• Story: The Night's Rebellion


    Author: Levatis
    Description: A thousand years is a long time for history to be obscured. Just as the saying goes 'to the victor goes the spoils' so do the quill and parchment. As the muddy waters of the past are swept clear by new tides all that will be left behind is truth. Guilty or innocent, learn of the tale that Princess Luna was banished for.
    The Night's Rebellion

    Additional Tags: Long, Epic, tragedy, Adventure, fantasy

    11 kommentaari:

    1. This looks fun. So many good-looking things starting up lately, it may be enough to break me of my aversion to incomplete fics.

    2. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony14. juuli 2011, kell 02:08

      MLP fanfic cliche #5, LUNA IS INNOCENT, CELESTIA IS A BITCH!

    3. @Dave Mustang, the Cynical Brony:

      Cliche as it is, at least it still usually leads to an Affably Evil Large Ham Trollestia.

    4. Councilmare for females and Councilpony for males may have been better terms, or some other form thereof, as filly and colt directly point at the equivalent of children. Any council of import should not be made up of 'kids'.

    5. But as Mayor Mare said in Celestia's introduction, "fillies and gentlecolts".
      While they do use 'mare', everypony always ends-up a filly or a colt. And that does go against Lauren's saying they're all grown adults, since fillies and colts are still ponies.
      Unless it's still true that sis has a cloning facility hidden in the old castle ruins and the majority of ponies all appear to stay the same age forever.

    6. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      You honor your title, that's for sure^^

      So far, we have but the description of the story to infer Tyrant Celestia, not the story itself.

      I'm curious how this will unfold; Will it be the cliche setup Dave noted, or something else?

    7. @Luna

      "Fillies and gentlecolts" is used to directly riff off of "Ladies and gentlemen". "Mares and Stallions" wouldn't have the same cadence and "Stallions and gentlemares" would be slightly confusing.

    8. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      i would like to see the full numbered list you have of those, it would be informative :D

      and this looks interesting. will read

    9. @Sir Leadhead

      Seconded. This would likely be of some help to aspiring writers...

    10. Somehow it sounds strange when I tell my buddies the first poster was "a terrible person" XD

    11. Update pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasee :)
