Some of you may frequent Ponychan's /media/ board. Those few may recognize the Pony Music Archive, which is graciously upkept by a pony named Waka. It's reportedly so well-organized that even your grandmother could probably find that remix of Avast Fluttershy's Ass*. It even has that one cover I did of the Cutie Mark Crusader's crusading theme. I checked. Now that's impressive.
However, Waka is well-aware that the archive is presently a staggering size for most pony fans- it currently sits at well over 4GB of delicious pony Kool-Aid in music form. Scratch would be proud. Therefore, he has taken it upon himself to put together a best-of compilation of the best songs in the collection for your downloading pleasure. Isn't that nice? I think so.
You can find the stickied thread here, and the Google Doc with the download links here.
* Results may vary
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For all you potential novel writers out there, the actual event starts today! For the full ruleset, check out the post here!
And the first update here.
The pre-reader running the event has more copy paste too, have that below!
Fillies and gentlecolts, as I write this, my Internet is still out where I live due to the damage from Irene coming through on Sunday. This won't stop me, however.
At the current time, it's 1:25 p.m., August 31st on the east coast. For the Aussie and Asian participants, it's already September 1st. My friends, those participants and those wondering just what will result from this insanity, when you hit midnight local time on the 1st, you are free to write your hearts out.
Good luck to everypony and happy writing!
- Siraj/Noble Cause, cursing her local cable company for apparently being run by incompetent mules. -
[Crossover][Dark][Normal] Yep, I think we have officially crossed over everything at this point.
Author: Posh
Description: (Metal Gear Solid crossover) "Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an Equestrian revolutionary, who, with the backing of his human mercenary allies, intends to use it to depose Celestia and crown himself ruler. Now, the legendary Solid Snake must ally with the residents of Ponyville to prevent this monster from unleashing a nuclear catastrophe."
Pony Gear Solid (New Part 19!)
Additional Tags: Tactical Espionage Action. With Ponies.op 8:13 PM
Labels: Applebloom, Author: Posh, Big Mac, Crossover, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Normal, Other, Star-5, Story -
I'm going to geek out for a second. I hope you don't mind.
We've featured these spinny pony models before, and they've always been very impressive. Tonight, we have some more, this time featuring our favorite princess pair. KP-ShadowSquirrel continues their march towards distracting us all to death with magnificent 3D pony plot with a Celestia (in both stereo and regular versions) and a Luna.
The Luna one details that these are made with Maya, ZBrush, and After Effects. I'm assuming they're passed through in that order- that the base model is done in Maya, refined and detailed in ZBrush, brought back into Maya for some final rendering, and then composited and prettied up in After Effects. I've used this workflow before, so, take my word for it that these are really impressive. Drop whatever you're doing and go take a look. They're magnificent.
(These are big, so the post might take a bit to load on a slower computer using anything but firefox. Apparently firefox is broken and loads these faster or something)
I have to admit, the completely ridiculous Derpy is growing on me. I wonder what they will do with her now that she has her own specific animations in season two?
Also some Spike being ridiculous. I'm not sure how Rarity taking a shower is any different than Rarity walking around, business as usual, but cartoons aren't supposed to make sense are they?
[Random] [Comedy]
Author: NightOfAccordionSax
Description: After living in Ponyville for so long, Twilight is used to strange
Six Mares in Tanks
things happening to her and her friends. One would think nothing could
faze her. However, she may have met her strangest challenge yet. The
Ponyville penal system! Can she handle the terror of a system designed
by ponies who weren’t really trying? *Note: story does not contain
ponies in armored vehicles
Additional Tags: Main Six, Dialog, Crazy, Jail, Tank,op 4:00 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: NightOfAccordionSax, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Random, Rarity, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
We got to see Twilight Sparkle/Pinkie Pie's parents, but the rest of the mane cast is still a mystery. Our fanon needs to be blown out of the water!
I think I'm most curious about Rainbow Dash. How does a pegasus get a rainbow mane?
The screenshot above is from Lauren Fausts DA page. Thanks to Zack for the heads up. -
Well now that the whole picasa and google nightmare is over, have some news stuff!
Aidan Mcateer released this animation reel with a small bit of Season 2 mixed in.
Check it out at this link, or watch it below! I'm not sure why Rainbow Dash is color faded, most of he other video isn't. Maybe it's a depressed dash episode?
UPDATE: Looks like it was removed, Gif's after the break! (Or click here for the combined one)
[Normal] I knew as soon as I saw this in my inbox what image it should have.
Author: SomeGuy
Description: A Heatwave has descended on Equestria and Twilight and her friends are trying to find ways to stay cool.
Beating the Heat
Additional Tags: Heatwave, staying cool, power of friendship, Everypony -
After a few interesting set backs, and a few weeks of voting, the tee shirt design contest entries are finally in! It looks like The Wonderbolts took the top slot, with a few other really neat designs coming in right behind it. I have to admit, that Sweetie Belle one is pretty amazing.
You can find the page with all of the results here!
We have finally escaped those vectors that have been used for absolutely everything up until now. -
[Normal] Creation time!
Author: Clockworkchaos
Description: Of the creation of the Divine sister's and their peers, and of Equestria and of the elements of Harmony,
All Chapters After the Break!
op 4:08 AM
Labels: Author: Clockworkchaos, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Star-4, Story -
[Normal] [Sad]
Author: Harp's'ong
Description: A year’s passed since the Cutie-Mark Crusader’s formed with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle already earning their cutie-marks, yet so long as Applebloom’s flank remains blank the crusade continues. But now trouble brews under the surface. For weeks Scootaloo’s ignored Sweetie Belle, and when the two fillies butt heads, Applebloom will have to find a way to reconcile their differences or lose both friends forever.
Aged Applewood Part 1
Aged Applewood Part 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: CMC's, Sad, Heartfelt, Growing Upop 3:52 AM
Labels: Applejack, Author: Harp's'ong, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, OC Ponies, Rarity, Sad, Star-4, Story -
(Bonus Video)
(Neighsayers need not neigh)
Also have some Story of the Blanks WIP Pony Sprites!
Add caption
But I promised you three comics, so have two more after a page break. I'm sorry, but I can't for the life of me get the formatting to not look terrible. The shapes of these things are messing with my head.
It has been at least a week since Luna had the main image in a drawfriend. We can't have that!
Source 1
[Normal] Some Celestia and Luna bonding stuff that apparently got lost in the hopper for a while! Well, Seth found it. Enjoy.
Author: Tales
Contributing authors: MudBug, Skye
Description: Luna and Celestia struggle to gain back their relationship after a thousand years. But this is not an easy road they must travel, and things may never be the same as they once were. Can the bond of sisterhood withstand the test of time? Can an old yet new friend help overcome old memories and forge new bonds between the sisters?
Two Truths and a Skye
Two Truths and a Skye Part 2
Two Truths and a Skye Part 3
Two Truths and a Skye Part 4
Two Truths and a Skye Part 5
Two Truths and a Skye Part 6 (New!)
Additional tags: Luna, Celestia, Relationships, Skye, Time -
[Adventure][Dark] Sounds like an adventure story to me! I like all these Normal fics.
Author: Sali
Description: After a fine vacation in nearby Withersdale, Twilight and her friends decide to head back to Ponyville, and Twilight thinks she knows how to get them back without having to endure a day-long walk. A theory on the workings of magic in one of Twilight's books seems to hold the answer, but when she tries, things don't work out quite right...
It's Like a Cake... Scene (New Part 8!)
Additional tags: It starts out nice enough... suspence, Macabre, -
It looks like Brazil got an entirely different Mcdonalds toy pony set. They light up when you press a button. I wonder if these will ever find their way to other countries?
You can find the website for them here!
Thanks to Lucas for the Heads up!
Below the Horizontal line, you will find a good amount of the people that make EQD awesome. While the blog is essentially fan-driven, these guys help manage and control it so we don't get flooded in a deluge of everything and become the next Youtube or Fanfiction.net.
There are three primary categories:
Blog authors/Staff
Check them all out below!
Behold, the Great and Powerful Princess Luna! She's so cute with her little cape. Ponies with little capes are, I think, about 15% cuter than ponies without little capes (not accounting for ponies which have something other than little capes. I'm not running a scientific journal here). This cutie little Luna happens to be for sale, so if you think you can give her a good home check out the auction here.
Or if you're like me and just don't have it in the budget to buy a soft and huggable little pony to call your very own, at least the pictures are nice to look at. I miss having disposable income. With as poorly as I've been sleeping, I could really use a pony in my bed. Oh well, maybe some day. For now, come with me below the page break, and we'll all check out some more awesome plushies. Click on the source link to find out who's responsible for each!
Lauren Faust recently posted a whole bunch of really neat FiM production sketches over on her Deviant Art page.
Carrot farmer Applejack is kind of cute actually!
All images are after the break.
There's nothing quite like the mental whiplash of being deeply embroiled in the transhumanistic science fiction future of Human Revolution, and then taking a break, checking your email, and finding it full of tiny little ponies.
I swear I'm not being paid to advertise this game.
You can find the tiny ponies here. -
Look guys, I'm flattered you want to make me an official pony. It must have been a pain in the neck to install those cameras in the birds nest in my back yard. But you must have gotten a bad exposure or something because the cutie mark is all wrong. Attached is a photo taken at a party a few months ago. Please take the time to correct this inaccuracy; I really can't afford to be misrepresented in public.
Also who do I talk to about that upcoming role in Season 3?
I don't watch a whole lot of wrestling, but I didn't think any of them would ever pull a pony reference. This is probably a coincidence, but he did use Rarity's whining line word for word, then proceed to whine.
Who knows! Go speculate. The video and time is here! -
[Sad] [Dark]
Author: Present Perfect
Description: After a terrible accident in the Everfree Forest, Twilight and company must face life without their shiest friend. But when a mysterious message arrives from Zecora, offering them hope of seeing her again, just what consequences await their attempts to bring her back from the dead?
Fluttershy Goes to Hell
Additional Tags: salamander, funeral, loss, demonic possession, Season 1op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Present Perfect, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Grimdark, Sad, Star-4, Story, Zecora -
Author: Doctor Scraps
Description: Twilight is incited to begin a persuit of love and romance as a part of the magic of friendship after Rarity goads her about never having fallen in love before. Misadventures ensue.
The Romancing Quest (All Links)(New Part 13!)
Additional Tags: Twilight, friends, romance, dating, derpyop 7:32 PM
Labels: Author: Doctor Scraps, comedy, Derpy Hooves, Everypony, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Normal, Other, Scootaloo, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
So, I'm pretty sure we're actually a bit late to the party on these, but what the hay. Everypony loves colorful math cubes, we might as well complete the whole set, right? Normally I'd have more to say, but I hate Rubik's Cubes. Like, a lot.
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