite the charm about her. And in any event, this comic by gunslingerpen is absolutely enchanting. Dive in and get swept away. Also this comic is huge Now. Echoing page break page break page break...
Allegrezza: Page 1
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Allegrezza: Page 25 (New!)
93 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaNice. Page 5 is my new iPhone background.
VastaKustutaThat was fast
VastaKustuta>Second best musical based pony
VastaKustuta...Is Phoe looking to incite a riot or something?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaHey, I like Octavia, but only one pony has the spunk and can-do attitude to be at the top.
Those eyes
VastaKustutaThat was damn fast. This fic came out how long ago? Not very, if I'm right.
VastaKustutaOh, but Phoe! I'm not even a professional polka player, but okay! I'll take that challenge!
VastaKustutaI have nothing against electronic music, I would just prefer to maintain my hearing, As such; Octavia live, Vinyl recorded.
VastaKustutaOut of curiosity, are you talking about Vinyl or Lyra?
I saw this and thought that 3 more pages had been written to the story. I was mistaken however. Cool comic though ;D
VastaKustuta@Brian Johnson
You'd think most blog goers would be able to recognize their editor's favorite pony by now...
Bowties are cool.
VastaKustuta>implying Octavia can't get to the top with her class and elegance
o.o I have just realized theres like three Pinkie Pie's floating about!!! EVERYPONY!!!! WE HAVE PINKIE SPIES AMOUNG US!!!! *dives under AJ's apple cart and spies out on the world*
VastaKustutaThat aside.... This comic was just...... SHORT. Way. Too. Short.
Octavia cool, Lyra's cool, but Derpy Hooves ftw! ^_^
VastaKustutaAnd Luna too, because I love her so.
woo! hey gunslinspergen!!! Viva México cabrón!!!!!!! greetings from mexico city bronies!!
VastaKustutaWho are the music ponies?
VastaKustutaare they the ponies who's thing is music? Like Scatch, Lyra, Octavia, Sapphire Shores, Blues tones, and Sweetie bell?
Or is the requirement only that they are good at music like Fluttershy, Pinkie pie, or Rarity?
assuming that it's the former and not the latter then, that is a hotly contested debate. If it's the latter then the hole is simply deeper than the former
If Double Bass music was painting, this would be it!
VastaKustutaI really liked that, the art was exceptionally well done. Hopefully there's more sometime in the future.
VastaKustutaOh wow. While I was reading this my playlist jumped to Michael Giacchio's "The Constant" from Lost Season 4. Beautiful, moody piece for strings and piano.
VastaKustutaSecond best musician? Heeeeey... well, it's true. According to the poll there, Scratch is more popular than I. But I can see I'm still loved. <3
VastaKustutaVery much love the comic, nicely drawn and beautiful setting and atmosphere. That's how you handle such a performance: Stay calm and focused. :)
Am I the only one who tabbed out the image pic in Guitar Pro to see what it sounded like?
VastaKustuta>you will never be as nonchalant as Octavia
The book was better. This is well drawn though, I just think the fic had more emotion. I hope to see more of this, but I'm glad for now it hasn't gone past where I have read.
VastaKustutaIncidentally, that is the exact piece of music I always associate with Octavia.
VastaKustutaLet me put it this way Octavia, if friends dragged me along to go attend a club where Scratch was playing, I would go along. If I had to pay to get in, I'd pass on it.
You however, I'd pay top dollar for. You're the musician I'd camp out for good seats for.
So yeah, in terms of moneys worth, I feel like there's no risk of feeling ripped off attending one of your concerts.
VastaKustutaIt's actually been hanging around on my DA for about two weeks. I'm still so very excited about this comic, IMO, it's very. Very. Freakin'. Awesome.
Also, Octavia is the only musician with even a modicum of class. Although she wouldn't expect any of you bronies, listening to that crass noise you call "dubstep," to even understand such a concept. ;)
@Xort So are fezzes
VastaKustutaOctavia IS the best musical pony. Period.
VastaKustutaOctavia and Vinyl Scratch exist as equals. They are the goddess ponies of music.
VastaKustutaBy page 8 I had a feeling Tavi is about to meet Scratch. :)
VastaKustutaWe'll just have to see won't we?
(Personally I really really really hope this doesn't involve shipping....)
DJ pony incoming
VastaKustutafukken ninja'd (sort of)
VastaKustutaInb4 she meets Vinyl Scratch
VastaKustutainb4 glowing green drinks, rave, and drunktard Octavia
VastaKustutaI just realized that Octavia kinda looks like my evil choir instructor when I was in high school…
VastaKustuta"I just want a drink"
VastaKustutaDamn, I've had those nights.
Okay I'm going to resist the urge to just post something snarky and leave it at that, so here comes some constructive criticism:
VastaKustutaThe writing is bad. The word bubbles are weird (what's up with the transparency?), the way they're placed makes it hard to figure out what order they're supposed to go in (page 8 is particularly egregious in this regard: panels are supposed to move the same way text does, left-to-right and top-to-bottom, so if you put them in a Z shape like that we're going to get lost), and the dialog itself reads strangely and just doesn't feel right.
the scratching is in the air now lol
VastaKustuta@A Pony Farce
VastaKustutaOh, whoops, I kind of meant to say more before posting that.
Basically, I would recommend using more traditional comic-style bubbles (I suspect that the transparency is because you don't want to cover up the art, and while I understand that desire if professional comic artists can have proper word bubbles in their panels then you can too), placing the word bubbles and panels in a stricter, more traditional manner (I get the feeling that page 9's bubbles are meant to be read in a kind of backwards N shape, which again really isn't how it's done), and touching up the dialog so it reads more smoothly (maybe try reading the words out loud to make sure they sound right when spoken).
Oh man, I like where this comic is going.
VastaKustutaClearly Octavia is more talented. For all 3 seconds of screen time the DJ had, we have no way of knowing if she was playing her own music or jamming out other people's music (cuz DJs do that too, right.) Given they're even in the same room, it's more likely she was there to fill in the time between Octavia's band performances. She is cool tho. I'm sure Vinyl gets all the chicks!
VastaKustutaI know I'm going to love this comic and, without a doubt, I am.
VastaKustuta*jaw drop*
VastaKustutaGorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
Love this comic
VastaKustutaI can kind of see where its going
And then Octavia was entranced by the trance.
VastaKustutaGuitar Tab for Octavia?
VastaKustutaWhat kind of pony do you think she is, anyway?
More comics. :)
VastaKustutaThough, I'm always portrayed as being so down. Though that's understandable, being a cello player in an Orchestra is tough business, even if you're a solo player sometimes. :(
I just want... a drink... *sees Anarchist symbol on window* Oh boy...
Also, bet I know what blue mane DJ is in there.
Sweettttt, 4 NEW PARTS, =DDDDD
VastaKustutaTricked yet again... when i will learn to tell the difference between the comic post and the story post. D=
VastaKustutaPretty good. I definitely empathise with Octavia here.
VastaKustuta@Octavia Thought I was gonna be the only one to notice that anarchist symbol in the window... I wonder what will happen next.
VastaKustuta"What is this place, filled with so many wonders?!" @ episode 11? :)
VastaKustutaSo i read page 10 and was like "I wanna take you to a gay bar!"
VastaKustutaGay bars doesn't exist in Equestria, instead they have het bars. At least that's the impression somehow could get after reading a few Shipping Fics. ;)
VastaKustutaOctaiva enters a disco. This is going to be interesting.
Perhaps it will be...perhaps...
VastaKustutaGotta say, I feel for GunSlinger...this project is going to take him a while to complete, the fic itself isn't done yet. XD
"…a glass of your Jura whisky."
VastaKustutaOctavia definitely have good taste in her choice of drinks. <3
For some reason when I read this comic I thought of this song:
I can see Octavia playing something like this for some reason.
I can't for the rave!! UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE!!
VastaKustutaThis is great keep it up its nice to have visuals to my favourite and first fan fic ive read
VastaKustutaVinyl sure is nice helping a random drunk stranger. Though Octavia does make a cute drunk!
VastaKustutaFanfic, awesome.
VastaKustutaComic based on fanfic, also awesome.
Phase 3: Animated comic based on comic based on fanfic- GO!
Phase 4: plus voice acting.
All the ponies in this community are layers of awesome!
-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
I suspect I'd enjoy this more if I hadn't spent the entirely of yesterday evening in a hospital for being rascally drunk.
VastaKustutaI've only ever drank twice in my life, but right now a plot revolving around whiskey (even from my lovely homeland) is less attractive somehow...
We will be waiting for more.
VastaKustutaInduring me getting shipped. Of course. lol The whiskey thing still... ugh. I've still not read the fanfic (sorry), but I'm pretty sure I know where this is going...
VastaKustutaThis comic is so full of...ATMOSPHERE. I could just drink this comic in.
VastaKustutaLyra and Octavia are the only pro musicians. DJ is just loud noice
VastaKustutaI didnt know it was that easy to rape girls.
VastaKustuta*sees page 25* I like where this comic is going.
VastaKustutaThe English in this comic is atrocious, but I really like the idea and the style. I'll be following it.
VastaKustutaI just cant wait for more.
VastaKustutaWhy are there always three exclamation points and not just one? That is too much exclamation for my taste.
VastaKustutatypical rape scenario
VastaKustutaHmm.. This is going to get interesting :)
VastaKustutaI went ocd crazy when I saw that Vinyl's cutie mark was facing the wrong way
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI can't even understand the text. This is why we use grammar. Is it because she is so drunk or are you inexperienced in the use of the English language? If you are having this much trouble, people are willing to help you edit.
VastaKustutaI meant why is her cutie mark a treble clef, when she plays a bass instrument
VastaKustutaI loooove Allegrezza. Not sure why the grammar is so terrible, but the art itself is fantastic.
VastaKustutaBoy, you know, I haven't gotten around to the fic (it's in my queue) but the grammar in this comic is kinda... atrocious.
VastaKustutaAlso, am I the only one that finds the comic really surreal? Like with all the colors and weird repetitions and zooming-ins? Trippy. Kinda cool in a way.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustuta^ This
haha, drunken Tavi. Cute
VastaKustutaThanks... I need a new jaw now seeing how often it just keeps slamming to the floor..... DAMN you been busy!
VastaKustutaI forget how short those pages are xD but love the atmosphere presented in them. I hope you keep doing these to the stories end xD so nice to have a visual to go with a fic for a change ^^
VastaKustutaSo, I was listening to some dance and rave music while viewing this comic, and it fit together perfcectly :D Well done,gunslingerpen
VastaKustuta@animemetalhead Dude, it's Bach's cello suite no.1...Everypony should know what that sounds like O_O. And also his Toccatta and Fuge in Dm.
VastaKustuta....it's Bach!
Suddenly, fifteen pages of awesome out of nowhere.
VastaKustutaI loved the "That way... ish" part XD
That said, at some parts the English seemed a touch disjointed, and made me expect to see "Somebody set up us the bomb" =3
What? second best musician? Phoe you be trolling! XD
VastaKustutaReading. Okay this is good.
VastaKustutaReading. I kind of like this.
Reading. We'll done.
Reading. OctaScratch. Macbook flies out the window.