• Story: The New Moon Wanes

    [Normal] Luna...IN SOCKS

    Author: TheAmishPirate
    Description: Over the course of the year following her return, Luna finds that some things may take longer than a millennium to change.
    The New Moon Wanes Chapter 1: Day 3
    The New Moon Wanes Chapter 2: Day 95
    The New Moon Wanes Chapter 3: Day 365

    Additional Tags: No alfalfa, monocles...maybe socks

    35 kommentaari:

    1. Haven't read the fic yet. Just had to pop in and say that I love the picture!

    2. I have an idea to eliminate first comments.
      when a comment is posted, move the previous one down. -V

    3. yeah, Luna in sock is good pony.
      ()controversy on who is best...()

    4. No alfalfa or monocles? But what about abacus?

    5. D'awww Luna is so cute.
      >no alfalfa, monocles...
      A socks is fine too.

    6. "Oh my goodness! Flux is naked!"


      Now on to the fic.

    7. @Skylark Torch People will just comment "Last!" in that case.

    8. I'm fighting the temptation to rate this 5 starts before I even read it. How could Luna in socks be anything but?

    9. @Nick


      Confound it all. I would've noticed that typo if Flux wasn't so naked. It's distracting.

    10. I really love the characterization you gave to Luna in this. And there's one thing I definitely agree with her on. 9 months??? 9 months without noticing a thing??? Celestia really needs emotional awareness training.

      Anyway, great job!

    11. Luna in socks is my favourite Luna.

    12. Luna in Socks, the internet's newest fetish.

    13. Oh man, no socks in sight. Or abacus.

      But this was well done. The ending was a little rushed in my opinion, but I may just be feeling that because I wanted it to be more than 3 parts and for things to go on longer.

      I enjoyed reading it, and I'll probably read it again as it's one of the best looks at angry, resentful Luna after her banishment that's been done so far (most looks at that are from before being banished).

      4 stars.

    14. @Finbrony

      I'm in the same boat, I dunno what it is about her and her socks but she's just so addicting to look at. Must be because she's a real cuttie. lol

    15. A well written and interesting look at what it's like to be unnoticed for too long. I have to admit that talking Celestia down was something I didn't expect and was quite impressive. Luna has my respect, as do you.


      Seriously, is it just me or when artists draw Luna in socks they draw her like 20% cuter? And that's not even factoring in the socks!

    17. you made me hate it, then love it, then hate it again, then love it...
      this was my first time reading about angry Luna.
      and when she talked back to Tia. mind blown.
      i Loved it.

    18. I loved this fic! I almost cried because I wanted to reach into the screen and hug Luna and tell her I love her nights!! And I loved, loved, loved it when she gave Celestia a talking to! You go Luna!!

    19. Boo. I like Luna, but I felt like though her outburst at Celestia was understandable, it was in no way deserved. You know, Luna, maybe it isn't Celestia's responsibility to magically know what your thinking and feeling. Maybe her not noticing you being miserable doesn't mean she doesn't care, maybe it just means she isn't a friggin' mind reader.

      Also, you nearly commited pony genocide, so maybe ponies should be scared of you. Yeah, I said it.

      Fantastic story, by the way.

    20. last....

      (I'm about to be proved wrong, aren't I)

    21. O.o

      Mfw I RP with the name Fenrir.

    22. rarityismytrollqueen15. juuli 2011, kell 22:59

      good stuff very heavy stuff

    23. .........T_T y u make me cry!!!!!

    24. Y u no make me cry? lol, not a sad story.

      Very well written, and has a heavy message behind it. Love to see a collaborative work come together in the end.

    25. Well, that was a very nice read! It's certainly different from other Luna-centric fics I've read! Thank you for sharing it!

    26. This was great! Loved it, very touching. Accomponied by cute luna in socks and this story is simply amazing.

    27. Is it bad if I wanted Luna to turn back into Nightmare Moon?

    28. @Silent Solace

      No. I was disappointed with ending too. Too fast. Too forgiving. Dammit, she messed with stars NINE MONTHS and nopony noticed! She was depressed and miserable NINE MONTH and Celestia do not noticed a thing. Yes, she isn't 'frigging mind reader' but DAMMIT even I can notice if someone depressed and at least ask him why.

    29. Celestia spent a 1000 years as the sole ruler of a nation of seemingly pretty darn dependent ponies who, when they had a grievance, would probably petition her to make it better. So I think it makes sense for her to still be in "Princess" mode rather then "Big Sis" mode and expect that if Luna had a problem she would come to her with it. I think this story is accurate in assuming that Celestia's mindset on most things would be if nopony is screaming fire and running around in panic things are going ok.

      As for the whole night thing, I figure that is a plot contrivance to make Luna feel useless and unimportant. Seriously, ponies would notice the constellations changing. The science of astronomy is apparently alive and well in Equestria and at least Twilight Sparkle would want to know why Canis Major was out of wack. The only way that plot point makes sense to me is if all the scientists and star gazers who were asking Celestia about it were getting responses from Celestia along the lines of "Everything is fine, I'm sure Luna is just getting creative with her beautiful nights. After all, if there was anything wrong my precious little sister she would tell me about it."

      The tragic cycle of these sisters. Celestia thinks everything is fine, Luna locks all of her resentments up. Later on, explosion.

    30. If I was Luna's position I'd see how those thoughtless ponies liked a night sky with no moon, no stars and not even the dark blue backdrop; see how they all like a perfect, impenetrable black void hanging above their heads when the sun went down. I reckon that'd learn 'em some appreciation right quick.

    31. Fantastic story. There was nothing I didn't love about this =)

    32. *Luna in Sock
      Nevertheless, Adorable

    33. im gonna read this story, but im looking for a story that had luna being hugged by this pony because she felt "The Pull" guiding her to luna

      anyone know which story that was, as I forgot which one it was
