Bronies For Good is a pony-based philanthropy dedicated to organizing Friendship is Magic fans across the country for various charity drives, and presenting a positive front for bronies to interact with the world at large. We've mentioned them once before in a Nightly Roundup, but they deserve a more prominent advertisement. Currently, the group is working with one Purple Tinker (you may have heard of her) to set up a food donation drive to take place during the next BroNYcon, and they're hoping to set up similar events with local groups across the country. This is an awesome and admirable goal, and definitely something worth checking out. Click around on the links below, and see for yourself if this is the sort of project you'd like to be a part of.
Bronies for Good on Facebook
Ponychan discussion thread
Ponychan organization thread
Sounds like a good cause.
ReplyDeleteits good to see bronies helping the world! spreading friendship and such.
ReplyDeleteBronies Assemble !!! =XD
ReplyDeleteThis seems cool.
ReplyDeleteNeeds a better logo.
ReplyDeleteTHAT'S IT
ReplyDelete[03:30:59] Matt: FUCK IT
[03:31:03] Matt: FUCK THIS SHIT
[03:31:07] Matt: fuck MLP
[03:31:12] Matt: fuck /co/
[03:31:16] Matt: fuck /v/
[03:31:18] Matt: fuck 4chan
[03:31:24] Matt: fuck ponychan
[03:31:30] Matt: fuck eqd too
[03:31:48] Matt: fuck it all to hell
[03:31:59] Matt: i'm done with mlp
what the fuck is this shit?!
Sounds like a very good organization.
ReplyDeleteI love donation drives. They bring the Elements of Harmony together. ;w;
ReplyDeleteWish there's a near-by drive so I can donate my uneeded ponies. (After a proper care with their manes. Even if it's a fakie... </3)
About time this happened
ReplyDeleteAll my philanthropic actions are based on the quality of the philanthropic group's t-shirts. Show me that logo on a small American Apparel shirt with color of your choosing and we'll talk.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a job for:
ReplyDeletethe League of Friendship!
(^generic umbrella title for all charitable brony movements)
ReplyDeleteWhat the hay are you talking about?
Anyway, looks like a good group!
it's great to see this kind of thing
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 7:33
ReplyDeleteWhoa! Calm down! If you wanna leave ponies behind then fine, but you don't have to blow up about it to everyone here. That's just overreacting.
In any case, this is an excellent thing happening here, and I fully support it. It's great that we can come together as a community and do things like this.
...also it might finally get us some decent press... ^^;
Bronies working for something good? I like this idea. Let me go get some canned food
ReplyDeleteBut I want to use the power of bronies for evil...
I even had my totalitarian government with pony uniforms for the soldiers all mapped out...
this just further proves that bronies are genuinely nice people. all the ones that iv'e met anyways.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I could get behind a philanthropy group that's called Big Fucking Gun.
ReplyDeleteSoooo going to a brony blood donation. Just bleed me dry like in Chapter 3 of Pony Psychology Series.
ReplyDeleteThen I DARE Fox/NPR to insult us when one of our transfusions saves one of their damn lives. Fricking seriously.
and then all the homeless people get pony pasta
ReplyDeleteI wonder if I could get something like this started in my school, in association with Tinker of course.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, as far as I know, I'm the only Brony from my school.
Yes, a charity organisation called "The Big Fucking Gun" will get loads of support.
ReplyDeleteWhere do we assemble :S awesome though
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 7:39
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:33 was quoting 'Matt' idk who that is though.
@staplesponge BFG 9000!!! Time to kill some Demon Donkeys!!!
ReplyDelete(If you got the reference of Demon Donkeys than you are now 20% cooler)
ReplyDeleteYou just reminded me of that South Park episode where Stan and Kyle get everyone in the town to stop having gay sex and help them make the world a better place only to suddenly realize at the end of the episode that making the world a better place is "really gay."
...of all the things to set someone off, people wanting to good is what does it. Odd, Hey cool I like to help people...well some people, other people just need a kick in the butt but that's off topic.
ReplyDeleteA random Instant Messenging conversation with someone who woke up on the wrong side of the bed apparently.
Ah, yes. A great way to promote love, tolerance and friendship while making the World a better place and helping out those who are in need. :)
ReplyDeleteI might not have anything to contribute to anyone but kind words and a ton of free time I could be spending better, but...
ReplyDelete...hang on. I should probably go volunteer.
Someone up there posted: **..also it might finally get us some decent press... ^^;**
ReplyDeleteYeah, well, another thing that would help would be if this site would stop posting and promoting ponyporn. :P That just proliferates the stereotype.
Bronies for Topiary anyone?
ReplyDeleteIf a bunch of people came together and donated food or money, at least the local news would report on it.
ReplyDeleteI dont see any other internet communities doing stuff like this.
But deep down, I feel that some news organisation will find a way to make Bronies look bad because of this. Somehow.
This has got to be the most pathetic attempt at trolling that I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteSomeone threatening to leave the fandom over a canned food drive?
Someone suggesting that the news media will make bronies look bad because they are donating food to the hungry?
Sethisto... if ever there has been a thread that demonstrated why you should disallow anonymous posters, this is it...
ReplyDeleteMaybe so and if they did, they would probably do so by playing upon people's fear of "teh internet".
But I'm hopeful. I mean it's essentially free advertising wither way and as Mark Twain said, "Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising."
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree.
I don't really think that any sane man would say bad stuff for some people organizing philanthropies.
ReplyDeleteOf course it's the media so you never now bad either way you can't lose more than you can win, I mean it's good people, recognition is not the target here the target is to make something good.
Oh great, helping increase and maintain the population. That's just what we need. Oh well, it's not a bad thing really.
ReplyDeleteAs the OP of the first bronies-for-good thread (does this make me the official namer?) I couldn't be prouder. The real heroes are the bronies organizing this. Thank you so much for making my dream a reality - I hope to take part in this as much as possible!
ReplyDeleteOooh, philanthropic action! I seriously would consider this, but...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I'm not only a sadistic and narcissistic sociopath, but an evil, unemployed, sadistic, and narcissistic sociopath.
Dude, lemmie get this straight; we're actually going to plan a PR thingy? And help people?
BFG = Big Fucking Gun.
ReplyDeleteDoing it wrong.
I am so down with this idea. Bronies for good is an awesome idea and I'd be thrilled to see the results!
@Anonymous. Wondered when somepony was going to notice that
ReplyDeleteGlad to see it's being done, I'll happily help in any way I can! Friendship and magic is what it's all about.
ReplyDeleteI think Tinker has lost her mind.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who thinks that this would be an excelent opportunity to team up with Hank and John Green and Nerdfighteria in order to increase awesome, decrease world suck, and spread harmony all at once?
ReplyDeletethere is a vector of pinkie holding a big bazooka somewhere - add some food into it - and there is our mascot :)
( Big F-ing Generosity )
@Purple Tinker
ReplyDeleteTrolls will be trolls will be trolls. Pay no mind to him.
Since I'm going to BroNYcon I will definitely help out for the canned food drive!
I've been following that idea for a long time. Heck, I was the 5th brony to like the group on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteWill do my very best to help out this group and make some donations. I've been donating to Child's play annually for 4 years now, I can definitely spare some more for this cause.
Thats awesome... but be careful... some people have been arrested for feeding the homeless...
ReplyDeleteBut they shouldn't use such a UN like logo... the UN is not a force of good in this world.
@Vadios83 Don't think of it as a UN-like logo. Think of it as a Federation-like logo. http://images.wikia.com/memoryalpha/en/images/9/97/United_Federation_of_Planets_flag.svg
ReplyDeleteAnd anon, I never had any mind to lose.
That's all well and good, but I wanna get real good done, I use KIVA microloans. Where KIVA microloans build up the economies of developing nations on the local level, other donations are used ineficciently:
ReplyDelete>PETA kills like 90% of the animals it "saves".
>All those christian donation places ironically give a man a fish instead of teaching him how to fish.
>Progress with cancer research is at a standstill untill they apply proteomics as well as genetics.
AND THAT'S NOT ALL!! KIVA microloans are also 97% reusable!
>my point is, they better be utilizing KIVA microloans. Anything else is kindhearted but ineffective.
^BFG, I mean
ReplyDelete@Purple Tinker The fact that you said that makes me a happy pony. Especially since my house has been enjoying a long netflix-enabled marathon of Star Trek TNG. XD