• Canterlot Playset Commercial

    For those of you not currently watching the various cartoon channels out there, Dubs Rewatcher has recorded the Canterlot toy commercial and uploaded it to his youtube channel.

    You can find it after the break!

    77 kommentaari:

    1. Look at how much they love Luna! :D

    2. (FUCK YOU SMALL CHILDREN!!!!!) I shall continue to love and tolerate until I can also go to Canterlot...

    3. ...Is it wrong that I kinda like the version of the MLP theme in this commercial?

    4. Aww loved the animation in the beginning.

    5. my guess is that they are trying to get more into the pony craze before season 2?


    6. >Princess luna

    7. Soo... uh... at least video Celestia wasn't pink. I mainly just care about that bed at the end. If only I could be brave enough to go out and buy one, and hope that it doesn't break under my weight.

    8. I have the bed sheets and comforter they sell. It's kind of cheaply made, but it's not bad. But the throw blanket is so good

    9. Better then the ads we get over here in the uk at least. Woohoo.

    10. I want to follow Princess Celestia to Canterlot, skipping along with my bff. ;___;

    11. That's because everyone loves Luna. And if you don't you're wrong. >:( Kidding of course. <3

      To Canterlot! I'll see you all there!

    12. >Watching vid
      >Advert ends, new advert sneaks in before video ends
      >GLUE is shown in the last frame
      >raisins face: "OH FUCK NO!"

    13. @TheguywithZeldasprites

      It's very difficult, especially when there's a girl working in the video games section right next to you and there's people of all wages walking by. But after you pay for it at the cashier you feel like you've accomplished something awesome

    14. Knights, I bid you welcome to your new home! Let us ride... to CANTERLOT!

    15. I actually cannot watch that without cringing...
      And I am definitely a brony...

    16. There's a new Looney Tunes show?


      ALL OF IT

    18. This came on tv the other day and my dad stared at me the whole time it was on.

      I couldn't look at him. xD

    19. i keep forgetting they were aiming for the little girl demographic with this show

    20. I like how Celestia is white in the commercial and all of the ponies are "princess ponies." Equestrian politics must be a mess right now.

      Also, I saw this commercial before it was posted here.

    21. @Mattatatta
      I... honestly don't know how to respond to this discovery. I'm stupefied.

    22. I cannot believe I just got so excited over a MLP commercial. My life is very different from the way I pictured it a year ago and I love it.

    23. I want them to make the same commercial, but with grown men. Then I'll be sold.

    24. Oh yeeeaah! I saw this the other day. I loled at it.

    25. @U.H.

      Yeah, and it has little to do with the original cartoons. It's major flaw is that it fits the Looney Tunes characters more into real life than the old cartoons did. The only exceptions are the 3D Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote bits.

    26. @Lemonite

      His exact thoughts, "I wonder, is my son going to go off and frolic through that wonderland of magic, or has he already done it before I even found out this existed."

    27. Is it just me or does that girl look like Diamond Tiara at the end?

    28. @ Decayed:
      Leave that to the bronies, they can do it without risking stock market prices.

      I actually saw that on nickelodeon a few days ago... And the only thought that went through my head is: "This is what my parents and family think my little pony is."
      And the thought churned my stomach.
      Hasbro needs to figure out a better way to advertise their toys to more than just the little girl audience... Something that would make a brony proud to say: "I like this toy brand!"

    29. @princess chuchi
      I KNOW, RIGHT? At first I was like. "This is painful." Then I realized the pain was JEALOUSY.

    30. Ya know what i want. I want Twilight's bed spread from the show (stars and its blue and very cool looking). I would by that.

    31. @RazputinI know that feel bro =( When i saw it i was burning with "I want this NOWWW" feelings

    32. I dunno, Celestia doll still looks pink to me. Maybe it's the TV

    33. Anyone else remember that article saying that this show was just a ploy to increase toy sales? Well, that might not have been true, but it sure worked.

    34. @Rakshata

      I know, but I have no clue how Hasbro's advertising department could do that - especially since most of the toys they are trying to advertise are horrifyingly girly and inaccurate to the show.

      Ironically, I saw an advert for the new Nerf line coming next month today (shortly after the pony advert, too), and we all know that Nerf guns are MEANT for kids, but I was pumped when I saw the ad and found out that new Nerf blasters were on their way. The big irony about this is that Hasbro OWNS Nerf and My Little Pony, surely they'd have an advertising team who can make My Little Pony toy adverts more appealing to everyone like they can make Nerf adverts watchable by anyone.

      Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go camp in my local Walmart and wait for the new blasters coming out next month. While I'm there I'll buy some paints, some ponies, and a camping set. When I return home, I'll immediately start repainting the blaster in a pony colour scheme, and draw and colour Cutie Marks on the discs.

      My gun shall be called a "Portable Friendship Stabiliser Cut-13M4RK"

    35. The day Hasbro understands its TRUE audience and we see Bronies in their commercials, I'll rejoice reality a little more~

    36. This is the first time I've heard a toy commercial sing the updated MLP theme. That's a step up, I think.

      I would so buy the throw blanket if it was just a little larger, and had Luna on it.

    37. @ToonNinjaCanterlot.



      It's only a model.


    38. On second thought let us not go to Canterlot, for it is a silly place.

    39. oh god

      Now I got a bunch of troll comments on my other vids


    40. Dat bed set, only if it was made in king size. (I could sew two twins together I guess)

    41. @Altherix
      Thank you! For a second there I feared nobody would get the reference!

    42. I can just see it now, hasbro puts out a commercial aimed at bronies... can you see it? A bunch of grown men laughing, grinning ear to ear in their MLP pj's, playing with their Twilight or Celestia doll, frolicking through the Canterlot playset, jumping on the MLP bed spread, exclaiming "Wow! So pretty!"... I just giggled a little inside at the hilarity of the scene unfolding in my mind, and now with further thought on it, I am cringing with horror. The sudden shift of emotions has left me broken :( wait, here is fluttershy to mend me up. yay
      disturbed yet? I just disturbed myself

    43. Celestia. So pretty. And still not an official plotshot in sight. I wonder if that's intentional.

      Anywho, I'm always surprised when I see how big those toys are. They're a lot bigger than I imagine them being.

    44. Think it would have been funny if two bronies went skipping into canterlot... actually no. fillies and colts, your nightmare for the next week

    45. You know, I SAW this commercial a few days ago on Cartoon Network myself.

      I had to do a double take because I was "WAIT, WHAT THE HECK?", because up until that point, I'd never seen ANY of the recent MLP: FiM commercials. At all.

      I'd only seen it once, though, and this vid confirms it was the one. I thought I was going nuts for a while there.

      Glad to know that's not the case.

    46. >MLP toy commercial
      >Followed by commercial with glue

      Well, now we know what happens if we don't buy the products...

    47. Only problem- no life-size plush Celestia with real horse hair!

    48. I am encoding this commercial direct off a net transfer from my TiVo as I type this. I saw it during an episode of Adventure Time. The file on my computer is a bit for bit copy of the MPEG2 stream from Comcast's broadcast of Cartoon Network.

      I'm reencoding to MP4 and plan to post it as a video response. I just have to trim the commercial out of the show, transcode it to the final file, and upload it to youtube. It'll be a few more minutes.

      7 minutes for the current encode, and a few more minute to clip it, transcode, and upload it.

    49. I really wish Hasbro would make more of an effort to make their commercials less embarrassing and more accurate.

      Wait, scratch that. I wish Hasbro would fix their toys.

      Bluh Pink Celestia ugh. At least the animated her was right, though the voice was horribly off.

      I'm going to cut myself off before I write a fifty-page long rant about Hasbro.

    50. I use to watch the show "Beast Wars" and buy all the toys. The toys were ok but many times did not look like the characters on the show.

      Fast foward 10 years later and Hasbro still has this problem.

    51. Cause them toys are made in china.
      Possibility not the problem, but I would drop a bit of coin just to have it manufactured in a more efficient country.

    52. @Sun Ray

      Buy it, and pull out the metallic strands. There is only one "tinsel" strand per nylon bundle. probably around 60 individual strands.

      It's really not as bad as you'd think. It color matches with the nylon strands well, and under point source lighting, reflects numerous points of light. It's probably the closest thing to Nightmare Moon's night sky mane as is physically possible in a toy.

      Yes, I realize that her hair goes normal after her purification or release, or whatever season 2 will call it, by the elements of harmony. It's still an interesting effect.

      The Nylon is actually a three tone color set with the light silvery blue that Luna is most associated with, as well as a violet and magenta streak. Combined with the tinsel, it reminds me of Princess Celestia's aurora hair, complete with the glittering sparkles that are animated in.

      I wonder if Luna will make her return "Powered up" with a flowing mane like her sister in season 2? They might explain that her banishment and defeat weakened her. I could imagine such thing.

      We can only wait to see.

    53. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obo_9yyAIoA

      Commercial directly ripped from cable

    54. Lol, I probably wouldn't accept this if I hadn't watched the show, but I will admit that its better than their former commercials... I think it is....

    55. @ToonNinja

      We're knights of the round table, we dance when'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes with footwork impeccable. (i have to go rewatch the holy grail again now though)
      People getting monty python rerefences pleases me, hardly anyone ever does.

    56. @Retl

      There are actually three Luna toys, and two new Celestia toys.

      The big toys you noticed are the "Fashion Pony" toys. They have the same proportions as normal ponies, except they have both wings and a horn. In other words, they are the same size as a Fashion Rarity, or a Fashion Pinkie Pie, or a Fashion Applejack. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash aren't out in my area yet, but use the same winged body as Celestia and Luna. Not sure if there is a Fashion Twilight Sparkle out or in the works? Both Luna and Celestia are sold as a 2 pack Fashion set, with a bunch of accessories, and a folding carry box. They also have glittered wings, horns, and cutie marks. Fashion Luna's Eyes have a touch of eye shadow. ALL THE MAJOR CANTERLOT PONIES have tinsel embedded with the nylon hair. It creates a fairly impressive sparkle effect in Luna's hair, as the tinsel's base color is well matched to the nylon strands.

      The other Celestia and the second Luna are sold for a nice measly $10 or so in a set like the gift set. It's the SAME Celestia as the gift set, but her wins are made from a new translucent material, and there is more blues and less pinks in the paint on the molded hair. Luna has brushable hair, narrow eyes, glittered wings and horn, and a glittered cutie mark.

      The Last Luna is the MOST ABSURD Luna to acquire. It's the Shine Brite Luna, and it could stand for improvement, both in price and features. The cutie mark is TINY. They try to fit Luna's entire dark splotch on the posable leg, making it VERY TINY. Also, ONLY her WINGS light up. Even though They have Shine Brite ponies with horns that light (like Rarity), they opted to go with the wings only. Should have had both wings and horn both light up. All shine brite ponies have a wide body and wide stance to accommodate the battery case. Luna is no exception. They return to the larger eyes with eyeshadow for the shine brite version. Glitter is on the horn only, and the wings are translucent purple. Like all the Canterlot ponies, this one also has the tinsel hair. The biggest atrocity with the Shine Brite Luna is not the features or lack of (though no glowing horn is a pretty stupid thing to miss... Glitter does not make up for it). The biggest sttrocity is the PRICE!!! Currently, Shine Brite Luna is ONLY available in the LARGE Canterlot Castle Play Set. It comes with a tinsel hair Pinkie Pie, a folding cardboard castle... and a metric ASS LOAD of useless accessories. It comes with a frying pan and eggs!!! SRSY. A Shine Brite pony should be $10, a basic Mane 6 should be $5, and you are paying the remaining $25 for a cardboard box to hold all the leftover plastic bits from every other MLP play set that never sold.

      At least the cardboard castle has some cool easter eggs. Maybe it's pure coincidence, maybe not. It has a set of bedrooms for each princess, an entry hall with photos of the Mane 6, Spike and Celestia, a throne room topped with a ball room above, and a kitchen with a microwave (YES a microwave). In Luna's room is a telescope and an apple shaped TV with Pinkie Pie on the screen. I certainly hope someone in the art department of the toys division read Luna vs. Progress. That's the ONLY way that $40 is remotely worth it!

      The Fashion set and the Princess gift set are nice and the price isn't too bad for what you get. It's when you want that Shine Brite Luna that you'll have to make your wallet weep Jacksons.

    57. *** Continued Review of products in commercial ***

      Twi Plushie is nice for official merch. The hair is weird. I suspect if you tried to brush it too much it'd fall out. It's actually decent though. Hair and tail are on fabric "forms" underneath that try to mimic some degree of where the hair is supposed to sit, but the hair isn't long enough to look right. No attempt is even made to make the forelock look correct at all. Final look ends up being something along the lines of Twilight letting the CMM try to get their Cutie Mark Crusaders "Mohawk Barber" cutie marks. LOL

      Ran out of cash before I could plunk down on bedding or the story teller toy.

      I was also simply unwilling to spend $45 on the Mane 6 Gala set. GRANTED, it's only $7.50 per pony, which IS REASONABLE, but already having all the Mane 6, it's hard to justify. I went with the Luna toys instead. If you somehow don't have all the Mane 6, or you want the Mane 6 with glitter hair and very BASIC dresses, then by all means "Jump in it" (said with russian accent :) and buy this set. It too comes with a lame cardboard "playset". I don't get it. I looked on the other side of the aisle and saw a Littlest Pet Shop (also Hasbro) playset that had a PLASTIC castle that was decent sized for $45. MLP gets cardboard though... WTF!!!

      At least Rarity's Carousel Boutique is well made! It is musical, has double counter rotating main floor and roof carousels, and has 2 carousel ponies, one of which looks like a blind bag version of Scootaloo. ONLY criticism, They had Rarity (with tinsel hair), and a recolor pony. They had a hoard of useless plastic accessories. The carousel has pegs for 7 ponies, but only includes 2 ponies and 2 carousel pony figures. I'd have rather seen 7 carousel pony figures and less "hay fries" and sodas.

    58. Oh yeah... I totally forgot that there is a duplicate of Rarity's Gem Carriage, but with a Princess Celestia theme included with the $40 large Canterlot Playset. It has a mirror and a photo of Celestia on the rotating section in the middle. Different color scheme too. It will link up to Applejack's weird ass truck and to other gem carriages, so you can carpool with AJ. yay

      Also forgot all about the smaller canterlot castle set. It has a glitter hair Twilight SParkle and another recolor pony. It too has a metric ASS TON of useless accessories and a box. It's at least cheaper than the other set. It has a shoebox style slip on cover rather than a bi or tri fold setup like the fashion pony box or the large Canterlot box. I'd say this one is the BEST of the "box" playsets for storing the small accessories. They won't fall out any loose openings, and the box closes securely when the cover is on.




    59. You know what would be awesome? If they put 25yo beardy men instead of giggly girls in the spots.

      And I mean, big, hairy, giggly men.

    60. @ToonNinja

      You would be so proud of me... I have Holy Grail, Life of Brian, and Meaning of Life...


      RCA Selectavision CED discs. Vinyl records that have movies encoded on them. With all these Monty Python references being flung around, you're making me want to put them in and watch them again!

      Sadly, I don't think any My Little Pony videos existed yet when the format disappeared.

      Nothing quite compares to the pops and clicks of an old record... but with video!

    61. I just got cringed watching that LOL
      But hey it's mainly for little girls!
      and ya for bronies as well :P

    62. I consider myself a brony, prolly on the more hardcore side, but I'm still feeling uncomfortable with this commercial and those...toy thingies.
      My eyes are twitching as I watch it.

      The only MLP:FiM figures I actually like are the blindbag ponies and the HappyMeal ones.

      It's either me being too picky or Hasbro needs to change something.

    63. I keep forgetting that these are toys for little girls. I guess that's why all these ads are all pink and girly, As a reminder that the little girls were here first.

    64. What are these hairless things and why are they touching me!?
      And.. UGH! I think one of them just licked me!

      It's alright. I already know you love me.

    65. @LunaAww, we all love you, Luna.

      And I'm guessing you're not a fan of human foals? Given what the ones who live near me act like, I can't blame our mare of the moon.

    66. It's OK Luna... It's just that EVERYPONY loves Luna! Even the hairless foals!

    67. my eyes were twinging throughout that whole comercial, but then I saw the bed, then I was like O_O! I must have it!

    68. So, I was over at my mom's talking about stuff and we decided to watch loony toons and remark on how cartoons have changed. When suddenly, this commercial comes on. Of all the times for it to air... I immediately had to come on here to watch it again.

      Kinda sad that it's mostly G3 stuff, though.

    69. @ToonNinja

      Hey! I got the reference too! I love that movie. And a ponified version would be most welcome.

      "'In the frozen land of Nador they were forced to eat Pinkie's cupcakes. And there was much rejoicing.'
      Fluttershy: yay!"


      In all seriousness, while I love the show and the community that has formed around it, these commercials make me cringe. And it isn't how tailored they are to what Hasbro thinks appeals to little girls, just how inacurrate they are from the show.

      That said, the sheet set is kind of okay. I would get the throw.

    70. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Makes me think. Ya, do little girl stuff always have to make everyone else puke?! Young boys or adult women wouldn't look at all this pink shit. It's simply just that one SPECIFIC demographic... Now that My Little Pony is GOOD, I wonder if... maybe the show's popularity with their target demographic went to shit. That would be a terrifying thought. Faust said she thinks things for little girls don't have to be bad. Well, I've got NO idea how they think, so fuck I don't know.

    71. Now replace those kids with two 20-25 year old men. We'd still go apeshit monkey-bananas over that stuff.
