• Writer Training Ground Week 2!

    Those crazy newbie writers managed to pump out 42 fics this week! 

    They also set up a mini blog to compile everything.  You can find that, and all entries here!

    This week's theme: A Pet stuck in a tree in the Everfree Forest.  How you twist that is up to you!  Check out the Deviant Art page here for more information.

    18 kommentaari:

    1. I love you Seth.

    2. Wait, when did Week 1 happen? This is the first I've heard of it.

    3. So much fanfic. So little time.
      Time to jump right in.

    4. Meh. Better get around to editing my story to submit it... Or, I could watch more ponies. Yeah, I can edit later! Time for ponies.

    5. Why did you post smug Trixie?! And stay off of Clopfic threads in Fimchan!!!

    6. Just thought I'd point out that EqD has gotten 2 million pageviews in almost as many days since getting 20 million, and it no longer warrants mention.

      Remember when a big deal was made every 100,000 views?

    7. I think we might actually be overloading the head of ther groups capability to handle stories...

      Also we answered the universal question, we can do pony fanfictions that fast.

    8. Well there went MY week of free time...

    9. "pet stuck in a tree in the everfree forest". . . . Well manure! How did you guess what was going to happen in chapter 2 of my fanfic over on DA called "Nameless" on my account KilomFrostPrower? Yes, I shamelessly plugged myself, deal with it. I'm not good with drawing, so I'm going to plug the heck out of my special talent!

    10. I am the mad pony in charge of this. Week one got mentioned in the weekly wrap ip last Wed. IIRc, the initial post was included in with the ATG thread two weeks ago.

      And yes. So much fan fiction. So little time.

      Sent from my phone. Ignore the quality of writing.

    11. While managing this group can get both exhausting and stressful, I'd not have it any other way. Reading the submissions really makes my day! Keep it up my little ponies!

    12. Could that 'join group' button be any more hidden?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

    13. @Interrobang Pie

      ^.^; we don't have too much control on those kinds of thing. Sorry about that!

    14. Wait, what? "Writer's week?"

      Welp, there goes my free time this week...

    15. Yeah, I think I'm not alone here in saying "wait week TWO?" I think we may have missed something.

    16. inb4 week 3 has tons of submissions, due to new found knowledge.
