• Story: Kindness


    Author: Twilight Snarkle
    Description: What would life be like for a certain shy pegasus if Twilight hadn't decided to stay?

    Additional Tags: Solitude, Sadness, Friendship, Appreciation, Hope


    1. I don't really know what this story is about, but with a picture like that I have to read it.

    2. Decided to stay when? After the events of the second episode completed?

      I'm intrigued, but I'm backlogged by so much that I would like to know a bit more about the setting.

    3. Not bad, but I don't think this would happen.

      Even if Twilight didn't stay, I'm sure either Rarity, AJ, RD, or Pinkie would visit her every so often.

    4. Dave Mustang, the cynical BronyJuly 15, 2011 at 2:13 PM

      Vague description.

    5. I enjoyed reading this. The separate emphasis on how each element changed Luna was a nice touch, but it was so very sad that Angel wasn't there. :'(

    6. stay after defeating Nightmare moon??
      or after other events??
      any way or the other i'll still read it i am curios

    7. Damnit, I cried again. I think that is partly due to just reading that other story about Spike, and also playing that sappy music somelink linked in the dA comments, but I cried regardless.

      Well written.

    8. Hmmm, this goes on my list of stories to read eventually Snarkle. Right now my OC is being constructed with the help of 2 artists. One of them begins work on my designs soon, the other has already completed a base armor design, I have told him what to modify on the design, as it is only a sketch. I'm so happy... I swear I'm the first paladin pony Ive ever seen or heard of >.>. Anyway, Your stores are great and I cant wait to read this :).

    9. I liked the special inclusion of Angel. He is one of my favorite side characters.

    10. Aww, this was so sad, but I loved it.

      For those of you who were wondering (very minor SPOILERS), yes, the premise was that Twilight left after the second episode was over.

    11. Yeah, good story. Short, well written. Perhaps slightly questionable not even Rainbow Dash visits her. Since they knew each other as fillies. But its not impossible, we don't even really know if they were friends. It seems more likely from the episodes we've seen that Fluttershy and Rarity already were friends before Twilight arrived.

      Anyway, doesn't matter. Again, short but good story.

    12. This makes me think of Lunashy shipping.
      Somepony get to work on that!

    13. @Baree
      I agree, seems like she would have had the occasional visit from Rainbow Dash? Too busy flying up a storm I guess.

    14. I can't imagine them not staying in touch somehow, even without Twilight there... heck, you'd think that at least Celestia would prod Twilight to keep in contact with the friends the princess insisted she make.

    15. with art like that, you'd think it was a shipping story.

    16. Great story with a very interesting concept. It's nice to see an AU fic that's not some variation of "Nightmare Moon wins" (though those aren't necessarily bad either).

      I wonder if the author will write about the other 5 as well?

    17. Aww, that was such a heart warming tale. It nearly brought tears into my eyes. It had a good plot and setting, quotes, and a very great vocabulary! I can kind of relate to how Fluttershy was feeling in this. :)

    18. Short, Sweet, and Beautiful. I loved it.

    19. To clarify, yes, this is an alternate history from the end of Episode 2, where Twilight requests to stay in Ponyville. In this universe, she doesn't have the nerve to ask.
      As for the rest of the ponies, they drifted apart after a time.
      I -am- considering writing about the other five ponies, eventually. But first I have another story to complete.

      Thanks to everyone here for their input and kind words.

    20. Bawwwww

      It would've been nice to get something about why Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie, in particular, didn't drop by every now and then, but.... bawwwwww

    21. WeLl pLlayed, weLl pLlayed indeed. Llama approves and recommends.

    22. Short and sweet is right. I almost cried.

      Now i'm wondering if we'll see a series of stories of how the others ended up doing if twilight returned instead of staying. Twilight herself would probably try to make new friends. Though not have was as close as the others were.

    23. @Stephen Cawking
      Without becoming mega-grim, that's close to what I imagine. Remember, it took ALL of Pinkie's friends to help her out of Pinkamena mode. What happens when the group has drifted apart, and she begins to doubt? Anyway, this is neither the time nor place...
      Llama, Stephen, Valtz - Thank each of you, sincerely.

    24. I'm not sure about how much I believe that the ponies would all drift apart, but on the other hand I'm not sure of any particular reason why it isn't possible.

      The story was quite good, though. I liked the inclusion of Angel, and I'd give it 5/5.

    25. What a lovely vignette. Short, sweet, and with a finish of soft tears. Bravo!

      Thank you.

    26. The appearance of Luna was a teensy bit of a Deus Ex Machina, but very well executed, so I can't complain there.

      Loved the description of how Luna was affected more deeply about the Elements of Harmony than simply being broken out of being NM, and the way she approaches F-shy and explains everything makes her feel mature. Simple and beautiful.

      Liked Celestia's conclusion.

      Doesn't have to be a mega-epic story to be good. Well done.

    27. This is pretty much the perfect story.

      I can't say anything more, except that I would LOVE to see what happened to the other four under the same circumstances.

    28. You made me wibble, you jerk. :P

      Seriously well done. The depth of sadness was impressive, and the relief I felt when Luna showed up was enormous. Short and sweet.

    29. This was quite a touching piece.

      I found FS's delivery a bit off - she seemed too wordy or stilted at times - but the whole picture was still well-painted, so to speak.

      I could certainly imagine similar AU stories with the other Mane Ponies sans-Twilight.

    30. I liked it alot. Well done.

    31. I shed a tear or two, it's very well written. Thanks!

    32. Thank you all.
      I worried about the Deus Ex, but then I thought who better to help Fluttershy, and who most likely to be listening, than Luna? And I felt better. =)
      I like sad, sweet stories, but I think my next one will be different. I'm working on the Pinkie and Twilight angles at the moment, and will be sure to share them later.

    33. That was perfect and I must admit, I shed a tear towards the end. I can understand just wanting a friend for friendship's sake which made the story so much more beautiful.

    34. Angel? Dead?... Yessssss....

    35. Wow... this touched my soul... thank you. :)

    36. Ditzy Derp - Thank you. Most of my stories have a personal seed.
      Anon - uh... you're welcome? *backs away*
      danegraphics - *hugs*

    37. This comment has been removed by the author.
