The brony charity group,
Bronies for Good, is making huge strides in their quest to be a force for good in the world, and are potentially even looking at registering as an officially recognized charitable organization. But in order to reach the level of prominence and organization necessary to make leaps like that, they need to present a unified and more structured face. To that end, they're looking for official banners and logos to use everywhere. That's where you come in! Here's what the group asked me to share with you:
Hello bronies,
We are holding a competition starting today and ending on Aug. 31. We are looking for two banners (800 x 110 and 319 x 100) and one logo (preferably a vector) Any submissions should try to avoid any direct imagery from MLP FiM (the banners can, as long as a credit to the original creators is shown. The logo should not, as we would like to eventually use it for apparel and accessories.) Once you have submission that could possibly fit these requirements, you are more than welcome to submit it as a photo on the Bronies for Good Facebook page, where it can be put forth for consideration by the members of BfG
We are also looking for custom themes for SMF and WordPress if anyone is interested in that.
Please let any questions about this be known so we can answer them.
Best Regards,
Bronies for Good.
If I could draw I would totally try and make something.
ReplyDeleteI really like the idea of Bronies for good. I hope that I someday get an opportunity to be a part of it.
ReplyDeleteIt's the BFG :D
ReplyDeleteI wish I could contribute, but my visual artistic abilities are... lacking, to say the least. :(
ReplyDeleteSo, Nightmare Moon slaughtering helpless ponies is not acceptable?
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing these Bronies setting up. The fact they have gotten so far as to be even slightly organised is a huge testamount to this community. I am no artist to enter, but I will pledge my support to any direction they take.
ReplyDeleteThis has potential.
i'm getting tired of all them projects seeking help.
ReplyDeleteim not talking abuut this one, but in general.
"I'm tired of worthy causes needing help"
ReplyDeleteAre cutie marks valid logo material?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous All these projects seeking help here on EqD is a big part of how they DO get help, grow, and give back to us the rest of the fandom!
ReplyDeleteEven the PETA direction?
I'm glad the Bronies for Good are making strong strides in helping. I would help out, but alas, I have some things of my own to sort out before I can really help out as well. But hopefully I will get to as well later on. Hope they get some great banner submissions.
ReplyDeleteI hope they accept Time Lord banners
ReplyDeleteThey really should be recognized as an official charity. As long as they don't do the same things as the PETA (Kill animals they don't deem rescueable, have hypocritical spokespersons, etc.) or the ELF (Burn down neighborhoods and end up on the FBI terrorist list)
ReplyDelete>mfw the current banner's Fluttershy was drawn by me.
ReplyDeleteI love you people, so much.
When something's gone wrong in your neighborhood,
ReplyDeleteYou may need some aid, charity's always good.
So when times are tough, count on the BFG,
Who will help you and me always for free.
Love and tolerance will reign supreme,
It goes on record as more than a meme.
Where these ponies help is everywhere,
Please donate to them, it's more than fair.
...I'm going to go watch meteors now.
Heh. I'm no artist, and I don't have money to donate. But if, by any chance, they set up any sort of volunteer project in a place I can reach, I'd jump on it. Here's hoping it can grow to be large enough for such a thing.