Author: Lady Moondancer
Description: Twilight and her friends are lost in a strange land. This is a tale of leaky faucets, secret parchments, exploration, and a volcano full of dinosaurs which will henceforth be known as "Sir Volcano-Full-of-Dinosaurs-Not-Appearing-in-This-Story."Continuum Part 1
Continuum Part 2
Continuum Part 3 (New!)
Continuum (All Links)
Additional Tags: Adventure, Humor, Wandering
31 kommentaari:
ehh? first?
VastaKustutaSounds like a monty python parody.
VastaKustutaeigth lol
VastaKustutaYou guys should stop playing the counting game and read the story. It's actually pretty good.
VastaKustutaLM is actually one of the best MLP fanfic authors around. Her stories usually involve rather, ah, interesting takes on G1 or G3 ponies. This is her first work with MLP:FiM. If it approaches the level of her other works (On FF.Net) then this will be one amazingly awesome fic indeed!
VastaKustutaTwo winter fics in a row today? I'm starting to feel a bit of a chill...
VastaKustutaThis is really good. I'm looking forward to more!
VastaKustutaAm I the only one that noticed the Monty Python reference in the description?
VastaKustutaI'm still bummed we get no more dinosaurs.
VastaKustutaEquestria and Dinosaurs. Good waste of a perfectly good plot device there.
VastaKustutaStill, I like the dry humor in this tale. Maybe I should research this fellow's other stuff.
Dang, this prose was good. Enjoyable story so far too.
VastaKustutaI'll agree to that. This is one of the most well written, interesting, and just all around really freaking good fics I've ever read!
I can't get over the writing! its just so stupendous! Its prose at its finest, beautifully written (did I mention that?) and considering the context, this gets a big 'ol 5/5 any day, on good writing alone, not just it being MLP!
More! UPDATE! go!
Great story so far. Reads almost like a Terry Pratchett novel.
Enjoyable story so far, but still quite early in the scheme of things for me to judge and rate.
VastaKustutaKeep it up :D
Great work so far, and I'm definitely watching out for updates! I hope everypony's alright. D:
VastaKustutaYay! It keeps getting better. Also, did I detect Pratchettness? I thought I detected Pratchetness, but I could be mistaken.
VastaKustutaThe plot would be perfectly fine without the great humor and delightful prose; the fact that all three have been combined pleases me no small amount.
Moar pony wants moar!
VastaKustutaOh, this is very much a Prachett-style work :D
VastaKustutaSo much said and yet so little accomplished in Chapter 3... Ah well, I think I can put the pieces together to fill in the gaps.
oh dear god its brilliant!
VastaKustutaChapter 3 may have been short, but it was worth every second!
Why, oh why does this not have a comedy tag! this is funny, well written stuff! Write a damn book already Lady Moondancer, I need to buy it!
This is excellent
VastaKustutaI hope to see more of the clever prose I saw in chapter 3. I liked it better than the other two chapters combined! It has a distinct Pratchetty flavor (which tastes a lot like biscuits).
VastaKustutaThe exchange with the pterodactyl was first ordinary, then hilarious. Immediately followed by straight foreshadowing. Love it!
I don't really understand all of it (perhaps it's because I've never read a Pratchett novel and don't plan to), but I do like it very much. Well-written and humorous. I expect great things from this story.
VastaKustutaAdventure! Comedy! Drama! Suspense!
VastaKustutaWONDERFUL story; I very eagerly look forward to the next chapter.
Pedant Alert: You probably mean 'concurrently' instead of 'consecutively', when describing the pterodactyl's side of the conversation.
VastaKustutaInteresting, I look forward to reading more, and I have to admit, this line.
VastaKustutaSecond, that pterodactyls have a very efficient language.
Is what sent it straight to 5 stars
I like this story. Will there be any more chapters, or is it over?