Below the Horizontal line, you will find a good amount of the people that make EQD awesome. While the blog is essentially fan-driven, these guys help manage and control it so we don't get flooded in a deluge of everything and become the next Youtube or
There are three primary categories:
Blog authors/Staff
Check them all out below!
Seth's Twitter
Bio: Posting ponies and there is nothing you can do about it! I use the exclamation point way too much, play gtalk/steam social whack-a-mole for one half the day, and dig through emails for the other half.
People seem to think I like Trixie a little bit too much! To them I say: Pretty much.
(Honestly Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony.)
My OC apparently got locked in a cube or something.
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And then my OC pony was Pepé Le Pew |
Cereal Velocity: MINISTER OF RENAISSANCE (When he has time)
Cereal's Twitter
Bio: Joined the fandom in early January 2011, and started writing articles and posts for the blog about a month later because he bothered Seth so much that he decided that it would be easier to make him an author than continue to put up with him. Has penned many works of original pony fiction, including a writing guide for new creative writers. Practices visual effects and motion graphics work with his Equestrian Innovations series. Professional software developer. Rarity best pony.
Phoe's Twitter
Bio: Phoe is Equestria Daily's company cheerleader, editor, and occasional author. She turned up one day wearing a suit and enthusiastically waving her resume, only to receive a pat on the back and be told it wasn't "that kind of website". Several hours worth of moping about a wasted degree later, she got the job all the same. Rumors persist that she is an evil enchantress who does evil dances, and may or may not be plotting to use ponies as a platform for world conquest. She cannot write an entertaining bio to save her life.
Calpain's Twitter
Bio: Serving as one of Equestria Daily’s newer blog authors, Calpain first stumbled into the offices of EqD seeking employment in the Equestrian Innovations division. While waiting to pass Equestrian Innovations extensive battery of background checks and tests he was given a job as blog author in order to keep him from constantly mailing stuff in to the site. Currently mans a number of features on the site, particularly compilations, Blast from the Past posts, Roundups, and Tumblr Spotlights.
Joined the fandom in February 2011 and actively began participating in pony communities starting in April that year. Currently in his first year of his PhD program studying Parkinson's Disease after completing a two year Masters degree studying Alzheimer's Disease His favorite pony is the adorkable Twilight Sparkle.
Xyro's Twitter
Bio: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... something happened that doesn't pertain whatsoever to Xyro. He came across the pony phenomenon on a computer forum after seeing dozens of rather abnormally hued equines appearing in the avatars of many members. This spawned what was to be a quick investigation into their meaning, but developed into a two-day marathon of the entire first season. Eventually, and somewhat inevitably, the pastel ponies invaded his home, car, and soul. Corruption became complete at an unrelated convention where an impromptu Pony meetup evolved into a standing-room-only assembly of good friends.
Currently responsible for coordinating the streams, and making sure they don't get crossed.
PK's Twitter
Bio: Equestria Daily's newest intern, PK was brainwa- er, enslav- uh, I mean hired after he snuck into the office, stole a computer, and posted several updates from a janatorial closet.
PK joined the fandom in late January, not doing much of anything until March, when he started to write fanfiction. He began bothering Seth all the time to fix small issues in the post. How he became a blog author is a mystery not only to himself but to others around him. Current thinking favors glitches in spacetime.
In his spare time, PK enjoys playing piano. His favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle.
Couch Crusader: HEAD WRITER
Bio: Couch Crusader is living, breathing proof that if you work hard and throw the right bricks through the right windows, you'll be picking up broken glass for a very long time. He spends most of his waking hours getting his hooves wet. When he isn't, he likes to stand behind you and force eye contact.
Couch continues to pre-read fics for Equestria Daily, writes terrifyingly long episode followups, and covers conventions with business and pleasure. He also inspires English majors everywhere by being gainfully employed. Or ires them. These things go 50/50.
Couch Crusader's Twitter
Couch Crusader's Twitter
Pegasus Rescue Brigade: LEAD INVESTIGATOR
Bio: Pegasus Rescue Brigade’s years of experience in saving ponies in mortal peril has prepared him for stressful and potentially life threatening situations. Like, for instance, working for Equestria Daily.
PRB happened across the fandom right around the end of Season 1 and immediately took to EQD as his main source for pony news. After a year or so of churning out pony fanfiction, he took a job with Equestria Daily’s pre-reading staff. Continually interested in helping with the site’s affairs whenever possible, PRB offered his help on a number of odd-jobs behind the scenes for Sethisto, and eventually found himself promoted to blog author status.
Bio: Around September 2012 Gameleon contacted Sethisto about a little app he was creating to view EQD posts. Over the following 6 months this little app would evolve to become what is now known as the Equestria Daily app, done just in time to be released for the Season 3 finale news.
Let's just say the app was properly stress tested during Gameleon's first few days on the team.
Learning about the fandom in November 2011 and becoming a more active member after the app was released in March 2013, Gameleon is now part of the EQD team as app developer.
Aside from his app development duties, his contribution to EQD consist of posting minor news posts, and confusing us all with a 7-9 hour time difference and kilometers.
(Now in chronological order!)
Bio: Conned into becoming a pre-reader since the first call for them, Alexstrazsa has been a slave to Sethisto's iron hoof from the beginning. Since then, he's been involved with more things in the fandom then he really should, and every day he risks going overpone. The cost is great, and the rewards few, but he does what has to be done.
Moonlit Harmony
Bio: A quiet individual that is often a ghost around the staff, he has been a pre-reader since it's inception and maintains an optimistic view when reviewing, helping to give stories a second opinion or a first when submissions fall behind. Friendly and open, he continues to try to do his best in getting to know the others on the team and doing his job as a pre-reader as well. Both a mediator and observer, he does what he can to keep some semblance of peace, something that is increasingly difficult as the team continues to grow. Change is inevitable but it is both welcome and something that gives reason to be cautious moving ahead.
Noble Cause
Bio: Noble Cause presumably died while crossing the Snake River in 1848, and her body was never found. Since that time she has enjoyed a number of activities such as collecting the rings of plastic that come off of gallon milk jugs and shaving unsuspecting forest animals. By the time she was eight years old, she had aged eight years. Famously, Noble became one of the few people in history to whistle the entire score from Hello Dolly while being chased by the Vienna Boy's Choir. She became interested in literature when Stephen King began sneaking into her house each night and slightly moving each of the chairs. One of the most dedicated Equestria Daily Pre-Readers, Noble pours herself over the submitted stories, namely by transforming herself into a non-Newtonian liquid and spilling across them, absorbing them by osmosis.
Krypqe Forgetterson
Bio: Krypqe is one of the many bronies roped in by /b/ over on 4Chan. He became a brony upon a day in Feburary, a week or so before 'the bannings' happened, or whatever they're supposed to be called. Anyhow, the ponies captured his heart, and he's been a devout member of the pony cult (We're a cult, right?) ever since. Whilst stalling over his final year of A level exams (Yes, in the real world,) he decided to re-kindle the fan-fic writer within him, and type away about said ponies instead of studying like any good student like Twilight Sparkle would. (Krypqe is not a good student. However, He did pass most of his subjects, despite the ponies' best efforts.)
Foolishly, whilst sending the first chapter of his fanfic in, he accompanied it with the line: "P.S. Also, If you're ever running low on Pre-readers/Proof-readers, I can lend a helping hoof."
And then, that was it. He's been swimming around in fan-fics ever since, doing his best to review what he can, even with his status of #1 procrastinator in all of England.
Despite what he may have you think, he loves it, and is really bloody happy at the moment.

Bio: Polecat is one of the night shift ponies at Equestria Daily, where she can often be found gleefully dissecting fanfics with her razor sharp wit. A somewhat geeky filly hailing from Baltimare, she found her way to EqD after a disastrous stint in the Royal Guard. How she came to work for Equestria Daily after that is a mystery, even to herself, but she's smart enough not to pass up a good thing. These days she reads fanfics, tries not to eat too many cupcakes, and prays to Celestia nopony finds out why she was discharged.
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Uhh... |
Bio: Aqua's remarkable life began seventeen years ago, when he unleashed himself upon the world by punching his way out of his mother's womb and immediately defeating the entire nursing staff in an arm wrestling/raw-steak-eating contest. After coaching the Toronto Blue Jays to their second straight world series title, Aqua decided that he desired a more lasting impact on the world around him, and promptly shat out the entire Internet we all know and love today, gradually releasing more content when he felt the people of Earth were prepared for it and/or whenever he went to Chipotle. Wealthy from his successes with this new invention, as well as his nearly prophetic stock picks and his side career as a semi-professional cat herder, Aqua soon became curious about the hitherto unknown comforts of provincial life. As a result, he rechristened himself with a more common name and lived as a normal, mild-mannered American child until the spring of 2011, when his curiosity was piqued by his discovery of the untapped wonders of what many mortals refer to simply as... ponies. And the rest, as said mortals also tend to say, is history.
Bio: Aqua's remarkable life began seventeen years ago, when he unleashed himself upon the world by punching his way out of his mother's womb and immediately defeating the entire nursing staff in an arm wrestling/raw-steak-eating contest. After coaching the Toronto Blue Jays to their second straight world series title, Aqua decided that he desired a more lasting impact on the world around him, and promptly shat out the entire Internet we all know and love today, gradually releasing more content when he felt the people of Earth were prepared for it and/or whenever he went to Chipotle. Wealthy from his successes with this new invention, as well as his nearly prophetic stock picks and his side career as a semi-professional cat herder, Aqua soon became curious about the hitherto unknown comforts of provincial life. As a result, he rechristened himself with a more common name and lived as a normal, mild-mannered American child until the spring of 2011, when his curiosity was piqued by his discovery of the untapped wonders of what many mortals refer to simply as... ponies. And the rest, as said mortals also tend to say, is history.
Bio: Blueshift is the best pony ever. He enjoys writing stories in which ponies are inanimate objects that love each other, or try to kill each other. His main ambition is to move from being 'the jAaM guy' in Transformers fandom to being 'that guy who writes weird lobster porn' in the pony fandom.

Bio: BronyCray had never written anything before ponies, so watching his first story on the blog get him into potential pre-reader status warmed his heart. When he asked to become one, it was more to help support EqD than for his insatiable appetite for fanfiction, believe it or not. With his weekly number of fics reviewed fluctuating heavily on the amount of free time he has (read: none), he still finds it a lot of fun to shoot the crap with the guys (and fillies) behind closed doors. Seth ran out of funny things to say when he sends the prereaders new fics about two months ago, so the poor bastards have to force the humor out elsewhere. If your fic has grimdark, sad, or Rainbow Dash tags, BC has probably taken a look at it.
It's a lot of fun, and if you had told him back in March that he would be involved in running the community spotlight website for My Little Pony, nevermind having 20-30 fanfictions sent to him daily...well, I'm sure a lot of us know how unbelievable it seems now. What long, strange trip it's been, huh?

Bio: Daffodil was buried at sea seventeen miles southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia on March 23rd, 1954 following a horrific accident involving seven tons of herring paste, a rhesus monkey, and the original Broadway cast of Oklahoma. His dying soliloquy is considered the greatest post-war work of neo-classical Latin beat poetry. Local legend states that his ghost can often be seen preaching to the local dolphin population about the evils of the metric system.
Bio: Attention yay! Hi there, I'm Ninestempest. I first discovered ponies in mid-february (some friends linked "The Greatest Moment in Cartoon History" on his facebook. I was entranced), and started frequenting /b/ (I used to frequent /vp/ and /v/, so migrating to /b/ was easy!) again for pony threads. That was fun for a while. Then I asked somepony for fanfiction because I was getting the itch to write fanfiction (I have awful terrible mary-sue deus-ex filled pokemon fanfiction from just two years ago, eugh) around early march, and somepony linked me Equestria Daily. And, uh, nothing important in my life has been accomplished since. The archive was amazing, I liked the news that was coming up, and writing fanfiction for the blog and the fandom was enjoyable. I started taking it upon myself to read... basically every fic that was posted for a few months, attempting to review as much as possible. I noticed some authors wanted help pre-reading, so I volunteered for some of these positions (I helped for lots of Memories of Days Long Past), and eventually saw that Seth wanted more pre-readers. Having just completed my third fanfic for the fandom, I emailed him, and bam, here I am. Been pre-reading since June 23rd. Whoop.

Bio: Kits is a computer engineer whose special talent is radars and rockets. She sort of fell into that field one day and BAM: cutie mark. Which is an apt description of how she came to work for blogpony in the first place. She's currently working off the debt she incurred when a rocket propelled mishap ended up with Equestria Daily missing a wall and an entire days worth of fan fiction going up in smoke. Health and Safety is still trying to decontaminate that section of the building and doesn't know if it'll ever be habitable again. Apparently she's doing a decent job with this pre-reader gig since nopony holds it against her and she's not visiting Midnight on the moon.
Pineapple Skitter
Pineapple Skitter
Bio: After being hooked into the fandom with a pony/starcraft 2 crossover, Pineapple stumbled onto Equestria Daily and started submitting terrible fanfic. After a post about the ridiculous queues of content that gets sifted through, he thought about giving something back to the community... so joined the pre-readers!
Since then Pineapple has tried to keep up with the artists and writers training grounds on deviant art in the desperate hope he can write/draw something to be proud of. In the meantime, he plods through the inbound fanfics and does his best to pick out the gold, and offer tips on shining everything else.

The Mechanic
Bio: Mecha Nicbrony is a composite index based on multiple economic variables. He hails from a distant land where great fiery furnaces heat and twist metal to his will, and sparks fly out into the darkened night. Around him metal clangs to the ground, and air drives great machines that drive home bolts and screws as he repairs the clutch you burned out because you were trying a "Tokyo Drift" in your Nissan Stanza, you ninny. "Mech", as those bold enough to speak his name in his presence call him, became interested in literature early in life when he used a copy of The Cider House Rules to defeat all of his enemies in single combat. He has since joined the ranks of the Equestria Daily Pre-Reader Corp in an effort to attain self-enlightenment, balance his karma, and find talented authors he can hunt for sport.
Bio: Mecha Nicbrony is a composite index based on multiple economic variables. He hails from a distant land where great fiery furnaces heat and twist metal to his will, and sparks fly out into the darkened night. Around him metal clangs to the ground, and air drives great machines that drive home bolts and screws as he repairs the clutch you burned out because you were trying a "Tokyo Drift" in your Nissan Stanza, you ninny. "Mech", as those bold enough to speak his name in his presence call him, became interested in literature early in life when he used a copy of The Cider House Rules to defeat all of his enemies in single combat. He has since joined the ranks of the Equestria Daily Pre-Reader Corp in an effort to attain self-enlightenment, balance his karma, and find talented authors he can hunt for sport.
Bio: Benman is a big fan of ponies and a bigger fan of the brony community that sprang from the internet, like Athena from the head of Zeus. He struggles to balance his pony time between reading fanfiction for fun, reading fanfiction to offer ostensibly insightful critiques, and getting his own writing out the door. His favorite stories usually contain melodrama, humor, and/or adorableness. When not thinking about ponies, he... oh, who are we kidding? He's probably thinking about ponies right now.
Bio: NTSTS is a pretentious jerk. He is a lover of big words, meaningful prose, music, and equine anatomy. His favorite horse is Ponka Pone, and he enjoys when horrible things happen to good (and bad) ponies. He does not like your story.
Bio: NTSTS is a pretentious jerk. He is a lover of big words, meaningful prose, music, and equine anatomy. His favorite horse is Ponka Pone, and he enjoys when horrible things happen to good (and bad) ponies. He does not like your story.
Ebon Mane
Bio: Ebon Mane lurks the dark hallways of the Equestria Daily offices at night, slinking from room to room with his big, red 'REJECTED' stamp and waging a constant war against words and the people who write them. His shriveled, black core holds no pity, only heartburn. Every time your fic was rejected unfairly, every time your favorite fic couldn't make the cut, every time a prereader clearly didn't understand your OC's greatness... he did it. He even rejects fics from his favorite authors and his fellow prereaders. He likes to write stories that make people cry and start multi-chapter fics, write enough to get people interested, and then never finish them. He probably makes more money than you, but you can tell that he doesn't work as hard. He never holds the door open. Your hatred only makes him stronger.
Bio: He has no style, he has no grace, this Pre-Reader, writes to his own pace! HiddenBrony, or as he would rather be called, 'Hyde Edenborough Knee,' has the lovely attribute to always be around, but like his name implies, can quickly and easily disappear without a trace. While doing the various oddjobs of the community, Hyde was out and about while traveling from one firing to the next hiring when a letter dropped from the sky. Not one to excuse fate, Hyde tore into somepony else's personal property and found an invitation to Equestria Daily's Pre-reader team, calling the recipient of the letter a 'pony of advanced skill in both literature and story design.'
Hyde then drawled out some hasty and trite shipfics during the interview process, and then he soon found himself on the payroll of the Equestria Daily pre-readers within minutes. Even more horrid, he's managed to keep his job even though he's been living out of his cubical for the past three months - in which nopony has even noticed.
Pre-reader #13
Bio: The pre-reader known as #13 completes his task anonymously due to certain restrictions placed on him by the Fish & Wildlife Bureau. In his youth, he fell in a with a rogue's gallery of obscure essayists who all advocated a form of discourse that involved yelling breakfast cereal ingredients at aquatic mammals. Condemned for minor heresies involving a street-sweeper, aluminum siding, and the original Broadway cast of Oklahoma!, he laid low for a number of years as he travelled the world in the guise of a used sportswear salesman. #13 began writing fan-fiction during the Monroe administration. He was introduced to the EqD Pre-Reading Staff during a shoot-out in the streets of Istanbul (not Constantinople) concerning the ownership of a time-travelling monkey. He has been lowering the quality of the blog's reviews ever since.
Despite of (or perhaps because of) his eccentricities, he fit right in with the pre-readers, and can frequently be found in or around the break room, looking at stories while drinking from a flask, often ranting to anyone nearby about whatever awful or awesome thing is in whatever he's reading. The most common response of the staff is to mumble something to the equivalent of "Uh huh Vimbert... I'm sure that you don't like that story just because it has one of the ships you like... Oh, yes, I'm sure Twilight having a dream about Celestia holding her while murmuring poetry in her ear is symbolic of all kinds of—LOOK, A MOOSE!" then quickly grabbing a cup of coffee and leaving.
Bio: The pre-reader known as #13 completes his task anonymously due to certain restrictions placed on him by the Fish & Wildlife Bureau. In his youth, he fell in a with a rogue's gallery of obscure essayists who all advocated a form of discourse that involved yelling breakfast cereal ingredients at aquatic mammals. Condemned for minor heresies involving a street-sweeper, aluminum siding, and the original Broadway cast of Oklahoma!, he laid low for a number of years as he travelled the world in the guise of a used sportswear salesman. #13 began writing fan-fiction during the Monroe administration. He was introduced to the EqD Pre-Reading Staff during a shoot-out in the streets of Istanbul (not Constantinople) concerning the ownership of a time-travelling monkey. He has been lowering the quality of the blog's reviews ever since.
Bio: Vimbert wandered into the offices of Equestria Daily one day, carrying a small mound of papers with his reviewing experience and published stories with him and muttering something about "killing the grammatical unbelievers for the coming glorious dawn." Security also had to relieve him of several items, the nature of which could not be printed.
Despite of (or perhaps because of) his eccentricities, he fit right in with the pre-readers, and can frequently be found in or around the break room, looking at stories while drinking from a flask, often ranting to anyone nearby about whatever awful or awesome thing is in whatever he's reading. The most common response of the staff is to mumble something to the equivalent of "Uh huh Vimbert... I'm sure that you don't like that story just because it has one of the ships you like... Oh, yes, I'm sure Twilight having a dream about Celestia holding her while murmuring poetry in her ear is symbolic of all kinds of—LOOK, A MOOSE!" then quickly grabbing a cup of coffee and leaving.
Nick Nack
Bio: I try to pay forward the time I use from others' who help me on my work. On top of the reviews I give for personal acquaintances in Ponychan's /fic/ community, I have my advice emporium, a public program to foster one-on-one writing aid.
I preread for Equestria Daily as a crossroads between helping others improve their writing (sometimes, part of improvement is being told you're not good enough,) but also to keep me involved in the show and the happenings of the fandom. After all, I'd scarcely be helpful if I didn't know what happened past when I stopped enjoying the show.
So stop by my emporium for advice and I'll help you. Or submit a story to Equestria Daily, and I might measure you.
Or do neither. Either way, I hope you keep writing.
Bio: I try to pay forward the time I use from others' who help me on my work. On top of the reviews I give for personal acquaintances in Ponychan's /fic/ community, I have my advice emporium, a public program to foster one-on-one writing aid.
I preread for Equestria Daily as a crossroads between helping others improve their writing (sometimes, part of improvement is being told you're not good enough,) but also to keep me involved in the show and the happenings of the fandom. After all, I'd scarcely be helpful if I didn't know what happened past when I stopped enjoying the show.
So stop by my emporium for advice and I'll help you. Or submit a story to Equestria Daily, and I might measure you.
Or do neither. Either way, I hope you keep writing.
Bio: Known for despising anything and everything to exist, ever, Cassius is the staff curmudgeon. His colleagues regard him fondly from his territorial trappings of the upper attics, making certain to avoid letting him know when anything good or amusing happens. In some display of cosmic irony—Princess Luna’s involvement is widely suspected—Cassius managed to produce the hilarious fiction “A Game of Twits.” In between viciously crushing the dreams of aspiring writers and reviewers alike, Cassius spends most of his time lurking the darker corners of the Equestria Daily offices, most likely seeking out new hiding places for the bodies of those who taunt the color scheme of his OC.
Bio: Three out of every seven American homes already have a Drakmire of some variety, usually in a spare drawer or kept in the garage. Drakmire has many principal uses, including (but not limited to): an industrial lubricant, an exfoliant, and a salad garnish. He became interested in reading and literature at an early age, as he was raised by a copy of The Old Man and the Sea. He is noted in many circles for being noted in many circles. His pioneering work studying the philosophical and theological underpinnings of dental floss have earned him seven degrees from prominent universities: four earned, two honorary, and one taken at gunpoint. Drakmire became an Equestria Daily pre-reader when he and his future self both asked to have their parking validated. The actual hiring was the clerical error that resulted. He currently lives in the air ducts of the National Air and Space Museum where he makes models of suburban shopping malls out of household cleaning supplies.
Pre-reader Who Is Also A Bear
Bio: Grrrr. GRRRAAAAAAAAWR. Hrrrr grrrrrrrr grawr aaaaoooooooohhhh. Aoooh. Aoooooh. OOOOAAAAAWR. Rrrrrrr.
Seattle Lite
Bio: Seattle_Lite is the staff alcoholic. Besides obsessing over what illegal substance he wants ingest next and writing disturbing, horrific fan fiction (Moving On, not Divergence), he also pre-reads for Equestria Daily, belching out some semblance of a comment for the ficboxers to organize into coherent speech before returning to his drunken slumber, usually accompanied by one of the many local working girls. The snoring keeps everyone awake at the office, and eventually, one of the staffers could take it no more, and set Seattle's bed out into the middle of the street, hopefully to be crushed by some van or tour-bus full of Japanese schoolgirls. But alas, this was not meant to pass, and Seattle returned to the office, now sleeping in the ceiling tiles so nobody can remove him without risking being crushed.
Pre-reader Who Is Also A Bear
Bio: Grrrr. GRRRAAAAAAAAWR. Hrrrr grrrrrrrr grawr aaaaoooooooohhhh. Aoooh. Aoooooh. OOOOAAAAAWR. Rrrrrrr.
Seattle Lite
Bio: Seattle_Lite is the staff alcoholic. Besides obsessing over what illegal substance he wants ingest next and writing disturbing, horrific fan fiction (Moving On, not Divergence), he also pre-reads for Equestria Daily, belching out some semblance of a comment for the ficboxers to organize into coherent speech before returning to his drunken slumber, usually accompanied by one of the many local working girls. The snoring keeps everyone awake at the office, and eventually, one of the staffers could take it no more, and set Seattle's bed out into the middle of the street, hopefully to be crushed by some van or tour-bus full of Japanese schoolgirls. But alas, this was not meant to pass, and Seattle returned to the office, now sleeping in the ceiling tiles so nobody can remove him without risking being crushed.
Bio: Pre-reader 63.546 was plucked from a greasy alleyway in a desperate attempt to fill a long-standing but obscure statute that the staff employ a village idiot. Luckily, he fit the bill quite well.
However, horror of horrors, beneath the strangely root-beer smelling crust of buffoonery lay... another layer of buffoonery. But below that second layer... and several others... lurked a brutish single-mindedness to make the streets run red with the blood of those who would splice commas.
"But he doesn't know any better!" the blogponies would cry. "We can't lock him away with only a stack of Mary Sue stories and some hardtack. Right? Oh, we can? That's it, then."
Purportedly reformed, he will take a story, nary a glimmer of recognition in his eye, and slowly hand back a list of corrections too long for an intelligent person to have compiled. At least he keeps the grebes at bay. Stupid birds.
Samurai Anon
Bio: I enjoy literature and the benefit it brings to all those that practice it. I have done what I can to ensure it improves in all facets, fan or original. I can only hope my efforts will help you.
Bio: Way too young and (probably) grossly unqualified, Mystic was forced to use every single sneaky, devious and underhanded technique he’s picked up at law school to swindle, cheat and con his way into the pre-reader position. He is a lover of clean and emotive prose and a sworn enemy of dull writing and a lack of narrative technique. When he isn't drowning himself in reviews, he occasionally likes to throw some words together and shake his head at the result, writing almost exclusively high fantasy or post-apocalyptic adventure. While he will read and review just about anything, any 'sad' stories that cross his desk better be amazing, for if there is one thing Mystic can't stand, it's poorly executed and overdone emotion.
He likes to laugh way more than is necessary and is a firm believer that practice and determination makes perfect. He also comes from Australia, which is the best country ever.
The Mysterious Pre-reader Do-Well
Bio: His OC is an alicorn, and that's okay. He once reviewed seven fics and wrote the same scathing review for all of them, in which each individual author then thanked him and offered their daughters for retribution. He rides to work every day on a manticore's back... and rides home standing regally on top of Sethisto's head.
He is only known as the Mysterious Pre-Reader Do-Well.
199 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaBy Celestia's beard, thems some cool OC's
VastaKustutaOC ponies? But people will get butthurt for no apparent reason
VastaKustutaAwww, I wanted to see the real life photos.
VastaKustutaHaters will probably hate.
VastaKustutaIs it bad that I read so much stories that I had already guessed/knew most of them (aside from BronyCray, who told me directly)?
VastaKustutaMe Gusta.
VastaKustutaI smell fan fiction...
VastaKustutaHmm. There are more pre-readers then I thought.
VastaKustutaI don't even...
I want an OC pony, but I don't know what my cutiemark would be.
Oh cool, I like your OC designs. Distinct but not overly in-your-face about it. Also, do they portray really anything about your actual looks? I never thought Cereal would have lush, flowing hair, so I'm doubtful.
VastaKustutaAnyways, great to see our blog-masters with a little more identity than before.
the cereal one is pretty cool i like his Cutie mark
VastaKustutaY U have wingboner?
Haha! This is kinda cool. "MoronSonOfBoron"'s bio made me laugh to tears. xD
VastaKustutaThanks to all the pre-readers. You go through a ton for us and you have to make it all make sense.
VastaKustutaShip them! Ship them ALL! >:D
VastaKustutaI ship Nathan and Seth.
@the_guy_with_more_names_than_friends Dammit, I don't want to be a part of anybody's ships.
VastaKustutaI think the rope says it all. Phoe must like being tied up. Perhaps she's stayed a sting in Fluttershy's cellar?
holy fuck I never realized how racist Equestria Daily is
VastaKustutathere are hardly any Earth ponies employed here
Did I start a meme? LAWL
VastaKustuta@Namefag Anon
VastaKustutaI was almost an earth pony, but my pimp had image got axed and I felt naked without a horn.
@Namefag Anon
VastaKustutaUnicorns are obviously the master race at EqD
A very nice read. It's good to get to know a little about all the people who are silently working in the background.
VastaKustutaThanks to all the folks for the work and all the time you put into EQD! It is well appreciated.
@Namefag Anon
VastaKustutaI laughed at that.
Where's termakery?
VastaKustutaOr at the very least, my horrible, horrible (lol) piece of fanfic got a reference, which is pretty cool. :D
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI'm still waiting for his, he disappeared again :x
Loooots of pre-readers. lol I would read everyone's bios, but that would take forever, sorry. :P And hah, Seth's image. Me Gusta!
VastaKustutawow, there is actually just about as many earth ponies up there as there are unicorns. didn't expect that
VastaKustutaDamn. I didn't know tempest and shadow were pre-readers... Now I feel like becoming one >.>
VastaKustuta> severe lack of Tekaramity in this list
VastaKustutaWhat the hell.
we need a %20 cooler pony creator than the one on DV, i mean cmon guys! instead of a rpg/platformer game why not just make a really awesome pony creator! id perfer that over a rpg/platformer game anyday!!!
VastaKustutaSeth:I AM AN ADULT!!! *Smacks Trixie*
VastaKustutaI liked the Seth one so much.
VastaKustutaDat Phoe pony.
VastaKustutaAlso Phoe's pony is super cute...might have to do with the rope...also I ship Seth x Trixie, Seth x Cereal, and Kits x Phoe...I'll write a fic for these pairings later....and by later I'm mean soon....
VastaKustuta@the_guy_with_more_names_than_friends WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEEEEEEEAN
VastaKustutaOC pony post. INC shitstorm.
VastaKustutaWhere's Tekaramity?
VastaKustutaSorry, but I already wrote Trixeth.
@Sethisto To be honest the site wouldn't be the same without the fan content and I've always respected you for defending it as much as you do so thank you Seth!
VastaKustutaTek actually requested some time ago to be allowed to work behind the scenes, where he's more comfortable. He likes to be the stagehand, zipping around behind the curtain and doing his part to help from the shadows.
And we love him for it. If he ever wants a place i the spotlight, all he has to do is step forward and ask.
Dat Phoe!
VastaKustuta@Ace2401 Yes but have you written Seth x Trixie, Phoe x Kits, and Cereal x Rarity all in one fic?
VastaKustutaSo basically all fagbutts is asking is for Sethisto to stop being fun and creative? Looks like we have a typical government employee at hand...
VastaKustutaI could very easily write those last two pairings into my story, lol.
Mmmmmmmmk now you need to make a banner =P
VastaKustutaThis is amazing, finally we get a look behind the scenes!
VastaKustutaI just wish I knew how to give more to the community!
VastaKustutaWell, isn't this a fun coincidence? I was trying to figure out a design for a Sethisto pony for my NaPoWriMo fic, and I was worried what I would come up with would ruffle some feathers for being inaccurate (I have no idea with Seth looks like other than an assumption of being male, nor his personality outside of Ponies.) so now I know what to work with!
VastaKustutaOne problem Trixie: he IS an adult...
VastaKustuta>talk about this at beginning of summer
VastaKustuta>gave up pre-reading duties at the end
>page comes out like 1 week later
Actually, I never filled out the bio anyways.
Anyways, these are fantastic
VastaKustutaNah, go ahead. XD
@Ace2401 Yay thank you!
VastaKustutaLet the Shipping BEGIN!
VastaKustutaDat Phoe <3
VastaKustutaAlso, I've seen Tek's pony :D all you alls can just be jelly of that. Yeeeeah.
@Adamaster Seth with....THREE Trixies!
VastaKustutaseriously, what is dykas?
VastaKustutaNeat about staff page. Is it going to be linked on the sidebar for future reference, Seth?
VastaKustuta@Solar Flair
VastaKustutaYou have? :OO Where, might I ask?
Holy crap that's a big team. You don't have anyone to handle the artwork side of it, tho.. unless some there do double duty.
VastaKustutaYes, a few of us do art. some of us do art more than writing, actually!
@Solar Flair
VastaKustutaHehe well I was just wondering where you saw it because I was the original "creator" of Tek Pony ^-^
This is amazing, and you are all amazing. Much love to the pre-readers!
VastaKustutaA social gathering in which we dance, socialize, drink punch, eat snacks, and generally just enjoy ourselves?
@TickleMeFrosty Well, I suppose I could let it slip that I saw it in with some of his Precocious edits. That should be enough info for you I'm guessing :3
you were supposed to scream " A PARTY!!" in full pinki mode
VastaKustutaI don't know about you, I, however, can not stop looking at Phoe's.
My Little Grammar Nazi cannot ignore the fact that you regularly use 'it's' in place of 'its'.
VastaKustutaIt's like 'your' and 'you're', or 'their', 'they're', and 'there'. It's 'it is' or a possesive 'its'.
Please tell me that you can make sense of this.
@Flutterfan Phoe's is put it pony self wouldn't be nearly as hot also it's nice to see a Fluttershy fan around these parts do you frequent any of the other pony sites?
VastaKustutaEither way, it's great that the rest of the staff is getting some recognition here, you guys are great, and thank you sooo much for what you all do!
VastaKustutamy little brony :)
and yes that picture certainly is...entrancing.
>mfw my fanfic points out the absence of "love and toleration" amongst the bronies. This may get a mention...
VastaKustutaAlso, I *gulp* kinda want to be a pre-reader. I have for a while now, and I think I could be some help. Mostly since I'm a beastly Grammar Gilda.
There is a new post for the side /co/ vs the world discussion
I'll clean this up in a bit so copy your stuff over there if you want it! (Normal responses are fine)
VastaKustutano, the memebase site.
VastaKustuta>ponies is ruined
the fandom has survived for months only with fan content and fan service.
if it can't survive 18 days more, then something is wrong with this universe.
I have an OC pony with the same cutie mark as Krypqe Forgetterson (well simular,... you get what I mean) But it's for a background pony in one of my fanfics
VastaKustuta...Actually, I envisioned Cereal as more of the tan/biege color scheme with a warm-colored mane and tail, and Seth pretty much the same color scheme that Cereal got.
VastaKustuta@Flutterfan Awesome and I should have known you were talking about the memebase...I've been up too long today so my brain is a little flat right now...
VastaKustutaPerfectly welcome. As I said, there comes a time when we all need to forgive and forget. I've been well past that point for some time.
VastaKustutaIt was a joke man, thus the quotation marks. If you ever get the chance, google "Phelous" on TGWTG to get it.
Heck, half of the fun I have with Ponies is seeing all the fan content. My NaPoWriMo Fanfic is half based around it!
Wow, I didn't now that ponies and pony blogs were such serious business. :P
VastaKustutaPonies keeping you up? they do that to me every night.
VastaKustutaBlasphemy, addictions are very serious!
Arrrgh, this is seriously tempting me to draw some sort of group picture. I don't know, too many projects I wanna work on. Benman the "Pretend this is a picture of a pony." sign will replace Seth as the self aware inanimate object.
VastaKustutaooooh, zalgo! I've found that when ponies keep you up, it is best to sleep through boring old normal life.
@Flutterfan I'll try and you know about Zalgo?
VastaKustutaYep, I've even seen zalgofied ponies, needless to say I am eternally scarred.
Trevor approves of his sister, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie's bio!
VastaKustutaI guess I can't help thinking in terms of stories, sorry. I've got fanfic on the brain for some reason, and I don't even read that much fanfic (actually, I didn't at all until I discovered pony).
VastaKustutaHmmm. I might have to (avoid) looking into that (like the plague).
Well I see a lot of "discussion" going on here. Here's my opinion on this post/flame war.
VastaKustuta1. I don't like a lot of this fandom, maybe even more than half of it. But I do like the show and some of the stuff people do with it. It's my own responsibility to find things I like and avoid things I don't, nobody is forcing EqD on me. If it doesn't go my way I'll just search for news manually using google and other websites. I like having it all here but I don't have to stay if I don't like it.
2. I like some OC stuff. Some annoy me if they show up too often but again, I understand. I do artwork and most of my art is only to see my own vision come to life, it's not to please other people.
3. I don't see a point complaining about a blog. Complain about a new youtube layout, fine. But blogs are super easy to make. You have a problem, make your own blog.
VastaKustutaFunfact, until I needed to research for a project, the only Pony Fanfic I'd ever read was cupcakes.
And I found it hilariously ridiculous.
VastaKustutaFun Fact: Cupcakes introduced me to this show.
VastaKustutaOne heck of an introduction, if I do say. Which I do.
When you watched the show, were you disappointed with the lack of disembowelment and cannibalism?
VastaKustutaquite the opposite actually, I love that there isn't any, and I despise cupcakes, I cried a little while reading it.
How does Kits get her mane and tail to do that? It's almost hypnotic; her hair is clearly fairly straight, but the colour boundaries are jagged...
VastaKustutacupcakes wasn't sad, it was crude and gruesome, almost vomit inducing.
VastaKustutaI know, I cried because I just died a little on the inside, The only good thing to come of it is the funny little question "why is it called a hacksaw"
VastaKustutaMaybe I've spent too much time online, and thus I'm desensitized to that kind of stuff, but I never felt anything other than bemusement and unintentional laughter towards it.
I mean, c'mon, those organ puns were pretty funny!
VastaKustutato be honest they were, I wonder how much THAT part looks like a scarf.
VastaKustutashould've said, I guess you have to learn to STOMACH it.
@NDupree93 I refuse to read it because i have a week stomach
VastaKustuta@Flutterfan It's more about comedy no real gore shown
VastaKustutayou are smart, so i give you half of my internetz (you get 333)
@Flutterfan Yay I can now take over this many universes!
VastaKustuta@Flutterfan *badum tsh*
VastaKustutaThat made me laugh, hard.
VastaKustutago for it, dude, go for it!
@Alexstrazsa Nah you're awesome!
VastaKustuta@Flutterfan We can rule together as brony and...brony....yeah
VastaKustutaput a "boring" sign on yourself and people will get interested in why you think that. once they are interested don't put up an "interesting" sign though, then they'll lose interest and think your self important.
@M1Abrams Same here dood!
VastaKustutaAll will be happy, weather they wanna be or not, for under our law ponies are mandatory!
@Alexstrazsa But because of your cutie mark, I'm going to be imagining ponies making the Mac bootup chime when they wake up in the morning for at least the next week.
@Flutterfan LIVVVEEE!!! *Does mouth to mouth resuscitation*
VastaKustutaWhat happened the last thing i remember is passing out and...uh....WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!
@Flutterfan I wasn't making out with you if that's what you're implying because that's only half-true!
VastaKustutaDo I wanna know which half?
@Flutterfan BOTH
VastaKustuta*wingest boner
It's interesting to see just how many people are involved with the blog! I had a picture in my head of three blogponies defying sleep and time reading and reviewing all the fics while still providing news and media. I have to admit, I'm a bit envious that I can't be part of something cool like you guys are doing (though its probably for the best, I don't read fanfics and don't really ever intend on doing so. I don't have anything against them, and I'm happy people are furthering their writing skills, but I just have no inclination to read them). If you ever need a journalism student to, ummm, do whatever it is journalists can do for a pony blog, I'll be glad to lend a hand!
VastaKustutaThere is one thing I can do now though... but not here. Seth specified the place, and I agree with the decision to do so. It's not for the front page of a news site, even if it's just comments.
@Flutterfan Hmmm this does interest me...I am a Flarity fan so that might be one of the reasons :3
VastaKustutasurprisingly I have never come across flarity, except some, ugh, rule 34. If it exists you CAN find disgusting interpretations.
@Flutterfan I know a few good Flarity fics and art and also some good 34 not the really odd stuff but more sensual
VastaKustuta@Flutterfan For me it depends if it is one of my fetishes to be honest and I'm glad you didn't freak out on me thanks for not freaking on me :)
VastaKustutaI would never do such a thing, I have no problem if you get off to that, cupcakes, or trees eating dogs,, enjoy what you enjoy.
@Flutterfan Thanks man and I can't do gorn it makes me....ill...
VastaKustutame neither, however I wouldn't care if you did (so long as the gore wasn't REAL, things dying being erotic would probably be a sign of mental issues).
These are pretty funny. I like how inventive people can get when they make OC pony personas.
VastaKustutaKeep up the good work, guys!
@Flutterfan True I have friends who like Gorn but all of them agree about it only being nice in fiction and it's weird how something being 2d makes such a big difference but it really does doesn't it?
VastaKustutaalso, just curious, is "gorn" a misspelling or gore+porn?
VastaKustutayes, yes it does. if happy tree friends was real, those people would have been hung, instead they just make me throw up :/
@Flutterfan E'yup also you wouldn't happen to know of any good 34 of Preggity would you?
VastaKustutaTroll posts aside, I enjoyed this post.
VastaKustutaGreat to see all the people that work behind the site, and seeing as how this is a pony blog, I enjoyed the OCs.
So thank you to whoever made them all, ignore the haters ^_^
VastaKustutauhh, I can't even tell who that is, sorry.
@Flutterfan Oops I was using lingo my bad I ment pregnant Rarity
VastaKustutaAlso, Phoe's pony is way to cute. Not like cute in a creepy way, but just a legit "cute".
VastaKustutaMad props to whoever drew that, its very pleasing on the eye.
@Flutterfan Ah okay so what got you into MLP?
VastaKustutavery pleasing, in a creepy way ;)
@Flutterfan I would if that's alright :)
VastaKustutaI will now go back and delete many of these comments of mine *blushes*
@Flutterfan Thanks bro!
VastaKustutayour welcome. to be honest I kinda feel sick, probably because of all this cupcake talk, enjoy your uh, stuff.
@Flutterfan Cupcakes makes me woosey too and I'm going to bed so night!
VastaKustutaI do a hell of a lot more art than writing.
I just happen to be pretty fucking good at writing and willing to wade through the pile of filth to pick out the gems. So I'm a pre-reader.
@Rarity-Fan, @Ace2401
I'm totally cool with being shipped with blog princess. Let me know if you need more backstory or anything. It's not like I'm incredible well known outside of the ATG and WTG.
I am confused as to why I was not invited to do this
VastaKustutaI like these OC's! Especially Blueshift and BronyCray. On a slightly related note, I must draw Seth's OC shipping with Trixie.
VastaKustuta>Ninestempest: Pre-Reader
VastaKustuta>I started taking it upon myself to read... basically every fic that was posted for a few months
-Heh, did that too... since Eq.Daily had just something like 3 pages in fact, if I recall correctly ;).
Now these days, or rather since begining of Summer, there's too many stories per day to read them all... So, I have a backlog (currently 273 stories, single or multi-parts).
...I'm sure there's a ''Gotta read them all'' joke to be made there ? ;)
Dat Phoe.
VastaKustutaO̪̠͚̮̥͞C̕ ̲͍̳̮̤̖̬͡p̳̀o̲̖͍̥͔̳n̯̙͈i͈̦̲̰̗es͔͙̠̘̼͞ ͈͓̺͇̮r͖̯̘e̶̮̜̘̦̰̥͕p̘̞̭̠̭͓͓ṟ̣̦es̭͙̖̹̞͈͜e͍̞͎̮͇͢nt̺͎͉̰̗ ̛̞t̢̖̹̘̥h҉e̞̣ ͔̣͘m̸̟̤͙̦̳̘̺e̛̳̮̻̞͓̰n̗̪̥̠ͅt̪̜̺̤̪͎a̠͖̭̬̞̟l̦̪͔̬͖ ̼t̠̫̝a̩̬̫͇̹ͅk̠̹̪̠̫e̠̖͍ơ̼̪̳̗͇͈̭vę̰̗r̻͉͕͝ ̖̬̞̯͖F͏̼̭̠̗̫i͕͚̺͇̞̳̳M̨̱̝̰ ̙͎̼̤̥́o̱̰r̙͓̙̞͘c̠͕͍h̲͈͔̻̺̼e͙̜s͚t̯̼̼̬̼r҉̯̣a̵͚̜͙͚̦t̺̗̞̖̻̤e̻͍̮̻̦̫̳͞s̡̮͈̳̹̦ o̡̟͉̹͙̳͖n̖̩͙ ̴̗̰͍̲͇̪͎ạl̷̯̯̖͉ͅl͉̪ ̶̺͇o͇f͇ ͘ụ̶̜̩̤̺s̮̣̮̮,̳͖̬̺ ̞̬͚̭͕̀i̙͕̳̤̪ņ̯̣ ͙͟a̯̖͕̘̞ ̹̱͎v̱̟͕̪̞̤͘ḭ͚̲̱͈̫s̡̺̰u̞̲̤̮a͚̩̝̻̮͎̪l̘̖̭̭̰͍͡ ̵̠m͙͓̟͍̱̮̠͞ę̦̟̲̝ṯa̰͝p̧̞̳̝h͈̙͘o͈̗̭̯̼͘r͓̞̫.̵̯̞
̞̲͖M̘̻͍̫̩͉͘y̦̝̬͓͚̼͓ ̗Ḷ̵̪i̥̩͠tt̷̺̬͙ḻ̢ẹ͖͉̦ ͚̖̦̮P̹̱̘̩̪ơ̦̦̯̠n̸̦̫̼̹͚y̖͍̬ ̳͈̠̖i̯̟̻̫̲̲s͙̗̯̮̱͝ ͅt̰̜̥̘͚h̵͕̜̙̲̣̲ę͙͇̗ ̘̲͓̹a̞n̨̮͚̮̻̖̬̩t̯͚͢i̠̪̞̲t́h̗̜͢e̪͇͍̼̯͞s̛̟͔͈̦͈i͓̜s͇͔ ̤̹͉͍o̤͉̮̺̻̫̝f͙͎̤̗̜̣ d̢̦͍e͠c̲̠͍͖̲̠ay̼̯̖̥̮̥.͏̯
̥ͅF͈̤̲͉͙̮r̫͉̣i̮̼̦͇̰̘̯͘e͔̲̬̣̞̹̤n͎̩̫d̜̮̼͔͎sh̙̫͚̥̳̤i̦͚̰̰̞̳͘p̣ ̱͓̖a̖̲̪n͓̣̼̺d̸͙̳ ̖̺̖͉̫̘̣M͕̭̳̯a͍g͡i͉͝c͍͈̲̹͝ ̷͈̼̫̺͖̜ͅį̩̰͚͖̖̟̳n̛̺̟̱̙̻f̝̰͖ͅe͙̝̩͓̰c͚ͅt̞̲̠͍͙͕i̤͙͍̺̮̪̦n̜̱͚͎̳̯ͅg ͓̱͙̣̺̻͡t̺̫̰̩̦͢h̭̩ḛ̡ ̞͖̙̦̮͘u̹nḭ͎͖͉v̡̫̪̰̦̲͕è̯̳͓̹͙ͅṟ͓͕̻̜͈͍s̟̻͍̫͍̺͜e͚̥͡.҉̟̣̼̭ͅ
̫͔͙S͏̘̫̰̟̹̗̝H̩E̛͖̝͉̱͈̟ ̱C̩͙͚̫̩̰O̰̳̟̠͈̼͔M͏ͅE̗̞͇̟̯͍S͖̝͎͙̜!̺͇͟
Cool.... o-o.....eyup.
VastaKustutaI loved the (much-needed) introduction to the whole staff! Much love to the mane 4 and all the prereaders! <3
VastaKustutaRelease the fan fictions involving these Ponies. RELEASE THEM I SAY.
VastaKustutaMan, I love all you guys.
VastaKustutaI read a lot of things in here that put a big smile on my silly face, despite certain... Arguments.
But still, there were ponies willing to be loving and caring and happy in the face of it!
I think a group hug is in order.
*Hugs Everypony!*
VastaKustutaWho is he talking to ??
I checked and... there no one named ''fagbutts'' in the page, and NO mention of Nyx either ?
Hmm I always imagined Seth as an earth pony
VastaKustutaI feel important.
VastaKustutaMidnight Shadow is a pre-reader?
VastaKustutaYou missed the giant crapstorm that immediately happened after this post. It seems the majority of those comments (including mine, which were neutral) got deleted. Good move too IMO.
VastaKustuta...fanfics about the pre-readers as they're hard at work in the Equestria Daily offices?
Who told you?
I love Phoe's ponysona. :)
VastaKustutaEmails please.
VastaKustutaCan i become a Pre-reader or is it too late to join the ranks?
VastaKustutaTime to post Xyro's profile now.
VastaKustutaGo go go.
I could see a fanfic that has all these OCs in the office of EQD, I see it being hilarious, and filled with memes, and maybe some cake...
crap, my oc's cutie mark looks like Alextrazsa's.
VastaKustutaWhy are Seth, Velocity, and PK suddenly mares?
VastaKustutaMust. have. OC. pony.....
VastaKustutaI think this post needs Calpain.
VastaKustutaIt's funny how I've never looked at this page till now. Those are some interesting OCs. Also Cereal Velocity and Beman's bio pics are priceless. XD
VastaKustutaAll pre-reader ponies are best ponies.
VastaKustutathat is a HUGE update xD
VastaKustutagrats on being listed for those that been waiting forever XD
Also Cereal should write more often, just saying.
VastaKustutait's nice to see all of you staffers. keep up the good work ^.^
VastaKustutaWow, so many new faces! Wait, Tombstone? Really? Pretty sweet.
VastaKustutaTombstone and Wooden Toaster? Wow. And finally Xyro and Calpain get to have their names here.
VastaKustutaI don't know very much about the others, but I'm sure they'll do an awesome job.
Finally so many more people are added to the list, just remember thousands upon thousands of people are going to be watching your every pressure.
VastaKustutaNow we get to see ALL the behind-the-scenes losers.
VastaKustutaI Loved Twilight Snarkle's cutiemark, it made me laugh myself to pieces, but all of them are just so... awesome and unique...
VastaKustutaAlso i appreciate what they all do, every single day ^^
I wish I could be part of the staff.
VastaKustutaSo much pony.
VastaKustutaHey everypony running EQD I wanted to complete three different things with this comment. First things first I just wanted to say congratulations on hitting 200 Million views on EQD. That is an amazing feat for a group of people that "need to grow up" this just go to show you that no matter what problems comes to challenge the community. We will prevail Muhahahahahaha and the world will crumble beneath our hooves of fury. I mean and we will be awesome forever yay. * evil robot cover still intact* all joking aside I am really glad to be a part if this community . Second thing even though I have joined this group in late February so I know that I missed a lot, so as celestia as my witness I shall miss no more, also I promise to contribute by sending in awesome fanfics. Third thing is long live and prosper.
VastaKustutai'm doing a research on bronies.
VastaKustutai was wondering if anyone would like to tell me what made them become a brony and also some insight.
i will greatly appreciate it!
my e-mail is [email protected]
in the subject line please put bronies.
thanks everyone!(:
Does anyone have ANY idea how bloody hard it was to find this list when I needed it most?!
VastaKustutaHow exactly do I send a fanfic (first one) to some pony here in particular?
VastaKustutaThe fanfic itself is about rarity getting sick and the rest of the mane six must run her boutique for her with fluttershy in charge; of course fluttershy is too... Well, shy, to correct her friend's mistakes... Because let's face it, only fluttershy and rarity can make a dress... Any pony on staff wish to read it; just for you to read it would be an honor. Whomever staff member wants to read it just comment and I'll send it to you; I'm not good at navigating this website from my ipod though *shrugs*
How in Equestria does one become a pre-reader anyways?
VastaKustuta@CloudDash Brony
VastaKustutaYou can email us and ask if we're looking for more help, or stop by one of the /fic/ threads on MLPChan or PonyChan and ask there as well.
It helps if you have a solid body of review work to show us.
@Francis Ferry
VastaKustutaBy the way. How do I email with a technical problem with the page? I found one and would like to talk about it.
VastaKustutaTry the main submit email, but if it's >blogger, then you need to talk to google.
Why would I receive praise for my art postings and requests for more, and then a week later be crushed with a message not to bother EQD with my artwork anymore because they didn't have a use for garbage. Pretty cruel, don't you think? I mean ponies are for little girls really. Have a soul, Bro!
VastaKustuta@EQD STAFF
VastaKustutawhy is there never a brony con near Illinois!? i
personally think there should be a con in Illinois!! preferably Rosemont Illinois! further more i barley hear brony metal!! music?? can anyone or any pony answer my question #yolo #chiSWAG #brohoof/)