• Story: Revolution is Magic (Update Part 2!)


    Author: Maria Seinheart
    Description: What begun as a culture study for Twilight and Spike turned into a nightmare when a civil war erupted in Stalliongrad between rebel ponies and government forces. Trapped and with nowhere to go, Twilight and Spike must survive the war by helping the rebels win the war and secure their freedom.
    Revolution is Magic Part 1
    Revolution is Magic Part 2 (New!)

    Additional Tags: War, Politics, Friendship, Betrayal, Long

    24 kommentaari:

    1. First. I like the idea of this story. Cant wait till the next chapter.

    2. Revolution!?

      I'll go loot robotics for some flashes!

    3. Not first!
      (Really, does it matter?)

    4. I only hope this isn't going to turn out like that old revolutionary dairy fanfic. That one fazed me more than cupcakes, for celest's sake.

    5. i was like "ugh another celestia is evil story?" when i read "government forces" , thank Celestia it isnt :D

    6. Hmm. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter.

    7. @Lily Surette
      Haha, that game is great.
      ....We should have a MLP server for it.

    8. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony15. juuli 2011, kell 12:13

      MLP Fanfic Cliche #21, HAVE ALL THE BAD SHIT GO DOWN AT STALLIONGRAD. Who cares if it's damn disrespectful considering it had one of the highest casualties of any battle in the second World War.

    9. Blergh, enough with the Stalliongrad. We need some more puns+places. What about Koltigsburg? Damn this is hard...

    10. The second Stalliongrad related fic....
      And I must say I enjoyed the other one.Dunno about this,it looks to have no ties to WW2 other than the name of the city itself...what no Joseph Stallion? XD

    11. @Anonymous

      This is at least fourth fic to mention Stalliongrad (not so recent are "Antipodes" and Part 6 of "Pony psychology series").

      Can't say anything about this one, (haven't read it yet) but anyway Dave Mustang has a point. Why the hay it has to be grimdark all the time (exept PPS)?

    12. Okay I read it and I wont lie its kind of appealing but,seeing as this is the second fic of Stalliongrad I have read and the first one being kind of a parody on WW2 I must elaborate,after seeing the comments.

      People can get pissed off at a "reainactment" of sors of one of the most epic battles of WW2 with no political subcontext.
      But not at a STEREOTYPICAL Soviet industrialized society Americans were taught to fear in the 1950s
      Plus I am from Eastern Europe and if you people really think we live like this,by all mean.STAY AWAY!!!

    13. I've got no other comment other than this seems to give Russians and Eastern Europeans a bad name and such.

    14. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      MLP Fanfic Cliche #01-a-3k-7 : Have someone say that eveything is cliche, that all cliche are bad, and that you should never do or use something that was done before in the History in Man OR Pony kind.

      MLP Fanfic Cliche #35 : Have a long cliche description.

    15. *facehoof* For all things pony, can't we put all these Cold War stereotypes behind us already? It's really irretating.
      One of the greatest aspects about ponies is that they are universally/internationally accepted. As pretentious as it sounds they unite the world in a small way. Is it absolutley necessary to undermine this aspect?

      ~From stalliongrad with friendsip (yes, there is such thing here, and always was)

    16. ^ sorry for typos, I should have spell-checked first.

    17. @Nova25

      U MAD BRO? U MAD?

    18. @Anonymous
      "*facehoof* For all things pony, can't we put all these Cold War stereotypes behind us already? It's really irretating.
      One of the greatest aspects about ponies is that they are universally/internationally accepted. As pretentious as it sounds they unite the world in a small way. Is it absolutley necessary to undermine this aspect?

      ~From stalliongrad with friendsip (yes, there is such thing here, and always was)"

      I just had it with these comments, seriously.

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      Look brony. Either you stick your nostrils somewhere else, or just leave it be. People want to read some good stuff, so leave your comments somewhere else. It's very unprofessional to degrade one's work and it makes you look it an ass, if you get my drift.

    19. Commenting on the actual story for a change...

      It looks well written, and I'm intrigued enough to keep an eye out for future updates. Success.

      Also... Heavy Weapons Pony?

    20. This is great! Would anticipate your next works!

    21. Heh....after looking at all those and the story, i guess the flamers and trolls had no idea how much potential this story got. hurry up on the next one. i cant wait to see more. XD

    22. THIS is really good stuff! and to make it up the beat, second chapter is a hit for me! I've decided....i'm making a poster for this fanfic!
