• Story: Smudge on the Record


    Author: Kao1214
    Description: When Trixie returns to Ponyville for her revenge on Twilight, things take a horrible turn. Now Trixie finds herself fleeing the law for a crime not her fault, with a crazed detective hounding her every hoofstep. But what really happened that day in town square? And why is Celestia suddenly acting so cold towards her prized student? What secrets could she be hiding?
    Smudge on the Record
    Smudge on the Record Part 2 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Mystery, homicide, escape, minor twixie, secrets

    26 kommentaari:

    1. Still far to early, but I am interested in knowing what has happened. You've got my attention for now.

    2. Intriguing. Not a lot to go on, but I'll keep my eye open.

    3. This story is /acceptable/ See what I did thar, Mr. Author? Get's annoying, doesn't it?

      Still peaks my interest, nevertheless.

    4. Interesting, I cant say much, because, like other ponys have said, theres not much to go on. But I am interested to find out more, so good job

    5. Intrigue!
      Needs more politics!

    6. From what little I've seen, it seems that the Mayor was the victim of whatever idiotic stunt the Grating and Powerless Trixie pulled.

    7. How can a story about ponies have a homicide tag? Are there humans in it, too?

    8. Who else thought smudge on the record would be a Vinyl ship?

    9. What the heck, guys? I know this story just started but it feels potential. None of you have the decency to rate it at least 4 stars? That's what I feel this story will deserve. I'm just getting that hunch.

    10. .....I like it. but I already HATE HATE HATE HATE! that detective pony. KILL HIM OFF AUTHOR.

    11. @Godot-17

      This is why I don't rate things. It just makes everything so silly.

      Anyway, interesting so far. Despite the grimdark tag, the summery drew me in, and I'm definitely keeping my eye on this one.

    12. Blurgh. Just.. blurgh.

      Characters are way out of character.
      OC pony is not only obsessive compulsive but a right pain in the tail.

      Sorry..me no like.

    13. @Anonymous

      The prefix "homo" means something along the lines of "similar to". In our world, a homicide is when a human kills another human. Seeing how we are in the world of ponies, a pony killing another pony is still considered a homicide.

      As for my review. As someone else said, far too early to have an opinion either way. However, it is intriguing. I'll be keeping my eye on this, and I shall rate it as the story is furthered.

    14. The Homicide bit...

      ... Well, doesn't something like Equicide make more sense? Because the prefix for Homicide is more from "Homo" as in Human (Homo Sapien Sapien?)

    15. Hey everypony, author here. I see a lot of people are talking about the whole 'homicide' thing. Just wanna say that in the story itself, I originally wrote it as 'homicide', but then one of my editors actually went out of their way to look up the Latin genus for ponies, which apparently is 'Equus'. So storywise, it was edited to Equicide, just forgot to change the tage upon submission. Course, I have no idea whether that's technically accurate or not, but hey.

    16. Please tell me part 2 comes out soon...

    17. Whoa! A brand new Grimdark fic on EQD? Been a while since one of these, eh?

    18. Wait, Part One was posted in JULY?!?! Fuck lol.

      Part One intrigued me. The Detective is a interesting OC. Watching Twilight get sweated by Po-Po (oh how adorably ghetto i am! I woulda went with "Jakes", but then nobody would know what the hell I'm talking about...) in a interrogation room (if they ask you to write a letter to the victims, DON'T, ITS A FUCKING TRICK, WORD TO THE WIRE SEASON 1) was pretty cool. Oh and "equicide"......is a AWESOME fucking word. "Equicide". Say it out loud. "Equicide". It's like gargling with silk! I HEREBY DECREE THAT ALL GRIMDARK FICS USE THIS WORD FROM NOW ON.

      Part Two was kinda...boring. I hated the change of POV. Ponies bloodied up running through the Everfree? That's practically a prerequisite for all Grimdark fics; been there, done that. Then Rainbow Dash flies or something. Yawn. Oh well, at least there wasn't a GODDAMN DERPY MUFFIN JOKE- wait, lemmie check.....FUCK, THERE IT IS. FORGET EVERYTHING POSITIVE I SAID, ZERO STARS. YOUR FIC IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD.

      lol but seriously, I'll keep reading.

    19. Poor Ditzy. Always the bubble-butt of jokes.

    20. Great; more of Ditzy the idiot. At least in Freedom is Magic, her imitation of Goofy helped kill the bad guy; here, she's Daphne from Scooby Doo, Where Are You on a caffeine bender.

    21. I'm glad that this is still being continued. I'll get to this chapter ASAP.

    22. Still not a lot to go on, honestly. Rainbow's part interested me as yet another interpretation of what Dash would do if Trixie came back, but otherwise...

      Looking forward to the next chapter, in any case.

    23. did this fic just die or something?
