This is the most amazing game mod I have ever played. He actually sent it to me yesterday before the video was up, so everything is a surprise.
My suggestions:
- Don't watch the video first if you plan on playing it anyway for maximum brix shatting.
- Dont use warp for maximum "holy crap this boss is totally ___"
- Luna is best pony
You can find the video after the break, with download instructions in the description.
64 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThis looks amazing.
VastaKustutawtf is this shit
VastaKustutaNever even played Super Mario Bros 2 and I'm much too lazy to download the game so I shall enjoy it in spirit! And through the video. Mainly the video. Funny bosses I must say, and Lyra with her crazy legs made me laugh.
VastaKustutaLuna, Trixie, Lyra and Twilight?
VastaKustutaMeh. All Unicorns(except Luna)? Meh. I would've liked, say, AJ for Papa/Toad, and Fluttershy for Lina/Peach.
brix shatting?
VastaKustutauh no thanks
Awesome :D
VastaKustutaSomewhat related, I guess.
yea, I had a Genesis instead of a SNES, so this does nothing for me
VastaKustutawhen is Sonic 3 getting ponified?
wow looks great, downloading
VastaKustutaAlso, eleventh.
Downloading at the speed of light.
VastaKustutaYet another Mario ROM hack with human pose ponies. Come on.
VastaKustuta@Namefag Anon
VastaKustutaSonic 2 is.
VastaKustuta@Namefag Anon
VastaKustutaWrong generation. Mario 2 was NES.
Getting a video of this Let's Played. Unfortunately, I am currently experiencing some audio/video desynching, but it should hopefully be resolved soon.
VastaKustutaAw, thanks, Seth. I am the best, aren't I?
VastaKustutaAlthough that looked more like clothed Trixie and unclothed Trixie.
@Smokey Treble
VastaKustutaThey did re-release it as a bundle for the SNES.
Lol Trixie is Toad. makes sense
VastaKustutaSuper Mario 2? Wasn't that the worst super mario made?
VastaKustutaI wouldn't know I still haven't finished world 2 of Super Mario World. God why can't people mod a game I'm semi good at instead of something I suck at.
This site is so racist-biased toward unicorns.
VastaKustutaI can't get it to work. Any links towards a working combination of a rom and emulator would be appreciated.
VastaKustutaSince a lot of people are probably too lazy to complete all of the steps necessary, I've taken the freedom to create a small archive.
VastaKustutaIt contains a simple NES emulator complete with the ISP-patched game ROM. No need to download anything else, just read the readme.txt and you're ready to go.
I hope this will make access easier for those interested. Big props to the creator!
@anon 12:46
VastaKustutaThe US version was awful, but from what I hear the Japanese version is pretty good.
INB4 MASSIVE Art with Lyra sitting on a flying carpet
VastaKustutaand Luna battling The Anaconda from the movie
"Luna is best pony."
Seth, what happened?! What about Trixie? And why are you actually making sense?
Quick update to the compilation file I posted above. Apparently the emulator shortcut inside doesn't work, here's the fixed version:
VastaKustutaSuper Mario 3 please?
VastaKustutaOh, that's only because he thought Trixie was me, then found out she was actually my prized moon-light student.
VastaKustutaIt's not our fault they like us because our extra appendages give them more pony to love.
This game has primarily served to remind me how awful I am at Super Mario Bros. 2. X'P
VastaKustutaThanks so much for this! I was having trouble patching my various SMB2 roms, and I was dubious about most of the other downloadables on the net. This worked perfectly!
This's just perfect! I suppose I know what I'm doing with MY Saturday!
"Luna is best pony"
>not Trixie
>best pony
>still not Trixie
...aaaallright, what's next?
VastaKustutaHuh, fair enough.
This is seriously the best mod I've ever played of a game. It makes By at least 20%
VastaKustutaSorry to barge in off topic, but:
VastaKustuta>brix shatting
>The post currently under this is a story called "Breaking Bricks"
I lol'd XD
Oh wow, this is really cool. Lyra, Trixie and Luna? Awesome.
VastaKustutaAs for Luna being best pony... Trixie will be very sad to hear that, Seth. :(
Oh man, this is just golden. Major kudos to the creator!
VastaKustutaSuper Mario bros 2 was one of my favorite Mario games unlike most people. I just played through it again and beat it with pony characters. I can go to sleep happy now...
VastaKustutaTrixie and Luna's sprites are adorable~ *_*
VastaKustutaFor people complaning about Mario 2, you wouldn't have enemies like the Shy Guys, Birdo, etc. if Nintendo didn't Mariofy Doki Doki Panic, just sayin.
VastaKustutaThat said, this mod is awesome, shame I can't get HyperCam to record my voice and the sound of the game since I want to LP it.
VastaKustutaAlso, I forgot to mention, I love the choice of characters the creator chose, particularly Trixie and Luna.
The Shy Guys have little pony ears! SO AWESOME!
VastaKustutaI've always enjoyed the jumper (Lyra) and the speedster (Trixie)for that game. I often also play as the light-weight (Luna) for the equality.
VastaKustutaSadly, I've found little chance to use the average (Twilight).
No offence to anypony, but my scores at the end were as followed:
Trixie - 10
Lyra - 6
Luna - 3
Twilight - 1
Ok, I can say it without hyperbole,
In the name of the Faust, the Celestia and the Holy Mare, AMEN!
Brix were shat.
VastaKustutaShoulda been Twilight, Rarity, Spike and Fluttershy. Srsly.
VastaKustutaMost excellent. Very much obliged. I tried about half a dozen different roms and none worked. Perhaps it was the emulator that was the problem. Regardless, that work perfectly.
For some reason Lyra as Luigi makes perfect sense (and not just for the color). Anyway, I might revisit this when I feel like playing Mario 2 again. I really wasn't a fan of the original, so...
VastaKustutaSo then, now there is only one question to ask:
VastaKustutaHow long til we get a Pony-fied version of SMB3?
I'd forever love the dude that manages to successfully pull off that entirely.
"This is the best mod ever!"
VastaKustutaBecause it has a pixel that vaguely resembles a character from a cartoon show you watch? Imbecile...
This was my first time encountering the second Super Mario Bros game ever.
This brick hurts...
VastaKustutaThat's insulting to my work and the people who enjoy it.
I forgive you.
VastaKustutaDon't mind Anon, he just mad. That being said, keep up the good work man!
Well darned, this was already done for me. But just to help people find it even easier, here is yet another mediafire link with the game already patched and an emulator.
Am I the only one who MANED Twilight in this game? lol
VastaKustutaWould've loved to have Rarity, but I heard how not so well it went, with adding her.
Sad, but hey, I'm not complaining. I still loved the game. (Both the SMB2, and the pony version.)
Hopefully Pinkie, Rarity, or Applejack get to star in SMB3, when Hero gets around to it.
VastaKustutaYes, because SMB2 is such a modifiable game. Imbecile.
VastaKustutaThe Japanese "Super Mario 2" was just Super Mario Brothers with poison mushrooms and the "hard factor" amped up to 9000. The US Mario Bros. 2 was actually pretty fun.
I was feeling a little underwhelmed at first, when I saw that only some sprites had been modified.
VastaKustutaBut then I reached the ending.
Niiiice sprite work there.
Alright. Where's the mod program for the All Stars version. I've got some time to make it happen...