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Author: Ryden and Xephfyre
Description: On behalf of the Canterlot University of Electrical Engineering, Princess Celestia sends her star pupil a mysterious contraption she wants her to test out. Can the mane six overcome this new challenge, even if it costs them their sanity?The Elements of Gaming (New Part 9+10!)
Additional Tags: Rage, Mad Skillz, THE STARE, Button Mashing
479 kommentaari:
This won't get first.
VastaKustutaI dunno, looks interesting.
VastaKustutaPonies and videogames? This calls for epic game tracks, such as One Winged Angel, Worldend Dominator, and perhaps something from Call of Duty... Though technically worldend dominator is from a book, aw who cares it's still awesome! *Turns music on on YouTube, begins reading*
VastaKustutaThis sounds fun.
VastaKustutaNo offense, but... Reach? I could think of a few better ways to break new gamers in. Also, the moral seemed pretty forced.
VastaKustutaPonies and an xbox controller, that's like me trying to play a fighter game (ie button smashing).
VastaKustutaNopony in Equestria (except the Princesses) would every be able to afford an XBOX 360 because it costs a fortune in bits for Live. Develop the PS3 Celestia!
VastaKustutaI wonder how well they'd react to Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (or, if it were to be ponyfied "Mare-vel Vs Clopcom 3")
VastaKustutaNice story, maybe try call of duty next time or some other game. Good writing, and nice use of different characters having different stratagems.
VastaKustutaExtremely interesting... each character was in character and there were many good details throughout. Definitely worth the read.
VastaKustutaIt was slightly predictable, but everyone was in character for the most part, even if you did overuse terms like "20% cooler" and "ten seconds flat." Also, I don't know if it was such a good idea to include human cursing in addition to Equestrian. Stuff like "to the moon with this" and "for Celestia's sake" is fair game; stuff like "son of a *****" and "**** this ****" isn't.
VastaKustutaStill, I think it has a ton of potential, and I did get a few chuckles out of it. I wonder how they would fare with an RPG or fighting game?
Good lord, imagine the Mane Six playing an RTS. The play styles... By God, the differing play styles...
VastaKustutaSome grammar issues, as well as the whole
VastaKustutahow are they playing with hooves o.o
but enjoyable :3
It's be nice to see how they handle different game genres. I can imagine Twilight blasting through an RTS game, Rainbow Dash performing well in a Racing game. Rarity a good RPG player, Applejack probably fighting games and Pinkie Pie... I'll get back to that one.
VastaKustutaAnd I thought at the end they would all team up to defeat the last level, instead of Fluttershy flying solo.
VastaKustutaFluttershy playing Doom3. A man can dream.
VastaKustutaMaybe something by Suda51?
I must say, I've been waiting for Halo and ponies to do the fanfic tango, but this isn't really wasn't what I had in mind. That said, it was a fun little story, and everypony seemed to be in character for the most part, though I am somewhat disappoint at the non-inclusion of Spike.
VastaKustutaPuh-lease say this is going to be a series! There's just too much potential here for it not to be.
VastaKustutaPinkiePie needs a wii and warioware.
Pinkie Pie would be playing Mario Party.
VastaKustutaI kind of saw Fluttershy's turn coming. My only complaint, is the console selection, maybe use a last gen system for not allowing the console war thing to be waged in the comments. Maybe a rhythm game like guitar hero?
VastaKustutaEither Guitar Hero or Dance Dance Revolution for Pinkie... All of that energy put towards a rhythum game... O__O
This fanfic is 20% better than sex with Dash! Especialy the part with Fluttershy's skills. Anyway, the ending made me wait for another story like this. So, like they say on 4chan: M O A R !
VastaKustutaI demand an explanation as to how they used the controller with hooves.
VastaKustutaI would suggest that you do a horror game of some sort next, it would be interesting to see their reactions.
VastaKustutaReally? Pinkie Pie would be good at Mario PARTY. :p
Why not a PC? You know, a decent gaming platform.
VastaKustutaThis HAS to be a series! :D
VastaKustutaFuture game suggestions: LA Noire, Bayonetta, Street Fighter 4
I'll say; i verily enjoyed this experiment here ^^ and I'll gladly follow it for sequels.
VastaKustutaThis was actually pretty cool. Everypony felt pretty much in character and I liked how you gave them playing styles to go with their personalities.
VastaKustutaI think the moral at the end was different than I was expecting though. To be honest, what I got from the whole thing was that everyone has different ways of doing things, and that all (well, most) of them are going to be useful in some situations.
Weird...I figured Twilight would be the best player. She is the nerdy one, after all. :p
VastaKustutaI dunno, I can see AJ swearing like a sailor.
Nice story.
VastaKustutaPersonally, I would like to see how they would play GTA, Burnout: Paradise and Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.
OH shit the xbox 360 RRODed on me
VastaKustutaSee a fanfic about videogames -> Hell yeah! Instant Read!
VastaKustutaXcks Box Three Sixty -> It just gets better!
Rainbow Dash Sucked -> WHHHYYYYYYY
Anyways, still a good read, one thing I would have to say is that the author used RD's catchphrases too much (10 seconds flat, 20% cooler, etc). Other than that it was good.
It makes sense too that Fluttershy would have the best reflexes with a gamepad, as she has to do all that delicate bonesetting and stuff...
still.. I insist that Rainbow Dash could be good too...!
VastaKustutaYou know, I'm an xbox fanboy I admit - but also a PC gamer - and I don't go around insulting other platforms because I'm butthurt. You know. Like you.
im actually interested in seeing a sequel where Celestia sends more games xD
VastaKustutaHey look a console war
VastaKustutalet's not have one k?
great story guys, had me in stitches all the way through.
let's see how they do with Mortal Kombat.
I don't play Halo (or any FPS's really) and so I was so happy when I saw the "Incomplete" tag. I'll now be waiting here for more chapters.
VastaKustutaMake them play Castle Crashers! Or "Maretal Kombat"! God, what an awful pun...
This shouldn't be the last of theses stories, not by a long shot. I'd like to suggest that the next story should be about the Mane Six's experiences in Killing Floor.
VastaKustutaNeeds more DEMONS SOULS!!!!!! or Devil May Cry 3
VastaKustutaSpoiler: Fluttershy being the best was too predictable :/
VastaKustutaEverypony knows that an XBox 360 would be a huge waste of bits.
VastaKustutaIn fact, every true gamer knows that PC gaming is where it's at. The only gamers who don't believe that are those who haven't tried it themselves.
It would be awesome if they played Amnesia :D
VastaKustutaA great read!
they needed to have spike try it xD
this is exactly what i was WORRIED about.
Seth, er, author... please keep in mind that whenever you guys make/post stuff like this, you're going to draw in gamers who automatically start to rant and begin stating how "360 is better" or "no PC is better" or "F U PS3 is where it's at!' and crap like that.
To put it into simpler words, codfags.
That being said, this is NOT the place to discuss what games are better!
this is not the place to discuss what games are better and what game platforms are better, and such. Keep the conversation about the story please, and leave your arguments to where it's desired.
Thanks for all the comments guys, and I'm really overjoyed that many of you like the story, despite the fact my co-author and I think we could've done a much better job.
VastaKustutaWe've already got the next chapter halfway written, and probably exploring either an RTS or an RPG for the 3rd. While I may be trying to get my co-author to consider TES:Oblivion over an RTS, we listen to every suggestion here and take it into account.
So if you feel you've got an unsung title that needs some love, don't be afraid to throw it out there!
(p.s. I couldn't help but throw this in. Guys, please try not to wage console wars in the comments. In the end, the only person who gets anything out of a console war is the consumer, and logically we shouldn't be complaining about that :D)
Fluttershy + Resident Evil.
VastaKustutaEnough said.
@Xephfyre yes yes Oblivion would be great! with the DLC maybe?
VastaKustutamaybe a clasic RPG with updated-ness like Final Fantasy 1 Dawn of Souls
Make them play a katamari game. Pinkie would love it.
VastaKustutaNo More Heroes, Shadow of the Colloseus, How bout something gore heavy? i cant really think of one... Ooo Ooo American McGee's Alice (the first one)
VastaKustutaThat was hilarious
VastaKustuta>Halo: Reach
VastaKustutaStopped reading right there. I hate Microsoft for making you pay for online crap and I hate Bungie for not porting Halo to PS3 like every other game developer has come around to.
Halo's overrated, anyways. TF2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Halo.
Also, I'd lol if the next chapter was Fallout 3 and the Fallout Equestria OCs came over to play... just saying...
@KShrike PC's gaming's awesome, but sadly computers come with only so much memory to play them with. That, and mouse and keyboard controls, when done improperly, are annoying as hell.
VastaKustutaSo I keep a PS3 for the vast majority of my games.
*inb4 "PS3 has no gaems."*
*inb4 "Silly Anon, that's not how you spell 'XBox360'!"
Really good read, some spelling, nothing mayor. I can't wait till part 2 and beyond.
VastaKustutaJuly 17, 2011 11:44 AM
VastaKustutaHad to watch this before I read this btw
Next game they play:
VastaKustutaSuper Mario Bronies!
Pretty good, although having never played a Halo game I couldn't be very sure what was going on.
VastaKustutaHowever, I found I kept getting distracted by the mentions of the characters' hands. As far as I'm aware, nopony there has canonical hands.
To sum up what everypony's been saying: Good story. Please write more. Please.
VastaKustutaI think I speak for everypony that we want a continuation. Maybe COD or a racing game. Please!
VastaKustutaI, too, eagerly await the next game Celestia'll be sending them.
VastaKustutaVery fun to read.
This was really good. Can't wait to see the games they play in the other chapters. As for what games they'd be good at, in my opinion:
VastaKustutaTwilight: RPGs, RTS, Turn based strategy
Rainbow Dash: Racing games, fighting games, rhythm games, horror, rpgs (well rpgs where she likes the main character).
Applejack: Sim games, action, horror, fighting games
Pinky Pie: Rhythm games and possibly point and click games (since she is great at finding stuff).
Rarity & Fluttershy: Every type of game
Suggestion: Donkey Kong 64, with the kongs replaced by the cast. Twilight's the tag barrel.
VastaKustuta@Not A Good Username 360
VastaKustutaWait, whatdo you mean computers only come with "so much memory to play them with"?
Oh man. I'd love to have Rarity and Fluttershy on my team.
VastaKustutaPONIES and STARCRAFT 2, NOW!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaTheir different strategies and choices of races would be interesting, really.
I'd like to see them trying out the multiplayer mode.
This needs to continue! They should try a party game where Pinkie can shine, as well as a scary game like F.E.A.R. or Amnesia.
VastaKustutaAlso, I LOVE how Fluttershy is a progeny at shooters. :D
LOOK AT THE TAGS "Incomplete"
VastaKustutaDun Dun DUUUUNNNN
I'd love to see them play Alan Wake. XD
VastaKustutaThis was awesome. But how the hay do they play with hooves?!
VastaKustutaAnyway, a most commonly known game might have been a better choice (or maybe my knowledge of games should be expanded, i've never heard of halo. i'm gonna try it tho)
Me too would love to see how they'd do in a strategy game.
I'd love to see them play an RTS like C&C3: Kanes Wrath (It's on 360)
VastaKustutaTwilight: Balanced
Rainbow Dash: Unit rushing
Applejack: Denies resources to the enemy
Pinkie: Fools around
Rarity: Spends to much time nitpicking like building arrangement
Fluttershy: Do I have to say
Do fallout 3
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle and "Starcraft" (probably 1 for story background) would be pretty awesome for next chapter...I'd love to see how the mane 6 tackle an RTS!
VastaKustutaMy gaming style is a combination of Applejack and Twilight Sparkle's.
VastaKustutaI want a sequel... Can you make them play Marvel vs Capcom 3 or Mortal Kombat?
VastaKustutaRealy good read, everypony in character and imteristing game strategies.
VastaKustutaFor a sequel i'd like to see how they do in a multiplayer game.
Afterall they got 4 controller.
Maybe a racing game or something like that.
I ,for one, welcome our new pony uber haxor Fluttershy.
Ponies. Playing Battlefield. O lawd
VastaKustutaCall of Duty. Ponies. Campers. Do it!
Xephyre. Sacrifice. Please. It's great. Just hurl all six into multiplayer.
VastaKustutaAnon at 1:07, I am a little disappoint. Halo was the Xbox killer app, and the sequels formed the backbone of the 360 lineup IIRC. It also pushed regenerating health into mainstream. I thing.
Great story. Love the writing and differing playstyles. Ooh, you know what'd work really well? TF2.
Eh, to be honest, I'm not too keen on a sequel. As a one-shot, this story works fine. But a continuation? It will start to get messy, imho, even if I loved to see the mane 6 play RTSes or RPGs. (Especially if you going the route of weaving in a moral each chapter.)
VastaKustutaI kinda wanted to see them fight each other (after reading, fluttershy vs rarity would have been epic), but very well done. I was laughing all the way through. 5/5 stars here.
VastaKustutaAmnesia would be awesome too.
VastaKustutaPortal 2. Period.
VastaKustutaThis wasn't bad, but certainly not great. I don't think the 360 was a good choice of console, for one, and the mane six's reactions when the intro screen popped up make no sense. Assuming they have TVs that can display modern video games properly (ie, in colour), there is absolutely no reason for the intro of a video game to get that reaction. Maybe if they were playing on some kind of 3D holographic matrix, but Rarity's illusions would trump that anyway. Also, the rest of the fic was kinda predictable.
VastaKustutaSo. Not bad, but could've been better.
More, please! Moreeee!
VastaKustuta@BagOfChips I mean that some of us lack the hard drive space needed to install many different games.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous How do YOU type with boxing gloves on?
VastaKustutaIt's the same technique.
Really interesting, and quite well-written. I'm curious what other genres of games we could see the ponies try!
VastaKustutaDead Space 1 or Mirror's Edge. Just sayin'.
VastaKustuta@Anon 3:49
VastaKustutaEarthbound or nothing.
I enjoyed this, even though I don't like Reach, although it was a bit predictable in places.
VastaKustutaI think, should there be a sequel, it might be interesting to include the following:
- Xbox mass produced, so each of the mane six have one
- Xbox Live is developed
- Pinkie Pie hosts an XBL Party
- A wider variety of games (Particularly Forza, because there's a HUGE variety of cars to suit each pony's personality.)
- Trixie gets a PS3, and decides it's greater and more powerful
Well, that's what I think anyway.
Make the next game a horror or something like left 4 dead! :D
VastaKustutaNext game should totally be Guitar Hero. Pinkie Pie would be playing Through the Fire and Flames on expert. AND WIN.
VastaKustutaPortal or Portal 2 next? Of maybe FFXIII?
VastaKustutaWell this was pretty funny too me. I love how at the end Fluttershy completely outshined aeverypony else :D (implying his fav pony is fluttershy). I think it would be great to see them play Left 4 Dead or another team oriented game.
VastaKustutaAs long as people are swinging ideas, I'd really like to see how the Mane Cast would fare in:
VastaKustuta-Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2
(Rarity'd spend an eternity trying to get her custom Shepard to look just right. Rainbow'd go nuts with the Vanguard Class)
-Some JRPG like Lost Odyssey (One of the better ones on the 360, although any JRPG would do.)
-Dead Space
(Really, nothing more needs to be said.)
That or introduce something like a rivalry with Trixie.
Great story! I'll admit, I think there could've been better games to use for such a purpose, but it was quite well done nonetheless! And Fluttershy was awesome/hilarious. :P
VastaKustutaThere were a few things that bugged me, though. First, it seems like a game like Halo Reach would be... well, quite out of place in the pony world, and the ponies took to liking the idea of killing everything a little too easily for me. Maybe that's just my perception of how Equestria works, but either way...
Perhaps more importantly is that I can't imagine non-unicorn ponies using game controllers. At all. They don't have fingers, and a game like Halo obviously requires more dexterity than setting the controller on the ground and tapping the buttons with a hoof, which is the best I can think of a pony using a controller.
And one more thing that might be more "your mileage may vary": I find it kind of hard to believe that somepony that has never even played a video game before, much less Halo, would be able to achieve anything on Legendary difficulty on their first try. I mean, Fluttershy's escapades were fine for rule of funny, but... anypony else accomplishing anything like they did seemed a bit odd to me, even if it was said that they died a lot.
Can't wait for the next one. Hope it's a game that the PS3 has as well since I don't have a 360. xD
VastaKustuta@Narwhals' Bend
VastaKustutayes develope a ps3 something more expensive and less fun. and this is the only xbox in equestria. so there is no live yet
Excellent story! Bit skeptical that they would forego all 8-bit, 16-bit 64-bit, and so on types of technology and just go straight into the HD's, but whatever works I suppose...
VastaKustutaReally liked how all their styles of play corresponded so well to their personalities. That was very clever. I also like how it appears Fluttershy is the ultimate gamer.
Next Games they should play:
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Metroid Prime
Silent Hill
Metal Gear Solid
Guitar Hero
Aaaaaand Maybe one of the Final Fantasies...
Oh man with Rarity's skills she would be AWESOME at touhou or some other bullet hell shooter.
VastaKustutaGuess I should toss my guesses at who is the best at each genre of games.
VastaKustutaTwi - Turn based strategy or RPG or turret defense or puzzles (My Little Portal!)
AJ - Fighting (Super Smash Bronies Marelee) (oh Celestia, forgive that last pun) or run'n'gun or arcade shooters
Pinkie - Mario Party (and clones) or rhythm games (especially DDR)
RD - Racing or flight sims or sports
Rarity - real time strategy (I'd only guess as to what her APM to commands ratio would be and I have a feeling she would fit in team vile alongside Spanishiwa as a Protoss counterpart)
Fluttershy - obviously first person and stealth shooters
I reckon I'll toss my hat into the fray.
VastaKustutaTwilight- Something with an epic story and lots of reading like text heavy rpgs, maybe even text based games. Being an avid reader, she'd probably have the best imagination barring Pinkie.
AJ- I agree that she'd have fun with fighting games. I think she'd enjoy classic beat'em ups (Final Fight, Streets of Rage, King of Dragons, etc). I'd also go out on a limb that she'd like Farmville and Harvest Moon (insert Big Mac giving her grief here). I think she'd the enjoy Phenix Wright games, being the Element of Honesty and all.
Pinkie- Quirky games like Katamari Damacy and Deadly Preminiton. Anything where the storyline or premise is so out there the only one who could understand it is Pinke. Dancing and Music games also. Anything Co-op multiplayer.
RD- Racing and flight sims but also suvivor horror, especially the Dead Rising series. Why Dead Rising? Because RD is, in the words of Frank West, "FAN-tastic!"
Rarity- She has a OCD thing going. I'd think she'd take to RTS games like a duck to water (perhaps to the point of obsession). Also, romance and dating sims.
Fluttershy: FPS games as well as monster training games and pet rasing games.
The next game should be Left 4 Dead. Give each of the mane cast their own system. Multiplayer versus. The two left out are the infected along with two ponies with the gamertags N1ghtm4ker284 and SunSh0ckerLF.
VastaKustutaI liked this fanfic right up until Fluttershy started playing. Okay, maybe she watched the other five playing and learned some strategy from that. But I just don't believe she was able to apply professional military strategy to the game, which she was playing for the first time. It makes her seem, for lack of a better term, like a Marey Sue. *brick'd*
VastaKustutaHow are they using the controllers? :S
VastaKustutaAnyone know what game Celestia was describing?
VastaKustutaThey need to play Left 4 Dead or Dead Space... They might get a little paranoid after those.
VastaKustutaThey're special pony controllers with giant buttons?
VastaKustutaGears of War after Halo seemed a bit redundant, but focusing on the gore made sense.
It sounds like the next one up is C+C? Or something RTS anyway?
The part where they reacted to the absolutely gross projection of blood was downright hilarious (sorry if I spoiled)! Oh man do I feel sorry for all of them. Expect Pinkie Pie, for that game was a real negative influence on her. XD
VastaKustutaYou must keep this up. I can't wait to know the next game they will experiment. :D
For some reason I am thinking this is going to turn into shipping at some point...?
VastaKustutaAnyways, another good read, although I think Rainbow Dash's entrance could use some work. :/
I am wondering what will happen when they get to Dead Space... *evil grin*
I was waiting for the Lancer to do it's part from the start and I was not disappointed. :D
VastaKustutaOh, and it would be awesome if one of the future games keeps the antagonists as humans!
what game was celestia describing?
VastaKustutaBah! if they found gears of war disturbing... They should try Madworld... :D
VastaKustutaI would really love to see Portal 2 be a game they play. I can just imagine it. Also, what game was Celestia describing in Part 2?
VastaKustutaThey must play Mortal Kombat!
VastaKustutaAlso, what was the next game being described?
VastaKustutaUh, but wouldn't that raise the question of "Where's Portal 1?" As for the game...I have no idea.
Wouldnt it be a shocker is they sent Oddworld Stranger's Wrath?
VastaKustutaAnypony got any idea on the next game?
VastaKustutaAnd now I'm wondering what kind of reaction they'd have to Saints Row 2...
VastaKustutaI thought the whole thing with Pinkie Pie was a little much, but I loved the thing with Trollestia at the end. Anyone know what the third game being described at the end was?
VastaKustutaThe game trollestiasdf was talking about could have been Command and Conqure, seeing as though it reminds me of the main leader of NOD, and his fetish for green-like crystals called Tiberuim
VastaKustutait would be Command and Conquer 3 : Tiberium
VastaKustutathe cover art is so similar as to what was described instory
Its this one guys:
dammit... what would happen if i had read "cupcakes" before readding the 2nd part... aw...pinkie
VastaKustutaAnother fargen Cupcakes reference?! Wow. That takes guts.
VastaKustutaGames I wish to see and some predictions:
VastaKustuta-Portal 1: Rarity is offended with jokes about jumpsuits and being fat, Fluttershy can't destroy the Comapanion Cube, AJ is terrible with puzzles, and Twilight (or Spike) dominates due to logic
-Left 4 Dead 1: Fluttershy gets mauled by Witch, Dash takes on a Tank with a pistol (with expected results), AJ runs off without the group, Rarity is precise enough to be a perfectionist with headshots and wins, Celestia and Luna play Infected well and brohoof (is it still brohoof with mares??) each other at the end
L4D 1 or 2, def would be killer to see! Keep it up! =D
VastaKustutaKane lives!
VastaKustutaTwilight's gonna enjoy C&C 3: TIberium Wars
dom drop the hammer
VastaKustutaWill they be getting non-XBox consoles? I'd like to see Smash Bros. :D
VastaKustutapony commander (3v3 setons)
VastaKustutaquest for glory 1 - 5
diablo 2, get spike or trixie for one of each class
baldur's gate 2: shadows of equestria / throne of nightmare moon (LAN multiplayer out of the box, max party size is six, i.e. destiny)
Holy crap....
VastaKustutaI cal dibs on Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy being on my team for FPSs and 3PSs.
Though with Pinie Pie, I'll be sure to carry a baseball bat wth me. Just in case...
@guy who commented about portla and l4d
For L4D....lol yeah, I can imagin eall thta happening.
This was hilarious, especially Gears of War, lol chainsaw bayonet and their reaction was hilarious
VastaKustutaOh God. I laughed like hell at the part with Pinkie and Twilight. This fanfic is just epic. Keep the good work :D
VastaKustutaYES twilight sparkle definitely will appreciate the granddaddy of RTS series, But Will she prefer GDI (EDI?) or the Brotherhood of Nod?
VastaKustutaOoh! Another thought would be their reactions to handhelds. Going about their lives, with the temptation just there...
VastaKustutaAnother Wii game they could do is NSMBWii. Dash throws everypony into cliffs.
Too much 'have to been there' inside references to XBox and Halo :(
VastaKustutaSince everyone is already giving their suggestions and ideas for games for them to play, I'll join in too.
VastaKustutaMirrors Edge
Alan Wake
Any fighting game
and perhaps...Deadly Premonition?
If they're gonna be staying with the 360, I'd like to recommend Conker Live and Reloaded and Super Meat Boy.
VastaKustutaIf Celestia is going to send them a Wii, Smash Brothers Brawl with ponies would be the greatest thing ever, although it wouldn't make much sense. If these are the first video games ever, then a crossover like SSB wouldn't exist. AH WELL
Celestia should send them a primitive prototype...an NES. I could see Rainbow Dash playing Super Mario Bros 3, or Twilight figuring out Legend of Zelda. Ooh! Rarity could excel at Tetris! And Fluttershy can turn out to kick several buttocks at RPGs like Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior.
@ OmegaRKB
VastaKustutaThey can use the controller with hooves because like all Equestrian technology, it is made specifically for ponies; Ponies wouldn't create something you needed hands to use, would they?
Or maybe it's their hoof magic.
And Twilight and Rarity would probably use their horn magic anyway.
Vomit and Cupcakes. Truly the signs of greatness.
VastaKustutaAaaargh, cupcakes alert cupcakes alert! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
VastaKustutaFunny chapter, but anyone know what the next game is? The box art isnt ringing and bells with me.
You know I wouldn't mind if they play Fable or Guitar hero with some DDR. Hell GG or MvC should do good for the fighting games.
VastaKustutaI wouldn't mind seeing a Metal Gear chapter, but I know it probably won't happen.
VastaKustutaAn anon can dream, though...
I second them playing MadWorld. If they thought the chainsaw was bad, wait until they shove a signpost through somepony's head, throw a barrel over them, and slam them repeatedly into spikes. Messy.
VastaKustutaOr Resident Evil 4. Imagine their reaction when a zombie's head gets shotgunned off.
Terraria (or minecraft). Rarity knows where to find all the gems. n.n
VastaKustutaI can't seem to figure out what the box art for the next game is. Strange.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie is the obvious choice for being good at DDR if that's next in the series, but I think the surprise pony would either be Rarity or Twilight.
VastaKustutaOh crap, I got a tip off from reading up the comments. For any of those unable to place the box art for the next game, it's C&C3: Kane Edition. Look it up on amazon to see the box art, it matches the description.
VastaKustutaI personally would love to see them play portals 2. Twilight would get through in like 10 seconds flat
VastaKustutaI could do without the Cupcakes references. Not gonna be reading any more of this fanfic.
VastaKustutaI know there's already a Scare/Gore chapter, but I want to know what would happen if they tried playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent. xD I would especially like to see how quickly Rainbow Dash tries to escape the Water Room. :P
VastaKustutaDon't bring up the fact that there's no Console Version of the game. I'm sure Celestia can make one. It's really not all that hard to move a game from Computer Format to Console Format if you're an Alicorn Goddess. xD
If anyone is still guessing at the box art described at the end of the chapter. Google the box art for C&C3: Kane edition.
VastaKustutaI think that Xbox 360 wasn't the best choice to make a series on. Most of the significant games seem to be Shooters of sorts.
VastaKustuta"Trixie gets a PS3, and decides it's greater and more powerful."
I loled when I read this. That is pretty-much exactly what I did a few years back. Nowadays I use both my PS3 and my PC for whatever games each is best suited for, and am fairly ambivalent about the whole PS3vs360 dealy.
So, will it all be 360 games, or do you plan to add games from other consoles as well? I would love to see them playing Little Big Planet together or playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Maybe if it is too much of a stretch for Celestia to send Twilight multiple consoles you could change the name of the 360 to something more generic sounding. Maybe you could call it the Super Game Box or some-odd.
VastaKustutaNext, please do Half Life 2!
VastaKustutaJust read the first chapter and I have to say you did a great job of matching playing styles to the each pony's personality. And all I have to say about Fluttershy is, It's always the quiet ones.
VastaKustutaI cannot place the game at the end of Chapter 2.
VastaKustutaLeft 4 Dead. It must happen.
VastaKustutawii is the best console
VastaKustutaI would kinda like to see Duke Nukem Forever, and how that would work out with the gals.
VastaKustutaI love Gears and Reach
VastaKustutaRead chapter 2, Also funny. But I can't help but feel that you should have chosen a generic title for the game counsel so you would not be limited to only X-Box games. Maybe you could choose a more family friendly game next time as a change from the more mature rated games, especially the shooters.
VastaKustutaWas funny the whole Chapter 2, but... I think was exaggerated the reaction when they saw the chainsaw bayonet. ._q Maybe they only get utterly scared but not... puke?, throwing up? -_q
VastaKustutaBut, at the end, funny thanks to the "Madness" of Pinkie. XD
And one suggestion of a game: Silent Hill, even if the newer ones were not so good.
Thanks for the comments and ratings guys, we both appreciate them a lot. Every single one helps us as authors, and for that we couldn't be more grateful.
VastaKustutaNext chapter's Command and Conquer 3: TW (Kane's Wrath Edition Boxart because Kane's awesome that way) but 4th Chapter... well, we're stumped to be honest, all we know is that it's an RPG for the time being. So as has been said, if you're an RPG buff and want to see something, give a shout-out!
Once again thank you guys so much, you're one of the main reasons we keep writing :D
Mmmmm... Halo I'm not a fan of. GoW I actually quite dislike actually...
VastaKustutaI frankly don't think Pinkie would pull that kind of Prank. She deals with the fun pranks. THat one was just cruel... more Gilda's style... Twilight was fully justified in reacting how she did and I'm surprised Pinkie was surprised myself...
Chapter 1 was excellent. Chapter 2 wasn't bad but there were some things that I simply found hard to swallow.
Also, is it me, or are the video games of equestria... a fluffy land of friendship and ponies... particularly violent? Halo and now GoW... and next chapter Command and Conquer?
I 'unno, I'd just figure Equestria to carry more games like the original Spyros and crash bandicoots... or maybe the early Raymans or something...
I agree with the anon above me. That Prank seemed more suited to Gilda than Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaAlso, I'd really love to see them play Metal Gear Solid! The third one if possible. I think that one was best :)
And the Black Hoof of Kane will rise up against the Global Equestrian Initiative! LONG LIVE KANE!
VastaKustutaI'd love to see Rock Band. Shenanigans with the drum set and vocals along with the guitar would be fun to read.
VastaKustutaIf you want an rpg however, try either the evil hard Demon Souls, or if you want something easier, try something like Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (and get away from the sci fi for a bit)
VastaKustutaOk, I'll say it. DEAD SPACE! Oh, the ponies would scream so much. Or Resident Evil 4 or Half-Life or something. Res 5 was great, but it wasn't really scarry compared to the rest.
VastaKustutaNow I'd love to see Twilight with a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game, but honestly that would be way too much to write in one chapter.
And I'm honestly surprised more people haven't mentioned a CoD game, but I'm glad people are being more unique. But for a CoD game, I'd just want to see their reactions to the end of World at War. Surprise zombies ftw. Black Ops gives it away in the menu, so it wouldn't work.
Of course, you do need to focus on games you've played so you know what you're doing.
P.S Left 4 Dead. DO. IT.
VastaKustutaDemon's Souls. DO EET.
That would seriously be the best. Plus, I named one of my characters in that Twilight and use her as a mage.
I'm surprised the xbox didnt get the red ring of death in 10 secons flat!
VastaKustutaFluttershy's mane is off on that pic.
VastaKustutaFFXIII would work.
If it's just 360 RPGs, I dunno. If we're including those from other consoles, a "compilation" of the Final Fantasy series might be interesting. The concept of Dash trying to play FF2j amuses me.
VastaKustutaI wonder which members of the mane 6 are gonna be GDI... (cough coughTwilightcough)
VastaKustutaAm i the only one who wants to see them play ace combat?
VastaKustutaCreative Blitz:
VastaKustutaI played FFXIII actually, all the way through + final secret boss... and I was significantly underwhelmed.
What's even worse is my co-author somehow hates it despite being a Final Fantasy Fanboy... not sure if we can get it to work.
Anon at 12.48:
That sounds pretty good! I was thinking of Twilight playing Scrin, but I'll see how that train of thought rolls.
Really glad you guys are enjoying this, keep the comments comin'! It's for stuff like this that we keep ourselves writing for ^^
VastaKustutaI'm really liking the suggestions we're seeing in the comments, definitely going to keep those in mind. We're trying to find less grimdark games to write about, though we've had little luck seeing as both my co-author and I like to play RTS and FPS games.
Rhythm and music games ala Rock Band and Guitar Hero will be making appearances, but only in chapters as far as Part 4 or 5.
As for Wii games... sorry to disappoint, but neither of us own a Wii, so as much as we'd like to write a Super Smash Brother's Brawl chapter, we can't do that.
Anonymous @ 1:19AM: Nope, Xephfyre wants to write Dash playing Ace Combat just as badly as you wanna see em play xD
VastaKustutaI haven't read the comments, but some suggestions:
VastaKustutaPortal 1/2
Assassins Creed
Indy Games!!
Sorry I hate FPS.
VastaKustuta........ I might not be sleeping after that second one.... maybe the author should try a more.... gentle game.
VastaKustutaAnother great chapter. I'd assume that Twilight would be pretty much DONE with shooters by this point, so it'd be good to see her enjoying Command and Conquer. I think I've got a handle on what each of the character's strengths and weaknesses would be:
VastaKustutaTwilight: Her strengths would be any game where she can take a lot of time to think about what her plan of attack is, like RTS or RPGs. Her weaknesses would be the opposite of that, anything where she has to switch up strategies on the fly.
Rainbow Dash: The faster the pace and more epic the action, the better. She'd get bored with games like RPGs very quickly.
Applejack: Straightforward games like Halo or Gears: the enemies and strategies are clearly defined. Games with wide open options and no 'right way to play' such as Mass Effect, Fallout or GTA would overwhelm her.
Rarity: She'd be similar to Applejack in that she likes games that are straightforward, but likes games with multiple options as well. She enjoys pulling off flashy, complex combinations and trying to avoid getting damaged if at all possible, so Devil May Cry and Bayonetta would be among her favorites.
Pinkie: The polar opposite of Applejack and Rarity; give Pinkie a copy of Elder Scrolls or Fallout, and she won't put it down until she's tried EVERYTHING it has to offer. Simplistic games bore her, but she can get into them if they're fun enough. She also gravitates toward some of the more violent games, but only if the violence is A: lucicrously and unrealistically over the top or B: subdued like Halo. A game like Manhunt with viceral, realistic violence would likely turn her stomach.
Fluttershy: She has an uncanny ability to pick up and play almost any kind of game, though she is understandably turned off by ludicrous violence. That being said, she'll need to be pressed to play games like Call of Duty, and Gears is out of the question. She also has an inexplicable problem with platforming games, with precision jumps. She's REALLY good, but being Fluttershy, she prefers to watch.
Ah yes, almost forgot. I'm the same Anon as the above one and as for the RPG that you can't think of, I'd like to present LOST FREAKING ODYSSEY, the single best non-Final Fantasy JRPG (barring anything made by Atlus) ever made. Twilight would be in LOVE. Seriously, look it up, or better yet if your a JRPG buff, find a copy and play it. You owe it to yourself.
VastaKustutaPart 1 :
VastaKustuta>“All right, then it’s settled! We’ll get the game started and play it, and I’ll record all our findings and report them to Princess Celestia!”
-And thus, the first Let's Play ever was made. :D
>Her avatar already had its sniper rifle out, and they watched as Fluttershy slowly moved her admittedly tiny aiming cursor
-Hmm... Fluttershy as the quiet, silent and deadly Sniper ;)
>The Stare plastered on Fluttershy’s face, the full force of it directed right at the TV screen.
-I don't think it will work Fluttershy, but who knows ;)
>“It’s... it’s like they were moving in slow motion...”
-Ah, well, it explains everything ;) ...The Stare simply applies differently on electronic devices :D (change from paralyze-control to SlowMo)
I must say that this is a refreshing story. Light and interesting to read.
Part 2 :
VastaKustuta... Suddenly, I wonder what would be Pinky Pie's reaction to the SIMS games ? ;) (Insert a *DO IT!* sound effect)...
>“Are you suuuure, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie said in a suddenly low, sinister voice, a creepy grin creeping over her face. “I’d like to take you up on that claim...”
-*Boot to the head*... now back to our regular programming, I mean, enjoying the story...
>“Ashes (4 Days after E-Day)”
-''It was under E-eee!'' : Reference, right ? ;)
... Not sure I would like to team up with RD and her ''hectic'' style of play ? ...
>a picture of a maneless, bearded Pony on the front cover, extending an inviting hoof forward.
-I have no idea what game this could be ?
Let me be absolutely clear here. The vomiting scene in chapter 2 ruined the chapter for me. Please don't do that again in future chapters.
VastaKustutaNow then, that aside, there are plenty of other 360 games that they could play that aren't hardcore shooters. Just picking from my own personal library, they could try playing a game like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Prince of Persia, Assassins Creed, Bayonetta, and Mirrors Edge. DLC games they could try would be games like Toy Soldiers, 'Splosion Man (Pinkie would loooove that one)or (if you want to scare the ponies shitless) have them play LIMBO.
That's actually my suggestion. Have them play LIMBO with the lights off and the sound up. Since everything is in monochrome silhouettes, I don't think the horrific deaths will trigger the gag reflex like GOW did (Which I still can't believe you two wrote. That was disgusting and completely out of place).
Agreement with Lysis on the vomiting scene, though the argument could be made that it would make sense once. Now that the Mane cast has seen the brutalty that can be evoked in games, I think the inital shock will have worn off. From here on in they'd shudder when a necromorph is blown to bits or in response to Bayonetta's climax summons, but the throwing up was really just a one-time shock response. As long as we don't see it again, I think everything will be just fine.
VastaKustutaAnd yes, Pinkie and 'Splosion Man will go together like cupcakes and hot sauce.
Anyone else want to see Rarity and Rainbow Dash play Mirror's Edge?
VastaKustutaDear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaHow do ponies play video games with hooves?
Dear Strongbad,
How do you type with boxing gloves on?
@ Anonymous 5:25pm: I think RD would find the controls too finicky to get the hang of. Even though it was published by EA, it was still a largely independent effort with the glitches and clunkiness to go with it; but all in all, it is indeed a great game.
Maybe instead of an RPG, you should do Bayonetta. I just REALLY want to see Rarity play that game. She would be the best at it.
VastaKustutabut if you really must use an RPG, I suggest Borderlands.
VastaKustutaAnonymous @ July 22 2011 1:08
VastaKustutaBayonetta, Devil May Cry, anything where style and fancy moves are paramount would attract Rarity's attention.
Just don't let her near any games with Character Customization: she'd be an old gray mare before she gets to the main game mode.
Bayonetta SHOULD be done, but we need to see RPS and RPGs give Twilight a chance to shine. She's been getting the short end of the stick when it comes to gaming and she needs a chance to find the game that's right for her.
And yes, Borderlands is a given.
I believe that pinkie would be playing Katamari Damaci