• Story: The Reluctant Reunion of the Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser (Update Complete!)

    [Normal] Trixie!

    Author: Ciroton
    Description: Trixie assures you, no matter WHAT that infernal Twilight Sparkle says, she is NOT the Great and Powerful Trixie's sister, and that mare with her is NOT Trixie's mother!

    ... And most certainly of all, Trixie is not starving to death or down on her luck! She is the chosen protege of the greatest magician the world has ever know! There is no WAY that Trixie could ever be like that. None!
    Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 1: What's old is New
    Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 2: Prisoner of Kindness
    Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 3: An End and a Beginning
    Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 4: Penance of the Pompous Performer
    Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser Part 5: The Heir of Hoofdini (New!)

    Additional Tags: It's TRIXIE! Do you NEED anymore incentive?

    70 kommentaari:

    1. Why does looking at this picture make have bad and good thoughts at the same time any to the story

    2. That description. I'm laughing already.

    3. Silly Seth, that's not how you spell Reunion.

    4. Great, now all I can see is Trixie in a cardboard box with the words 'Just take her' scribbled on the side.

      -Grabs Trixie and races back to Canterlot-

    5. @Luna
      Something we should know about, Princess? O.o?

    6. "Uhhhhhhhh...

      Slams the castle door shut as the sound of a thousand locks are heard locking.

    7. Seth, if you read this, be prepared to hate the author with a fiery passion. Or just be indifferent and ultimately amused, I don't know enough about you to comment.

      What I can say, with complete certainty, is that this is hilarious so far, and that, without exception, Trixie's life has gone to complete and utter shit.

      finally a fic that treats her the way she deserves to be treated

    8. Reunion fixed! I just copypasted his titled!

    9. Wait this story is Anti-Trixie?!?! ALRIGHT!!! Now I'll read it

    10. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony23. juuli 2011, kell 14:58

      Seth, quit Clopping to Trixie, you'll go blind!

    11. Pff hardly anti-trixie. It's only a matter of time before she comes back...with a VENGEANCE!

    12. My first thought: "Oh, interesting description"
      My second thought: "That was a fun read, can't wait for the other parts"
      My third thought: "Interesting additional tags..."
      My fourth thought: "Dat flank"

      What the heck is wrong with me.

    13. A Trixie and Twilight story that's not Shipping?
      *Reads Additional tags* No, No I really don't need more incentive, do I? :)

    14. @Flatterscheu Nothings wrong had the same reaction dang it Seth you keep putting these saucy pictures up I might start clopping

    15. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony23. juuli 2011, kell 15:24

      This post made you parents sad.

    16. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony I know I'm so disgusting *sigh* Forgive me Celestia

    17. Wait, saucy trixie?

      I'm pretty sure every pony in the show has been in that pose at least a dozen times officially.

      You guys are crazy.

    18. @Sethisto Well Seth think about what kind of world we live murder's bombings rape there are more people out who are more crazy than me

    19. By any chance is this a sequel to sunset?

    20. Ah, this looks like an interesting enough story. All of it has been done before, but who cares? More of a good thing is still a good thing ^^

    21. Judging a story based completely on the picture, or the fact that Trixie is the main character makes Ciro a sad pony. ;_;


      No, not yet. Trust me, I plan to announce the Sunset Sequel and a grand fashion. (Written sneak peek plus accompanying youtube video for music.)

    22. Hey Seth! Shouldn't this story be a part of the Blood is Thicker story post? This is a sequel to it after all.

    23. Evad Mustang, the idealistic Brony24. juuli 2011, kell 09:47

      Aww, poor Trixie. Still a really good story :D

      Dave, I still love you.

    24. @crazyredemu

      From what I can tell, I'm not in this story at all, only that Trixie Tramp.

    25. revolves around bitch trixie= will not read

    26. Anyone else notice that with the cutbacks of fanfic making it on ED that more and more fics are posted about Trixie? Two most obvious reasons: 1) Sethisto is posting them because he loves Trixie. 2)more people are writing Trixie Fanfics because they're desperate for seth to put them on ED.

      or both

      Either way I'm getting tired of this character, and not just because she's a pain in the ass.


    28. so has sethesto converted us all into Trixie lovers? is that how its gunna work? WILL WE LET ONE BRONY HAVE THUS MUCH CONTROL OVER THE FANDOM!!? WE MUST REVOLT! DOWN WITH SETHESTO! DOWN WITH EQD!

      that is..um.. if its ok with you .. i guess...

    29. Cool! A sequel to "Blood is thicker than Water".

    30. Hmm....
      I need more incentive before i read this...

      ... Hah, jk. I read every fanfic, and i mean EVERY fanfic, on Equestria Daily

    31. Author is Ciroton, must read.

      Is good, but collar bothered me a bit. The act itself didn't feel ooc but the lack of a good explanation for that method of control over any other bothered me.

      Still, that's just nit-picky though. Good characterization and good humor. 4.9/5 stars.

    32. @benjaminI trust Seth, and lil Trixie never hurt anypony

    33. @Anonymous

      I have a lot of stories sitting in my "Ready to upload after quick edit" folder. For some reason authors just aren't responding at that stage lately ;/

    34. This confused me somewhat. The first chapter was okay and stand alone, but the second feels to be missing vital pieces of information. There are assumptions that just seem to be ignored entirely and brakes from character that simply jar one out of the experience entirely.
      I suspect there's some other fics this is related too, possibly even following on from, but there's no mention of any in either the previous chapter or in the notes.

      Over all; an interesting read with a good conespt, but nothing to get excited over. Doesn’t work as a standalone entry and should be linked with its prequels.

    35. @CherryRie

      I could be wrong, but I believe this is a continuation of series called Sunset by the same author. Being careful to avoid spoilers if you want to read it yourself, it involves some rather obscene power levels and destruction of a rather large amount of property.

      Personally, I think as a continuation this needs a lot of work for a lot of reasons, and Trixie as a character can be worked in a lot more ways that 'half dead and seeking redemption after seeing the folly of her ways'

    36. Spoilers

      Not a fan of the shock collar.

    37. @Ciroton

      So um.....if this isn't the sequel to Sunset, why does chapter 2 read like it is?

      Also, Poor Scootaloo.

    38. Ciroton is my favorite fanfic author.

      The way I take it this happens after sunset but isnt a direct sequel.

      PS:Love the shock collar, tough love ftw.

    39. Shock collar is odd, but I think people are taking it way too seriously, looking at the deviantart comments. It's tough love. Twilight has never even hinted she wouldnt take it off when Trixie is better.

    40. It feels rushed? I don't know, like it's forced, Trixie deflating so quickly. Even in such a state as she is she should still be more aggressive in her defense. Also, yes, shock collar is a bit much. Sisters or no, you can't make a grown mare stay with you and if she wants to go to her certain death, all you can do is call the police and hope they talk her down from the ledge. It's ok mechanically, I suppose, but as far as plot and such go, it's really ... eh.

    41. This story is simply Great and Powerful.
      Shock collar = 'Tough love, baby!'

    42. @Anon: "Seeking" doesn't really fit. Trixie's having redemption practically forced on her in this story.

      The whole deal with the shock collar doesn't sit well either. It makes little sense and feels incredibly out of character for Twilight. Even if Twi was upset with Trixie she's never been shown to be one for "for your own good" solutions.

    43. *reads first chapter when it comes out*
      Ooooh...this could be good. *favs*


      *reads second chapter*
      *closes it halfway through*
      Wtf am I reading? Forced redemption, shock collars (*pomf*), and random "Imma yo' sister!"...



    44. Still a good story29. juuli 2011, kell 22:19

      @Rainbow Crash

      I agree doesn't fit with Twilight's character much at all :\ Also AJ nearly killing Trixie made me cringe a little...

      That said I am still enjoying the story.

    45. Sooo. The first chapter was alright, if more of the same "Trixie is down on her luck and gets rescued by Twilight" stuff we've all seen a bunch of times before. Having read and liked the author's previous stories, I was fine with that - there was a solid background mythology, character interaction, and it promised a sordid and emotional tale.

      Then Twilight went completely fucking batshit and basically enslaved Trixie with a fucking torture device.



      And of course Trixie just grudgingly accepts it. She doesn't shout in the street "HELP! A madmare ponynapped me and is keeping me against my will!" she doesn't try to free herself or hurt Twilight or...anything that makes sense.
      And then there's the ridiculous level of hatred between Twilight's friends and Trixie- she made a fool of you on stage, not killed your parents, people!

      In short, this entire thing went from "normal, but good" to "completely batshit insane and also fucking awful" in ten seconds flat.

      It's one of the very, very few stories here that make me worried about the author. Maybe they should take a step back from the internet for a bit and, yknow, practice a bit of real, non-hostile human interaction.

      Just sayin'.

    46. @Tricane
      Maybe you read between the lines too much? Maybe you don't put enough -thought- into anything you're going to say? All of this is quite easily and plausibly explained and all the material for doing so is right there in the story.

      For thinking the way you are about the author, I submit that -you- are the one who needs help for having such untoward and needlessly violent thoughts and opinions coloring your view of what you see.

      In any case, good job Ciro! Waiting for chapter 3!

    47. Eh, I have my own opinions on the fanon Ciro created when he did a certain something with Twilight's origin (Not saying it, read Sunset I guess) but this is okay.

    48. still not a huge fan of the whole shock collar thing but if trixie the one who it happened to can get over it i guess that works.
      but yeah everyone hates trixie like she killed a family member, seriously wheres the ponyville we forgive you

    49. Spoiler:

      [spoiler] Trixie cant do magic?! [/spoiler]

    50. The way I read it Sunset may well be required reading to really get this story. Twi seems changed to say the least, and that really wasn't covered in this stories' direct lineage.

      Overall, I share the most common criticisms. The shock collar seems outside of Twilight's norm (maybe explained in Sunset) and you can bring up Philomena (touch love baby), but I tend to believe people act different towards animals than their own species. The hate towards Trixie as well is just...way overblown. As Tricane said, Trixie humiliated them on stage (something several of them pretty much asked for), she didn't smother their puppies or anything to deserve this degree of venom. Maybe Sunset made everyone hyper emotional/sensitive or something, maybe there's a justification...but from the fic alone, it's just not clear.

    51. *wipes a tear from her eye*

      This story is really getting to me... I love it, I positively love it!

    52. The second chapter had quite a few grammatical errors, and it made it really hard to read. I really expected better from the writer of Sunset.

      Also given the story that Ciro has written so far with the Sunset sage, it's not out of Twilight's character to go this far with Trixie, especially when Trixie is willing to go as far as nearly killing herself just avoiding Twilight.

      My problems with chapter two also stem from Twilight constantly stating that Trixie is her sister, and we see nothing of Trixie's response to her saying that. Also Trixie's taunts are quite bland.

    53. Spoilers.

      Hmm. Well, chapter 3 was ok. The whole thing with Hoofdini works decently enough. I struggle a bit with teh dinner scene though. Trixie makes some excellent points there. I was expecting Twi's friends, not to mention Twilight herself, to be shamed a bit into at least giving her a chance. Instead, Twilights blows her whistle and I guess because of that all her friend get mad at Trixie too. The way you are writing, Twi and her friends are kind of the bad guys. Yet its still Trixie who gets all the flak. It just doesn't quite feel right.

    54. I kinda agree with the others here. The author's previous stories, though not without their flaws, are excellent (Sunset was a happy exception to my dislike of grimdark, as it were)....and hell if the title of this story is one of my favorites ever.

      But, the whole thing feels, I dunno, /forced/. As if the author is trying to shoe in what he wants to happen without it really making sense in the context of what IS happening, if that makes any sense. The dinner especially I agree, what the hell AppleDashIty.

      On a side note...man there's a lot of adopting going on. Twilight's adopted (and then given to the Princess....who is technically her real mom as anyone but still), Dinky's adopted...and about to be given away to someone else, Trixie is adopted by someone else and THEN given away to Hoofdini. Yeesh.

    55. @Melodia

      Trixie was never really given away. Sure, she went to live with him and travel, but her parents still wrote and still love her a lot. Now, why she didn't go see her folks for help ('cause I'm sure a lot of you will ask that) is because she's too PROUD to accept help under most circumstances.

      Also, about the hostility they all feel to Trixie: I'm not saying they are right, nor am I trying to make them out to be the bad guys. If you remember, AJ chastised Rainbow at first for being rude. As for later, Trixie upset Twilight... a LOT, so that got them mad at her.

      As for it feeling FORCED, I'm honestly not sure what to say to that. Um... everything will work out in the end? There's still a bit to go, so I'll try to keep that in mind?

    56. @Ciroton: Read it yesterday and it was pretty awesome! x3 I hope to see the next part soon :3
      It was a strange, but also good feeling to finally hear Trixie speaks in first person, epic~ I liked it pretty much how you used this part to show her strong feelings in this moment! (:

      Do you have deviantart or something, where I can watch you to get notified when you post something new?

      Keep on the good work!

    57. Ha! Love the happy Luna fic story (I don't remember what it was called) reference!

    58. Love this. Finally a Twilight-Trixie story that isnt shipping (I like some of them but come on, cant people write about them without going to that?)

    59. Yaaaaaay it updated!!!!!! *does a happy dance*

    60. Good to see a happy ending, although when that manticore first hit Fluttershy, I was fully prepared to castrate the beast and shove its own still-beating heart into its windpipe.

      ...But that's not why we're here.

    61. *Pokes* Silly Seth, I told you this was complete. =/

      *Makes a mental note to say so in the email subject line from now on*

    62. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    63. The first chapter was alright. It was a bit much with Trixie being on hard times - a very deliberate attempt to make me feel sorry for her. But then the second chapter, she was given a shock collar and paraded around to all the other mane 6, who hated her. What was the point of that? It felt like I was being forced to feel sorry for her even more, and I dunno... at that point it was just character assassination.

      In the show, Trixie is awesome. I mean, looking past her desire to belittle everyone else, she has an awesome ego, powerful attitude, and her made up stories are fun. She'd be a respectable and lovably obnoxious character if she wasn't challenging everypony.

      This fanfic presented the moral that everything that Trixie is is bad, and the only way for her to be accepted is to start becoming someone else.

    64. Oh, dear; I guess we can kiss the smart Derpy of Words Are Louder goodbye.

    65. Why did Fluttershy need to be made into a useless wimp just to let Trixie show off? Seriously? Knocked out by a manticore? She's not stupid and she's not defenseless when she can't calm a creature down immediately, as the cockatrice and dragon have learned.

    66. But Pinkie, what if the reader is naked?
