• Brony Stuff Confirmed for Season Two?

    Someone named Shaun recently sent Jinratgeist (The guy releasing behind the scenes season one clips on youtube) a few questions about the second season.  It's not a huge reveal or anything, and I'm pretty sure most of us could assume Season 2 would have something for us specifically, but it does confirm it. 

    Whether this is just Derpy Hooves, or a whole truckload of of fanon easter eggs remains to be seen.  I'm looking forward to all of the "HOLY CRAP DID YOU JUST SEE THAT!?" on /co/ when it does happen though!

    134 kommentaari:

    1. Expecting lots of plots

    2. As long as it's nothing but simple nods and not outright pandering, I'll be far more happy than I have a right to be.

      This is still pretty awesome.

    3. If they wanted it to appeal to me, they would have Luna as the main character in every episode.


    5. I really hope that this is just more silly background stuff and not outright fanservice. It's stuff like that which would ruin the show for me.

    6. Now I'm even more excited for season 2!

    7. Brony stuff, huh? If they wanted to make this appeal to me more than it already does, they'd make a spinoff series about Rainbow Dash.


    9. Pretty neat, I wonder if they'll release more details this month or next... ( we are getting close to 4th quarter of the year... can... not... WAIT!!! )

    10. and ofc i squeeled like a fangirl.

    11. I REALLY hope they know what they're doing if they start pandering. I'm sure it's little easter egg type things such as Derpy, but my enthusiasm for season two is a little lowered by this announcement.

      Hopefully it's all fine, though.

    12. Niiiiiiiiccceawuriohasiofuhapk yo

    13. I'm holding off until we actually see what these things are, but consider me tentatively excited.

    14. More details might just come closer to the start of Season 2. "Stay tuned!" :P I'm sure there will probably be many happy Bronies and squeeing like little fangirls before too long. lol

    15. Don't fail don't fail don't fail don't fail don't fail, oh god, please don't fail.

    16. Just as long as FiM stays as kid-friendly as always. ;)

    17. The head dude, Jason or what's his name, had stated he knows quite well fanservice can kill a show.

      I'm sure he won't let it get out of hand, and it'll be just little nods and the like.

    18. If Dash ships with anypony, there will be hell to pay.
      Just going to put that out there.

    19. Honestly if they want to include something I'll care about. I want to see a more plot driven season. Not that I didn't love most of season 1 as a way to introduce the cast. I would like a more structured season for example more episodes like the season opener.

      Oh and please for the love of god bring back the elements of Harmony. I mean they where thrown to the wayside and that is just depressing.

    20. When will season 2 start? I can't wait, (applebloom mode) I want it NOW!

    21. Like most people are saying, it will probably be little easter eggs of no significance. Such as Lyra sitting upright, more Derpy being Derpy, perhaps calling Scootaloo a chicken again. They are smart enough not to change dialogue, events, and characters.

    22. My interests! This is relevant to them!

    23. Little nods to various memes, I can see.

      But like some others have mentioned, they need to be careful.

      What the show WAS is what spawned this fanbase. Not what the show MIGHT be.

    24. If Rainbow Dash becomes homosexual, I'm never going to watch the show ever again.

    25. I really hope it is just simple, silly background things like Lyra and Bonbon together (along with Lyra's silly poses), Derpy, and maybe call backs to favorite quotes used in season one. Too much fan service would just kill the show in the end.

    26. The director is as excited as we are about brony content?


    27. Isn't Seth's name Shaun?

    28. Season 2 is gonna be SO AWESOME! /)^3^(\

    29. @Shaun Hegney

      Basically this. Repeat appearances of background ponies would also be easy to do. Maybe a little development on them.

      It's not going to take much to make a gesture to the brony crowd. I don't think we need to worry about them jumping the shark.

    30. I'm with some of the others here. I'm fine with them giving props to the older audience. At the same time, though, I don't want them to go overboard with it. If they can somehow strike a balance like Anamaniacs did, I'd be quite happy.

    31. I wouldn't worry anyone. Nothing major is going to be changed. First and foremost the show is still a children's show. And it's going to remain that way. With the occasional jokes the older audience would only understand. And perhaps some little things thrown in the Bronies will only get of course. But nothing that's going to be over the top or change major things in the show.

    32. Instead of fanservice I'd really prefer if they just learned not to reuse the same few background ponies over and over again in every scene - sometimes the same pony appearing several places in the same shot. Seeing two bonbons at once ruins the illusions of her actually being a pony and not just cardboard.

    33. Oh dear Celestia above they just LOVE to tease us, don't they?


    34. jokes for the older audience??

      *Imagines sexual joke involving Rainbow Dash*

    35. @Anonymous

      Not quite those kind of jokes. lol If it's too much for the 5-11 age audience, it'll be too much for the show. :P

    36. But, Seth! Your name IS Shaun.

    37. Well this is good news.

    38. @Anonymous 7:18
      I was just thinking that. Is this Shaun guy you, Seth?
      (If it's not, then it must be @Shaun Hegney above. Hey, let's lump all the Shauns into one person! :P)

    39. I would be more then ecstatic for background references that don't affect the story. Like on a table behind the main characters there is a newspaper lying down with the name 'Equestria Daily" barely visible.

      Or one of the main characters visits Colgate/Romana and they show her in a store that sells toothbrushes.

      Anything like that is highly amusing and has zero affect on the plot.

    40. I think it would be funny to see a scene were raimbow is mad and sais something but a loud noise blocks her. I would lose it right then and there!

    41. that'd be hilarious.


    43. @AnonymousOh, you mean like " Ha ha shes a lesbian cuz she has rainbow hair." Not funny, asshole

    44. As others have said, I hope it's just little nods to the older fanbase. Something in the background that would make you go, "Oh, HO! HO! I see what you did there." Nothing more.

      I'd freak if they had Luna in socks though.

    45. And then in the first episode, Nyx is sitting in the libary

    46. I would like more subtle references to stuff bronies would know, and maybe a running plot and more jokes. (random pinkie pie stuff is always good) but one of the things I love about the show is it's innocence. It better not lose any of that, or I will send the creators to pony hell. I'm not exaggerating! Okay maybe a little. (See? Throw something like that in the show and that's all we'll need.)

    47. @Octavia

      Have you ever watched Animaniacs? That show, designed for kids, had tons of adult jokes that would go over the head of the intended demographic and that show did very well. MLP:FiM could definitely sneak some stuff in there without being jarring.

    48. I hope its Scootabuse. Oh God plz let it be delicious Scootabuse

    49. Example of successful nod to bronies: scene with Luna, abacus in background. Done and done.

    50. Luna's return was confirmed for the second season. That's good enough for me.

    51. Skrillex as DJ PON-3? =)

    52. Really hope it's just background stuff. If they change the core of the show to appeal to the new audience it's going to move away from the show we all liked in the first place.

    53. @Anonymous You are sick and disgusting

    54. /co/? Silly Seth! That's not how you spell /oat/!

    55. This will either make the show less awesome, and begin a slow poisoning of the fandom, or make it more awesome, and elevate it to levels of pop culture godhood most animated series only dream of. Either possibility scares me. But it's a fun scared.

    56. @Luke and everyone else saying it. The writers arent dumbasses, they know when they should draw the line, and I think we should all know it. Repeating the shit over and over isnt helping

    57. Not sure if this is a good thing or not

    58. Definitely something to look forward to, though I do hope they don't change the show in order to give the nods to the brony or adult community. All I would hope to see are easter eggs hidden in the show, stuff that you have to be in the know to see. The way the show is in Season 1 is what caused us to fall in love with it.

      Maybe one thing made canon would be awesome, the Ditzy-Dinky Family. Hell, that would have me floating on a cloud of happy adorableness for the entire damn season.

      So three things I want to see in S2: Luna(Long live the NLR!), Ditzy-Dinky Family, and really subtle easter eggs.

      Oh! and wicked awesome music, can't forget that. Expecting many more wonderful pieces from you Mr.Ingram!

    59. Rainbow Dash should end up with that bully pony "Dumbbell". He obviously likes her. Also the next time we see Doctor Whooves he should have a British voice. And if we saw a corner of a blue colored box maybe behind a building or something.......that would be SO AWESOME!

    60. Heh hopefully /co/ will become a much better forum of pony discussion when season two comes out. I was sad when it got really moronic after only a week.

    61. I would be more than pleased with just subtle nods and simple references, like, as mentioned above, seeing Lyra&BonBon together in the background, Derpy appearing in every episode in the background, probably some community references (how about a cartboard box somewhere in the background with a Sethisto tag on it? XD).

      That's all we need and they shouldnt go any further. I honestly believe that altering the show in any major way, like fundamentally changing the story style to appeal to adults more, introducing any form of shipping on a canon level, trying to implement background characters as lead story characters, etc. just to favor the fanbase would destroy what we like the show for, at least a great part of it.

      Dear production team, if any of you is reading this:
      Just do what you did in season 1, it was perfect :) I few slight references will make us explode in joy, don't alter the show for us in any other way.


    63. more... brony type? hmm...... ((* thinks of all the stuff they could do*)) ((*gets idea!*)) no that would never work.

      sigh. i wish they would have like a MLP FiM movie that says like: FOR BRONIES NOT KIDS! and was a amazing movie based off final fantasy or something. imagian that! that'd be awesome.

    64. @shadefox

      This sums up my opinion as well.

      I want Celestia to stay the mischievious mentor she was in the first season rather than become the largely ironic Trollestia.

      Derpy still works and maybe they can give Octavia a cameo here and there but nothing else.

    65. You know what I think it's gunna be? More silly shenanigan shtick from the scooby doo era.

    66. @Anonymous Do not forget, Hasbro has final say in all matters. Many a time companies have shot themselves in the foot trying to please audiences.

      I have all the confidence in the world in the writers, it's corporate that worries me.

      Plus, this is the comment section, which is meant for the stating of opinions, hopes, and fears.

    67. Something like Dr. Whooves walking into a small nondescript blue shack in the background somewhere would fill me with so much joy.

    68. Needs more rainbow

    69. As long as they don't let it completely overrun the show and keep it to a simple nod it should be fine.

      I still find it incredible how connected the production and the fandom are!

    70. @Vyuun

      Yes, I have. Watched it pretty often back in it's hay day. But Animaniacs was designed to be for a slightly older audience too. And by another studio.

      As for sneaking stuff in. You gotta be very careful about what you put in. It has to be able to be passable for younger kids. So it can't be anything too obvious. And of course Hasbro has say as well what gets in.

    71. This will be an odd sentence out of context but...

      "Why did I have to be 20 the year Friendship is Magic comes out?"

    72. @Anonymous
      I'm pretty sure everyone is speaking hypothetically, no one is doubting the writers here.


      I apologize for the caps. This anticipation is killing me like nothing before. How long must we wait!? Argh! DX

    74. @DareDreamer

      How long must you wait? Well, I think you know the answer to that.

      "Forever!" lol

    75. As long as it's subtle stuff and not horribly obvious jokes, I'm ok with it.

    76. I agree. Outright fanservice will ruin the show. Just like how Marvel/DC superhero comics are often such that hardcore fans can enjoy them. Keep the show the same way it is now. A fraction of a second with a non-talking derpy in the background is good enough for me.

    77. Everyone enjoyed season 1 correct? Those same writers are writing for season 2. I say we should trust the writers. Everything will be okay.....and if it's not, blame it on 2012.

    78. *crosses hooves that durpy is now cannon*

    79. I'm cool with little easter eggs and Derpy, but I hope they don't go overboard. Remember what drew us to this show in the first place.

    80. To repeat what everypony has already said, as long as it's subtle nods, like Derpy, Dr. Whooves, and Lyra, and not blatant fanservice, I'll be a very happy pony. As Jayson is familiar with EqD and the community, and seems to know how to keep the fans happy, I don't think we have much to fear.
      With that said, this steady trickle of vague news is doing a great job of creating excitement, whether it was meant to or not. The way it's been going I won't be able to get my wings flat again till season two finally airs.
      Sorry if this is a double post, my iPod wasn't playing nice with the comments. I think I fixed it, if you can read this, fifth time's a charm.

    81. Derpy delivering mail or being with Dinky, that's all anyone really needs.

    82. @Anonymous

      I'll imagine them as being one and the same regardless, so...sure. XD

    83. Can anybody say Doctor whooves with english accent?

    84. I'd squeal like a giddy schoolgirl if Vinyl Scratch was referred to as DJ pon-3.

    85. I'm imagining there being a small blue box in the background with Dr Whooves heading toward it.... the camera cuts to someone else, then back... and then the box is GONE... That is what I want to see...

    86. Whooves with an english accent, Derpy/Ditzy with lines (and being the mailpony), Lyra and Bon-Bon being named Lyra and Bon-Bon, Vinyl Scratch getting the alias DJ Pon-3, some more trolling Celestia, and hopefully (in S3), split seasons (13 eps per 1/2 seasons, like some cable shows), so there's a break in between (and less of a gigantic gap between seasons)

    87. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    88. @Anonymous
      Hey, I'd squeal like a giddy schoolgirl if Vinyl Scratch was referred to at all.

      I can see myself drawing attention when I out of nowhere scream "YES! I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY PUT THAT IN THERE!" and people will stare at me funny, and I'll tell them I'm watching the latest episode of My Little Pony.

    89. Given the experience of those on the show staff, from the writers to the Storyboard artists etc. We should have the utmost confidence in them. I don't think they will shy away from the formula that has brought them success. All we can do is wait it makes no sense to doom the show after news such as this.

    90. Kimba the White Lion5. august 2011, kell 22:38

      Hey Sethisto, are you keeping your real name a secret? I saw in an interview your real name (which is **CENSORED**) and you have never seemed to mention it.

    91. Well like many people have said little hidden Easter eggs would be best and are probably what we will get. Little things hidden in the background that are easy to miss during a casual viewing but obsest fans will find. If you are a Brony you will catch it, but if not you wont be sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out what was the joke.

      What I don't want to see are lots of obvious pop culture references like Animaniacs or Family Guy. Although I liked Animaniacs, It and other shows and movies that rely heavily on pop culture references for their comedy become dated very quickly. They also rely entirely on the reference to BE the joke, which after seeing it done so many times has become boring.
      One of the things I like about MLP:FiM is that when they do make a reference to something it is done subtle and/or part of an already existing joke. If you get it you get it. If you don't, it does not detract from the scene because you do not realize that something was being reference in the first place. They also proved that you do not need "adult" humor to entertain older audiences.

    92. This is just like Art of the Dress. Everypony has an opinion!!

    93. @stitch"*crosses hooves that durpy is now cannon*"

      Cannon-wielding Derpy Hooves confirmed as Big Bad for Season 2.

    94. Dear Celestia above, if Nyx was in an episode. You do not know the caliber of fuck I would give.

    95. @Anonymous

      Pretty much my thoughts exactly

    96. i am actually the person who sent him the message. sethisto said he'd post the picture, so i came here to see the comment and it seems like it caused a lot of new speculation. Hopefully he does that teaser video!! i should have asked if he could give any info on the release date!

    97. Man, I really hope there won't be any Brony bullshit in the s02.

      I asked Jayson back then about that and he said:


      I hope Derpy will be the only addition. Only and one. Otherwise, show will be ruined forever for me.

    98. I think this is great news. I really don't think we have anything to worry about regarding fanservice - this is one of Hasbro's major brands we're talking about and I'm sure they would not be OK with suddenly sticking in a bunch of blatant brony stuff. I'm sure it will be background stuff and occasional references. The heart of the show will stay the same.

    99. @Anonymous

      Well, then I hope you're prepared to have the show ruined forever for you because let's be honest; the creators of the show visit this site. They are almost DEFINITELY going to references to more than JUST Derpy. If you strictly mean blatant show changing changes, I can relate. But for them to NOT throw in other references in the BG or the like, I just don't see it happening. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. So be it. I'm just saying, and this applies to everyone, lower your bar just a tiny bit. That way, if it's not godly like you all are expecting, you won't be as disappointed and will still likely enjoy the show. The lower the fall, the less it hurts. Why not just be glad they are actually making a second season?

      TL;DR: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

    100. I think that we'll find out more about the Royal Family. Luna and Celestia's parents, maybe aunts and/or uncles. Maybe some cousins or some other relatives. Other princesses perhaps? That seems to be the highest rank in Equestria, after all.

      I think there will be some more of just why Twilight is who she is and why Celestia has such an interest in her. I'll laught if at the end of season 2 Celestia dies and she anoints Twilight Sparkle as the new princess of Equestria much to Luna's dismay. :p

    101. We sure are a community made of Irony..

      We watch a show aimed mostly at little girls
      We complain when a second season will be targeted to thank us.

      Anon's right. We just need to be very supportive of the show. That's what a fan is for right?

      But if you think about it... We do have standards. and that's what separates us from the common riffraff. we like the show cause IT IS GOOD, not because our neigh-bor thinks it is. we are not just a hivemind, we are the HERD!

    102. i want to see an episode featuring Octavia, vinyl scratch, Derpy and the like as the main characters

    103. cant wait for THE HORROR! THE HORROR!

    104. Hopefully Sethisto will snap a few screencaps if /co/ gets a good thread going from any brony references in-show. I'm so busy, I hardly even get to throw up my god awful doodles there anymore.

    105. Tears of a Valedictorian6. august 2011, kell 06:02

      Just Lyra and Bon Bon together whenever possible, plx.

    106. Why ask for anything to be changed about the show? Look at the massive brony community that formed from the first season without deliberate nods to an older audience. The show doesn't need to pander to an older audience. People saying they'd like to see Dr. Whooves next to a tardis in the show...wouldn't that be stupid, if you think about it? On the one hand it'd be a cheeky reference, yes, but the fact is that the fans are already aware that the character looks like Dr. Who. They don't need to the show to acknowledge it by shoving it in people's faces. Fans came up with Dr. Whooves, not the show creators. They shouldn't change the character, or give him a British voice or anything; it would ruin the novelty.

      Be happy that the show is running for a second season. MLP in the past has rarely lasted that long. But don't wish for easter eggs or anything - just ask yourself: is it necessary? No. It would detract from the seriousness of the show if these references became too obvious.

    107. Big mac getting his own episode: eeyup.

    108. @wingbonerPH

      >Show gets unexpected, large fringe demographic
      >Production team wants to add in elements that appeal to their large fringe demographic
      >Everyone assumes it'll be blatant and stupid, because obviously subtlety doesn't exist

      Cut that out, you all sound ridiculous.

    109. Uh, yeaaahh, guys. Be happy they're sneaking in a couple references for you. :( It's nothing that would ever change the show in the long run, I'm sure of it.

      My 5 year old cousin won't notice any difference in the main plot of any episode from a couple cute things they do for us, why would we?

      Earth to everypony, if anything we should be happy about this. We know they're going to handle it well, they've told us more then once they're being careful.

      In fact, you should be happy for how much they acknowledge us! This fanbase is so lucky.

    110. I'd love a few Easter eggs for us bronies to frenzy over. Another Derpy moment, a Vinyl Scratch moment, maybe even a Lyra/Bon-Bon moment? It would actually be pretty easy to do.

      And to you people who are ranting about how this might change the show, news flash; it won't. The ten-second brony moments aren't going to ruin it's purity at all, the animators are too cool to do that to us. Just sit back, relax, and let the season 2 countdown.

    111. I have complete confidence in them that whatever they decide to do with Season 2 they will do right, otherwise they wouldn't try to do it in the first place.

    112. All I'd need was doctor whooves, running around in the background with a sonic screwdriver being chased by Derpy...that'd just tickle me pink.

    113. That guy's name is almost spelled the same way as mine, it just has eight less 'n's. I feel honoured...

    114. @Anonymous Her canon name is alread DJ P0N-3, though. Vinyl Scratch is just the name /b/ gave her.

    115. @Anonymous
      Actually, both "Vinyl Scratch" and "DJ P0N-3" are fan-given names. "DJ P0N-3" was just acknowledged in The Hub's promo video; it's not technically show canon (yet).

    116. You hear so many mentions and comparisons of FiM to Animaniacs, but while FiM is good-natured and celebrates it's audience, Animaniacs was fairly mean spirited and actively derided fan communities in general. To me it seemed like the animators thought they were better than their audience, but with FiM it feels like the animators were the first true fans of the show and "we" just came along afterwards. The inmates are now running the asylum, and madness is magic.

      *puts on a`nice white jacket they gave me to hug myself with*

    117. I ain't saying nuthin' no mo'! :p

    118. I just hope it's still popular with the target demographic. If they lose that Hasbro will pull the the plug faster than you can say Twilight Sparkle.

    119. I'd love to get a few more jokes and references for the older crowds. As long as they don't change the show around much, I see no problem. Besides, they know how bad fanservice can get, and he didn't say it would be targeted towards bronies: he just said "eeeyyyuup" after the guy asked if it's better than season 1.

    120. I'd love to get a few more jokes and references for the older crowds. As long as they don't change the show around much, I see no problem. Besides, they know how bad fanservice can get, and he didn't say it would be targeted towards bronies: he just said "eeeyyyuup" after the guy asked if it's better than season 1.

    121. Wait, a behind the scenes youtube channel? Awesome

    122. Please for the love of all that is good, please let it be Nyx in a background shot.

    123. It does seem that some people are getting just a bit overly paranoid about this. They worked hard to make sure that everything was good for Season 1, so we just need faith for season 2.
      Really all I need would be more slightly mischevious Celestia, Vinyl Scratch, Derpy, and Luna(possibly wearing socks).

    124. @Anonymous

      Keep in mind that the last episode of the season has already been storyboarded; storyboarding has been happening as early as March already. I don't think the socks meme thing will show up this season yet, nor do I expect fanfic characters.

      Here is my guess: the nods will likely just be really cute things in the background. Someone watching the show without any idea of the brony community will probably be amused just the same, but bronies will especially notice these things!

      Think about what was popular in the fandom around April and earlier, when the scripts were likely being written.

      We all know we'll see more of Derpy. I'd be happy if we see Derpy with muffins or delivering mail! I'm pretty sure we'll see more of Lyra and Bon-Bon together. Colgate brushing her mane or getting her mane and tail brushed. Colgate sporting a huge smile!

      I'm hoping for Lyra in more weird poses, and more of Vinyl Scratch/DJ P0n-3. I dunno about Doctor Whooves, but it would be funny if they did something with him running around in the background. XP

      Maybe Derpy eating all of Carrot Top's food.

      If any of these make it into S2, I will squee and then die of HAPPY.
