Seth tells me he has a 'Sent to Cereal' folder in his inbox, right above the 'I don't know what to do with this yet' folder. So I guess that tells you how much he thinks of me! Regardless, he asked for some comedy with this post, so you're all going to get some whether you like it or not. This comes to us from Atlur.
I'm not against costumes, really. Far from it- when I was a little colt I used to have this Darth Vader outfit that was really just a thin piece of fabric with an injection-molded helmet and a little chest-piece box with some buttons and lights on it to simulate his respirator. I even had his lightsaber. Did I mention I've been a total nerd all my life? Well, now you know.
My point is that I have nothing against this costume at all. I think it's quite adorable, even if it is just your standard princess outfit with Twilight's cutie mark on it. The only problem is the packaging. Click that and try to find the weird part. I'll wait.
Yes, that does indeed say Twilight Sparkle Role Play. I'm sorry, but does that seem a tiny bit weird to anypony but me? Is it a mistake? Someone making a joke? I have no idea. All I can really think about at this point is Twilight wearing this Twilight dress. Would it cause some kind of explosion, or would she just act twice as nerdy? Actually, I don't think I would mind the second outcome. Nerdy, bookish Twilight would be the best pony to hang out with- just chilling at the library and reading stuff and playing board games and making lame nerdy jokes and having tea and cookies while the fire crackles and the rain outside spatters against the window. That's an afternoon I wouldn't mind wasting, and if you disagree, you're wrong.
Anyway, the costume. 6/5 stars, would review again.
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76 kommentaari:
I would give both my legs for that afternoon.
VastaKustutaLol @ the box, but the dress is well designed for Hasbro.
VastaKustutaA little bit small though.
I'm expecting art of Twilight role-playing as Twilight in this dress by this evening.
VastaKustutaAnd whats wrong with Twilight Sparkle Role Play?
VastaKustutaFuck the dress look at all those gorgeous toys behind it
VastaKustutaDat Vector
VastaKustutaI would seriously ditch this blog forever for an afternoon like that.
VastaKustutaSorry guys
VastaKustutaDON'T DO IT!
VastaKustutaYeah, it's so little girls can "play the role of" Twilight Sparkle. Am I missing some alternate context here?
I'm a guy, but you know what?
VastaKustutaFuck it all, I want that dress, and I want it now!
I just hope it fits.
eh, that's catagorisation for you..
VastaKustutaBut yes, the idea of twilight wearing that amuses me.. or, pinkie wearing it, and play8ing twilight, while twlighlight plays pinkie. or something.. it's kinda spiraling in my head now...
If it's in my size...
VastaKustutaIt's a ponyception. Ponies wearing other ponies wearing other ponies...
VastaKustutaI already called dibs MAUAHAHAHAHAHA
You can join us, of course. =P
VastaKustutaPinkie should definitely play Twilight for a day.
"And that's how the large hadron collider was made."
Wow...they didn't use that ugly Twilight vector!
VastaKustutaI like the dress, it reminds me of Rapunzel's dress from Tangled.
I actually clicked the link before reading on and stumbled on that. Wow.
VastaKustutaAnd Seth, I don't blame you, if I were you I'd probably do the same.
Could someone please explain what's weird about the phrase "Twilight Sparkle Role Play"? And how this idea of ponies roleplaying ponies arises from that?
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend Ponies wearing other ponies? o_o
VastaKustutaOnly if I'd get to spank her plot after such a perfect day.
VastaKustutaEver heard of cupcakes?
VastaKustutaI feel ya bro. If only.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSo, Hasbro encourages cos-playing/RPing?
VastaKustutaThe future. It is filled with pony.
VastaKustuta*Begins sketching*
"Twilight Sparkle Role-Play"
Really? That's it? I was more perplexed by the fact that it appears to be from the future (check the date).
VastaKustutaRarity would be appalled.
VastaKustutaI think this is kinda crossing the line for me, dam 2nd negative comment out of 5 today = /. Sorry other bronies but this is kinda crossing the border to creep-vile.
VastaKustuta-Liking the show is amazing, go for it
-The toys, eh sure no harm
-Dressing up as a pony or switching genders from a cartoon? We need to get back with reality, this would be an eyesore for everyone.
You guys do know the term "role play" predates the modern-day cosplay scene, right?
VastaKustutaI used to do stock work at Disneyland years ago, and I seem to remember the shipping box labels for girls' Minnie Mouse and Disney Princess dresses using the term "role play" as well. Pretty sure it's standard usage in the industry.
Barely related, but:
VastaKustutaOf course Seth always thinks of you, Cereal. SethxCereal forever~
VastaKustutaYou can't ship them. You just can't.
@Ridict I think they are joking ok, for one thing you could only fit like one leg in that dress anyway, IT SO TINY!!! I want to dress up my moms dog now tho
VastaKustuta@Crimson Valor Dammit, we need a signup sheet. I'd want in on that afternoon too.
VastaKustutaFuture? It said '7/31/1999'.
VastaKustutaIts come back to the future after trying to alter the past, and it may have worked, assuming it's plans weren't to destroy ponity and replace it with Hasbro's original cognition of who to sell to and who would even buy any.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaYou are probably absolutely right. Although I can't if the comments above and below ARE serous or not.
And reading it now, I think I was a bit harsh :S
VastaKustuta1999? where does it say this?
VastaKustutaFinished it, guys.
id buy it for my brothers daughter
VastaKustutaThis. Is. The best thing.
VastaKustutaThe date at the bottom says 07/13/11.
From what I can tell from spending too much time in toy aisles lately is that 'Role Play' is the new gender neutral term for dress up.
VastaKustutaAlso using the hand holding the dress as a guide to its size I think that it would only fit an anorexic infant. That still doesn't stop me from wanting one though! Maybe it would fit a doll or something.
That is shameful Cereal. Only a piece of cloth with some crappy plastic? As a kid, abnormally large mind you, I spent about $1000 on an officially licensed high quality replica Darth Vader costume. Best money I ever spent.
VastaKustutaI must say, chilling for a day with Twilight would be nice. Just hanging out and doing... Nothing at all. Ever just sit still with someone? It's a strangely relaxing way to spend time. Hard part is trying to get active people to sit still. However, Twilight strikes me as the type of pony who would be ok with it. This is a post about a little girl's dress, and I... Feel no shame posting a comment, off topic or not. Cool.
I thought this was for small dogs. I was ready to buy this no matter what the price was.
VastaKustutaI'm just really, really sad that this won't fit me. Playing dress-up was one of my very favorite things as a little girl, and still kind of is, which is why I go through like 5 outfits any given morning.
VastaKustutaAnd why Halloween is my favorite holiday. I'm totally being Pinkie Pie this year.
Gees, well done for reaching yet a new low bronies. Observe and 'review' little gurl dresses and use a 'its a FiM thing' as an excuse. Not to mention comparing yourself as a nerd, writng a blog about a fandom when it clearly is just about yourself and then comparing your nerd self to a pedophile motive.
VastaKustutaCLEARLY just because its a FiM dress YOU defnately ARE not BEING A PEDO
VastaKustutaThis hits the internet and There's art of it, Ten seconds flat.
ZMorris, i raise my glass to you.
Forget the little dress, WHAT is that amazing plastic Pinkie back there?! What store is this from and where can I get that Pinkie?!
VastaKustutaIs it a bank? Does she talk? Sing? I want iiittt. Oh the mystery of it all.
VastaKustutaThe whole thing is mostly a joke, you know.
@Puzzle Hooves
VastaKustutaOh, please, t'weren't nuthin' Sugarcube.
I've practiced drawing quickly, when you study animation it comes pretty naturally.
VastaKustutaWhat the hell put you in such a bad mood today?
And what in the world do you think a pedophile is, someone who likes children's toys?
VastaKustutaTroll is trolling.
Now they just need to make Rarity and Fluttershy dresses and I'm all set.
VastaKustutaThat would be a Pinkie Pie bubble toy in the background there. There's a trigger, and her head lifts up and it shoots bubbles. This is at Target, if you want to try to find one. Also, odds are they would be in the summer toy/squirt gun/bubble toys aisle rather than the normal MLP toy aisle. We only have them there because we're rearranging a bunch of stuff in toys right now.
I'm the one who took the pictures, btw. Good to see they sparked some conversation. Sorry about the dirty gloves in the picture, but such is the nature of the job (stocking shelves at Target). The interesting thing about the dresses is they aren't actually out on the shelves yet (at my Target at least). These dresses are pretty much the same as the Disney princess dress-up dresses that they have out in stores currently, if you've ever seen them.
Little kids roleplay. There's nothing wrong with the label.
VastaKustutaI'm missing where this word "role play" is on this package. I see Twilight Sparkle Child Costume, but no where does it say Role Play
VastaKustutaI DARE you to wear it. Or at least put it on someone who can fit in it
VastaKustutaDo they have a case of the not-furries?
It seems that MLP is in the Littlest Pet Shop section at Kmart.
VastaKustutaCheck the link showing the barcode label. That's where your missing words are hiding.
forget the dress, look at that AMAZING Pinkie toy behind the sleeve
VastaKustutaOh how I wish I could be a little girl right now....what?
VastaKustutaAs has been stated before:
VastaKustutaScrew the dress, give me that Pinkie Pie and takemymoney.jpg
Really? No one thought the gloves were weird? OR that the cutie mark totally looks like a freaking chicken? And call me old school, but it looks like the dress is cut too low.
VastaKustutaCuz looking at little girl clothes and then being accused of being a pedo is trolling huh?
Being an idiot like you and then someone pointing out the truth, that you are an idiot, is trolling huh
I might just steal a Tardis so I can give one to my past self. Or just shrink myself.
VastaKustutaAlso is that Pinkie Pie toy a bubble maker? Because I see bubbles.
Not.. really seeing how 'role play' is somehow a bad thing to be appearing on a dress-up toy..
VastaKustutaReally, singling it out as somehow creepy seems a tiny bit sad, somehow ^^;
I just realized that's a Target Product Label.
VastaKustuta... I get off work, where I see those things all night, come home, sit down, open up EqD, and THERE IT IS. ARGHHHHHHHHHH
VastaKustutaWhat's worse is when you can tell that it's not the store you work at based just on the first image.
I have never posted on this blog, and swore to never do so; but when I not only recognized the aisle format, but the shipping label...I can't not.
VastaKustutaTarget is a terrible store and I am sad that I work there; even more so since I can tell anybody anything about that bloody thing just by the shipping label.
Like how these are set to a planogram slated to be set on the 31st of this month, and the price of $19.99, which is reasonable; in line with the other licensed dress-up things.
My Target is lagging somewhat on new Pony toys; we still have loads of 3.5 toys, and only two weeks ago put out the new singles from Gen. 4. We've had most of the playsets for a while, though.
...I kind of want to hang this dress on a wall, and part of me is disappointed that the box only says "Twilight Sparkle" as opposed to "MLP Assorted" or some such. Where's Rarity's dress? I bet it'd be FABULOUS.
VastaKustutaYOU WATCH TANGLED?! i LOVE it!
i thought no other brony (well,i'm a filly,but..) watches tangled!
a filly
My daughter will love this. Just in time for halloween. I think there is a headband that is hold separately. toy stores