But it's cool. I bought caffine pills!
Pony Keychains in Hawaii
Those AMAZING PONY KEYCHAINS are available at a store called Animation Magic in Hawaii for those of you who live down there. So, go buy some!
Dutch Subtitles
Another crazy brony is translating the entire show into dutch. You can follow all of his progress here!
MLP osu! Beatmaps
Somepony over on 4chan is trying to create beatmaps for a computer based rhythm game based on the Elite Beat Agents game for the DS! This game was awesome, and I'm happy to see a PC version exists! Apparently it's pretty easy to create files for it (This Phoenix Wright one for example). He needs help with it though. If you are interested, check out the ponychan thread here!
I should get back into the rhythm game scene. DDR was addicting as hell back in the day. Or at least ITG was, never did like the read DDR. Those of you who know what I'm talking about, you are great! Have a Trixie!
Oh...looks like she is ignoring you. That sucks.
Applebloom Helicopter
We had a debate the other day (Kind of) on the spelling of Applebloom. Is it two words?
Anyway, have an Apple Bloom helicoptor. You can download the mod in the description of the video!
An Hour of Discussion about the Anti-Streaming Bill
For those of you who were following the new streaming bill from a while back, this video does a pretty good job of explaining it! You really only need to listen to the first 10 minutes for everything involving the bill, though this cast in general is pretty neat. You can find the embed below!
OC Night Pony Group Shot!

You can find the DA page here!
TF2 Pony Sound Modder Looking for Suggestions
Darkclaw is creating various mods for TF2 to modify the voice overs of the characters. He is looking for suggestions though on what to add! You can find his current mods here (Untested by me!). You can contact him on Gamebanana if you are interested!
Everypony is a DJ Channel Recieves a Bunch of Updates!
This guy is editing the DJ pony clip for every other pony in the show, and adding a bunch of other random stuff. I have linked this before, but he has a bunch of new updates up! You can find that here!
Online Version of the Australian Newspaper
A few days ago an Australian Newspaper posted about Bronies. We have had various scans of the article pop up, but they have finally tossed it on to their website. You can find it here!
Rainbow Dash Raids the Toronto Dyke March

Oh Dashy, you so silly.
On July 2nd, Rainbow Dash showed all over the news thanks to this pride parade!
Apparently Pinkie Pie was on the other side of it.
I used to be pretty big on Dashiepie until Twixie showed up. Twixie is just so much more fun to say! Twixie Twixie Twixie. Always liked those candy bars.
McDonald's Pony Toys in Malaysia
The pony Mcdonalds toys have popped up in Malaysia. For those of you spending 70 bucks for sets on Ebay, this might be a better alternative if you know someone out there!
Lapfox Trax heading to Pulserhythm
A few of the lapfox pony songs (This one/This one) are actually going to be appearing in the Pulsthythm game that is scheduled to release some time this month. They wont be joining the selection until October during a pack update, but it's still pretty neat!
Anime Expo 2011 Brony Picture Album
More brony pictures have popped up for you all to feast on! You can find the album here!
Equestria Daily News
Events I want to do:
1) Ponies around the world: Take pictures of pony toys in front of major landmarks around the world! Someone gave me this idea, and it's awesome.
2) Movie Posters for Episodes Contest: Steam game prizes anyone?! Yes! I want to do this.
3) Ask Trixie Q&A
Events I have time to do:
1.) Bother Cereal, Phoe, and Tek!
Equestria Daily Jet
I was going to write something strange like the Nascar post, but I am too tired, so have a youtube video! Pretty cool!
And that is all for the news! I'm uhh, pretty dizzy so I'm just going to go ahead and let you guys email me a list of typos!
Some day I'll have an editor, though I might need to expand past ponies for that. I apologize for all of my extremely brief responses lately. I don't really get much time to build well thought out articles with how quick everything goes.
ReplyDeleteLooks like I may have a reason to re-download Osu! again.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to it!
LOVE ponies around the world! I usually take my Ponyville 4 Pack Dashie with me wherever I go, since it's tiny.
ReplyDeleteNow where's a rainbow when you need it...
i dunno... Apple bloom makes more sense, i think
ReplyDeleteSweet! I don't know why I didn't think to check out FiM beatmaps! Haven't played Osu! for a while, but this'll probably get me back into it :)
ReplyDeleteGet some sleep!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the Ask Trixie event :D
ReplyDeleteFor the love of...you guys are buying the toys now? Gaiz for the muthaflucking love of fluck, set some flucking standards for yourselves.....fluckity fluck....lol fluck
ReplyDeleteE Daily event # 1: Dude, I'm headed out on a photoadventure trek for a couple weeks! I could get some pics with mah Fluttershy and Dashie. In fact, rappelling canyons with ponies sounds like a good time period.
ReplyDeleteSeth, bro, I am totally cool with caffeine, it's a great stimulant and I'm totally hooked. I'm serious; I almost died when I went two days without awhile back. But be careful of those pills, man; they'll mess you up in a big way. It's nearly impossible to actually hurt yourself with coffee or soda, but taking it straight can be EVIL!
Also, I'm sorry for patronizing you; I'm not your mother. And also, I love you; you're awesome and you work super hard for us.
Wait, who is Tek? Did I miss an announcement about an addition to the team?
ReplyDelete>1) Ponies around the world: Take pictures of pony toys in front of major landmarks around the world! Someone gave me this idea, and it's awesome.
ReplyDeleteAlready working on this.
>Pony Keychains in Hawaii
>Animation Magic
>store is on Oahu
>lives on Maui
I was at that damned mall, and walked right past that God forsaken store on Friday. What have I done to anger the pony Gods?
ReplyDeleteOh Sethisto. You work too hard for us.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Tekaramity
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 0/10 Consider yourself tolerated.
ReplyDeleteUgh, I CANNOT wait until them ponies finally make their way to New Zealand, I swear we get everything LAST... not that it's all bad, had we got pony toys at the start like the States I probably wouldn't have bought them, wasn't into ponies back then.
ReplyDeleteAnd you really, really ought to get some sleep, Seth, even us folks here in up-side-down land are starting to head to bed!
Apple Bloom is two words, it says so in the credits.
ReplyDelete*gasp* In Malaysia!? Now?!! Wow!! Where, I mean like toy stores or Mc Donalds themselves?
Pony toys in Malaysia? Oh that's interesting. I doubt it'll do well though. There aren't many people who know about MLP:FiM, let alone bronies.
ReplyDeleteI could do some Rio de Janeiro pics for ponies around the world, but I don't have ponies
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend and I spent about... 150NZD to get all six ponies along with the Sweet Apple Acres and Balloon playset things. Now we have a little Ponyville display in our room.
Worth every cent.
woooo! lordkat is in pony news! wonder how he'll feel about that?
ReplyDeleteyou really need some sleep, bro
ReplyDeletePonies in Malaysia? I can see the trend here...
Soon these Nirvana Meal toys would probably get to Fillyphine(Philippines) shores!
How can there possibly be any debate over Apple Bloom?
ReplyDeleteHer name was in the credits of EVERY EPISODE
I want to see a brony sign at a WWE event. Am I the only one?
ReplyDeletePretty obvious that you never bring any friends home then. Its nothing to brag about, so pathetic.
ReplyDeleteHaters gonna hate. (Though I would never spend that much money on ponies.)
Thanks for mentioning me!
ReplyDeleteAnd there are already lots of folks doing the "ponies around the world thing" on Ponibooru.
It would be a very good idea to make a special section just for that, how awesome would that be? :P
Ponies in Malaysia?!?
ReplyDeleteSo close, yet so far...
I hate it when people use cartoons and stuff for protests or try and take them as mascots (dykes try and use Velma all the time cause a nerd could never be straight I guess) Damn Hetrophobes!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering when someone was going to make a EBA pony game. I thought about doing it myself, but my skills in games making are very poor. I can talk about it but can't do it.
ReplyDeleteI'd try enter a pony landmark completion. The show start here today so I think the good toys could be here soon. If not, My sisters have some of the old toys lying around. A few of them look a lot like the mane cast.
Ponies? Here in Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteNot sure if want.
ReplyDeleteI know, right. I mean, it's not like tomboys could ever be straight.
I'll be honest, I really don't like the idea that homosexuals are trying to make this character their own or somnething. That kind of crap is pretty much what turned the furry fandom into...well what it is now.
ReplyDeleteWow, way to be a tolerant and loving community member there. >_>
The sign doesn't say, "Rainbow Dash is a lesbian," for Celestia's sake. It's possible for anyone to be inspired by seeing her personality portrayed in a positive light.
And don't you ever refer to gays and lesbians as some single-minded outside group with ulterior motives while you speak for this fandom.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Lupus on this, last I checked homosexuals aren't a hivemind. That sign actually shows one my favourite things about this show; "there's more than one way to be a girl", something shown in the diverse main cast.
And hey, one of those ways is liking other girls. Personally, I think that sign is pretty aweseome.
OH YEAH!!! Ponies Gone Viral AGAIN!, looks like the June pony viral break is over, by the end of summer we'll reach 50 Million views
ReplyDelete@Lupus Albus
ReplyDeleteI believe he was speaking for him self.
I don't want to see any of the ponies use by any group as a mascote, even more so when it's political or controversial. (unless said group is like, help feed children or something like that)
Jesus Christ, man! We all appreciate the fact that you take so much of your time for our sakes, and maybe even more because of that, get some rest on your own! We can easily survive a day or two without an update here, we don't want you to burn out.
ReplyDeleteFirst they try to seize the rainbow itself, next they try to take over Dash...
ReplyDeleteWhy do I have to tolerate them, bros?
Hey, take it easy on those caffeine pills! Those things can make you a HORRIBLE actor!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, you say you're thinking of holding a movie poster contest with Steam prizes?
As long as it doesn't have to be hand-drawn and using screenshots is OK, I am SO there!
Ugh......the creators are probably facehoofing at the Dyke March sign. Using a quote out of context and designating a sexually ambiguous character (according to Word of God) as objectively lesbian? I've got no problem with lesbo Dash for shipping in fanfics, a joke in comics, etc, but using a kid's show character as a lesbian mascot in real life? Come on.....
ReplyDeleteIn anyone is interested in pony Team Fortress mods, there's an entire collection of them here that's updated constantly.
~Buddy Vox
@Lupus Albus
ReplyDelete"The sign doesn't say, 'Rainbow Dash is a lesbian,'"
The thing is: it does. Take that picture and quote alone, and it could mean a lot of things. Put it in the context of a lesbian pride parade, and you'd have to be dense to think it means anything other than "Rainbow Dash is a lesbian."
please don't do an ask trixie thing. if i see one more post about that moron i'm gonna be sick.
ReplyDeleteActually, no, in fact you'd have to be ignorant to think that it was a declaration that Rainbow Dash is gay. I say ignorant intentionally because if you read the sign, it specifically mentions that this is a direct quote from Lauren Faust, which it is.
Not only that, it's a direct quote from her Deviant art page about the subject of homosexuality in the show. Lauren said that she has no intention of having the subject of sexuality mentioned in the show. Instead, though she said she supports gays, the reason for Rainbow Dash's behavior is that "there is more than one way to be a girl."
The point she made to the person who had brought up the subject, and to everyone, was that trying to demand that girls behave in any specific manner was what what she was fighting against.
This was on the heals of the article from one of the cartoon blogs that had initially accused Rainbow Dash of being a crude gay stereotype.
In this context, it is not Rainbow Dash that is gay, it's the sign holder thats gay; which is the point. Rainbow Dash has the right to defy the norm, and so should the gay woman holding the sign.
It's much like how when people were fighting for the right for interracial marriage. They often compared the ban on interracial marriage to various earlier prohibitions on inter-faith marriage.
They weren't saying that all Catholics are black, but that their struggle and their right for acceptance was analogous.
Now had the sign holder NOT used THAT particular quote? Yeah then she'd probably just be calling Rainbow Dash gay.
I told my mom about the Dyke thing and she accused her of being a pedofile....Bahahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteThe McDonalds at Malaysia are finally getting the PONIES!!
Her quote ment that just cause Dash "acted" like a gay stereotype doesn't mean she was, so that lady should of had that quote up with a picture of...I don't know Fluttershy or somepony that didn't fit the stereotype. Also sexuality has come up in the show, Rarity and Spike are straight.
ReplyDeleteMeh, nothing ever happens in Mala-
As for the rhythm game portion of this update, I heard that someone from the Remix War 2 was thinking of doing a Stepmania pony pack of some sort. I don't remember who it was, though, but I'd love to contribute to that :3
ReplyDelete@Lupus Albus
ReplyDeleteI don't recall ever saying anything you've accused me of.
All I'm saying is that it's never a good idea to have a fringe element represent all of the fandom. Doubly so since the show is aimed at little girls and parents have a strange tendency to go ZOMG! MLP IS GAY AND PEDOPHILES for the weakest of reasons.
Also, I get when you say the quote could mean aything, but consider it from an outsider's perspective: Lesbian parade, pony with a rainbow mane, the ambiguous quote- it's not very likely that outsider's will interpret it like you have.
>McDonald's Pony Toys in Malaysia
ReplyDelete>Pony Toys in Malaysia
ReplyDelete3 more days... 3 more days...
I love the gay pride parade sign. The point isn't "OMG, Rainbow Dash is gay!" It's that, like the sign says, there's more than one way to be a girl. Let me point out that the other side of the sign has Pinkie Pie (who no one ever thought was "meant to be" a gay character (even if some people write has as one)) saying "Express yourself!"
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's pretty insulting to refer to GBLTs as a "fringe group." Are people of color also a fringe group? Are people going to get butthurt if someone makes a sign with all that ponies that says "friends come in all colors" for a MLK Jr. parade?
I LOVE the pride sign! :D
ReplyDeleteOh my god, ponies here in Malaysia? I must have them now.
ReplyDeleteI don't care what the sign means I don't want them using em to promote their ideas, and not just them anyone, Republican, Liberal, pro life, pro baby killing (guess which side Im on lol) They love using kid cartoons cause....hell if I know why.
ReplyDeleteThey are a fringe. The most accurate estimates post that non heterosexuals count for 2 to 4 percent or so of the population of the U.S. according to gallup. Further the U.S. census burea found that 2010 Demographic Profile shows that “same-sex spouses” accounted for a mere 2.5 percent of the U.S. population, which is nearly 8 million people out of the total 309 million Americans.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the fringe element he's talking about is Rainbow Dash being a lesbian, not homosexuality as a whole. Although it could be argued that that's closer to the center of the fandom than the fringe, but that's not the point.
I could be wrong though.
In closing: YES to that F-22, get some sleep Seth, ponies around the world sounds awesome, and the movie poster idea is awesome, too.
^um, I guess not lol
ReplyDeleteThat too.
Oh, darn. Looks like I'll just have to man up and go to Hawaii this summer. And I was SO looking forward to working ;)
ReplyDeleteWonderful news! Elite Beat Agents was one of the best games on the DS, and I'm eager for the opportunity to play a ponyfied version, provided it captures the charm and originality of the original.
ReplyDeleteInb4 thousands of alicorns.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with the sign and, actually, I find it clever. She can use Rainbow Dash for whatever the hell she want, it's a right. I'm just glad she didn't go around saying that RD was a lesbian because Dash can be what Dash wants to be.
ReplyDeleteFWIW I interpreted the sign as gay Dash too :S
ReplyDeleteA "Friends come in all colors" banner would be hilarious.
69 comments, GIGGITY
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I wonder if Dash is going to become a gay mascot any time soon?
They only had 2 pinkie and rainbow keychains when I went to Animation Magic yesterday and I bought one of each.
ReplyDeleteHer right you say? In that case Im going to make some pro life posters with angry Fluttershy on it giving people the stare!
ReplyDeletesee how many of you got pissed? That's why we need to keep ponies out of these things.....but admit it angryshy protester would be awesome
I'm really enjoying the hypocrisy of these pony fans who eagerly partake in a fandom that loves making these ponies gay to suit their own fanfiction/fanart/whatever, but throw hissy-fits when someone else uses one of them on an ambiguous sign at a gay pride march.
ReplyDeleteIt is laffo.
I'm with LadyM on this one, and to all the haters on the gay pride parade, what the fuck? It's not YOUR character -- last I checked you weren't Lauren Faust. So this woman likes My Little Pony. Doesn't that make her a brony/filly just like everyone else on this website? So she decided to make a sign for a cause she supports that includes a My Little Pony character. Somebody above said they wouldn't mind the characters being used for a cause as long as it was "good". Well, lots of people -- and not just gay people! -- think gay rights are an important and good project.
ReplyDeleteSoooo tired of seeing Trixie splattered all over this blog like shes a main character, and the best of them.
ReplyDeleteShe was in one episode, and she was a complete stuck up b---ch, how can someone be so obsessed with her?
Pony toys in Malaysia?! OMG that's where my dad is RIGHT NOW! I gotta call to make now...
ReplyDelete>Pony toys in Malaysia?! OMG that's where my dad is RIGHT NOW! I gotta call to make now...
ReplyDeleteYou haven't really thought of this plan through...
ReplyDeleteThat statement is ignorant, near as I can tell crazyredemu and myself have never created any slash fiction and more to the point you're ignoring the central thesis of our comment: we don't want any political group using the ponies. Period. Not Dems not Reps.- no one.
Using Rainbow Dash as a representative of the Gay Community is like using Sponge Bob and Patrick to promote Homosexuality.
ReplyDeleteI write straight fics, but I am doing them to match up with someones art and she wanted to give everypony families, not because of all the gay fics or anything like that, also they will never be pg-13 cause i'd be too embarrassed to do that.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how you assume that I said you create that stuff, when I quite clearly said "partake in a fandom." Might want to go read what you're complaining about before you start throwing the "ignorant" label. Or are you trying to say you're not part of the fandom?
Besides which, it's also pretty funny how you call yourself a fan of this show and then throw a fit when someone holds up a sign that parrots one of its central messages, with a quote from the person who created it no less. The entire point of "there's more than one way to be a girl" is that the stereotype of butch lesbians doesn't make any such "butch lesbian" any less of a woman. It's not about "making Rainbow Dash gay," it's about making people who are like Rainbow Dash acceptable and not stereotyped and sneered at for "not being women," gay or otherwise.
As for "not wanting any political group using the ponies," who put you in charge of that? They can use ponies if they want. It's not going to change anything. Would you enjoy the show any less if someone put a pony on a protest sign?
Is that Ace Combat 6 Music I hear? =D
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth makes you think we approve, why do you continue to insist we're hypocrites without one iota of evidence.
Anyway, do you really want the kind of polarization and attention that politics brings into it. It could create the wrong impression.
Lastly, you're giving them way too much credit about the quote thing.
What's this about a hissy fit, anyway. You've been more rude than anyone else in this discussion. You're the one making the assumptions.
I fucking love renard, I'm so glad hes getting somewhere.
ReplyDeleteFFFFFF- I was in New York last month and passed the Statue of Liberty. I had Dash and Pinkie with me, why didn't I think of taking pictures of them there!?
ReplyDeleteI do have a picture I took of Dash at Gillette Stadium, though. Does that count?
Direct from the Hub and Hasbro: Apple Bloom is the correct spelling.
ReplyDeleteYes~! McDonald's MLPs in Malaysia~! I hope they reach Sabah (where I live) though. Most exports only reach Peninsular Malaysia and not in Sabah and Sarawak...
ReplyDeleteWell, he retweeted me when I linked him to it XD
ReplyDeleteWell, unless you're running around loudly disapproving of all the slash in this fandom, then yeah, you're a hypocrite. Or, I suppose, unless you're not actually a fan of FiM, but I think it's fair to assume otherwise.
I should think the person who saw fit to quote Lauren Faust on her sign and put a picture of Rainbow Dash on it would know what that quote means and where it came from. Rather insulting for you to suggest otherwise.
I've hardly been rude, unless you mean to say that calling you on missing the point and hypocrisy is rude, but sneering at gay people as though they're some kind of hivemind and then sneering at me for "ignorance" is not, not to mention talking for somebody else.
If this was a protest of immigration policy or government spending or something completely unrelated to any of the show's themes, then you might have a point. But that's not the case. The message on that sign, the one about love and tolerance and "there's more than one way to be a girl," the one you've deemed "political," was built into the show from day one. If you don't want that, then maybe you're watching the wrong show.
It's okay Sethsty, you already do perfectly in my opinion. :)
ReplyDeleteI have disapproved of slash but I don't flame authors when they write or draw it- that, by the way, is called tolerance.
Your first comment was to call everyone who disagreed with you a hypocrite I suggest you read your own words.
The point of that quote by Lauren Faust was to say that she wasn't going to even consider exploring sexuality in FiM, so what possible reason could it have to be part of a pride parade. None. It has no purpose and no reason in context.
I hate it when things that are innocent and fun are abused like that by people with a political axe to grind. Lauren Faust herself has made it clear that Rainbow Dash is a tomboy, NOT a "dyke". Using her in that parade is NOT okay in my book. That kind of stuff reminds me of the slash junk in other online fan communities, such as the Mulder/Krycek slash stuff on X-Files sites and the Timmy/Cosmo art at Deviant Art (gaaakkk). If people want cartoon characters to depict gay relationships, then they should create their own, not abuse other people's work. That doesn't respect the characters OR their creators.
ReplyDeleteI disapprove of all the slash but Im polite enough not to say anything, I just don't read it.
ReplyDeleteThat quote works better for a tomboy being upset that everyone thinks she's gay cause of how she acts
ReplyDeleteFirst furry haters, now homophobes.
Haters gonna hate, ponies gonna pwn.
Seth you really should take a Break from Blogging take a vacation Caffeine pills could potentially mess you up pretty bad. We can survive a few days with out EQD take a break.
ReplyDeletePart of me hopes they make Rainbow Dash gay in Season 2, just to see the reaction.
ReplyDelete.......If we were homophobes we wouldn't be on this site. We are saying people shouldn't use cartoons to make a political statement and so on.
ReplyDeleteYeesh, I see a couple people complaining about people buying the toys. Reality check, my good fellows.
ReplyDeleteHasbro has made it very clear that they make money from merchandising. Not the show itself. It is why we can host all the episodes on YouTube without Hasbro taking down the content, because they are not losing revenue from it.
They will not renew MLP for a third season if they don't make money from it. Thus, if we want to support the show and ensure its continuation through 2012, the best way to support it and solidify its future is to collect the merchandise. Buy it for your nieces, your little sisters, your girlfriends, local toy drive, whatever. If you want to support the show without having the ponies adorning your personal space, the best thing you can do is get the toys.
If bronies established these 'rules of dignity' prohibiting the purchase of merchandise, Hasbro's main source of income, bye bye TV show.
I shall now refer to Tasmanian tabloids for all my news about everything. At least they do their research.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Rainbow Dash picket sign, I'm okay with that. I'd rather Dashy be used as a symbol for gay rights than a symbol for Anonymous deuchebaggery.
.....Ok WTBrony has a point, I dislike the dyke thing less then I do the Anonymous thing
ReplyDeleteMALAYSIA? remember Travis from Fosters? guess what,he predicted it by saying "Ooo even better, all the way over in MALAYSIA!!!!!"
ReplyDeletealso WANT the Mordecai and Rigby crossover shirt!
ReplyDeleteWhat furry fandom has become...
The single largest non-specific concept based creative community in the world. With 50 conventions a year, countless regular meet-ups and open parties in several countries, art/forum and role-playing sites with thousands of active members, with a deserved reputation for friendliness and tolerance...
Of course, large groups of imaginative, counter-culture people tend to make a great target for trolls. (as the Bronies are finding out)
That's OK, we're used to it.
For what it's worth, the Rainbow Dash sign is pretty funny, and kinda cool. But considering the context which it is being used for, there is certainly a political agenda behind it.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, politics don't mix well with anything, ponies included. And this is regardless of the fact that said context is pro-lesbianism.
I think he ment that wasn't what they were but how people see them...but I could be wrong
ReplyDeleteActually, people who get whiny and act victimized when people hate on their hobbies make great target for trolls.
Don't make yourselves out to be cooler than you actually are. That's the other thing that trolls usually go for. I'm past my furry-hating phase; I realized that if a large group of people wants to dress up like animals and have sex, it's their prerogative and a waste of my time to insult how they spend theirs.
It takes too much effort to care about something I can't really affect either way.
^^What crazyredemu said.
ReplyDeleteThing is, it's not all about sex. Sex is but one tiny little part of furrydom. Sex is but one tiny little part of being gay. No, it's about your personal taste in entertainment (in the former case, mostly) and who you want to spend your life with (in the latter case, mostly). So stop thinking about sex all the time.
ReplyDelete@Pixel.................I DON'T CARE!!!!! I saying you should leave ponies out of protests and parades and politics (cept the Macy Day Parade, I want a giant RD balloon!!!)
ReplyDeleteRe: the dash sign, I agree that ponies shouldn't be used for political stuff, but for me there is a HUGE difference between something where it's about the individual marcher and his or her rights, and someone campaigning against/for something that affects other people.
ReplyDeleteHer point on the march is that she wants to be able to be herself and have the same rights as other people. It's about human rights and self-expression.
To me, there's a world of difference between that and someone using the same banner in a march in an anti-war demonstration or an anti-gay marriage demonstration, or a pro-life/pro-choice march.
that plane is awesome and Seth you should have something like "new to the fleet of Equestria Daily vehicles, the F/A-22 Raptor. The design was made by and awesome brony by the name of MyParentscallmeEric (youtube name). Unfortunately, on the first test flight our ditzy test pilot pulled the ejection seat thinking it was a muffin button, and the plane went crashing to the ground. We have since rebuilt it, and we have a new pilot; this time with an hour of flying under his belt."
ReplyDeleteThat Dash sign is great. I can't understand the objection.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you think I was even directing my comment towards you specifically? I wasn't, in fact. And if you're trying to get me to see your point of view, shouting at me is not the right way to go about it.
I don't know you, but it appears to me that you dismiss the LGBT rights movement as merely "just another political thing." It's not; it's a significant part of the population, myself included, fighting for their right to exist and be treated as equals.
Another vote for "leave the ponies out of politics".
ReplyDelete@Tears of a valedictorian
ReplyDeleteI agree. The sign isn't saying dash is gay nor is it out of context. People just want to be themselves, especially when they are people who go against what others believe to be the "normal" or "right" way to do things, whether it be in terms of sexual orientation or gender identity. This is what the sign is trying to communicate.
ReplyDeleteI know that feel, brony.
I live in this country RIGHT below Malaysia.
You are missing my point I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM! I just don't want them to drag cartoons into it.
ReplyDeleteI don't see gender roles as being a big issue anymore, how many of us had the tomboy friend growing up or the bad ass mom or carrer oriented friend? I've never seen anything wrong with it, but those people at them lib movements sure do like to put down stay at home moms, who in my book, have the hardest job of all....and now I am why off topic...what were we talking about again?
I live on Oahu! I guess if someone wants one mailed to them I can do something?
ReplyDeleteWell I got things to do so I hope to argue with you all again when something like this pops up, but until then have a nice day! :)
ReplyDelete@Pixel Coder [RebeccaRGB]
ReplyDeleteIf you were referring to me well I wasn't necessarily talking about sex either. I was referring to certain organizers at CF who pushed their sexuality in everyone's face and ended up alienating a lot of fans and potential fans. Though they were just one problem.
fully supporting the dashie sign here - to each his/her own. also, telling people where they can and can't post pics of ponies is just another form of intolerance. just let it slide bro, it will not have any adverse effect on ponies i assure you.
ReplyDeleteYou're all pretty much crazy, just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteCompletely OT, I had no idea there were so many Malaysian bronies. =/ Well. Off I go to buy a Happy Meal for my "little sister".
ReplyDeleteIf anyone did not see the brash, bold, confident, rainbow-mane tomboy becoming something that people gravitate to as part of gay culture... you are quite dim or just not one to think beyond yourself all that often.
ReplyDeleteHell, it's not even politics, it's pride, they want to use the character as an example of bucking against the traditional concepts what it is to be a 'girl' in this day and age. As a group comprising of a lot of grown men who enjoy a 'show for little girls' we would eagerly point out a noteworthy manly man who openly enjoys the show like us and go "See? He dropkicks bears for a living and relaxes at night with an MLP marathon, looking up the applejack threads on ponychan!".
Each of the mane6 were set up to be role-models of some sort, and role models do not diminish in effectiveness when the person looking up to them ages.
So, do not get defensive, rainbow dash is for EVERYONE, and that includes the one in the picture, she is not being claimed, just appreciated in a different context.
Love and tolerate the shit out of everyone.
Also fully supporting the Dash sign. It's tastefully done, there is nothing wrong with the message, and it's also not even really that political as CloverSmile pointed out.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, cartoons in general have ALWAYS been politicized at some point, for better or worse. During WW2 Disney and Warner Bros were under heavy control by the US Gov't and made to crank out loads of propaganda films featuring all the various toon characters of that time. Hell I've even seen anime characters used on signs in middle eastern protests. Whether you like it or not or whether it fits the character being used doesnt matter, its gonna happen, especially with characters that are portrayed as very expressive role models, so you might as well just accept it and move on.
Lordkat in my ponies? interesting
ReplyDeleteYAY! Thanks Seth for posting my news ^_^ I'm the brony in Malaysia who found out about the McDonald's toys. If anyone wants some, give me and email at khristpursuit@hotmail.com and we can work something out :)
ReplyDeleteMalaysia? It's right next to Singapore. Not sure if want them over here.
ReplyDeleteIf I may attempt to explain the Rainbow Dash sign.
ReplyDeleteThe quote on the sign is from Lauren Faust.
Lauren Faust is considered to be projected inside her own creation as Rainbow Dash, since her deviantArt username is the same (Firefly/Fyre Flye) as a G1 Pony Rainbow Dash is derived from.
Therefore, it's just an emphasis on the fact Lauren Faust stated those words, with Faust being represented as her in-show manifestation Rainbow Dash.
I do not believe Rainbow Dash is being adopted as a poster child for the gay community. But honestly, if the gay community chooses to implement her as one of their mascots, what's the harm in that? The gay community stands for more than just sexual orientation; it's also the tenets of respect, loyalty, strength, and dignity; all characteristics Rainbow conveys. If a symbol of a strong tenacious female just so happens to match the colors of a spunky subculture's banner, then it makes sense for the gay community to use it.
It's not because Dash is perceived to be lesbian. It's because she's got gumption, just like her human counterpart.
Lordkat chat Bronies represent!
ReplyDeleteBrony from Oahu here! I NEED THOSE KEYCHAINS!!
ReplyDeleteAm I the only pony on the planet that considers Rainbow Dash straight?
ReplyDelete@Nittany Tiger
ReplyDeleteHow the heck is gay rights still "controversial"?
@Nittany Tiger
ReplyDeleteNo, I personally think that someones personality is no indication of their sexuality.
Rainbow Dash is NOT a lesbo and rainbows are not gay! It ticks me off how gay activists are using the rainbow and giving it a bad rep... I think Lauren Faust should prove Dash isn't a lesbo in season 2.
ReplyDeleteMLP FiM, Watching From Brasil!!! Brasil is in this fever to! HAhahAHAHhahahaHhahHahHAAHHAHA
ReplyDeleteGreat. Furry Pride now Rainbow-dash being used for pride parades too.
ReplyDeleteSo convenient.
Dykes SUCK. Rainbow-dash is not 'ghey'. I wish they stop using rainbow-dash for propaganda crap!
She's a tomboy but adventurous and fun, not a dyke instrument!
Keep Ponies OUT of politics!
It can ruin a show for the rest of us(and ESPECIALLY original My Little Pony Fans, not just bronies!).
@Anonymous I hope that diluted dyke realizes that Lauren Faust said that to deny the lesbian accusations. She said more than one way to be a girl. Indicating straight girls can be rainbow coloured and tomboyish too....... I'm not homophobic but face guys, She will never be gay. The ponies weren't given specific sexualities, but they'd end up being more straight than anything including Rainbow dash.