Also have some pre-reader quotes for lulz.
"holy shit post it seth PLEASE"-Pre-reader #2
"Seth, Post this, or I will be forced to come and get you..."-Pre-reader #15
"Post it. For the love of all that is pony. Post it!" -Pre-reader #12
Author: Yanmato
Description: Each of Rainbow Dash's best friends have finally decided to express their true feelings for her. Unfortunately, they've all decided on the same day. Even worse- they discover too late that Rainbow Dash is the only mamber of the Mane 6 who's actually straight!Five's Company
Additional Tags: One-way love hexagon: hilarity ensues.
123 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaGiven the pre reader responses, I had better read this.
VastaKustutaThis story is just hilariously fantastic! Much love, bro!
That description. Oh god.
VastaKustutaBoo. Yah. Mothaf*cka.
VastaKustutathis is unexpected
VastaKustutaI.. you... what?
VastaKustutaMy brain exploded.
VastaKustutaepic gold.
Very out-of-character. But epic gold nonetheless.
The description intrigues me to no end.
VastaKustutaWhat's a "mamber"
VastaKustutaI think an interesting question would be if five out of six characters a gay, does that have a bigger statement on the whole Equestrian population?
VastaKustutaTime to read O:
VastaKustuta*reads description*
Count me in.
Other than a few moments where characters were a bit ooc (rarity mist if all) this was extremely entertaining. Complete with obligatory cupcakes reference and a comment about dash's rainbow mane.
VastaKustutaI look forward to more of this.
Dear Princess Celestia
VastaKustutaLove is Complicated... but I want your sister... She's everything I've ever wanted.
Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.
None of that huh? lol. Great story, quite funny :)
Dash is asexual. Me gusta! ^o^
VastaKustutaThe last paragraph:
Awesome story all around.
I'm so conflicted. I don't like shipping at all but just the description made me laugh out loud and I'm not sure I laugh often enough to pass up this opportunity.
VastaKustutaFortunately I have a tried and true method of dealing with conflicts like these: wait until tomorrow and see if I care enough to find it again.
It was nice.
VastaKustutaNot a fan of same gender shipping...but the pre-reader comments and sheer refuge in audacity means I had to read it. Pretty funny.
VastaKustutaCupcakes joke? Check.
VastaKustutaMild OOC? Check.
Hijinks? Check.
Rainbow Dash being thick-headed? Check.
Most excellent.
Seems more like a love feather-duster with Rainbow at the root, but whatever.
VastaKustutaThis is absolutely fantastic though. A really really really really great read even if awkward at times (mainly Twilight's bits, ahahahah she's so socially inept and it's great and geeky and stuff).
VastaKustutaHee hee hee hee!
VastaKustutaOh I have been waiting forever for a shipping fic where Dash isn't the romance pinata!
I love pinkie's word-plays when she tries to get dash to bed. Nice story
VastaKustutaI read it... it was good!
VastaKustutaDidn't have me laughing and rolling like some other fics, but I gave some good chuckles and really got into it. Could work a bit on RD's lines though, they seemed a tad OOC.
5-star story for sure. Well done.
VastaKustutaAnd Pinkie would probably buck anythink if she'd tought it could be fun.
Huh. That was ok, but I fear I don't share the pre-readers enthusiasm. Oh well.
VastaKustutaIs there gonna be more chapters?
VastaKustuta*reads description*
Jeez, once again everpony thinks Dash is from Lesbia.
VastaKustutaI loved it! There needs to be more like this; I don't even know what that would entail, but there does need to be more.
VastaKustutaAhhh... I love dramatic irony. Shakespeare would be proud.
VastaKustutaHaha I loved the Celestia letter at the end. Great, funny, short read. Thanks Yanmato!
VastaKustutaIt's just so horrible that it loops around and becomes awesome. Love it. :D
VastaKustutaLooks like you overlooked some relevant data, Twilight!
VastaKustutaBrothers is cynicism *brohoof*
That was the best comedic love hexagon pony one-sided shipping normal story I have ever read! And I don't read many of them so that makes this truly exceptional.
VastaKustutaIsn't this the exact same plot from Chapter 1 of Everybody Loves Rainbow Dash?
VastaKustutaNonetheless, I'll check this out.
Frickin' hilarious. After so many gay Dash fics, it's funny to see the situation completely turned on its head.
VastaKustutaThis is the ship fic to end all ship fics.
Utterly hilarious, genius in fact.
VastaKustutaYou couldn't make this up. Except you did, unless you're a real pony from equestria who's recording everything that happens, but that just makes you weird, so have fun.
VastaKustutaPonies can reproduce with same sex ponies, Celestia only made Stallions to be trollin'.
VastaKustutaComedy shipping is best shipping. This idea of Rainbow Dash being sought after by the rest of the mane 6 but herself being straight is fairly awesome. Execution-wise, it was alright, takes a lot of visualizing when it's that dialogue heavy. I'm not going to score it anything, I'm not sure where on the 5-star spectrum that belongs.
VastaKustutaOh God at Pinkie's suggestion to go "Flying" with Rainbow Dash!!!! XD I couldn't stop laughing!!!
VastaKustutaThe cupcakes reference was great, but Fluttershy accidently outing herself when everyone else got quite was frickin AWESOME! Seeing Pinkie Pie as a total horn dog was kinda off-putting though. Nonetheless, this has made me officially decide to add "unless its funny" to my usual no shipping rule.
VastaKustutaBest shipfic I've read...ever.
VastaKustutaMine did too -- TWICE!!!
My Little Pony: Les-yay is hilarious!
VastaKustutaI'm afraid I have to love and tolerate you.
Spark was better.
I don't normally read the shipping stuff, but this had comedic possibilities, so I gave it a go.
VastaKustutaI was not disappointed. Twilight's methods of persuasion were a hoot, and provoked precisely the reaction I expected from Rainbow Dash. Rarity using cheesy pick-up lines? Well, I imagine she's heard every single one of them, but still... Jarring enough to make me laugh, at any rate. And poor Fluttershy! Right into the awkward silence. You gotta love that kind of timing.
Rainbow's initial reactions kinda reminded me of me. I tend not to pick up on that sort of thing unless I'm paying attention. So even though she isn't my favorite pony (Pinkie Pie is), I found myself sympathizing with her a great deal. And I laughed out loud at her reaction when she finally understood what everyone wanted from her.
I was really wondering how the author was going to wrap it up, and he (she?) didn't disappoint. I found myself laughing and agreeing all at once. I checked, and this is Yanmato's first effort, at least on EqD. I enjoyed it thoroughly. And mechanically, it was well-edited and the narration was consistent, items I see frequently failed in other fanfics I read around the web. Well done, full marks for you!
Asexual Rainbow Dash is awesome.
VastaKustutaWhat to say, what to say....
VastaKustutaThis was interestingly funny. I don't really like same sex shipping, but I enjoyed the fact that Dash was the straight one for once.
This... what?
VastaKustutaIt was kinda hilarious, but... Grif said it best. Pretty out of character on all counts, but decent nonetheless.
How bad is it that I can imagine a musical number to go with the first part of the fic?
VastaKustutaHilarious ^^
Amusing. It reminds me of that 'everypony loves rainbow dash' pic, complete with said pegasus fleeing in terror.
VastaKustutaHahaha, I was giggling like an idiot the whole time. The way Twilight delivered her information was probably the funniest part for me, she's so dorky about it, and Rainbow Dash being completely oblivious was golden. The writing was good is what i'm trying to say, even if the characters were a little, well, out of character, still an enjoyable and adorable read.
VastaKustutaI'm honestly surprised by everyone saying the main six were OOC. I thought they were perfectly in character, and fucking hilarious to boot. Rarity's come-hither moves had me rolling even when I was prereading this in a crowded room full of people.
If it makes any difference, Yanmato, this story is six-star material in my mind.
Very, very well done, I must say. not to mention that it is also very, very FUNNY.
VastaKustutaSexual deviant Pinkie scares me. Cliché pick-up artist Rarity is everything Rarity should not be, but still funny. Awkward Fluttershy is...well completely in character. I want to see Twilight's research, it would be interesting and probably hilarious.
@AnonymousOh, and I guess AJ was pretty much in character, too.
VastaKustutaThis was rather fun, thank you for sharing it!
VastaKustutaWhat happened here?
I literally fell out of my chair reading this, I was laughing so hard.
VastaKustutaThis is best evor. Moar pl0x!111!
VastaKustutaI liked it. It was pretty good, and it was a nice inversion of the "Dashxeverything" fics that are around. It would've been better if he had managed to keep the characters in-character. Rarity was the most different than she was in the show. It doesn't make it bad, just not ideal.
VastaKustutaFo' sho'
Rarity perfecting her Smoldering Lusty Gaze killed me.
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. XD
VastaKustutaAdditional Tags: "One-way love Hhxagon: hilarity ensues."
VastaKustutaStupid typos
The "Complete" tag really goes a long way towards making me willing to read a fanfic on a whim, and THREE gushing pre-reader comments don't hurt either. I was not disappoint.
VastaKustutaI had a healthy smirk the whole time I was reading this, and I think I laughed for a good two minutes after reading the last line!
A good time was had by all...except the painfully awkward time had by mane six, I suppose! Five stars from me, all the way. Here's to hoping a great, fun, shipping story like this gets to wear the six-star crown!
This tops the rest of them DashXEverypony fics around ED.
VastaKustutaStraight Rainbow ftw!!! 'Cuz it's so funny and somewhat unusual.
VastaKustutaBecause some of us didn't care for it as much as you did?
I thought it was decent. I've read other shipfic I liked more, but this one was decent.
I did feel the dialogue was overdone, far too out of character, but it was still a good, amusing read.
This is a nice twist on... well, EVERY RAINBOW DASH SHIPPING STORY EVER.
VastaKustutaThis was an amusing read, though I think this is another one of those stories that would gain immensely from being a cartoon or other performance over being in text alone.
VastaKustutaAll that talk-over-talk and bickering loses something when it's not acted out loud.
That said, this was still pretty funny. Certainly a bonus mark or two for straight, naive Dash and adventurous pervert Pinkie.
I really am not a shipping reader at all, but this seemed too ridiculous to pass up.
VastaKustutaWell worth the read for a lot of silly laughs, although the last letter actually made me laugh out loud and probably wake up my neighbours.
This is the best pony slash I've read, and I've been on the internet all day.
VastaKustuta....Dude. I dumped Twilight off a cliff, had her drowned in a swamp and eaten by a hydra.
VastaKustutaI think I've been nicer to her than you xD
Haha! That was great!
VastaKustuta*Reads description*
*Head explodes... Twice*
"My horn is somewhat.... large" Oh my.
VastaKustutaSO the one decked out in 'gay pride' the only one that's straight? I have got to read this. The description actually reminds me of a one panel joke from another comic....
VastaKustuta"Is there anyone on the team who ISN'T a lesbian?"
"Well we're pretty sure I'm straight."
And it's never mentioned again.
The day I stop laughing is the day the world ends.
VastaKustutaThat was hysterical. I especially loved Rarity. And Twilight's pie charts.
VastaKustutaI loved it!
VastaKustuta>rainbow dash being the only straight one
VastaKustutathat is EXTREMELY ironic
i'll add this onto my fanfics-to-read queue
Shortish, but hilarious. Twilight trying to woo Dash via pie charts was perhaps my favorite silliness here, although Pinkie's "special saddle" and Rarity's off-hand, husky comment about her horn size did make me grin, too!
VastaKustutaPoor, poor, stupid Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustutaLemme guess -- it's not really a tropical island, is it.
VastaKustutaPretty good, but yeah, the mane cat was a bit OOC for me. Nonetheless, that was a aweet read ^^
freaking Twilight. Predictable development but it was short and sweet. I honestly only got a laugh at the first Twilight attempt at Dash. Pinkie Pie was Pinkie Pie. Rarity was portrayed in a umm yeah.. Applejack was too fluttery. And Fluttershy idk I pictured the "~yay~" scene when she took in the deep breath, yeah it was still cute be her loud or soft I liked that scene too.
And Rainbow, I love your mane so screw off stereotypes!
And furthermore, LOL @ "Ponies DO THAT???"
VastaKustutaFrikkin' PRICELESS!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWhoops, wrong fic, haha. This made me giggle.:-)
VastaKustutaRarity is the only one that I think was a bit OOC. I would think that she'd be a bit more subtle in her flirting attempt. Though I could see Pinky Pie being a bit, for a lack of a better term, slutty. She only cares about having fun, so if she enjoys her first time, she'll probably try to do it as often as possible.
VastaKustutaThis story was so much fun! I was smiling through out it, loving Dashie's confusion.
VastaKustutaThis isn't just some random fic. This is the logical culmination of the entirety of FIM fanfic writing. With this fic we are one step closer to pony singularity.
VastaKustutaWhy is everypony on this show a vanilla-frosting lesbian!?
VastaKustuta"my horn is somewhat....LARGE"
VastaKustutaThe single greatest unicorn pickup line i've ever heard
Dear God I'm pissing myself at the first chapter. This is genius!
VastaKustutaA greater moral there never was.
VastaKustutaI don't think a Hexagon is the right word for this though, it's more of a Pentagon with a line from each point to the center (Rainbow Dash).
VastaKustutaThis is hilarious. This is freaking brilliant.
VastaKustutaI love that they all are approaching her in different ways, and with different intentions. I love the characterization of Rarity as a sex fiend. "Jackmare"? I've never heard that one before, I love it.
Oh god, Rarity's pickup scene was the best.
"Ponies DO THAT?"
The letter is the best part. This was a remarkable piece of absurdity, pulled off with aplomb. I can't believe no one else has come up with this idea! It's just hysterical and I loved every minute of it.
I still think that rainbow dash likes girls
VastaKustutaIs it odd that I've done exactly what Twilight did when preparing to/asking someone out?
VastaKustutaOther than Rarity being very OOC (I expected more of 'round up in corner, kiss kiss' technique), I really liked this story! Pinkie Pie was def the funniest, with Twilight as a close second. :)
VastaKustuta@Yami-Yugi I was thinking of that comic too.
VastaKustutaLove. Science rises her hands.
VastaKustutaalso, this is the most hilarious fic I have ever read xD
Dear god this was fantastic.
VastaKustutaYou know, I just looked reeeally hard at AJ in that picture. She's only standing on two of her hooves.
VastaKustutaHella good balance.
Rarity: Lamest pickup lines ever. So many sexual innuendos.
A little down, i chuckled to myself, i found it amusing.
VastaKustutaAbout half way down, i began to laugh quite a bit, but i still held it back.
Near the end/three-quarters down, i just busted out laughing. Rarity with her sexual innuendos, rainbow dash being oblivious, Twilight with all of her hard data.
On a scale of 1 to 10.
i give you a 11.
This thing, man. Holy shit. Everything about it was perfect.
VastaKustutaThe premise was extremely amusing. I laughed my head off just from reading the description.
VastaKustutaUnfortunately it was poorly executed. It was just a chaotic muddle of dialogue and half the time I didn't even know who was speaking.
(Really thought I had already commented)
VastaKustutaI read this around 4 am after a whole load of shippin' readin'.
(Comment was glitched, recomment lazily time-)
Made me laugh, loved it, 5/5 because I can.
(Red copies his comment before posting this time)
VastaKustuta//Today, Pinkie Pie would finally ask the scrumptious pegasus Rainbow Dash-//
Oh how sw-
//-to her bed.//
.. Why do I get the feeling that romance is gonna be a dirty word in this story.
Btw, shouldn't it be "the scrumptious pegasus, Rainbow Dash, to her bed." ?
//She had proven it countless times. But one space on her bedpost remained unnotched, one victory unwon.//
I should really be more appalled that Rarity is the village bicycle.. Why is she always a capital S slut in these stories?
//But today, she and Dash would meet at Pinkie Pie’s latest celebration, and Rarity played her cards right (and she always did), [...]//
You forgot an "if".
//Rainbow Dash was, for once in her life, on time for something.//
So the fastest pony in Ponyville is always late? Interesting liberty to take with her character.
//“I’ve been thinking about you, Dashie. That’s what this party is all about. I’ve been thinking about how athletic you are.”//
"You're the one I dream about
But the only question with me now~
Is do I creep you out~?"
//“I’m sorry, Twi. I kinda tuned out once I lost track of where this was all going.”
“When was that?”
“Ten minutes ago, maybe.”//
Would've been funnier if she'd said something along the lines of "somewere between the first and second sketch." since the reader has no feeling of the passage of time.
//“What?” Applejack spoke a little more loudly than she meant to, and her mouth stayed open longer than it should have.
Applejack was too stunned to stop rainbow Dash from wandering across the parlor to the punch bowl, where Rarity was waiting for her.//
In comedy (like this) it's pretty much a stable to have huge reactions with no one acknowledging them. Friendship is Magic is that kind of show. However, it doesn't flow well that Dash just walks away after Applejack (seems to) question the honesty behindf RD's statement on their bond.
*After reading Rarity's next few escapades*
So.. those are the lines that laid down Ponyville huh.
//Dear Princess Celestia,
Love is complicated.
- Twilight Sparkle//
Weak ending (last two pages), but I guess the author had places to be.
I lol'd.
VastaKustutaOh rainbow dash you so oblivious
VastaKustutaThis was pretty good. I didn't chuckle, but I certainly felt amused the whole way. 5/5