• Story: A Pony's Guide to Dragon Companions

    [Normal] Short and cute!

    Author: Wingbeat Pony
    Description: Spike is curious about other dragons, and so he turns to Twilight for a lesson. She's got just the thing he needs - a book on dragons, of course!
    A Pony's Guide to Dragon Companions

    Additional Tags: Lesson, Dragons, History, One-off, Dialogue

    23 kommentaari:

    1. More please! Spot on characterization, and so many ways to expand!

    2. A good read, short and sweet.

    3. Very nice. It was a little short but the dialogue and representation of dragons as part of the society was rather well done. As well, the characters really felt true to how they would speak to one another, which isn't an easy thing to accomplish. I hope to see more from you.

    4. This was really good. I've always thought of Spike as Twilight's little brother.

    5. A very nice vignette with a healthy mix of humor and heart. The characters were well portrayed and it makes you think a bit about the dragons in the world, too!

    6. I d'awwwwed, bery well characterised. But short enough to leave me wanting more. :D

    7. I like short stories like this one.

    8. very nice. I don't usually have time to read much of anything, but the "short" part caught my attention.

    9. Very sweet story. Thank you for writing it.

    10. amazing characterization, this feels like it could be in an episode!

    11. I'd really like to see more of this, just a story about Spike and Twilight delving into the lifestyles and abilities of dragons. It was really good!

    12. Is it just me or are Spike and Twi getting it on in that pic?

    13. thsi brought a smile on my face

    14. I can't give this one a 5. Some lines don't flow well when read aloud, even though the paragraphs, grammar, and similar are actually good. I do give it a 4, though. Enjoyed this little sketch story a lot, and the end of the passage is very well built to fit the size and set of events.
      Good job, Wingbeat! And thanks for sharing.

    15. @Basharoonskis
      "It was a little short"
      I think it's generally a good sign if one's left wanting more rather than feeling burnt out from too much. It means that what is there is very enjoyable, and the barrier of entry to a re-reading isn't very high.

    16. Definitely a piece deserving of the title "short and sweet". 4 stars! ^^

    17. I like this. It was a cute little story that delivered exactly what it promised in a satisfying, in-character way. With a little bit of expansion, I could definitely see this being the kind of thing an episode could be made out of.

    18. This story is sooo adorable!

      "dragons that can always tell if someone is speaking the truth" hmm, I was suddenly reminded of Dulcy from Sonic the Hedgehog

    19. Cute little story.

      But why did I read all the text passages from the book in Cave Johnsons' voice?

    20. Now that is how you write character dialogue and make sound true to a character. Excellent work!

      I would love to read a continuation of this story!

    21. ...*sigh* i have no idea what to rate this. it was interesting, and i did like it, so i want to give it a five. but i give EVERYTHING a five. also i can't stand lowering the rating. i think ill give it a five.

