So, I was just thinking to myself that I hadn't really exploded my inbox in a while, when I was asked to host a contest! We're approaching 30 million page views (which was a stupidly huge number the last time I checked), and Jake Heritagu wants to make it the most memorable landmark yet! But he needs your help to do it. The short version is that if you send me comics and pictures of ponies celebrating the big event, you could potentially win prizes. Prizes like Steam purchases and drawings of your own request. Major, major props to Jake for fronting the prize pool out of his own
Attention all Equestria Daily Fans!
Jake Heritagu here, and today I’m not bringing you a comic or a fanfic, but instead a Contest! You see, the next two weeks are going to be extremely busy for me and Equestria Daily will be reaching its 30 million page views in that time. I would love to celebrate by making my own comic, but I simply won’t have the time. So I turn to you! I’m extending out this special moment to you all, and asking you to create a special picture or comic that commemorates Equestria Daily’s 30 Millionth Pageview!
Rules: Create a Comic or Picture celebrating the 30 Millionth Pageview. It must incorporate the number 30,000,000 somewhere in it and star a Pony that appeared in the show! OC Ponies are allowed to be used (After all, this is a community based on fans) but they must be alongside an official pony! Once you’ve created it, send it to Phoe at [email protected]
Determining the Winner: This will be up to the staff of Equestria Daily! I won’t have time to judge all the entries, so they’ll deciding who best celebrated Equestria Dailies landmark number!
1st Place: Up to 50 Dollars of merchandise from the Steam Store. Plus you can also get a free picture request or an important role in an upcoming Fanfic of mine!
2nd Place: Up to 25 Dollars of Merchandise from the Steam Store, plus you can get a free picture request or an important role in an upcoming Fanfic of mine!
3rd Place: Up to 10 Dollars of Merchandise from the Steam Store or the picture request/an important role in an upcoming Fanfic!
Deadline: When Equestria Daily hits 30,005,000 views! Giving you a little extra time to finish your submission!
If you have further questions you can contact me at [email protected] (its an old e-mail account) and of course the winners will need to contact me as well so I can send you you’re prizes! Thank you to everyone who participates and good luck to you all! ^_^
Ponies may not have pockets, but Spike does.
ReplyDeleteI've already got an idea. *finger pyramid of evil contemplation*
ReplyDeleteLet the art be done. I LOVE YOU BRONIES, YOU´RE SO AWESOME *inser RD awesome face here*
ReplyDeleteWell, ponies apparently have pants, and pants have pockets, so....
ReplyDeleteI remember when i was screaming in the 9000 mark the our next accomplishment should be the 100.000 Mark.
ReplyDeleteAhhh how fast time flies.
It's almost as fast as Dashie.
My best pony art is an irregularly shaped oval with four rectangles underneath.
ReplyDeleteMeh, I'll get excited when we hit 50 mil....* explodes........twice*
ReplyDeleteYay a comic contest!
ReplyDeleteIf only could draw reasonably well, then maybe I would enter.
ReplyDeleteLyra has her oh-so-snappy-looking khakis. Which have pockets. I see her right over to the right there. Looking so proud in them. :>
ReplyDeleteJoking aside, this is a fun little idea. I love contests. The artists get to participate in a fun event, and EqD gets a bunch of awesome artwork to celebrate a big milestone. All good. :)
My Celestia, 30,000,000 is already almost here. I think I remember someone saying we wouldn't reach 30Mil until the 2nd season landed. But at this rate we'll be at 40Mil when the 2nd season airs.
ReplyDeleteThis is So Awesome!
If you'd let us contribute money directly to fund prizes for more contests I'd happily give out some.
ReplyDeleteI'd totally go for it if I could draw worth a damn.
ReplyDelete"Deadline: When Equestria Daily hits 30,005,000 views!"
ReplyDeleteSo, in other words, two days from now. :P
I'm not an artsy guy so I won't be contributing, but I'm definitely looking forward to the results!
Yea! Go Phoe! You host that contest! Rock on! X3
ReplyDelete@Everypony saying they can't draw:
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whether or not you'll win awesome prizes, if you send me a picture or a comic I will be featuring it in the final contest gallery. If you've got an idea you should give it a shot, for a chance at the spotlight and a bit of fun if nothing else. You've got a bit of time yet, so if you're looking for a quick way to improve, why not check out this place: http://mlp-atg-alumni.deviantart.com/
30 Million? Already? Holy Moley that's a lot of viewers!
ReplyDeleteAlright.. I take it back Jake. I guess you ARENT a monster after all!
ReplyDelete...Now I just have to remember my comic idea from a couple days ago.
ReplyDeleteThere's a shiny little 'donate' button just below the popular posts list on the right. If you're interested in funding future contest prizes, leave a note detailing that along with your donation and we'll organize the money accordingly.
We'd certainly love to be able to offer incentives for more contests in the future, and we'd welcome any outreach from the community that helps us make that happen. Sound good?
I can draw, I just have jack sh*t when it comes to anything other than pencil sketches. I've tried GIMP, but I can't make any sense out of it.
ReplyDelete5000 views extra? that's like a minute or smth
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but.. umm... who in the hell Jake Heritagu?
ReplyDeleteDo I needto know btw?
Hmm. I'll have to be creative with this if I want to stand out. Shame that my drawing skills haven't improved much since the training grounds but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
ReplyDeleteNot really, but if you want to know more I'm mostly known for doing Silent Ponyville 1 and 2 fanfics, and doing occasional milestone celebration comics (I did one for 10 mil and 20 mil). I'm not too active in the community otherwise, but I love giving people incentives to create awesome stuff ^_^
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in "digital art only" policies. If you've got talent with pencils, I'd love to see you make them dance. Scan and send, friend!
That's great that this site's getting so many views, but how can we be sure that nobody's just letting their computer sitting around doing auto-refresh?
ReplyDelete^ 'Cause that's retarded?
ReplyDeleteToo bad I'll be busy workin' on something else pony-related when 30M hits comes around, and I gotta get it done by next week at least.
ReplyDeleteLookin' forward to the results, anyhow!
ReplyDeleteWe used to get that question a lot back when we measured milestones in hundreds of thousands instead of millions, and it wasn't actually appropriate for me to use the term 'we' when referring to this site.
The answer is that Blogger gives us some very advanced and detailed tracking analytics, and the numbers just aren't consistent with ponies using auto-refresh macros.
ReplyDeleteFor reals? Awesome!
eh, why don't you just give it to Madmax now?
ReplyDelete...Cause there's 3 prizes and she can't claim them all? Plus she might not enter XD
Everypony! You heard Princess Phoe! She wants her inbox to kasplode! Now, get to it!
ReplyDeleteI'll just be waiting here, eating popcorn.
Don't Tell Sweetie Belle
I won't believe that counter is accurate until someone explains to me exactly how it works. It seems like it just counts up 1 every second.
ReplyDelete@R10t Pol1ce
ReplyDeleteThe counter's visual representation is inaccurate. In order to not break the plugin, the counter's rollover has a maximum speed roughly equal to what you're describing. Our hits are actually faster than that - roughly 4 per second on a good day. Hit f5 and watch how the counter jumps up, and you'll understand.
It's times like this that I wish I had some amount of artistic talent. xD Good luck guys.
ReplyDelete30005000 page views??
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'll make it in time. xD
ReplyDeletei cant draw waaaaaaaaaaaa
My drawings aint worth a hill of beans... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
ReplyDeleteI'm not really a number person, but how BIG is 30 Million I wonder?? as views, compared to other sites.
ReplyDeleteCool, I always wondered why when I pulled the Ethernet cable, it continued to increase overnight and was still going when I woke up.
@Atiarotias The Cave of Dragonflies, A Pokemon site I frequent, has 4,100,000 Million hits throughout 5 Years or so.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit new to art, but I think I'll break out the pencils and give it a try. Now's as good a time as any, right? Can everypony visit a bit less till I'm done, though? I'm going to need all the time I can get...
ReplyDeleteBut Seth, you know you'll never make it to 30 million views.
ReplyDelete... I was just joking.
I have an idea, but no time right now. Oh well, it's not dependent on the number, so maybe I'll do it for 50M.
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to see the winners. I'm loving the comics that have been coming out today, I want to see something spectacular for the 30 mil views >:D
ReplyDeleteAssuming we need ~1.4 million hits to reach 30 million, and with a conservative estimate of 5 hits per second, y'all have 3 days to finish your stuff. (If it's 4 hits per second, you have 4 days.)
ReplyDeleteSo, yeah. Get cracking.
Well, I can't draw worth crap but I entered anyways....
ReplyDeleteLet's hope they have the same sense of humor I do...
It's time's like that that I wonder if I should have gotten that tablet. -_-
ReplyDeleteNo! Spike doesnt have pokets! He has no pants.
ReplyDeleteAaand Oatmeal are you crazy?
Photoshop here i come
ReplyDeleteNopony exept for Lyra have pockets!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I wish i could participate, but I have no artistic talent what so ever! D=
Btw There should be Happy X Million FanFics ;P
ReplyDeleteAwesome! There are so many great drawings already, I can only imagine the pure win that could be the big 30mil! This community rocks!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I can't draw worth a darn, but I'm really excited to see what my fellow bronies come up with for this!
ReplyDeleteDaamn, I wouldn't even know what to draw.
ReplyDeleteI made an attempt at this anyway, it sucks so hard..
ReplyDelete*tries to make something but epic fails due to not having any damn talent* >:(
ReplyDeleteDo the entries that don't win get a mention?
ReplyDeleteI-... I've sent something. O_o
ReplyDeleteLooks like it's going to roll over tonight! I suppose I'll just stay up a while longer. So, where's the party?
ReplyDelete-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
*final fantasy v victory theme*
ReplyDeleteit has happened
ReplyDeleteOnly a few minutes left until the deadline's up.
ReplyDeleteOh, Dumb Counter! It said we were at 30,004,900 some views. I send in my contribu., refresh the page, and it jumps to 30,020,000!? Noooooooo!
ReplyDelete(Black Tea)
Updates pleeeeeeeeease?
ReplyDeleteIts strange how it gradually keeps moving and never stops.....
ReplyDeleteIs there any way thats a believeable estimate?
You realize the counter is fake, right? Unplug your ethernet connection/turn off wireless and it still goes up. It's not a real counter, it's all a joke
ReplyDelete@KikujoIt's not necessarily fake or a joke, it's just not in real time. Visit any infrequently visited page with the same counter and you will see it not change. If you visited ED back in the early days, it moved much slower. The counter starts at the most recent view count caused by your own page view, and then increases at a rate determined by the average number of views over a given period of time. I think the problem is that on ED we have either A) exceeded the ability for the counter to keep up with the page views coming in or B) it is in fact calculated by an average, including the rate from when the blog first launched. I'm not sure which one of these is closer to the actual explanation, though.
ReplyDeleteWell said.
It's funny, we've yet to see the results of this contest and we are almost at the 31,000,000 mark... dang that's a lot of page views in such a short time period.
Although pages like google.com never cease to amaze me.. 500 million page views a day.. just crazy.
D'aww shoot! I always get to these things too late!
ReplyDeleteI am the slowest of pokes D: