• Story: Magnum Opus


    Author: The Mechanic
    Description: You really shouldn't frustrate 1200 years worth of Grand Magi, even if one is the Princess.They have unique ways of evening things up and a VERY long time to prepare.
    Magnum Opus

    Additional Tags: [Weird] [Gender-bent-to-pretzels] [Trollestia-gets-Trolled]


    1. [Gender-bent-to-pretzels] [Trollestia-gets-Trolled]

      Oi, what just happened? I think I will have to read that now...

    2. "[Gender-bent-to-pretzels]"

      This tag was made just for me, wasn't it?

    3. Those tags. Looks like this fic just went straight to the top of my reading list

    4. Ya the tags are a little confusing.

    5. Okay. Trying to not take this seriously, but I just can't get over how hairbrained that scheme is.

    6. Addresses the genderism in mylittle pony. Nice.

    7. @Anonymous
      Hairbrained doesn't even begin to cover it ^^
      The concept is really silly, but it was worth it for the good writing, especially the funny ending.

    8. magnum opus sounds familar, i know its famous but i cant remember from where

    9. Now, THAT is impressive dedication. Oh. My. Gosh. 1200 years just to teach Celestia a lesson.
      Here, have a 5 star. That was genius.

    10. Spoilers

      I am not quite sure I understand the story...

      The colt Magnum Opus mages were being ignored, and somehow their ideas were being stolen by mares? Perhaps by Celestia's personal students? Is that it?

      Regardless, I really do not understand where the comedy tag gets in.

    11. @Gypsy Magnum opus: Great work. One's greatest masterpiece.

    12. I forsee the ultimate LesYay on the horizon...

    13. If I may be so bold... could this become a series perhaps? The resulting misadventures and hijinks of all-filly Equestria could be incredibly entertaining...

    14. Hmmm... that last grand magus created one thing everypony here would surely love him for, and the total of them all created something everypony here would probably love yet more.

      This is still sinez. I really dont feel like logging in on this comp.

    15. BWAHAHA. Me gusta.

      I mean, yeah, I feel sorry for all those poor stallions, but . . .


    16. Ehh... funny, but improbable. I can't see it. I liked it, though. Easy to understand.

    17. Haha! This was fun. Good show!

    18. What the characters have done... is by far... the GREATEST instance of magical trolling EVAR!!!

    19. 1200 years?! Now that's trolling at it's finest.

    20. funny, poor guys erm girls have to suffer now because of celestias ignorance, and for 1200 years dayum

    21. I love this story. The magus gave Celestia Every opportunity to stop this, and the irony burns gloriously.

      I also second the request to make at least some more side stories to this beauty of a concept. Maybe even have Celestia learn something along the way.

    22. SPOILER

      this story wasn't that funny. the build up was way too long if the only real funny event that is witnessed ends up being a short letter from twilight about big mac's gender change. and celestia instantly promoting her to find the cure.

      also, WHY DIDN'T YOU CHANGE CELESTIA INTO A STALLION? if the magus are mad at celestia because of her (supposed) bias, why change the innocent stallions of equestria? makes more logical sense (and a better act of trolling)

    23. Nice! Gotta love trolling the biggest troll. XP

      Really fun story overall, but I wasn't a big fan of Celestia's characterization. I find it hard to see her as purposefully/consciously discriminatory, and it seems odd to me that her response to being trolled would be of attempting punishment rather than of amusement.

    24. @Anonymous

      Celestia not being changed? Possibly because she is a goddess and it is probably easier to change every mortal in the land than her.

    25. This actually has the making of an interesting series.

      Alas, it is listed as complete.

    26. This was an interesting concept. Not particularly funny, though, and I have to say that the tags and the description set it up to be something that it really wasn't.

      I'm also not really a fan of the "Celestia is sexist" persona that seems to be spelled out here, and ultimately the story doesn't really conclude well.

      Celestia doesn't seem to learn the lesseon the Mages were trying to teach her (in fact, quite the opposite, if her promoting Twilight is any indication), so the plan basically just ended up punishing everyone but Celestia. Kinda rubs me the wrong way.

    27. @Anonymous 2:26

      the author hand waved celestia's magic to be ineffective in changing the stallions back. not much of a stretch if the author just hand waved it being an epic spell able to effect a goddess.

    28. This story just does not work. Okay, the idea is that now that everybody is a mare, the former Stallions won't be ignored anymore... Except everybody remembers who the Stallions were, so what was the point? All they have really done is apparently insure that only mares will (somehow) be born going forward. Which does anyone any good how? It certainly does nothing for a stallions place in Equestria, save perhaps ending it. I know, I know, its meant to be a cute little comedy piece but so much is spent on the setup and so little on the aftermath, ie the largest potential area for comedy, that the humor fails to ever come across. Also you made the single biggest mistake in storytelling: you told instead of showing. Technically the writing is fine, there is just to much missing for it to work. I love aspects of the idea, though the whole supposed discrimination angle leaves a bad taste in my mouth (especially since if Celetsia/Equistria is really THAT biased, why not just always appoint mares in the first place), but the execution is simply lacking.

    29. Everyone saying that this isn't funny is taking things too seriously. This is, honestly, so totally hilarious I can't really describe how funny it was. The only problem is that this is a short story when the concept would really work better when expanded upon, and possibly an epic quest of going through committee notes would work too.

    30. @Baree

      Celestia was ignoring the males at all costs, but when a Mare suggested something she immediately done it.

      Meaning she was being sexist against the stallions.

    31. Amusing, but not quite my cup of tea.

    32. Eh would have been better had Celestia had been turned into Celestius. The thought of the first time she goes to the bathroom would have been funny.

    33. Epic win.

      Cept for twilight.

    34. I could see where it was going, but I was laughing the whole way. Brilliant.

    35. ...the fuck did I just read? This story went nowhere. It was building up to SOME kind of lesson which was delivered in a potentially species-dooming fashion, and then the people the lesson was for DIDN'T EVEN LEARN IT.

    36. No one over the course of twelve hundred years doubted this plan. No one said, "Well, shit, maybe this could backfire in a potentially species-ending way." Or... "It's probably a little immoral to screw with billions of lives just 'cause Celestia is kind of a bitch sometimes." Or even just, "This spell is too hard. I'm going to take a nap instead." I mean, you'd probably get the same effect just... organizing a few rallies, y'know? Make a few "Stallion's rights!" pickets? But hey, who's to say, they're old and magical and stuff.

    37. Actually its not species-dooming because the last magnus was working on a spell to allow two mares to have a foal without celestia's help. This means celestia was able to make foals for two mares and now with the spell any mares can have foals by themselves(with a partner).

    38. Not sure what everyone's problem is. A lesson was taught and Celestia will have to pay the consequences. Also i thought it was funny! i'm even going to 5-star it!

    39. This was pretty good and pretty funny. My main complaint is that it is missing out on a lot of potential details on the aftermath of the spell. It feels like a whole other chapter can be added after this one, but instead it reaches the climax and then abruptly ends.

    40. @Speckgeschoss

      Not every story is gonna go on forever, yanno... there IS such a thing as a joke being drawn out too long.

    41. A lot of people are rating this 5-star but it really doesn't deserve it. There was a lot of build up for very little pay off. The comedy was non existent. Just saying that all the males are now females is not enough. Plus he tells us this instead of showing. A sexist Celestia feels wrong. And she never really learned her "lesson" in the end. Turning all the males into female punishes a bunch of innocent ponies and not Celestia, and turning her male would have had a better punch.

    42. I love her reaction.

      "Yeah, you KNOW you're going to hell for this, right?

    43. @Anonymous

      It doesn't rate it in YOUR opinion. It DOES in theirs.

    44. Well, dang...

      Thanks for the input, folks. I'll definitely keep it in mind for the next story.

    45. Yeah, too much on the build up, not enough on the aftermath imo.

      Really, it's the sort of thing that could cause all kinds of shenanigans.

      Can we get a part two maybe?

    46. @Delta Pangaea

      I don't see why not. I'll ask to have the complete tag removed and see what I can come up with.

    47. Though it does seem out of character for Celestia to be sexist, particularly in such and extreme manner, the narative as a whole was good. The jilted archmages do something that I can't quite call evil thanks to the main character making it not species-damning, but pretty hardcore on the prank scale. The absurdity of scale is what makes the story so fun.

    48. @Anonymous

      No one was taught any lesson. The very first thing Celestia did in response was almost word for word the reason that the first archmage put the pieces in place to do the spell in the first place.

      They basically spent 1200 years of time to prove a point that no one will ever learn, because the one person who has knowledge of what happened completely ignored the message she was supposed to be taught.

    49. "I have the ultimate plan to getting our ideas to be heard!"

      "What is it?"

      "We'll turn everyone... into MARES!"

      "...Why not just turn the Princess into a Stallion...?"

      Exactly... It takes 1200 years to think of an idea like that? Besides, as IF Celestia is sexist. I understand that this is fanfiction and all, but the whole beauty of it is to never alter the orginal characters personalities the slightest, if not at all. Celestia being a sexist is sort of... silly. And so in order to get back at her, they punish everyone else? If that was Trollestia, she probably would have just had a troll face on during the explanation of the "curse" and been like "Umad?" cause I mean, it's not like SHE got trolled at all but everyone else did... for her mistakes apparently. I don't know, this story's a real doozy and I'm not too fond of it. But great writing style and literacy talent!

    50. Seems more to me like there were shenannigans in relation to her never getting certain reports. As to the spell? sounds more like the guys wanted to troll the world for the heck of it.

    51. Can't say this makes a lick of sense. For 1200 years a bunch of whiny stuffed shirts let their work get mired in protocol when they had the right to circumvent it with a direct audience with the Princesses. At will. And no one stopped for a moment and asked, "Is this a good idea?" Especially since the pressure to complete such a spell was internalized by lack of will to do anything except screw over a generation and possibly future generations that had nothing to do with a lack of spines in ivory towers. But that's ok it doesn't matter at all in this story because it wasn't the ponies who got trolled or even Celestia. It was us.

    52. Why the guys used that spell on the stallions and not Celestia:
      Celestia cares more about her little ponies.

    53. Haha that's dang awesome, what they did! Celestia's gonna have a hard time sorting this mess out, that's for sure! Also, as somepony else pointed out, this paves the way for plenty of lesyay goodness. :3

    54. One thing that's a little jarring...

      Aurin is willing to screw with the lives of I-don't-know how many ponies... to get back at the princess. He's punishing innocents, by the thousands.

      And he gets to laugh it up in paradise. Without feeling the least bit remorse.

      Can't say that's very satisfying.

    55. @Stephen Cawking
      She didn't appoint them, their predecessor did. She just confirmed the appointment.

      As for why not change Celestia's gender, I'd guess that its a heck of a lot harder to change a goddess than a regular pony. And she'd find it easier to change herself back.

    56. I was sad. I thought from the pic celestia would be a filly again with no memories and luna and the royal court would have to deal with her. But this is still kinda funny. But why didnt they make everyone stallions?

    57. Stallions can't get pregnant.

    58. I hope this hasn't been abandoned? :<

    59. My absolute favorite gender-bending tale.
      You should just mark it "complete" and be done with it. I think it's at a good ending point anyways.
