• Story: The Search for Bighoof

    [Adventure][Comedy] Hey! Cheerilee finally got a story!  About time. 

    Author: Lucres
    Description: On a Filly Scout camping trip in the Whitetail Woods,
    Scootaloo is determined to prove she’s not a chicken. In order to do
    so, she sets out on her own to find and capture the legendary creature
    known only as “bighoof”. Unfortunately, she’s about to find out that
    the Whitetail Woods can be more dangerous than their serene appearance
    suggests. Can Fluttershy bring her back safe, or will something else
    find her first? Also, Cheerilee completely loses her mind!
    In Search of Bighoof

    Additional Tags: Episode-style, Scouting, Cryptids, Skepticism, Scootalove

    13 kommentaari:

    1. I have it saved. The concept sounds interesting.

    2. Insane Cheerilee is excellent. Also, I really, REALLY appreciate your restraint in not throwing a teaser/reveal onto the end--I find those kinds of 'gotchas' only detract from stories.

    3. This story makes me <3 Fluttershy sooo much. :)

    4. Heh. I'm glad we're seeing more of these one shot normal stories. Not to dark, and rather light-hearted in places. I like. Well written, touching here and there. Good stuff. I didn't really buy Scoot's second running off, that seemed a bit forced. But that is a minor complaint. Over all, really enjoyed it, nicely done. (Yes, copy pasted this from my DA comment. Sue me :P)

    5. Excellent! I could see this being a real episode, minus the poop probably.

    6. @Anonymous I swear I didn't intend to write a story that involved so much pooping, it just turned out that way!

    7. Cryptids, Ponies, Epic pegusai and freaked-out Cheerilee? Lots of win contained in this one.

    8. Absolutely Wonderful

    9. It's finally happened Cherilee! You've LOST your MIND!

      Just like Zecora fics, Cherilee fics are insta-read on my list.

    10. Adorable, and with a show-like message! Great chance to star one of my fave CMC, too.
