Well now that the whole picasa and google nightmare is over, have some news stuff!
Aidan Mcateer released this animation reel with a small bit of Season 2 mixed in.
Check it out at this link, or watch it below! I'm not sure why Rainbow Dash is color faded, most of he other video isn't. Maybe it's a depressed dash episode?
UPDATE: Looks like it was removed, Gif's after the break! (Or click here for the combined one)
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230 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaHmmm maybe Discord stole all the colors?
VastaKustutaDIscoloured dash, its like windows movie maker all over again.
VastaKustutaOH MAH LAWDIE.
VastaKustutaShe's been TURNED!
VastaKustutaCurse you Discord!
...I'm pretty sure that isn't Dash.
VastaKustutaYou sure this is season 2? Well anyhow, looks like Applejack has some beef with Rainbow for some reason, or at least that's all I can gather. Pretty cool to see nonetheless.
VastaKustutaIt's funny because everyone who wants to know already knows what's happening in episodes 27 and 28. I'd spoil it, but I'm sure I'd get yelled at. Just hop into /co/ and ask for the image if you really want to know. Just rest easy knowing that i'm 90% sure this is part of the season premiere
Depressed Dash? We had depressed Pinkie Pie, now we get Depressed Dash...WHAT'S NEXT?! Depressed Celestia?! This season will be interesting!
VastaKustutaI'm not so sure it's depressed Dash as it's Discorded Dash...
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure it is, she has Dash's cutie mark.
Ooh, interesting.
VastaKustutaOh my god, this is so amazing! I predict dash going all pinkamena and stealing clouds and stuff.
VastaKustutaSo if I call that number, this guy'll draw me some ponies?
VastaKustutaThe reason why Dashie's colors have faded is rather obvious...
VastaKustutaShe's getting old *is shot*
oh. ok.
VastaKustuta*looks at cutie mark*
*looks at faded rainbow hair*
Nah, pretty sure it is.
Stephen Magnet! OOOooOOOO!
VastaKustutaCorrupted Dash
VastaKustutaThe element of Betrayal
This oughta be good o-o
Nope that is Dash. You can tell by the cutiemark and how she would look if her colours where mute.
VastaKustutaThat or it's a doppelganger. We'll see.
Why do you assume she's depressed?
VastaKustutaShe could merely be say...
Disloyal? Traitorous?
Something in the reverse of her normal Element at least.
They are almost like Notch! They always put some little somethings on every official place possible! They know that we find it everywhere! :D
VastaKustutaEven when it's an animation reel from one of their workers :D
Discord steals Rainbow's Dash colors = Depressed Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaOh no! Pinkemena and Rainbow Dash somehow combined!? D8
VastaKustutaI'd be a little depressed if I lost my color too =X
VastaKustutaWait I meant Steven Magnet, I can't even spell his name. But still.
VastaKustuta@BronyDudeShe doesn't look even remotely depressed in the least.
VastaKustutaIt makes more sense for her to be reverse-Elemented.
Great little animation reel. I can see this guy worked on some of my favorite shows.
VastaKustutaMy first impression was that maybe it an episode Rainbow Dash dyes her mane - we had a fanfic on that, although that'd be a concidence.
thats zombie pony dash who came to life after pinkie sewed her back to gather after using her to bake cupcakes
VastaKustutamaybe she is doing the opposite of her element
VastaKustutaI don't think she's depressed, at least she doesn't look it in the second before she gets laso'd.
VastaKustutaAlso, this isn't related but I was wondering if there's any word on NaPoWriMo? I emailed the person in charge, but I'm not sure if I was supposed to have heard back by now or not.
She's not depressed. Don't even get that theory started. We don't need anymore of that stuff floating around here.
VastaKustutaIt's clearly Discord's doing.
VastaKustutaNow lets make a bunch of fanfics about possibilities of discolored Dash!
VastaKustutaA lasso can only mean one thing...
I'm fairly sure that will be some sort of dream scene in the first or 2nd episode, when Discord tests the Mane 6 individually.
VastaKustutaBut anyway, this Aidan is pretty freaking sweet, he surely worked on a lot of good stuff hasn't he? :D
Guys, srsly. Look at Dark Dash's face before she gets lassoed.
VastaKustutaSHE'S SMILING.
I've had my fair share of flashbacks from Naruto, thank you very much. :|
VastaKustutaApplejack's rope lol
VastaKustutaNo, quick, take it away before I...
VastaKustutaToo late, XD!
Now that is interesting. Very, very interesting.
VastaKustutaAH HA!! I knew it! She DOES dye her mane!
VastaKustutaNo animation reel is complete without a 'Thriller' homage :p (*shrug* everyone's going to be commenting on Dash..)
VastaKustutaAnd I need to see more 'Fosters home for imaginary friends'. It was only shown on Satelliate channels in the UK :/
The Secret Show FTW!
VastaKustutathe fandom despressed her so much with all the porn.
VastaKustutahmmm... now im wondering about this. this could just be scraped animation, or plot related. maybe discord steals color and at some point in a moment of fear dashie tries to run from something. then applejack grabs her? i dont think it would be a physical threat but maybe something one of the others say.
VastaKustutai liked that video too.
She doesn't look scared either.
VastaKustutaSeveral of those brief cuts had some effects missing. Examples:
VastaKustutaThe Tony the Tiger cuts clearly showed early bits compared to the finished product.
The brief pony clip from Season 1 Episode 2 (a nighttime shot in the Everfree Forest) was much brighter than the scene from the actual episode.
I think it's safe to say the new Rainbow Dash scene is just a preliminary cut, assuming it's even real. They'll color it properly later (again, assuming it's even real).
Inb4 every pony gets an evil-double
VastaKustuta@ShadeTail I'm pretty sure flash animation doesn't work that way.
VastaKustutaThey don't paint black and white and colour it afterwards.
Dash looks kinda bored to me. Also, that ropes is almost positively Applejack's. Maybe Applejack is rounding up the mane six so she can reverse Discord's doings.
VastaKustutaGreybow Dash gets shipped with a cloud.
VastaKustutaApplejack is not amused.
I'm going with "Evil Clone Dash." Colors are muted and her Cutie Mark is facing the wrong way.
VastaKustutaMy guess at the context of the scene: Dash is trying to avoid her friends so she doesn't have to talk about whatever it is that's bugging her or that may be the cause of her color loss. Unfortunately, she's not out of range of AJ's lasso.
VastaKustutaColoring it isn't anything difficult even remotely.
VastaKustutaThey would have to intentionally set it to greyish for it to look like it does, it's not even entirely monochrome. It still has some color in it.
One thing is that she doesn't look depressed or scared in the least.
The other thing is that someone is lassoing her. Presumably Applejack.
VastaKustutaOther than her distorted colorization. Why was she riding on a cloud? Is that cloud somewhat of an importance?
VastaKustutaOr maybe she was hiding herself from onlookers from bellow because she was afraid of what they will they see if they did discover her in her current condition?
I just need to wait a little bit more... just a little bit more and all this sneaks peaks will make sense!!!!
VastaKustutaIn the meantime, I'm going to read you guys for all those crazy theories :D
VastaKustutaglad to see im not the only brony to like that XD
my prediction: Its an evil clone dash similar to the evil clones of the wonderbolts, and it is made by discord using the same dark magic that turned luna into nightmare moon. And obviously that lasso is applejack's
VastaKustutaYou know, this is all the way back from at least May.
VastaKustutaHow do we know that this isn't just a scene from Season 1 that was cut from the final airing? there are other season 1 clips mixed in there.
VastaKustutaJolly good show, sir. *adjusts monocle*
Dashie! What's wrong?!
VastaKustutaMy theory is that Discord somehow turned her against her Element, likely invoking what is inaccurately called "Cutie mark failure syndrome"(It's probably actually Element failure syndrome).
VastaKustutaHonestly the ponies make their own best opposites. Fluttershy can be the cruelest(How else would you describe her treatment of animals at the Gala then animal abuse? She bit a squirrel even), Pinkie Pie the most bitter and depressed, Rarity the greediest and most selfish, etc...
Am I the only one reminded of that mime/clown thing from the Powerpuff Girls?
VastaKustuta@UnknownI also thought of that.
VastaKustuta....wait what? No, don't answer, I don't want spoilers. But still...
anyone else notice that it looks like dash's cutie mark is upside down?
VastaKustutaWonder if it's like the Palette Swap Teen Titans thing...
Looks like Twi messed up another spell... *Shakes head*
VastaKustutaI noticed something in the clip:
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash is holding on tightly to that cloud. I think she can't fly on her own accord anymore. She can still flap her wings, but she needs to hold on to a cloud to remain in the air.
I'm hoping that they do something cool like 'counterparts' to the main six. Like, six ponies that make up the Elements of Discord.
VastaKustutaBetter yet, I would love to see a play on the Nightmare Moon legends: "...the stars will aid in her escape."
Wouldn't it be cool if the 'Stars' are a group of powerful ponies or other creatures that are aligned with Discord?
Oh, the anticipation is killing me. Dull and happy rainbow dash riding a cloud? What could this mean?! curse you animators I will get no sleep for days now!
VastaKustutaEvil 'clone', possessed or just personality changed. Maybe she's stealing clouds from Sweet Apple Acres or trying to avoid her job.
VastaKustutaI'm gonna go with Bizarro Dash. Courtesy of Discord.
VastaKustutaThis IS Dash, but the rope is colored it is either an uncompleted animation or an episode where ponies lose their colors...
It kinda looks like she's on top of that cloud so no one can see her and is trying to get away without being noticed. I think maybe she's lost her element and is now disloyal. That's why her colors are pale. Would explain the whole "finding the Elements of Harmony" thing in the first episode description.
VastaKustuta@Nimbus Buster What I was thinking, might have something to do with Discord. She had the rainbow sucked right out of her.
VastaKustutaShe has a sinister looking expression, so I'm assuming shes stealing the clouds and Applejack is trying to stop her.
VastaKustutaI'd bet on it being a Discord thing.
VastaKustutaThese days can't go by fast enough!
Holy guacamole! I swear that I had a dream like this for an episode where Rainbow Dash was not herself anymore and lost her ability to fly. That pic gave me some seriously mental flashbacks that made me faint for a while. I can't believe this is really happening...
VastaKustutaI just wish that there aren't any sad endings, just like in my dream. I'd cry if we were to lose any characters in the show. My heart almost melted.
Forgive me if I'm a bit paranoid, my memory is going wild at the moment. I don't know what to do to calm myself down, although I do seem to have sanity for now.
how are we so sure that this is part of season 2?
VastaKustutaSome of the theories you silly ponies come up with make me giggle. :P
VastaKustutaWhat I think this is, is... *censored*
Cloud hugging gray dash? Odd. Veeeeeeery odd. It's gonna be a long 17 days, folks...
VastaKustutaI'm 99.99% certain that wasn't Dash. I'm even more certain that somepony among the brony fandom is now going to write a multi-chapter fanfic based on these four seconds of a plain gray Pegasus being lassoed from a cloud.
VastaKustuta@Chill-penguin I looked. No it's not. Silly Maverick!
VastaKustutaHere's a thought: maybe Rainbow Dash came down with some sort of color-eating sickness? Hmmm???
VastaKustutaOk I like the Discord theory more.
Hm... Doesn't seem depressed. Reverse-elementness or something. I'd suggest it was some error but then I doubt it'd have been kept in. lol
VastaKustutaOh snap, just went to look again and saw her cutie mark. That IS a Gray Dash!!!! OMFG!!!!
VastaKustuta@jerryzucchini It wasn't in season 1. Also dischord did it
VastaKustutaI enjoyed that the discolored dash kind of reminds me what I did in my Editor once
VastaKustutaOH MY GOD
Here's the relevant part in gif form!
@Oswald Newscap
VastaKustutaSeason 2 isn't out yet. Not you nor I know what Discord "did". And for all we know, this could have been a deleted incomplete scene from a previous episode.
VastaKustutaYou mean Dash is *censored* the cloud?
I'm going to punch myself for even suggesting something like that.
looks like she went evil and they have to catch her and thats why she gets caught by a rope so they can drain the evil from her?
VastaKustutaSure it's definately Rainbow Dash discolored. It could be Discord's doing....
VastaKustutaBut the main problem is why is it at the daytime? I imagined episode 27/28 to mainly be in the nighttime.
Not sure why Discord would do things like that in a time like that.....could be an illusion, but something tells me that's not the case.
OR we are all wrong and this is a separate episode going to the day in the like episode stuff.
I've gone from 'excited' for season 2 to 'INTERESTED AS FUCK'. :D
VastaKustutaI'm glad I have the ability of being patient. I'm not listening to any speculation of that scene until I see the episode with my own eyes.
VastaKustutaI guess Dash lost her flight talents. That's why she's hanging on to one of the floating clouds and starts flying to get back her talents. Must be the other episode not the two-parter episode.
VastaKustutaAnd I agree I'll watch the episode instead of hearing any more of those silly spoilers.
VastaKustutaSlightly off topic:
VastaKustutaSince it was confirmed that Weird Al will be a voice in Season 2, wouldn't it be funny if he's the voice of Discord?
Discolored Dash... Hmmmm...
VastaKustutaOkay. time for my WILD GUESS!
So I'm thinking it's like that Teen Titans season ender with Trigon where Trigon made evil nega-clone things of the remaining titans and forced them to fight the real remaining titans. I'm betting Discord's gonna do this!
Guys, I cracked it, it's inspired by this
VastaKustutaThis guys is talented as hell!
VastaKustutaI'm done with season 2 speculations, it's less than 3 weeks!
Heres a twist. What if its Pinkie lassoing Dash?
Regarding the animation in general, the whole thing is mindblowingly awesome! No kidding My Little Pony looks so good, they have a crack team of animators behind it.
VastaKustutaBut the clips of Dashie de-saturated...That looks bizarrely disturbing. I wonder if she went down the Pinkamena Diane Pie and she lost all joy. Maybe she forgot how to fly and she is using a cloud as a floatation device. Neat. Can´t wait for that episode.
VastaKustutaI'm 99.999% sure that it is. You're probably right about the fanfic part though.
Discord is that bleached mime from that powerpuff girls episode!
VastaKustutaFriendship, like Love, makes the world go round.
VastaKustutaSame Cutie Mark, same mane style, same colors if they weren't muted, is flying fast...99.99% sure it's Dash.
There is a full gif http://ponibooru.413chan.net/post/view/52016
VastaKustuta@Vyktar Good one, Vyktar! I think the more -- unusual art of her really would creep poor Dashie out.
VastaKustutaMaybe we can expect an episode in which the mane six confront their fans and demand, "What is UP with you people?!?"
But for myself, I'm going with "Dash has been corrupted by Discord/some villain and has to be saved by the others."
Dash is adorable when she gets pulled down
VastaKustutamaybe she went through an ash cloud!
VastaKustutagoing to go out on a limb and say that was something that was cut from season 1. Pretty sure everyone on staff has to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I doubt the animator put that in just so they could potentially lose job offers and get in trouble
VastaKustutaSome of it is from S1's second episode...
VastaKustutaWatching that snippet of animation makes as much sense as watching Flutterguy singing "Evil Enchantress" out of context for the first time and WTFing until an explanation is given.
VastaKustutaIt's Monochrome Dash!
VastaKustutaRainbow's Discorded counterpart!
VastaKustuta...and here's the second scene as well: http://i.minus.com/iHgWn4sRjLY2c.gif
I dub thee "Greybow Dash". *jumps behind a rock*
VastaKustutaIt looks like dash is missing part of her hair or something
VastaKustutaAfter rewatching those 2 Discolored Dashie scene several times, here's my thought of it:
VastaKustuta- Look at her smiling. It's a mostly evil-ish smile.
- While she gets dragged away from the cloud, she gives a "OHNOES" type of expression.
- Her cutie mark wasn't upside down, but that also prooves, that it's really Dash...just a bit...grayer
- She is taking a clear cloud with her, full hooves, looking like she is taking it somewhere plot-ishly important
My speculation? Like some others said: Dash turned into an opposite of her own element, possibly Discord's doing...And maybe that's why they need to "find" the Element of Harmony again...
I think it would be hilarious if Dash's colour had nothing to do with depression or Discord. XD
VastaKustutaHmmm Dash lacking the Rainbow....Discorded Dash? Depressed Dash? Doppelganger Dash? Someone (not Discord) stole Dash's colors? (Like stealing to be able to Sonic Rainboom)
VastaKustutaSlowed it down and added some season one sound that reflects my feelings. ;)
VastaKustutaThe whole cloud?
I wonder why Applejack roped her... it must have been Applejack who else pulls Rainbow out of the sky. ;)
VastaKustuta"Monochrome Dash"
VastaKustuta...Yeah, it does have a certain ring to it.
VastaKustutaOnce again it is not always who but often what that Dashie gets shipped with. 9_9
VastaKustuta......Rarity? You never know what kind of skills those rich girls know.
Maybe rainbow just loses her color and tries to run away. Like that powerpuff girls episode with the evil mime!
(only not in any way like that.)
VastaKustutaAh, ya beat me to it on the name!
Still an awesome name though. I evoke the "great minds think alike" theory!
Probably something that was cut from season 1. Someone may want to ask so we can get this solved rather than just speculate.
VastaKustutaI was gonna say Nega-dash or maybe Lamebowdash.
VastaKustutaCould be related to Discord. Maybe the reason they have to find the elements again is because Discord took them out of the mane 6. Dash could be, say, leaving them.
@Niko Jims
VastaKustutaYes, but who?
My theory is that everypony wants this "thing" and right now Rainbow Dash has it. She stuffed it in that cloud to hide it and she's taking it somewhere. But then here comes AJ's lasso..
VastaKustutaIts an old episode remake!! I just know it! the one where some one steals all the rainbows and rainbow dash starts fading! I know this cos some one bought me a G3 ponybook.
VastaKustutathe discolored rainbow dash has got to be from season 2, but the other clips were from the 2nd part of the season 1 pilot episode
VastaKustuta10 seconds of footage and we go crazy. I think we may break the internet when season 2 comes out on the 17Th.
VastaKustutaHas somepony taken my plot of the ponies being possessed by an element of evil and having to fight each other to 'beat' it out of them and made it canon!?
VastaKustutaAlso, Dash is being arrested for stealing clouds to build that new wing of her cloud-mansion.
Maybe we'll even get to see the inside while she's renovating.
Well, from going by the synapses of the first episode of season 2, it is possible that Discord had done something to the ponies such as scatter their elements of harmony or changed their personalities to the point where Rainbow Dash becomes Rainbowiene Dashington or something along those lines.
VastaKustutaI can already see this as being shipping material. The AppleDash shippers haven't had any official fuel in a while.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure if this going to be from the Discord episode. Just making Rainbow Dash depressed doesn't seem like something an ageless abomination would do. He seems more like a Anti-Spiral kind of villain.
VastaKustutaPerhaps a certain Aidan McAteer, you know, the person who's name is at the end of the video. :P
[email protected]
VastaKustutaThe Anti-Spiral's goal was explicitly stated to be absolute despair though. So it's not really out-of-line for Discord.
1:03 old man surrounded by bunnies reminds me of fluttershy!
VastaKustutaIf her hair isn't a rainbow anymore does that mean Discord turned her straight?
VastaKustutaThats what I mean. Rainbow Dash looks like she screwed up a trick in front of the Wonderbolts (Something bad for her but she would get over it eventually). If it were the Anti-Spirals, She would have to deal with dooming the entire planet with no hope of saving it, which according to that leak on ponychan is something that might happen in the Discord episode.
What leak?
VastaKustutaAlso, if you look closely, the colors aren't even complete gray scale, they are just extremely faded (I think that is what you would call it) rainbow colors.
VastaKustutaThis was posted on Ponychan about 2 months ago http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/9985/1313985624358.png
Ah, thought you might've meant something else.
VastaKustutaHonestly, I hope that happens. I'm going to trust it since they knew who Discord was before he was announced.
Onore DECADE!!!!!
VastaKustutaHas no one else noticed that Rainbow Dash is SMILING despite being almost devoid of colors? It's not until she gets yanked out of the air by Applejack that her expression becomes one annoyance.
VastaKustutaI really don't think this will be the Discord episode. Expect it to be something later in the season, possibly much later.
But yeah. Rainbow Dash, smiling, doesn't seem at all put out that her awesomely cool colors are gone.
Gameboy Dash
VastaKustuta@Tim SteeleWhere is it! Link please!
VastaKustuta@Wisdom Thumbs
VastaKustutaWho said that Discord makes ponies unhappy or depressed?
For all we know they don't really mind what Discord does to them or perhaps even realize it.
If Rainbow Dash turned disloyal would she suddenly stop enjoying herself? No she wouldn't, and she would still be annoyed at being lassoed.
I work at a GameStop, and I got to take home one of those countdown clocks they use to count down to new game launches...
VastaKustutaMine is now counting down to Season two!!!
I'm so excited I could vomit with joy XD. Pretty cool to see that stuff but I guess we will have to wait...
VastaKustutaI'm guessing that Pinkie drank Dashie's color palette. She could do it. Or it's like that one ep of Ed Edd n' Eddy where there break the world.
VastaKustutaAnyone else notice that this has apparently been around since May? Season 2 footage has been out there this whole time and we didn't even notice.
VastaKustutaI'm not going to speculate, but it sure is entertaining to read some of ya'lls theories.
VastaKustutaI sure hope this is part of the season opener, because I'm definitely intrigued!
@wulfmon13 You're not dreaming enough. Jim Carrey.
VastaKustutaJim as Dischord, oh my god.
Oooor it could be an unfinished clip from Season 1 that simply didn't make it into an episode. Considering it's a "May" reel. Muted colors could simply be because it was unfinished.
VastaKustutaAll things said, the "May 2011" tag sort of puts a damper on the idea it's Season 2 animation.
Well honestly why in hell would it have muted colors simply because it was unfinished?
VastaKustutaI'm not sure flash works that way. I would assume extra effort would have to be put in to take away the color rather then the reverse.
Here is the season two clips from the video compiled into a gif. (640x360)
VastaKustutaEasy there, bucko. I didn't insult you.
It's just a theory offered as a possible explanation, quite similar to the other theories abounding as to why the colors are muted. The "unfinished" idea is mostly rooted in the producers and animators explaining that a lot of material had to be cut from each episode and that the reel is dated May 2008- and the only other FiM footage in it is from the second episode.
It's a theory. Relax.
@Ace of Swords
VastaKustutaThat's how I talk when I'm relaxed...
Where does the 2008 come from anyhow?
I'm fairly confident that this is a clip from the second season. If this was a deleted scene from season one, what episode would it have been? I don't recall anything like that happening in any of the episodes. Besides, Saturday morning cartoons have a relatively tight run-time schedule, and I doubt they make many scenes that they don't intend to use, if any.
VastaKustutaThe only other possible explanation is that it's like an animation test or something. But again that doesn't make any sense because Rainbow is lacking color, and as many people have said so far, I don't think that makes a difference when you're using flash.
Well season 2 was probably in the works around May 2011 anyhow which is the time this showreel was made apparently.
VastaKustutaMy mistake, dunno how I put 2008 instead of 2011. Derp.
VastaKustutaProbably not the episode with Discord, but I guarantee the person getting Dash down with the rope is Applejack. I didn't read all the comments but for the love of god tell me i'm not the only one who thought of that.
VastaKustutaWell then, Season 2 could easily have been in the works around then.
VastaKustutaYou know, although Dash is my favorite, she's not really the cuddly type, and I haven't had the urge to give her a hug. Until now. Man, something bad must've happened to her to knock the color out of her. I really want to know what happened on this episode...
VastaKustutaShe doesn't look like she'd be interested in a hug. She might not have color but she seems perfectly fine with that judging by her smile.
VastaKustutaGuys, look at that scene from episode one, where Dash is trying to tell a scary story. The background is off. The fact that Dash is faded is probably a result of an uploaded incomplete work, just as the "noooopony knowws..." reel is in this video. It doesn't mean anything.
VastaKustutanew season will be aired on the hub right?
VastaKustuta@Ace of Swords
VastaKustutaCome now, you didn't come off the friendliest in your post either. Starting anything with 'Orrrr,' typically comes off as condescending, like what you're saying is totally obvious. This is supported by the subsequent 'puts a damper on' comment, as if the first idea is totally shot down now.
We're all friends here, I'm sure no one's trying to be mean...
Isn't it obvious? Applejack bucked the Rainbow out of Rainbow Dash. She's smiling because she thinks she's escaped 'When Applejacks Attack!', only to find out that it has zoom lenses for long-range shots.
VastaKustutaLOL this video had just 66 views before yesterday. Now it has well over 13,500. Amazing.
VastaKustutaWhy do you all assume she's depressed/up to no good? It COULD be that Discord stole her colours, and she's doing the 'Dash' thing of going after him head first without thinking. Then Applejack got a hold of her before she could get too far.
VastaKustutaIsn't it obvious? The show is going to do a crossover with Rainbow Brite. The two Rainbows will have to work together to bring back color. :P
VastaKustutaHmm...something's different about you, Rainbow Dash, but I can't seem to put a hoof on it.
VastaKustutaNew haircut?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMaybe it's a Dash clone that's not complete yet or maybe Dash has a uncolored twin or something.
VastaKustutaSeason 2 lookin good.
Color faded Rainbow Dash? Seems totally toy workable! Get on it Hasbro!
VastaKustutaThat shot reminds me a little bit of the Transformers Animated Starscream clones to a degree. I don't know why, but it seems more like a different personality similar to Pinkie Pie/Pinkamena thing.
well crap: this is from the linked website: "Sorry, "Animation Showreel May 2011" was deleted at 2:26:07 Thu Sep 1, 2011. We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere."
VastaKustuta"This video does not exist"
Has anyone saved the video?!
VastaKustutaSo, um, the video's down, herp derp.
VastaKustutaDammit, this was posted one minute after I went to sleep, and now it's gone...
VastaKustutaSomeone saved it, right...?
Video broken.
VastaKustutaThis does explain why one of the many rainbow dashes on SL was talking about making a monochrome version, though he seemed to be talking about dr who...
VastaKustutadoes anyone else think (judging by the screenshot we now are left with) the clip in this animation reel is from the1st episode of the season? Or am I just crazy?
Let's look at the facts: Discord is the reverse of harmony.
VastaKustutaDiscord is obviously going to want to make the elements of harmony inert.
It seems that either the element of loyalty is inert or he's targeting AJ.