• Story: The Centerpiece Of My Collection (Update Part 2!)

    [Normal][Sad] "Hauntingly beautiful."-Pre Reader #23

    Author: Geldon
    Description: This story explores a dragon's nature somewhat, and spins a narrative of a middle-aged Spike regaling a visitor about the favorite item in his hoard: a statue of his favorite pony.
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    The Centerpiece Of My Collection
    The Collection Of My Centerpiece (New!)

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    The Centerpiece of My Collection
    The Collection Of My Centerpiece (New!)

    Additional Tags: Spike, Rarity, dragons, reminiscing, nostalgia


    1. Goddammit anon. You're giving the rest of us a bad name

    2. Sorry, it was the first time I had a shot at "first". XD On topic though, I really enjoyed this story. I love seeing Spike as an older dragon and am curious how he would deal with his friends dying much sooner than he. Unless it's canon they being the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony make them immortal...

    3. This is gonna be something like A Summer Twilight, isn't it? Oh boy.

    4. That was truly beautiful.

    5. ..."hauntingly beautiful"? I found it to be more than a little creepy.

    6. Holy god damn. I wasn't expecting that.

    7. Wasn't the idea of this story born in ponychan or something? Or am I thinking about something else.

    8. I know right? I thought it was a fitting twist.

    9. Oh god. That ending is... Haunting is the correct word. Gosh.

    10. That was beautiful. And that ending...


    11. She chose her own way... how is that not Rarity?

    12. I have the most perfect headcanon voice for old!Spike.
      Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledore's actor).

    13. This is rather strange...

      Oh well. It's decent enough I suppose.

    14. Cerulean StarlightJuly 12, 2011 at 10:31 AM

      Yeah, you're right.

    15. What dragon wouldn't want a gem like her?

    16. Wow. Very... yes, haunting is the right word I suppose.

    17. It was reaaally good, good enough to make a knot in my throat.

    18. sonofabitch...lulz i think spike over did it

    19. Yeah that's good. A little creepy though. I like Spike's idea of what to do when he himself gets old. That's rather sweet.

    20. Actually I rather like the Idea, it fits Rarity quite well to become a rarity unto herself.

    21. That was, to say the least, a very interesting story. It is something I think many would not expect.

    22. this story really was quite touching, I forget that dragons live for hundreds of years. The end made me feel wonderful, a mixture of happiness and sadness at the same time. Truely overwhelming.

      By the way ponies, I recommend you listen to this song on a loop while you read.

      http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/374522 yes its the dreaded newgrounds, but they put out some nice music from time to time. I just happened to find this.

    23. this was the perfect amount of sad, it brought a tear to your eye without making bawl your eyes out
      really really beautiful

    24. @RoflLuxRay

      well stop blowing your dog and read... jkjk

      this really was a great read.

    25. Kind of creepy, but I suppose that being able to lay your eyes upon your beloved every day and still look forward to being able to spend your final moments together is all that a nigh-immortal being could ask for

    26. WOW...that was a really good idea, well executed. *sniff, sniff* <:'-} I was deeply affected and moved by that. What a bittersweet thought, if poor Spike is really destined to outlive his friends!

    27. But that means she could be brought back from stone, right? I'm sure there's magic powerful enough.
      Why couldn't they do that to ALL the elements?

    28. Fabulously well constructed! If this doesn't get a solid 5 star there is no justice in Equestria.

      Gledon, I will be keeping an eye out for any further work from you.

    29. It's an interesting concept and the twist is... well, it's certainly something. I have to agree with the people saying it's a tad on the creepy side, though.

      Other than that, the writing kind of bothers me. It's not all that bad, really, but I feel like it needs some work in terms of things like wording and punctuation. It's a little awkward to read.

    30. Great story! I've been thinking about working the ramifications preposterously long lifespans of dragons into my fic and this showed me exactly how to go about it! Thank you very much and I look forward your next fic!

    31. In all honesty I saw the twist coming, it just kinda made sense really.

      It was well written for a short story, and like others have said, touching in an eerie kinda way. It did kinda hit me when I realised Spike had to lose all his friends to their mortality, altough it didn't really bring tears up.

      Don't worry. I've only ever cried at one fic anyway, and heck, that's because I was writing it.

    32. I found this story interesting, and the ending a clever one. Bittersweet or unconventional, perhaps, but I wouldn't go so far as to say creepy.

      The statue was fine; a GARDEN of similar statues would have been creepy.

      I agree with Pony Farce that it could use some mechanical tweaks, but it's nothing heinous.

      All things considered, an enjoyable short story.

    33. How like her, and how intriguing it was to see how Spike matured. Sweet dreams, indeed!

    34. too short,creepy as hell. it's slightly grimdark if you ask me, he can't let her go and so her transformed her in a statue... maybe she didn't even want at the end.

    35. I'm a 22 year old straight male and this has me in tears. I'm such a loser.

    36. Judging by the author's thoughts after the ending I would say that it was a good idea he decided to steal the cockatrice idea for the reveal at the end, any of those others would've been creepy and more or less outright disturbing for some readers.

      I don't really find this ending particularly creepy though, since it is written she is still alive, willingly volunteered, and put a lot of thought into how she wanted to do such a thing at a late age. Not to mention the additional statement that the ultimate intention is to undo the spell when it is finally Spike's time and spend their last days (months? years?) together.

    37. I didn't find it sad or disturbing. He still loved his friends after they were long gone and Rarity herself chose the fate. He clearly respected her and her kind. He keeps them all alive in his way through his long years.

    38. @Anonymous It specifically mentioned in the story that Rarity agreed to it.

      It was a sweet, albeit sad story.
      It had an interesting look into how the mind of a dragon would work, around such concepts like mortality and love.

    39. Such an interesting interpretation of Spike and Dragons in general.

      Such a weird combination of feelings what would this be best described as: Bittersweet, Grimsweet, Grimsad, Bitterlight?

    40. YES THIS FINALLY GOT POSTED! It's a really good story.

      I remember the Ponychan topic that spawned this, it was hilarious.

    41. I love stories like this, and the end was definitely a twist. Now I want to see a sequal where an old Spike lifts the spell.

    42. Spoilers:

      It was slightly creepy at first, but when you think about it, it's actually very sweet. Rarity isn't dead, she's basically in suspended animation. For her, it will be like going to sleep and waking up far in the future when Spike is old himself so that they can live out their last years together. Hell, this is the only Rarity/Spike scenario I've seen so far that makes sense to me.

    43. Awesome! I loved this story and the ending definitely fits Rarity.

    44. Hey, a fic I actually read before posted here.

      Kind of boring if you know what it's about before reading it though, which I did.

    45. @Valmir_R0yalGuArd

      DAT MUSIC.

      Cute story, but whoa, that song just...hits you, man...

    46. As the prereader quote says; this is really hauntingly beautiful.

      For some reason, I thought this fits perfectly; I could easily see this happening in canon, if only the show had been intended for a slightly more mature audience.
      I love fics like this. ^^

      - The Jack

    47. To the author:
      First of all, I shed a tear. I now have a new perspective towards Spike and I'm impressed by his love. This short story is beyond beauty that it would only suit for Rarity. I'm grateful that you wrote such a magnificent story: I felt an emotion that rarely manifests in my heart. Thank you.

    48. I actually found it quite depressing. One could hope she would tone down her vanity with the years.

    49. Intense story. It manages to not only hit the emotions hard, but leaves them speechless with confoundment.

    50. @Anonymous

      But then she wouldn't be RARITY anymore. That's part of who she is.

      I don't know, I found the story to be sweet in a quirky sort of way. Like WTBrony said, there's no indication that being petrified by a cockatrice is any different from being put in suspended animation...this isn't some kind of Twilight Zone ironic punishment deal. And it's definitely a very Rarity sort of thing to do.

    51. Awesome and sweet. Didn't find it all that sad, but very emotional nonetheless. A huge impact that has touched my manly heart even more :]!

    52. i did not see that ending coming.


    53. I don't think it's particularly creepy. I could easily see Rarity going for the pseudo-immortality of suspended animation. As for doing it in secret, well... she always did have a flair for the dramatic. This way she's remembered as young, awesome Elvis instead of old fat Elvis (so to speak).

    54. In a way it makes sense. A creepy kind of sense. There is some comfort knowing that it also means Rarity is actually not quite dead.

      This is an intriguing notion though. A cockatrice Stare as the Equestrian version of cryogenic freezing? I suddenly imagine warehouses filled to the brim with petrified ponies. Would ponies wait for technology (magic?) to be created that would battle old age? Technically, we don't know if immortality exists in Equestria. It is often assumed the Alicorns are immortal, but this is not confirmed in the show.

    55. This touched my heart a little bit.

      Knowing when the time comes, the spell will be undone and both Spike and Rarity will be together in everlasting sleep~

      Great, just great~


    56. Bravo.
      Some people would say this is grimdark.
      I say it is beautiful.

      We will ALL meet our demise, it is inevitable. Great pieces of writing leave way for mortality in characters, so that every day is cherished.

      Rarity gets to live her life, Spike gets to live his, neither is immortal, and in their last moments through sheer ingenuity... they get to live them together despite their age gaps.

    57. (Author)

      Glad to hear from everybody who has enjoyed it and flattered to hear some found it deeply touching.

      I'm also glad of those who gave it a read but thought it was creepy and/or disturbing, perhaps in need of minor tweaks for better flow.

      Truth of the matter is, I think this story touches on themes that are deep enough to be somewhat open to interpretation, and that's fine by me.

      Today, some inspiration struck, and I have put some work towards a sequel in which Rarity is freed from the statue near the end of Spike's life. As you can imagine, there's only one direction the story can go from there, and so I warn that story may be even sadder and closer to grimdark than this one.

    58. Woah.... Yeah, that was interesting. Kind of bittersweet.

    59. @Geldon Yetichsky

      I'm looking forward to it!

    60. Wonderfully written, Geldon, bravo. This is probably the only time I've read a fic described as 'haunting' that truly deserved it. After I'd finished earlier today, it hung around my head for a good half hour, as I tried to make sense of how I felt about it. Eventually filed it in the 'bittersweet' mind-folder and got on with my day.

      Then tonight at work, it sort of eekeed its way to the front of my subconscious. One thing in specific. One WORD in specific.


      And yes, while the plan may have become to revive her eventually (which of course is now being written as the sequel), originally there was no such stipulation. Rarity agreed to be petrified for all eternity, essentially choosing to die. Call it suspended animation if you wish, for all intents and purposes she shuffled off this mortal coil, and without informing anyone no less. Suddenly vanishing and leaving friends and loved ones with no idea what happened.

      Still, it's expressly stated that it wasn't an easy or swift decision, and it is, of course, satisfying her intense vanity. I can't say that it's creepy, or grimdark, or abjectly sad, but it still weighs heavily on my brow, drifting in and out of consciousness.

      As was implied earlier, the pre-reader's description is accurate. Probably more accurate than I could have put it in so few words. This tale truly haunts me.

    61. @Geldon Yetichsky

      Actually, there are quite a few directions I can imagine the story going. One direction I would not have thought of though, has now crept into my mind, thanks to your words.

      .... I don't think I want to read that next chapter now.

    62. @Baree

      You might be surprised.

      Still working on it, though. I don't want to make it a long depressing drag, which is tricky considering what I'd be working with is an incredibly old dragon.

    63. @Lance Banson
      Incidentally, this was one word very well spotted.

    64. This will always be one of my favorite stories.

    65. Yay update! It was fairly sad, but also very good. YOu did well making it tender and hopeful instead of creepy and dark. Well done.

    66. Re: "The Collection Of My Centerpiece": It's 'millennia', not 'milleniums'. Just saying.

    67. On more Equestria Daily notes than story notes, this is really more of a "Story 2" than "Part 2", but the original picture actually makes a good deal more sense now. I just remembered thinking that picture didn't really match up with the events of the story, but now it does!

    68. Dave Mustang, the cynical BronyJuly 15, 2011 at 12:59 AM

      MLP fanfic cliche #8 take Spikes crush on Rarity, AND PUT IT UP TO 11!

    69. Wow, that was...great. You managed to take a wonderful, complete story and give it a fitting and powerful continuation, complete with ambiguous and engaging ending.

      On a related note, I shed exactly ONE tear, which is both improbable and manly. Congratulations, sir.

    70. I put in a last minute fix to the writer's notes. Not sure about "millennia" versus "millenniums." The resources I'm reading say either is valid.

    71. Wow, the original story was already very heartfelt and beautiful, but the conclusion brought it up to eleven. Very, very great story, and perfectly bittersweet.

    72. Wow, you finished the second part quicker than I thought you would.

      That was a great continuation, beautifully bittersweet.

    73. it was good, it felt organic. although, now that i think about it, the concept is a little creepy.

    74. @Geldon Oh, I don't plan to hold it against you or anything stupid like that, I just think "millenia" looks nicer.

    75. I find this concept a hell of a lot less grimdark than sitting in a decrepit retirement home and spending your days reminiscing about youth and waiting for your children to visit.

    76. It seems to me to make sense having these two stories as the ending to what A Summer Twilight started. You cane asily see them in the same timeline and having it as an endpiece really helps bring closure to the whole thing.

      This way, at least Spike remembered Twilight.

    77. ... *Slowly starts to clap*

      Beautiful. No other word can describe it. Especially part two. Truly, life would go in cycles, and looking at what Celestia would see in her countless years of life and what patterns would emerge from truly living so long.

      Five stars, all of them wonderfully earned.

      Well done Geldon. It's a beautiful story, and I didn't find anything overly creepy. In part one, Rarity's consent was given before the plan was put into play, and in the second, I felt that it was a touching way for life to go on.

    78. I'm sad, but more at the fact of how terrible it would be to be immortal

    79. That was a beautiful conclusion to an already touching story. I'm actually getting quite a bit more teary-eyed than I'd like to admit. Good work man.

      On a more general note, I swear before I became a Brony I never had a reason to get all emotional as often as I do reading some of the stories here. Confound these Ponies, they drive me to feelings.

    80. Everything dies. Statues crumble, painting fade, metal rusts.

      At least their last moments were with each other.

    81. That was a very well written and well thought out story. And the emotions you evoked in me were amazing. I haven't felt this close to crying since the ending to Toy Story 3 and that was some truly touching stuff. Bravo!

    82. Gotta love Pixar. I was going to comment that I haven't cried this much since the beginning of UP.

    83. Brilliant. I must say, very Beautiful, but i realized in the end, that she actually turned herself into stone, and that spike might just undo it at the end of his days. Romantic.

    84. I truly did not see that ending coming. You have written a fantastic story.

    85. *stands, joining Kyle's applause*

    86. Rarity - you are and always will be Spikes best pony forever...Celestia bless you, you crazy fashionista! ;.;

      Beautiful story - I listened to the suggested track and read it a second time...literally chills - it's nearing 10 in the morning and the first awesome thing in the day is Rarity and Spike.

      I love this community so very much! <3

      Five Stars. Nothing less suits Rarity!

    87. From now on in my head this is the "official" ending for Spike and Rarity. Brohoof + Manly tears.

    88. This comment has been removed by the author.

    89. This comment has been removed by the author.

    90. I'm afraid the music just ruined me; I've always been sensitive to music in general.

    91. This comment has been removed by the author.

    92. Llama shed a singLle manLly Llama tear, its moist Lline traiLling down his wooLly cheek.

      Llet it be known far and wide that this is the best shipping of the onLly cannon ship.

      Llama wishes aLl you neigh-sayers a Llife of inferior and scratchy sheep's wooLl sweaters. you are aLl banned from Llama products, and my aLlpaca cousin agrees. No LluxuriousLly soft and suppLle Llama or aLlpaca wooLl for you... FOREVERRRRR!

    93. Through the music, I now see the two of them together in death, I now see the diamond glow, I see the two burn like the sun and become one forever and always.

      And now I can't see at all and my cheeks are wet...

    94. I loved the first story when I had read it. It was very well done, and felt complete to me. Actually, it inspired me to search out other one-shots to read. I didn't think a continuation was necessary, or would even add anything.

      This completely blew me away, you proved me wrong. It actually brought me close to tears. Equestria Daily had reminded me that fanfiction CAN be good, after I had avoided it for years. This has shown me that fanfiction can be great, amazing even. I really wish I could give it more than 5 stars, I'm not sure I'll read another story here that I enjoy as much, or that moves me as much. I probably seem like I'm exaggerating, but it's true. This was excellent. Thank you.

    95. That was truely... the most hauntingly beautiful story I have read in a long time... it took me a moment or two afterwards to calm myself back down... official ending for them as far as I am concerned....

      ... though a small portion of my mind(the Pinkie Pie Portion I assume) squeed at the Egg, does this mean technicaly they had a kid togeather? xD

    96. short, sad, glorious and poignant.

      Thank you for writing it. Now if you excuse me, I have something...in my eye...

    97. All fanfics are a re-telling of the same story? Hmmm...

    98. That was beautiful, both parts.

      So where did Celestia get Spike's egg? In other words: how many cycles there have been?

    99. Welp, now my heart is sad. Thanks a lot.

    100. Man, it's hot in California, eye seem to be sweating from my eyes~

    101. One of the worst things to do is reading this before going to work.

      Man, I'ma look hella depressed at work xD

      Great story though, as you get older, you understand the subject "the end" more and more. It is scary, well more "empty void" than scary, which is why you would want someone at your side, to comfort you, and to answer the questions you already know the answer to, a listener.

      If there's one thing I'd complain -which I actually don't because it added more attention to the other parts of the story to great detail and greatness that other fanfics lack- is that Spike and Rarity didn't show as much affection to each other when it was nearly over. It was there, but not nearly as much as I hoped. That's just me though.

    102. "From this idea of a cycle of life, I would say an even more interesting possibility emerges: what if all fanfics existed on the same continuum, just different iterations of the story retelling itself time and time again? It would mean that no matter how grimdark the fanfic you read, it would balanced out by the contrary in later iterations. All that matters in the end is how well you are enjoying the journey."

      Mind = Blown

    103. I never actually expected to see a second part to this, but it was a heart-touching ending. Nicely done.

    104. The second chapter was, as I am sure Rarity would say, EXQUISITE! I rate stories by how much emotion they pull out of me. Those that can make me cry, I hold in the highest of regards, whether it be tears of happiness, sadness or whatever other emotion can invoke tears. When that happens, I rate them by how much I cried.

      This is a very good story, I have read others that evoked more emotion, but this one was still very good. THis one only made me cry a little, but still enough for me to consider it a story that deserves every bit of praise it gets.

    105. The first chapter was good.

      The second chapter was great! In truth the second actually made me tear up.

    106. I'm not kidding here; do NOT read this while listening to the suggested music. By itself, the story is sad. I read it again while playing the music and actually cried myself to sleep.

      I'm 39.

    107. From now on in my head this is the "official" ending for Spike and Rarity. Brohoof + Manly tears.

    108. Okay, I admit it, I cried.

      *Wipes away manly tears*

    109. I actually think the second part was even better than the first, but my reasoning for thinking so has already been explained above.

    110. Seroiosly, I'm actually tearing up right now just remembering last night.

    111. Okay, that was a really nice story.

      The first part was already good, and the second part was amazing. I like how you managed to take a premise that sounds like it would be dark and sad, and turn it into something that is beautiful and sad, with a hint of optimism.

      Great work. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go finish weeping my manly tears.

    112. Loved it, just loved it. Everything, specially the ending. Almost made me cry (I'm such a manly crybaby), but I contained myself.

      Can somebody give this guy a six pack?

    113. To anyone reading this (especially the first time), turn on the music Valmir_R0yalGuArd mentioned while reading (the second part at least, trust me). If that doesn't make you cry bittersweet tears then... well, I guess you're a good deal tougher than I.

      The concept of Immortality/Long Life has always been particularly interesting to me. You will hear people claim how they want it, but in all honesty would they? I can see it play out much like this, and it terrifies me. Not necessarily to watch your friends and family grow old and die... but to have the memories fade. To forget them and those experiences...

      Sorry, thoughts are too powerful for me, going back to crying like a little kid. Sorry for the waterworks and the offtopic.

    114. We should all be so lucky as to have a beautiful life filled with friends to look back upon when we reach the journey's end.

      Beautiful story - thanks for that...

    115. It goes without saying, but now we need a third installment showing a new-Spike and friends.

      *goes back to crying manly manly tears*

    116. I've never posted on here before, I lurk, but wow. I really liked this story, like, a lot. The twist isn't exactly creepy as it is understandable for his nature, and it sounded like Rarity took this way out of being old with pride and gusto. The picture at the top of this page was also pretty dang awesome. Older Spike's spikes kind of remind me of the wavy spikes my iguana used to have XD. All around, very well done. I actually completely look forward to more!

    117. To Anonymous @ 09:17 AM

      It took me fifteen minutes to stop.

    118. @Craft4D

      Just want you to know, youre not a loser because you cried and youre a straight male... I'm a straight male who has a VERY hard time expressing any kind emotions. I'm very quiet, and even as I looked upon my grandparents death bed, My eyes remained dry and my mind clear. Yes, I cried to this story too.

    119. Listen to this when Rarity lays down beside Spike in the 2nd story...


    120. Oh yeah, and 5/5 stars for both stories as well... They were both really good...

    121. Truly a wonderful touching story; hauntingly beautiful goes a long way to describe it.

      I'm reminded of the scene at the end of A.I. where the child is given one last day with his deceased mother before they both pass.

    122. Well that was unexpected. I didn't think the first needed a follow up but it ended well. Also I have to thank you, this gave me a view point on a dragons mind I didn't consider till now that will help me.

      Personally I like that spike was still dragonish but true to his love for his friends. Will we get a short epilouge on that egg? Part rarity, that dragon will be something else. Lol

    123. This made me cry but in a good way. Bravo

    124. BTW For NO reason i read this twice,first time i shed some manly tears,now i can't stop crying,just thinking at all the stuff it has happened while she was "stone" and their's friend deaths... The last part with the "spirits" and "the names that he barely remebers" made me cry harder. WHY DO I HAD TO READ IT SECOND TIME?? I know it's a good story,but something hidden pushed me to read it again :C

    125. If I wrote this well I would literally be terrified.

    126. First chapter was nice and touching, I could see Rarity going along for this, is anything at least to appease Spike knowing he'd eventually have no one by his side as he grew older.

      Second chapter though, damnit, my shirts all wet now from wiping my eyes so much. Still a bit watery even now as I type this. This has become one of my favorite's and glad you decided to finish this since the first sort of ended with a hint of "to be continued".

      All the character's played out so well I could hear their voices so clearly even as they aged... I'm glad you didn't go all grimdark, this world has enough of that on a daily basis, loved the end it was a tear jerker for sure leading up to it.

      Seal of excellence anyone? stamp it now! Of all the sad fics this one has been truly The most Great and Powerful fic I've read in EqD.

      I give this story 6 out of 5 Diamonds.

    127. hey if anyone can is there a way to get this on a Kindle somehow? would be great to be able to share this with some friends of mines that need more stuff to read on their Kindle.

    128. Absolute, most favorite fanfiction ever. Beautiful writing, plot, everything.. it was spot on... I cried tears of manly, bittersweet joy.

      I think I will treasure this story.

    129. A beautiful, touching story. It alternated between unsettling, funny and heartwarming in a very good way, before ending in a truly poignant way. Well done!

    130. I saved the title until the last, and it ended up having several meanings.

      The collection of my centerpiece at first implies that Celestia is there to collect the statue - that's the initial false implication that hides the surprise. When the truth becomes evident, it could refer to Rarity's collection by the great cycle, or it could refer to Rarity's collection into the dragon egg. (In a way, they're the same things, the egg being a physical representation of the cycle.)

      That the first story's name is, "The Centerpiece Of My Collection" and that the second story's name is, "The Collection Of My Centerpiece" actually sets up a cycle in itself, the two words spinning between their respective positions in the titles.

      I would be hard pressed coming up with a third title for a story that follows but really I don't think a specific one should. Rather, you can choose to follow this story with any story you want to, "The Great Cycle" concept leaves room for infinite possibilities.

    131. Oh come on,make a small story for the egg too PLEASE!

    132. That was just wonderful. Well done. Sad and beautiful all at once.

    133. @Applecraft
      No promises, but I will say that if I come up with a really cool idea about it, I'll probably be unable to resist the temptation.

    134. For some reason, this made me think of the movie 'Bicentennial Man'. Great job!

    135. @Geldon:

      Don't. You. Dare. try to make a third story. Just don't. JUST DON'T.

    136. @SuperGiantRobot
      You're probably in the clear. I wouldn't want to risk ruining a good thing unless I had a really good idea, and part 2 would be mighty tough to top.

      However, this is not to say I couldn't do something else. Blueblood Returns/Blueblood's Redemption were fairly well received. So, if you'd looking for me to write more, I may be able to deliver without threatening this existing work.

    137. There is perhaps nothing I could say that would add, indeed anything more would detract, from this masterpiece. I will simply say this:

      Thank you. This story is amazing.

    138. There was music?! Awww! I want to bawl my eyes out!

      Great fic man! It's been said before and I will say it again. This is my official Rarity-Spike ending story.

    139. Loved it. Easily my most favorite read. I could continue to describe what I felt, but "hauntingly Beautiful" sums it all up pretty well

    140. Blast this heat, the sweat gets into my eyes and makes me look like I'm crying.

      I love this story.


    141. Confound these ponies, they drive me to tears.

    142. Cry fall out of my eyes.

    143. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/374522
      This music fit this saga so well I cry every time I read this.

    144. Reading this and now listening to that one song really fits the whole mood.
      Sad, but it's the inevitable truth that everyone will have to face eventually.
      Truly a wonderful piece of fanwork this is.

    145. I can't even begin to describe the feelings I experienced. How touching it was to see those friends meet up in the end.

    146. It was first story long time to make me teary, and I did not even use music.
      Also thanks to you I no longer can't listen to this song
      without thinking this story, and crying like a little boy.

    147. This story is magnificent. Beautiful. I absolutely adore the analogies you put into about how dragons' nature is to covet their valuable possesions. You were spot on when portraying Rarity, great job on that. This is actually one of my first read MLP fics, and I am proud to say it is. I loved the twist at the ending when Spike and Rarity saw the rest of the mane 6, and when
      Celestia hadcombined them and the diamonds to make a dragon egg 8D so in my mind's eye, that was their way of creating their own spawn... My question being, is that how dragons reproduce, by someone gathering their ashes and melding it into an egg, or did you make that part up yoourself? Either way, it would be great if you made another fic about Spike and Rarity's baby. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a little of what he/she looks like and maybe Celestia's thoughts while keeping the egg. All in all, haters gonna hate, I d'awwed.

    148. That was amazing. One of the very best I have read. Make more :D. Doesn't even have to be about this, you write really well :3.

    149. It reminds me of Coraline and Cave Johnson for some reason.

    150. @Benschachar

      The word is Melancholy, something pretty innate to the Irish it seems.

    151. Spike, is that Rarity?

    152. I have found stories with better writers, but this was my first pony fanfiction. And it is still my favorite. This one inspired me to read more, and more and more, and was actually the beginning of some really good stuff in my life. I love this fanfiction.
      Thought I ought to post that :)

    153. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSDhHJS5R4s

      Nothing makes a story like this better than good old EtoS. Especially the last minute is most appropriate for the end.

    154. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0BX-S-wdu0

      If someone wants something more uplifting, Secret Touch by Rush. Makes me think of the life(?) of prosperity Rarity would have enjoyed as a statue. Images from Malignant Narcissism also occurred to me, only to show how Rarity's family line would have spread over the centuries(as her narcissism is not malignant).

    155. I'm trying so hard not to cry! But now I'm crying!

    156. To be honest, I was brawling like a baby without the help of any music. It's just that poignant.

      Personally, I think you've averted any grimdark tones rather well. I agree with some of the other comments that this could be canon in a more mature story, seeing as Rarity is too much of a diva to willing let the ravages of time take its toll.

      Spike's finals actions were much kinder than just letting her statue waste away or putting her in the company of someone that didn't truly appreciate her. At least she got to be with friends after her performance finally ended.

      I also don't see the dragon egg part was creepy at all, rather one last final legacy left by both of them. (And no doubt that said dragon will be the fairest of them all. This IS Rarity you're talking about here!)

    157. Wow this found it's way onto here.
      I'm the one who commissioned that picture, and it wasn't actually related to that story. It was just a request to see "Adult spike and an elderly Rarity in a touching moment." the artist and original link are http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6084782/ .
