Youtube has been caught up, and the results are now live for everypony to see. A total of 22 unearthed videos (plus an extra 4 that warrant comparison) made the cut, with 9 in particular dazzling this pony fan. Embeds, commentaries, and additional video links are all available after the break!
The EqDaily Youtube archive is the ultimate destination for these videos. Several of them have clearly spread around the Web already, but the archive only catalogs videos that have been featured on this blog. As such, not all of these videos will be new to most readers. Nevertheless, here's hoping the following featurettes present something for anypony to enjoy!
Hoity Toity's Best of the Best Boutique: Rare and valuable gems
#1 - Music - Winter Wrap Up Instrumental - March 15th, 2011: One half of "catching up" the archive is showcasing content most pony fans have doubtlessly already seen - or heard, in instances like this one. This is Will Anderson's instrumental take on Daniel Ingram's "Winter Wrap Up" song from the episode of the same name.
#2 - Trailer - My Little Pony: FIM - Inception Trailer - March 28th, 2011: This trailer is different from the pseudo-trailer posted months ago, and it is excellent. I freely admit to being a devout Inception fan, and this pony take on the movie's trailer is truly glorious. Worth watching for a variety of reasons, notably Rarity's bit part.
#3 - Trailer - My Little Pony: FIM - Enchanted trailer - April 14th, 2011: This trailer, created by the same individual who created the above Inception trailer, definitely deserves more publicity! It's similarly excellent. I enjoyed and applaud it quite a bit despite never having seen the movie in question. The voice for "Sweetie Belle" in this one is *remarkably* fitting.
#4 - Music - MLP:FiM BGM - Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading (Instrumental - No Sound Effects) - April 17th, 2011: Somehow, this song slipped under the radar here! This was my favorite tune in the show for quite some time. still might be. Composed by Will Anderson, scrubbed clean of sound effects by Senn555, and synced back to the FiM animation by infinitydash. Huzzah!
#5 - Music - Shooting Stars Across Equestria (Isolated Instrumental) - April 27th, 2011: This is the shooting star show music from Owl's Well That Ends Well. Short, but elegant.
#6 - PMV - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Epic Rainboom (HD) - May 17th, 2011: This PMV is fantastically shiver-inducing, in my experience. Oh, and I teared up, too - but I tend to do that every time I see the Sonic Rainbooms. I think this one flew under the radar because its title resembles that of an unrelated video. "Epic" is tossed about far too often, but I believe it's a solid word choice here.
#7 - PMV - PMV: The Cutie Mark that I Get (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - May 17th, 2011: This wins Tek's Most Urgently Deserves More Attention™ award. Taking footage from every single Season 1 episode, this PMV pays great tribute to the mane cast and their various characteristics. Dunno why it never made the cut before... Maybe nopony likes ska? Eh. I like ska. Yep. *nods*
#8 - Simfile - Stepmania - Giggle at the Ghosties Paraparasprite Mix - May 28th, 2011: I'm not actually certain whether or not simfiles "qualify" for inclusion into media posts - but, since I've seen Rock Band and DDR footage, let's go for it! Take interest, all ye who would play this.
#9 - Animation - Doctor Whooves - June 11th, 2011: I'm allowing this video through, despite the May 31st cutoff date, for one reason: it was already posted here as a vimeo link. Here's the Youtube upload for those who only saw the vimeo link and missed it on Youtube as a result.
Sapphire Shores' Zigfilly Follies: Other neat stuff
My Little Pony - The Last Unicorn
MLP FiM: Pony Tik Tok (content advisory)
Ride the Rainbow
Doctor Whoof Intro Parody
Cutie Mark Crusaders Without The Music (Scootaloo's singing VA deserves a proper take on this)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The Seeker
Twilight Sparkle and Trixie - What is this Feeling?
Fluttershy is an adorable little angel
My Little Pony - When You're Evil (Aphelian's Theme) [PMV]
Pinkie O Brian's Thor Commercial
[animooted] Dirty Androids VS Pony Punk - Golden Cupcakes
MLP:FiM PMV - Pinkie's New Disease
Twilight Sparkle Knows How Fans Think
Da Photo Finish: Cleaning up
One quick dealio left. Want You Gone by Jonathan Coulton inspired four distinct PMVs. You decide which is best! Presented in chronological order of Youtube upload.
To all those whose videos haven't yet made it onto Equestria Daily, I say this: Keep at it! In the words of one Jayson Thiessen: "DON'T GIVE UP." Hone your craft and your works may yet grace the pages of this blog. All for the love of ponies!
That's all for this month's Youtube catch-up. Judging by the rate that the pony video catalog is growing (over 1250 videos posted to Equestria Daily alone), I may run this event again sometime in August. I shall be much faster at compiling the results next time, as well. (Pinkie Pie promise.)
And that's a wrap! Love you all, pony fans! Tek out.
47 kommentaari:
That's... a lot of video to watch.
VastaKustutaJC Spikeon? Anyway Deus Ex FTW
VastaKustutaMy scales are augmented.
VastaKustutaso. much. pony. yay!
VastaKustutaWinter Wrap Up instrumental didn't include the beginning part. Oh well.
VastaKustuta#7 - PMV - PMV: The Cutie Mark that I Get (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - May 17th, 2011 PERFECTION! Seriously I'm utterly blown away with how good this one is, definite stand out by miles in this batch.
VastaKustutaMy friendship is augmented.
VastaKustutaDoctor Whooves was awesome. Loved the "Want You Gone" PMVS. "The Cutie Mark that I Get" was a damn masterpiece.
VastaKustutaC'mon,I find a little ska punk goes a long way, but who doesn't have a soft spot for the Bosstones? Nobody, apart from jaywalkers and nazi sympathisers.
VastaKustutaThere are not enough remixes of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading tune.
VastaKustutaSeriously, it's like all the remixers are obsessed with Trixie and Cupcakes!
Good I'm safe, already seen all of them!
VastaKustutaAnd I have to agree, #7 has been my favourite PMV for a long time and it has never got real much attention.
#6 Adding Two Steps From Hell to anything equals at least 20% more Epic.
VastaKustutaYou heard the man! Er, pony! No pears!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutayay my videos made it
VastaKustutaWow, I was just playing Deus Ex before coming on here. And what's the first thing I see? A Deus Ex pony picture. Awesome.
VastaKustutaSomeone should updated the submit page with information on submitting PMVs. Like what I should label the subject, if I should be submitting them to Sethisto. I have no idea if my video submissions are getting ignored because they suck or if I labeling them wrong.
VastaKustutaHoly crap Tek's back
VastaKustuta6: Wow, very well done!
VastaKustuta8: Was ok, but I'm more of an osu! fan myself
9: Would love to see this animated
MLP - The Last Unicorn: Seriously teared up. I always do when I hear that song.
CMC Without The Music: Loved the giggle, I never
noticed that before!
Dirty Androids VS Pony Punk - Golden Cupcakes: Ok, I so need this mp3!
VastaKustutaPass on what your vids are like, but I managed to get my Clue trailer remix up her by using the email link to Seth and clearly labelling the email as a PMV submission.
Hope that helps.
#6 Fuckin' music. How does it work?
VastaKustutaBrain overloaded....#6 is awesome, also I agree with Dr. Hooves, pears are not to be trusted!
VastaKustutaIt's not fair! I'm too much of a softy for these videos. The Epic Rainboom and Shooting Stars almost made me cry! And I have Futurama open in a different window even!
VastaKustutaGreat work on the SFX scrubbing, guys. The instrumentals sounded great!
And who doesn't love Jonathan Coultan? I'm just waiting for an RE:Your Brains PMV for Story of the Blanks. =D
Wonderful work bronies; be proud of yourselves.
goosebumps (I get those when listening to epic music)
building up to the climax of the song
tearing up
--internet crashes--
that's what you get when your family plays farmville.
All four Want you Gone vids playing at the same time...pure awesome. need a quad viewer with synced play button now for true epicness. RainBoom and the Fanfic vid are now saved as chill inducers.
VastaKustutaFor extra fun, try synching up ALL FOUR of the Want You Gone videos. It's kinda hilarious.
VastaKustutaPony Ex: Augmentation is Magic
VastaKustutaActually, scratch that. Only synch up the last to videos. They're just similar enough to be hilariously awesome.
VastaKustutaI sync'd all of the Want you gone vids... LIKE A BOSS!
VastaKustutaPinkie's New Disease was pretty badass
VastaKustutaYAY, PMV overload! The Pinkie Pie one was the best of the last four.
VastaKustutaI don't get it. What has youtube caught up?
VastaKustutaNow... I'll learn winter wrap up on the guitar and play it on my school
VastaKustutaFrom the Tik Tok video (which was originally from ponibooru):
VastaKustutaWake up in the morning feeling like a filly
Grab my streamers, I'm out the door - I'm gonna get real silly
Before I leave, eat some sweets and a cupcake snack
'Cuz when I leave for the races I'ma run that track.
I'm talking shiny shoes on our hooves, hooves Showing off all our moves, moves
Colts showing up in droves, droves
Clop-trotting, stylin' cuz they can see me Strolling to Pinkie's parties
Hoping she made enough rice crispies...
Don't stop, gotta clop
DJ-P0N3's beats are hot
Tonight, i'mma fight
'Til Celestia's sunlight
Clip-Clop, I'mma trot
But the party don't stop no...
Dammit I JUST WATCHED Inception last night and now I want to see it AGAIN.
VastaKustutaI want #5 on a loop, that is amazing
VastaKustutaEpic Rainboom was just amazing...I mean it! Sonic Rainboom always is amazing, but this. Wow..
VastaKustutaTop Right Want you Gone for sure. Pinkie is the best GLaDoS
VastaKustutaLol @ Spike Denton :P
VastaKustutaPonies would have it way to easy with DDR. They already have four hooves.
VastaKustutaOH AND GEE can't wait for mine to be posted
YES I have found a use for the watch latter funcation on youtube now only 300 more useless features to fiqure out.
VastaKustutaWant You Gone number 1 is definitely the best of the four, Twilight really fits the role.
VastaKustutawow, 5 needs to be extended somehow, both music and animation, its amazingly sweet to watch, well done
VastaKustutaand 6, amazing, a perfect score to tie together the mane 6 with such a dramatic moment in mlp. don't change a thing!