Looks like a bunch of new pony merch is showing up! Nothing really for us... but hey, I'll report it anyway. Some of you might want a pink backpack!
Backpacks : Toys R' Us
Purses: (They were on the target website, but poofed when I went to create this post 0_o)
Animated Storyteller Sparkle: Target
Thanks to (Diaphone?) For all the tips!
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78 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaOH NO, it's the horrible Twilight vector again...
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSo this the "Special Thing" They were hinting us on?
VastaKustutaPlushies FTW!
VastaKustutaIf that storytelling Twilight has Tara Strong's voice, I'm sold.
VastaKustutaNah, the special surprise was them changing their profile pic on facebook. feelsbadman
VastaKustutaOh, Hasbro! *awesomesmiley.jpeg*
VastaKustutaThe backpacks are alright. I hate how that heart must overlap Fluttershy in the back :(
That plushie doesn't look like Twilight!
VastaKustutaOh come on, guys, it's for kids, kids love that stuff. You don't have to.
VastaKustutaNot for us? I need something to carry my PS3 around in, so I'd be all over one of the backpacks.
VastaKustutaProbably the second one, 'cause the first one kinda looks shit.
Let's hope this isn't the special fan thing they promised us
VastaKustutaAre you sure a PS3 could fit in that?
well that settles it... getting a new backpack...
VastaKustuta@Jace Arveduin
VastaKustutaIf its the same size as the ones they had on sale at Wal-Mart last year, I assume so.
No.. they said they still have hte FAcebook surprise in store for us, they did another update.
VastaKustutaNow, if they made a Fluttershy plushie that sings her full-length lullabye (No Sweetie-belle involved), Hasbro would make some money (I'd buy three)!
VastaKustutado i want to go to college with a pink pony backpack or my awesome swiss-army one...
VastaKustutaI might get the backpacks for my... er future daughters.
VastaKustutaYep, my future daughters will love those backpacks.
... I am gonna continue making my plushies, because that one looks scary to me.
VastaKustutaThe animated Storyteller Twilight Sparkle reminds me of the Evil Teddy Bear from the Nostalgia Critic reviews O_O High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
VastaKustutaHah, I was right. Backpacks. Now where are the trapper keepers?
VastaKustutaThe special surprise WASNT THAT monthly picture stuff... so dont feel disapponited yet.
guys I think I have a problem. I cant stop buying mlp backpacks I have so many already and I dont know what to do with them.
VastaKustutaMy fear is that Storyteller Twilight will actually sound like Bernie Mac.
VastaKustutaWait...would that be terrible or completely awesome?
QUIT GRIPING! These toys are not aimed at you. They're aimed at little girls. Little girls don't care if it doesn't look like the show.
VastaKustutaThe plushie looks like they just re-colored a plushie from those god-awful Baby Cutie MLP characters...
VastaKustutaI'd probably get a backpack, though. My current messenger bag is getting worn out, and what better way to throw a middle finger at the haters than to make them look at Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash every time they pass me in the hall?
VastaKustutaI'm with this guy. That would be so awesome.
VastaKustutaBy covering that bag with keychains of MLP characters.
@Jace Arveduin
VastaKustutaThey were making a Twilight?
NO ONE complaining that they got her Mane wrong?
VastaKustutaWe are NOT whining. We are complaining. Do you want to HEAR whining?
Oh my god, Twilight darling, What have they done to your hair?
VastaKustutathats when you see that the customs are awesome...
VastaKustutacause that purple thing is horrible lol
I would rep that backpack like a boss.
VastaKustutaBS dude, if I was a little girl I would want the toys to look EXACTLY like the ponies I see on TV. (I am 16 and a dude, btw)
You are implying that girls are stupid.
Comon hasbro, whats so hard about makeing show accuarte toys? I bet they have never seen a single episode of FiM, they just think of it as a comerical. ;(
@Anonymous: I'm a little girl, and I want accurate toys too!!
VastaKustuta(Well, I'm actually a 23 year old woman in University. But my point still stands!!)
Btw: Is is just me, or is ponychan down?
VastaKustutawhat is that abomination? it is not a Twilight sparkle! why doesn't it look like twilight?
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle looks hideous,but it makes more sense for Twi to be the one reading books at least.
VastaKustutaWhat's most likely happening is the marketing team of the show and the marketing team of the toys can't agree on what is and isn't popular and marketable. It seems like Hasbro's toy team is convinced that sticking to "The Formulae" in terms of MLP toys will ensure "brand recognition" and keep a "stable image of our flagship product." Meanwhile, the marketing team for the show is attempting to replicate the successes of modern children's television, which is newer, recognizable designs, writing which is enjoyable for both the young and old, and an updated image for the newest generations of Millennial young adults and Generation Z children.
VastaKustutaThe schism between the two is readily apparent in the merchandise they're putting out. Old Thinking vs. New Thinking, and it's really hurting their profits. I bet in a year from now, when Season 2 has had it's run, all of the new MLP toy lines are going to be absolutely true to the new show, once they realize that modern children really do identify with characters in a visual way.
K-Mart has the backpacks too - slightly different pictures of the backpacks (rather than the weird TRU drawings) are here.
VastaKustuta@PegasiYes Ponychan is down. I feel sad, cranky and desperate.
VastaKustutaFunny how fan plush toys look 100% better (and cooler) than the ones made by companies.
VastaKustutaI'm keeping my eyes open until I find a Rainbow Dash flamethrower.
VastaKustutaThat Twilight Plushie will haunt my nightmares :c
VastaKustutaI'm going to Comic Con this year (hasn't gone before) Do they seel custom plushies at stuff at the artist's alley? I'd rather get a plushie there than that.. ..thing D8
*backs away from it slowly*
"I'm keeping my eyes open until I find a Rainbow Dash flamethrower."
VastaKustutaThe kids loves this one.
I found a backpack at walmart so Im good there it has three ponies on it! The three best ponies!
VastaKustutaWell, the plushie is clearly a compromise between 3.5 and 4.
VastaKustutaAnd getting back to what Anonymous said about kids not caring about accuracy, bullshit. When I was little, it infuriated me that I had the official TMNT versions of Raphael, Leonardo, and Donatello, but my Michelangelo was a wind up version whose tongue was sticking out and whose nunchuks were neon green. Same size as the others, exact same company released it, but my parents didn't know better when they got it, and they refused to get me two of the same character, just for the sake of accuracy. As soon as I was old enough to resolve that situation on my own, I did.
And can someone explain to me why on Target's website, they photoshopped the plushie into a girl's arms? Was it too hard to find an actual little girl to hold it?
VastaKustutaI will so buy that storytelling plush for my daughter. It's like a teddy ruxbin (sp?)
VastaKustutaI keep saying that a Rainbow Dash Flamethrower is a bad idea! It would make it 20% cooler and you don't want that to happen with a flamethrower!!!
VastaKustutawhen are we going to get mass produced quality plushies?
VastaKustutaSpeaking of merch, is anyone else getting a 502 error on http://www.ponychan.net/chan/merch/ ?
VastaKustuta@rann It's on all of ponychan actually. It's kinda....upsetting....
VastaKustutaWhat the Christ
VastaKustuta"Our Recommended age: 4-6 years old" Toys R' Us.com is yous trolling?
VastaKustutaThis looks like the last of the kid merchandise that was developed before the brony revolution. Just wait. In a few months (just before season 2 starts) we'll see more merchandise aimed at adults.
VastaKustutaI so want a Pinky Pie tie....
fat head Twilight, lawlz
Damn. Here's hoping Seth tosses up an article explaining what's going on.
VastaKustutaIs ponychan down or not? Get the definite answer.
Down or not
Wonderful. Just kidding ffffffff
I actually got a MLP backpack from Wal-Mart the other day. It's blue, and it has Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaOne of the books says "The Magic of Frienship." I hope they catch that typo soon.
VastaKustuta@Crusty Bread
VastaKustutaAll of my bits! Take them!
@usagi I lurk and never comment, but this shows me much Hasbro cares about quality.
VastaKustuta@Gozer the Equestrian Oh...then I'm 10 years too old...oh well.
VastaKustutaThe doll is horrendous, but I'd wear the backpacks to school. They're pretty good.
VastaKustutaBut still, why doesn't Hasbro (or the Hub, for that matter) attend to the needs/wants/requests of the Bronies? Is it because of the fact that the show is directed at young-age children?
Purses? Sweet Celestia yes, I've been needing to replace mine, hurry up and bring them back, Target! :D
VastaKustutaa Twilight Teddy Ruxpin? Unless Tara Strong provided the audio, that sounds pretty terrible
VastaKustutaIt takes a whole lot of time to design new toy, get it approved, get it into production, and then produce enough to fill store shelves all over the world, and find a way to do all of that while making a profit.
These things take a lot of time, this stuff was probably already in the approval stages by the time the episode 1 aired.
I still have faith in Hasbro to give us Bronies what we want, and I'm perfectly willing to sit here patiently until they do.
@doctor dapples
VastaKustutaThe picture of the girl is most likely a stock photo. You'll probably see it used for another children's bedtime-related item by Target or another retailer sometime in the future.
yes, Diaphone
VastaKustutaWow, am i like the youngest one here XD i'm in my mid-teens, but i seriously want show accurate junk!!! If they made a show accurate Pinkie Pie i would buy it in 10 seconds flat
VastaKustutaI love that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash bookbag, But I'd never buy it :p
VastaKustutaI now have both of these backpacks. Made a special trip to Toys-R-Us just for them ^_^. They are pretty sweet. And full-sized too unlike the previous ones :). Also Toys-R-Us is currently doing a promotion where if you buy any backpack that costs $12.99 or more, you get a free lunchbox. The good news, the pony ones are $12.99. The bad news, no pony lunchboxes, at least not at my local Toys-R-Us :(.