• Video: Ponysona 4 / Grand Theft Pony: San Equestrias / Starry Pony Yeah!

    PMV's with custom animations! Now that's effort! I think.

    Also that song in number 3 was on my mp3 player on repeat for a good month or so.

    1.) Ponysona 4
    2.) Grand Theft Pony: San Equestrias
    3.) Starry Pony Yeah!

    60 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. Ponysona 4....

      god we need a fic like, now

    3. Well look at that, it's Orianna from League of Legends, too bad she's not all that great.

    4. Ooooo Orianna Pony :O

    5. Why oh why must you keep tempting me to turn my terrible fanfic abilities to making a Ponysona4 fanfic ED? why!?

    6. Really good work on the san andreas one!! It would be awesome to have a grand theft auto of MLP FiM, imagine... Beat the crap outta mah ponies

    7. @Twilight

      I wish someone would write it, we've been needing a persona fan fiction with ponies for a while now. I can't write it because I'd warp the story to something impossibly wierd.

      Besides Pinkie getting TV-worlded and being something akin to CHIE when it comes to being jealous of Rainbow Dash does seem like a good story. Unfortunately people die in the persona and digital devil saga series.


      Seriously though number 2 is great.

    9. I couldn't stop snrking during #2.

      I don't know if that's a good thing, but it's definitely not a bad thing.

    10. Teknologik..... lol I love Daft Punk... I dont know if thats how thats spelled, but its cool like that...

    11. Pony Bebop. My Little Pony vs Death Note. Now this. We need more pony videos like these.

    12. You want a Ponysona4. Anyway I'll get working on a Shin Megami Pony. I did't play Persona but I played Shin Megami Tensei 1 and 2 for SNES.

    13. First two were actually surprisingly cool even for me, someone who has never played either game.

      Third one could've had better lip syncing, but was awesome by virtue of Daft Punk ponies.

    14. @D. Shadows

      Actually if I was to actually write this I was thinking of Pinkie Pie being in Teddie's role, I figure of all the characters in the show, Pinkie's constant fourth-wall breaking behavior makes her the most logical for the role of the person who knows about this strange contortion in space-time.

      Unless, you know, I wanted to introduce a plethora of OCs in order to fill certain roles, but I'd want to avoid that as much as possible.

      Part of the problem though is I haven't actually played Persona 4, though I am following an in-progress let's play.

      ...Confound this website, it drives me to fanfic!

    15. isnt that Orianna from Lol?

    16. Someone should make a PMV of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo7jH23J1h0

    17. Oh good, now I don't have to make Ponysona 4.

    18. Personally, I'd see Ponysona going something like...
      Twilight : Main Character, of course
      Rainbow Dash : Yosuke
      Applejack : Chie
      Rarity : Yukiko
      Pinkie : Rise
      Fluttershy : Naoto
      Spike : Teddie
      Applebloom : Nanako

      As for Kanji and the rest... hmm, I dunno!

    19. Sir Peppermint Jam2. juuli 2011, kell 22:16

      Ponysona 4...We need that nao! But...who would play as Souji/Main Character? Would it be a crossover fanfic, or would the characters in P4 get ponyfied?

    20. You know what, I literally have nothing better to be doing with my time for much of the summer. Terrible as it may be I think I'm going to attempt to write that fanfic.

    21. @Anon "Someone should make a PMV of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo7jH23J1h0"

      ...I'd get right on that if I weren't so busy this week.
      Maybe later, if no one's done it yet!

    22. @Twilight I wonder if you watch Nakateleeli too.

      Sure Pinkie would make a nice Teddie but she's a pony like every other character, Teddie is an otherworldly creature. I'm thinking Manticore or Chibi Ursa!

      In turn I think Crystopher's layout works very good in character alignment. Except I don't see Applejack as having an ounce of jealously about Rarity, though I can see why you'd give her Chie's position given their combat styles.

      The entire point of Persona 4 would be the hero gaining power through forging bonds and relationships with others, also fighting inner demons that are represented by the shadows of ones self.(Note: the shadows are not exactly who you are, but what you could be and you have to accept that or else...)

      Writing a plot shouldn't be too hard, but I would prefer it if the storyline stuck to the more pony aspects of things.

      In fact you can start the plot from the first episode of the cartoon itself and go from their by dropping the nightmare moon scenario and changing the entire outline of the friendships formed between every pony.

      Twilight learns about each of her friends and gain powers based on their respective elements depending on how strong the bond is. (This would inevitably lead to shipping and mutliple people could write mutiple different pathways involved, Example: Trixie would make her more magically inclined Vs. Applejack making her more athletic and ect.)

      Plus scrying crystals or mirrors could be used instead of Televisions. Other than that the storyline can be written however the author see's fit.

    23. @D. Shadows

      The biggest reason I thought of Applejack as Chie was indeed her fighting style. Also, Chie was my favorite, and Applejack is the best pony.

      I think it works well with her rivalry with Yosuke/Rainbow Dash, as well as wanting to do it all herself (Compare Chie in the first half of Yukikio's dungeon and Applejack in Applebuck Season).

      Any alternative ideas, though?

    24. @D. Shadows

      That does sound somewhat better than just trying to loosely follow (even if I have been putting together some ideas for that...) though I disagree with a few of Crystopher's cast choices.

      I was thinking to cast Fluttershy as Yukiko, think to how she was treated in "Green Isn't You're Color," she's beautiful but she doesn't want to deal with all the attention she's getting. And from there, Rarity becomes the perfect compliment as Chie, being the person that Fluttershy leans to for strength (the same episode establishes Rarity and Fluttershy as particularly close friends).

      Then again if you're going more for the thematic elements of P4 and not so much the plot elements there's no need to assign equivalent characters in the first place, though honestly I don't think I'm nearly a good enough writer to work with themes, a rougher crossover is much closer to my personal skill level, others are perfectly free to write other Ponysona4 fanfics of course, just because I'm making one doesn't give me a monopoly or anything.

    25. Oh, and I forgot to mention but yes, I am following Nakateleeli's LP of the game.

      Also for the record, I think this is the point where I've put too much thought into this to just back out of writing. Train wreck or no I [i]will[/i] produce something.

    26. Just gotta say....I'm loving the Ponified 'Orianna' pic....lol

      Vids were ok too I suppose ;p

    27. @Twilight
      I'll admit I'm already too invested in who I think should be who, but. If you're only partway through a let's play, I'd recommend at least getting to know Naoto, if not going through to the end for all of the plot twists in the game. And, everypony is entitled to their own opinion but... I can easily see Fluttershy as Yukiko, but I really can't see Rarity as Chie. :/ Too confident in herself, and not physical enough.

      But I can't wait to see how your fic unfolds with the choices :)

    28. @Crystopher

      Kinda funny cause I'm writing a Ponysona fic, only the main character is actually gonna be Derpy...

    29. @Crystopher

      I'll concede that I really should play/watch all the way through P4 before I write a crossover containing it, but I have to contest your opinion of Rarity. Yes, she puts on a front of confidence (so does Chie from what I can tell so far), but consider the episodes "Dressed for Success" and (again) "Green isn't your Color," Rarity has a tendency to flip out when things aren't going as she expects. Also, in episode 2 she kicked a manticore in the face, I don't care how girly she was presented in later episodes ;p

      Also, I haven't seen Naoto in detail but isn't she the girl with gender issues? Wishes she was born a boy or something?

    30. "Suited for Success" sorry. Also you have to keep in mind that there's not going to be a perfect fit for every character, which is why I am perfectly accepting that others will have different choices, just trying to explain mine is all.

    31. @Twilight Humm, kinda? Naoto is an aspiring detective, and hides behind a male persona because she doesn't think she can be accepted as a serious professional otherwise. Her personal story arc is about realizing people will still accept/love her as a girl. (At least, that's part of it). The more I think about it, though, the less I like Fluttershy as her... Naoto's definitely shy on the inside, but she hides behind this strong veneer, and is actually pretty able to assert herself within her line of work. Curse you, multi-faceted characters ._.;

    32. Looks like I have a doppelganger.
      OT: Number 2 was just awesome.I used to love that game and I played it to death on my PS2.
      Never played a Persona game but I know someone that has.Maybe I should show them the Ponysona vid.

    33. @Twilight Same :) Not necessarily trying to convince you of my casting, I'd love to see your vision. Just trying to back mine up.

    34. All you had to do was follow the damn train Twilight.

    35. @Crystopher

      Yikes, yea, there's no way any MLP character is going to fit right into that character, I think that's where we have to dip into OCs, or at least, radical re-interpretation of a background Pony.

      But yea, casting choice in this sort of crossover is always going to be contentious, if you decide to make your own version of it I would be happy to read it :)

    36. @Twilight

      Hmm, possibly Trixie hiding behind her showmanship? No right answers. Well, if I pursue this train of thought I'm suddenly on, you'll be the first to know! I could probably go on about character choices for days... so instead, I'll just eagerly await your story. Brohoof.

    37. and now I want to see Atlus make a pony RPG

    38. @Crystopher

      Trixie might fit there but I was planning to use her for that celebrity character who appears later on.

      In any event I think we've taken up far too much public blog space at this point. If you (or anyone else) want to discuss this more, you can shoot me an e-mail at flamefrost225@gmail.com

      as it is made of win

    40. I'm preferable to thematic style as plot style seems too copy and paste, like half a ton of Naruto fan fictions I've read all centered on the same key elements till they finally hit a divergence point.

      I could litterally skip reading half of any naruto story written by someone else because they parrot the beginning or similar elements so much. (Specifically I wrote a story involving Naruto being in a relationship with a real snake, a garfield cameo, Okami references and if I can ever eventually get back to writing it I was going to include the samurai pizza cats and Goemon fighting Jiraiya and Gamabunta with Impact to spice the jiggsaw puzzle plot along.)

      I think everyone should put their own spin on the plot, if everyone writes a Ponysona 4 story none of them should end the same way.

      I'd choose Rainbow as the main character and have her start with a single colored mane(Red anger persona) in the other world and she gains colors as the story goes along as she forms relationships, plus I'd reference 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. the world'. I'd have her fight not everyone's shadows but actually have her mentally jump into Pony's heads ala' 'Psychonauts' to fight false mental interpretations of themselves they seal away into the back of their collective connected minds. Every pony in the world of Equestria is mentally connected and die in their sleep if Rainbow can't rescue them. (Anyone know Deadly Premonition? It's basically like that when the main character enters a combat zone, it's all actually upstairs and the creatures in the fog are actually the poisonous effects of the fog trying to kill him and defeating the creatures is them fighting off the poisons effects.)

      I'd have the end villain be a living version of Celestia's shadow that actually has a physical presence outside her mind and was the cause of her sisters descent the first time around, plus it is the main cause of the poisonous fog that Rainbow seems all but immune too.

      Also I know how the real Persona 4 game ends and I'm quite aware of the plot twists.

      Yes this discussion will take up blog space, I shall stop now.

    41. Mixing Persona 4 and My Little Pony only really works if you take the basic premise of Persona 4 and place the mane cast in it. Twilight Sparkle moves to a small town named Ponyville, discovers a mystery and by forming friendships with some of the towns locals she starts to unravel it.

      Twilight's starting ponysona is the sun goddess Celestia. I'm not sure what the others would get.

    42. San Equestrias brings back some great memories.

      "All you had to do was follow the train, CJ!"

    43. Glad you guys liked my video. Though I could've sworn I had a strange dream of that video getting 20% more dislikes than likes... o_o

      Anyway, thanks again for the feature!

    44. Number two needs to be the show's intro. At least for one episode.

    45. i liked the 3rd one

    46. Okay, This has to be the best video update we have had in a while. These are awesome. I love the Persona video.

    47. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas + MLP = I can die happy now... SOMEONE WRITE A FIC. NAO.


    48. Also, someone make a brony SAMP and MTA server!


    49. Pity vid 3 uses a weird version of Daft Punk`s technologic.

    50. WELP, I'm downloading #2 and making it my new GTA:SA intro now

    51. #1 Excellent. This is what a good PVM looks like.
      #2 Neat concept. I was expecting something more, but it's still neat.
      #3 Seems pretty much just slapped together. Not too great of an effort.

    52. All you had to do was follow the damn train Twilight.
