• Story: Catch Me If You Can (Update Part 4!)

    [Normal] Kind of a crossover? 

    Author: BillyColt
    Description: Spike has come to an uncomfortable conclusion: as a dragon, he will not always be loved the way he is. However, he has come across a tempting alternative - stealing a book of potions, he runs away and becomes a scam artist. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and her friends to stop him.
    Catch Me If You Can Part 1
    Catch Me If You Can Part 2
    Catch Me If You Can Part 3
    Catch Me If You Can Part 4 (New!)

    Additional Tags: PegaSpike becomes a scam artist.

    27 kommentaari:

    1. If the name has anything to do with what sort of crossover this is, it could be very... interesting.

    2. Indeed. This may be interesting.

    3. what eggs-actly is the crossover?

    4. So... Would this technically be the first historical FiM crossover?

    5. @Gypsy"Catch Me If You Can." It was a movie about con artist Frank Abagnale Jr.

      Was recently adapted into a Broadway musical.

    6. This is interesting. I might actually be inclined to read it.

    7. You're worried about losing all your friends, so you steal from them and become a criminal... yeah, great plan there.

    8. This is an entertaining story at the moment, to say the least. The OOC-ness of Spike is one thing hindering it, but the con possibilities are endless.

      I'm just waiting for Twilight to come in telling Spike he shouldn't be BREAKIN' ALL THE RULES.

    9. Hilariously out of character but somehow interesting in its own way.

    10. @Marrock

      LoL, so very true.

      Anyway, how does the story read?

    11. Nice wrong picture?

      Ive already read the story, its fairly good.

    12. This looks like it could be worth keeping a eye on tbh.

      I can just see Twilight catching up to spike and dragging him home by his ear while yelling at him..

    13. i'm gonna have to agree with marrock. if spike is going to be out of character, then it should go all the way. i'm still a bit confused as to why spike left. he seemed worried about his friends one minute, then poof, finds a book and decides to lead a life of crime.

      other than that, the plot is interesting enough. will keep a look out for future chapters.

    14. The idea of Spike becoming a criminal intrigues me. I want to see how this continues.

    15. I remember the movie. It was a fun time. Now I want to watch it again, aha.

      But this definitely has my interest. I'd give it 5 stars, but it seems the star rater has disappeared on me. Either that or moved to where I can't find it.

    16. Awesome Spike story, more now!!!!! Hurry!!!

    17. The amount of musical references in this last chapter makes me giddy. If for nothing else, that is what I read this story for.

    18. '"Crystal." Spike said, taking a pen and signing his name.'

      Me thinks that Spike signed it with his real name, Spike. [/prediction]

    19. So far have read all the chapters. I am impressed.

      I am a HUGE Leo DiCaprio fan and Catch Me If You Can is one of my all time favorite movies. Seeing Spike in that roll immediately peaked my interest. Normally I hate when it gets too OOC, but in this case it's good. It's a nice refreshing crossover that I enjoy looking through more than once and I can't wait for more. 5/5 kind sir.

      P.S.: If you somehow include Walken's grace where he talks about the mice in the bucket of cream I will love you long time.

    20. I've been reading. This is AWESOME so far!!! Much better than the vast majority of other 'fanfics' I see on the net for Friendship is Magic.

      Keep it up! I look forward to the next chapter.

    21. This is a pleasant little story.

    22. For some strange reason, I find the idea of Spike turning con-artist oddly appealing.

    23. ♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

    24. @Crown8 Apologies. I'm afraid I got busy due to school and my other story.
