[M/M Shipping]
Author: Cogs
Description: Caramel likes Big Macintosh. Big Macintosh doesn't know. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are romantically involved. And just how much does Caramel admitting his crush change all their lives?
Apple Branches: Caramel and Apples
Apple Branches: Apple Slices
Apple Branches: Caramel Covered Apple
Apple Branches: Striped Apple
Apple Branches: Desert Apple
Apple Branches: Cooking Apples
Apple Branches: Bitter Apple
Apple Branches: Winter Apples
Apple Branches: Sweetened Apples
Apple Branches: Powder Blue Wings
Apple Branches: Pegasus Feathers
Apple Branches: Spreading Branches
Apple Branches: Cloudy Nights (New!)
Additional Tags: Caramel's Question Makes a Difference
Oh, the shitstorm for this ought to be worth a laugh.
ReplyDeleteew gay!
ReplyDeleteok fine i'll give it a read...
crap wrong account. I'll read this only if the comments are good :c!
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to read this. But it's 'healthy' that it's not Girl on Girl all the time. Even if that IS the only shipping I like to read.
ReplyDeleteThe third story is not linked :(
ReplyDeleteWith that I'm already laughing! XD
Wow, there's actually a MaleCharacterXMaleCharacter fic in this fandom? Who would have thought? O_o
M/M? In my fillyfoolery?
ReplyDelete...I'll give it a shot anyways.
What? People don't like CaraMac? How is this possible?
Yessss. This pleases me (being a rare and elusive female brony and all... and secret yaoi fan xD)
ReplyDeleteDon't mind if i do.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm reading this!
Haha! Time for Caramac!
ReplyDeleteAs one of what seem like the few gay male members of this community I must say I appreciate this!
ReplyDeleteI'll try anything twice.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not seeing a link for the third story.
Third story is at http://cogsthebrony.blogspot.com/2011/06/apple-branches-caramel-covered-apple.html
ReplyDeleteSame here.
A little variety can't hurt.
Just finished reading over the first story. Pretty cute, even if it's not usually my sort of thing.
ReplyDeleteFinally, some more M/M shipping! Also, thanks to Zyrian's comment, I think we can now add Cogs as the author.
ReplyDeletelast link doesn't work
ReplyDeleteWow. In all my experience reading MLP fanfic, this is the first guyxguy pairing I've seen amongst all the filly-fooling...it's pretty well-written, though. I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently there's a fourth part, which is Applejack/Rainbow Dash.
ReplyDeleteI thought watching My little pony made me less of a man. This might as weel take me behind the barn and neuter me.
ReplyDeletebut who cares it Big mel
aw yiss. this just made my day.
ReplyDeleteew, gay.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Big Mac and Caramel can't be gay! There's only so many stallions in Equestria! What confounds this further is the fact that this story is good enough to make me forget that they are essentially dooming their species.
ReplyDeleteI dunno about this. I can watch lesbo porn, but not gay porn. I think my fic reading might be the same way. If i get super bored I'll give it a shot
ReplyDeleteDawwww! CaraMac time!
ReplyDeleteMy wife will love this. She loves the m/m pony lovins :3
the link for the third story is borked...
ReplyDeletedude... there's plenty of males. they're everywhere in the gala and appleloosa.
Actualy this is not the first M/M posted on E.D.
A wonderful story that has alot of good themes.
It is one of my favs and I realy wish the author would finish it.
I've got a lit pipe in my hand and I'm wearing nothing but steel toed combat boots and my glasses.
ReplyDeleteLETS DO THIS!
Not bad at all. A well written and calm fic. Not one of these full on, borderline ridiculous ero-fics. there's a real sense of thought and feeling in there.
ReplyDeleteWow. So many people have an issue with M/M shipping. Just... Woooooow. What happened to Love and Tolerance ya'll?
ReplyDeleteRegardless from being a M/M story, I'd say it is very well written and quite enjoyable. (Poor Caramel and his bad luck!)
ReplyDeleteI won't read the other parts, though. That's not my sort of story.
Wonderful story, I just wish it was longer because the writing was such a joy to read!
ReplyDeleteI vomitingly approve of this. Do not want myself but the its healthy for the community i think. ;P
ReplyDeleteOh Gods, YES.
you really don't know how much i've been looking for M/M shipping, it's always so rare...
Even rarer are the clopfics, but this isn't the place nor the time to discuss about it.
I have to say, that was quite well written, and a D'Aww worthy ending. IC for Mac right until the end too.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will fully admit I laughed my flank off at the Playmare gag.
Not a bad read. It's full of daww and I can appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteFINALLY! A...um, yaoi pairing, yay.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm a female x3
ReplyDeleteWait, where's the last chapter? The link's not there. I want to read it. D:
ReplyDeleteAll four (Yes, there's a fourth part.) parts were great, really DAWWWWW worthy and well written. ^_^
ReplyDeleteWell, there are girls in this fandom, even those shipping over from G1-3, so I'm not really surprised that there are m/m pony stuff. Although I can imagine it would be harder considering fillies outnumber the colts in the show.
ReplyDeleteI'm not gay, but I liked it.
ReplyDeleteDo want
As if the normal gay stories were not bad enough
ReplyDeleteSo amazingly adorable, had me d'awwing plenty of times. Made Big Mac out exactly how I though him fit; an extremely caring colt, stubborn literally in every way possible.
10/5 stars for a well-written story, incredible adorableness, and being one of the few coltcuddler fics.
Where are the other two stories? DX
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved this story back when Cogs (not Cogweaver!) showed me the early run of the first part, and I'll be happily going through it once again now that his story is on the listing here in its to-date entirety.
ReplyDeleteTo anypony afraid to click because of the prospect of M/M cloppy stuff...Yes, it's gay shipping, but I implore you, don't rob yourself of this read. There's no clop-scenes to squick the uninterested, it's unique, and it has cute to spare. (You DO like cute, riiight?) If you don't d'aww, I'll happily refund every bit you spent on it!
ReplyDeleteIf there is a 4th part, why not link it?
It's always Caramel...
ReplyDeleteJust check Rocky Road.
lol coltcuddler.
ReplyDeleteOk! ^_^
Signifigantly shorter, but still good.
@RedCore That is true and that was one of the stories that was going through my mind before reading this.
ReplyDeleteHaving had a look at most of it now, I quite like it. It's a very nice slow progression.
Finally, you aknowledge the best pony
ReplyDelete@West Wind
ReplyDeleteThe author says 'Thank you.' I have the computer right now, so he's looking over my shoulder.
He'd like to let you know that the story was ended on the note it was to keep it open ended. However, he would also like you to know that he plans on releasing alternate, extended endings when he finishes the series he has planned and puts it up for eBooks. (It will be free to avoid copyright infringement, so don't worry over cost.)
Unfortunately, the story Pink Ladies and Sour Apples is yet to be shown in the archive, but the author has notified Seth about this and we hope it becomes ratified.
Again, he thanks you for your kind words of his work, and hopes you will keep in check with the "Tales by Hoof" series as it will tell other small details about what happened to Big Mac. (Especially the Applejack fic he has planned.)
You can find all his current stories at http://harp-s-ong.deviantart.com/
Im a dude, read it, and LOVED them all. Good job.
ReplyDelete@Farewell Wishes
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why I couldn't find Pink Ladies and Sour Apples! I started reading that one and I really enjoyed it. Is it on FF.net?
I finally read the first chapter. Its a good story. I'm afraid its just not my thing.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but I'm just sorta not interested in it due to a complete disinterest in Caramel. Sorry.
I loved it, it was kinda cute.
ReplyDelete@Zyrian Thank you! I was just about to post a whiny comment that I couldn't read the conclusion :P
ReplyDeleteThe first two parts have been really sweet, and I'm horribly amused at how well I can hear AJ's and Big Mac's voices in their dialog . .
Big Mac M/M? YES, thank CELESTIA!
ReplyDeleteAhem: dawwww.
ReplyDeleteIt's refreshing to see stories like these. I like to believe that there are so many gay shipping fics because the people in this fandom are more tolerant of all sexualities, and not just because guys like lesbians. Things like this help to make that idea stronger.
ReplyDeleteShipping stories aren't always about the characters trying to get laid. A lot of them are about the characters forming strong bonds beyond friendship. These stories exemplify that exceptionally.
Kudos to everyone who tried it, even though it wasn't their thing.
ReplyDeleteBecause I just put it up on the blog two nights ago and hadn't submitted it to EqD yet, that's why!
Personally I prefer beta Caramel crushing on Twilight. There aren't any of those ;_;
ReplyDeleteI like to think the reason there's so much more F/F shipping than M/M shipping is that 90% of the characters with speaking lines are female. :P
ReplyDeleteThe fuss over M/M is pretty shocking when there never seems to be anyone taking issue with F/F. That's pretty saddening.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, these are absolutely great, high-quality shipfics! Author gets a five-star rating from me. Kudos to you!
Hmm. I'll tolerate, but I will not love it. Nope. Gay shipping is not my thing, especially MxM. If other people like it, fine. Not as if they're forcing me to read it. :P
ReplyDeleteSo, I lied. I read part 2 and 3 anyways.
ReplyDeletePart 2 was a nice, fun romp. The stubbornness of basically everyone in the Apple family played really well into the plot of the story, as did the subtle jabs that Mac and AJ kept throwing at each other as things went on.
Part 3 was, in my opinion, a little bit overdone. It started off strong, but by about the halfway point Caramel seemed to be taking the situation rather hard considering the one who came back to help him was Big Mac himself, and almost immediately after the original rejection at that.
ReplyDeleteI actually am quite pleased with the community in that respect. As my initial comment implied, I expected this to be a huge fracas because of the M/M label, with people going nuts and bitching without even reading it like what happens whenever a Buttersc0tch story is posted.
So to see it being accepted (and, by certain people, outright praised) so much is pretty cool.
Just read through all 3. That was nice and different. moar
ReplyDeleteWell, my reason for Caramel taking it so hard was that his crush and first attempt at a relationship ever just came back after what seemed like a perfectly good date and said "no, sorry, it was a mistake, bye".
I'd be more than a little crushed in that situation.
This is actually pretty cute. The writing could be a bit better, but the story is adorable. :]
ReplyDeleteGood story.
ReplyDeleteIf a guy is afraid reading a gay story will cause them to loose their manhood, guess what? They already have lost their manhood. What makes a man, isn't their orientation or interests, it is their ability to accept those things and pursue them. What makes a great man, is the ability to accept the qualities and interests of others and allow those people to coexist with him. People who can do that, are worth remembering.
ReplyDeleteFor the love of child birth can no one write a straight fiction! It's not even gay people writing these it's people that think it's hot and sexy.
ReplyDeleteIn the interest of broadening my horizons, I will read this! Love his cutie mark story and the idea that he's perpetually unlucky. First story's pretty cute, far too short though.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I see Big Mac as actually gay (though this is making an excellent case for him being open-minded, at least), but him rubbing it in Applejack's face is actually pretty hilarious, and he's generally characterized well in this anyway. That he's generally less high-strung than his sister allows the two to play off each other well. I think watching him yank Applejack's chain is the best part of this whole series, and I ain't even done yet. Her characterization is on, too, as she's more concerned with him betraying his family by leaving than anything else.
Colts do indeed have cooties, Apple Bloom. Wah, the end of that one! That was abrupt. Guess I'll finish this out after all.
What the fuck, that ending. Just kiss him, geez! D: And what the heck was he commissioning?
Well, I'd call this rather unsatisfying, if a good effort. I think this is more about Big Mac and his relationship with his sister than anything else. At least, I think that's the best part anyway. His actions toward Caramel are confusing -- perhaps understandably, he himself is confused about everything -- but also, again, abrupt, and somewhat unrealistic. The writing's not amazing, it's more the plot that I have problems with. Ah well.
This was adorable, I loved every second~ We must find this author, and he must do more~
ReplyDelete"I'm not gay but..."
"I'm not going to read it but..."
"M/M isn't my thing but..."
"I really don't like gay stuff but..."
"I don't normally like/read M/M but..."
"I really disagree with M/M but..."
"I vomitingly approve of this..."
WHY? For heaven's sakes, WHY?
Why does that need to be said? If you aren't going to read it, don't comment. If you read it and you *do* like it, by all means comment, but you DON'T have to "Defend" yourself by disclaiming the fact that you like it! Just list the reasons you like it! What? Are you afraid people are going to think you're gay? Are you afraid you're going to start receiving gay mags in your email?
F/F stuff, I *rarely* see comments like this! There is nothing "dangerous" about liking M/M. Appreciate the literary work for what it is. No one is going to assume you're gay or that you look at gay porn or read gay clopfics just because you admit to thinking a M/M ship-fic is cute.
Loved it. There needs to a lot more M/M shipping with Big Mac
ReplyDeleteZommg. So much DAAWWWWW. :3
ReplyDeleteI approve of this pairing.
loved it!
ReplyDeleteI have to say I found the collection quite enjoyable, and very well written. Also it was very adorable, and I'm gonna say I did kind of go into this in a biased way, being a CaraMac shipper myself.
ReplyDeletei for one approve of more colt cuddling in our filly fooling. good read.
ReplyDelete@Present Perfect
ReplyDeleteWell, it's not done yet - this is just the first three parts.
Have to write the rest and submit it as well, you see. And you'll find out what Mac commissioned... eventually.
I want more like this ^-^
ReplyDelete*Clears throat.*
I'm gay, and I wrote this. You were saying?
Seeing this rare subject (m/m shipping), I thought I'd give this a go.
ReplyDeleteOverall, a good read. The strongest section is the first chapter. Perhaps it's nothing overly unique (hard to say, as I don't read shipping often), but the character of Caramel and his plight was compelling, and there was a delightful sympathy for him and the tension building of asking out his crush.
Part 2 started also strong, but I felt the characters started to slip in small parts. I didn't quite feel I fully understood Applejack's protests once the twist was revealed. I could guess at them, yes, but I still came away with a question mark over my head about it, and I feel her arc didn't come quite to a resolution with all the hints we're dropped about her own crush.
In addition, the end to part 2 was jarring and over way too fast. I felt that Mac's doubts weren't quite built up enough, and his exchange with Caramel over too fast. I'd have liked to have woven in more of Mac's reasoning and played out a little more what he did to Caramel.
Part 3 was sweet. AJ and Mac's interactions were priceless, as well as feeling in character. They're easily the highlight of the story to me. I'd have liked to have felt a little more for Caramel, though. All we got to see from him was the bitter anger, and his inner pain was only hinted at. This perhaps is my own personal feeling, but I'd have liked a truly cathartic moment where we get to see the inner turmoil Caramel was in. Perhaps that would have led to a little more satisfying conclusion when Mac finally wore down his defenses.
Over all three parts, I'd say the prose was serviceable. While not standing out for beauty or uniqueness, the style in which it was written was not a determent and perhaps even fitting for a few country folk from Ponyville. The accents did borderline a bit too much every now and then ("Ah" should never replace "I"), but are not the worst offense I've ever seen.
My final thoughts coming away from the story are that I quite enjoyed it. It's a delightful little fic with moments of d'aww, tension, and a spice of sadness that makes a satisfying conclusion.
ReplyDeleteSilly me forgot this was an unresolved plot point!
Ah, well! It'll give me something to look forward to. Wasn't quite satisfied with the ending in part 3 as a final anyways.
Once again, here's a link to the author's blog and his fourth entry:
Adorable and well written stuff! I'd love to read more.
Liked it. Thought the third was a little... not as good as the other two, but still cute. It's nice to see M/M. And funny (if a little disheartening) to see all the straight guys flipping out/acting overly "cool" (if it's not your type of thing, why not just not comment instead of asserting your masculinity?) :p
ReplyDeleteYeah, you know, I was wondering about that loose end. I was sorta expecting to see some horrifying sex toy like the one from the movie Seven, only made for ponies.
Meh, don't care about the comments about that sort of story... almost always trolls or biased people...
ReplyDeleteAnyways : Gonna Read Them All ! Pony Stories ! *insert theme music*
Yay some more Big Mac/Caramel!
ReplyDeleteeh, I've read some other shipping which is all F/F. Guess I should give this a chance. And hey, maybe get more comfortable with it too.
ReplyDeleteI loved it. it was short and sweet. it was very heartwarming. there needs to be more like this.
ReplyDeleteIt's nothing so evil. I swear.
WHOA! Wait a sec. Has anypony said the obvious, yet? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Caramel actually Big Mac's cousin? I've got no problem with the M/M, but ... cousins ...? Or are they distant enough cousins that it won't matter?
ReplyDeleteTHEN, I suddenly realize that it wouldn't matter that much to begin with, since it's M/M, and the primary purpose for not hooking up with family members is to not produce toothless gimp kids (not much chance of that with two guys).
BUT then, I wonder, if that is the case, then would it make incest between two brothers any less creepy? I'm willing to bet that it wouldn't. I wonder if it's just the fact that the brothers would have grown up together, and therefore wouldn't look at each other "in that way", where as the cousins don't really see each other THAT often. So it would mainly be just a psychological awkwardness? Maybe the rules are different for ponies? Any input here would be appreciated.
Also, as a member of the rural backwoods community, I want to say that any claim of our kind committing incest is REALLY exaggerated by the mass media. We just don't get good press, especially after the movie "Deliverance" came out. ... "Wrong Turn" didn't help either ...
ReplyDeleteThere's a Caramel Apple and another pony named Caramel. Macintosh and Caramel Apple are related, but not Macintosh and Caramel.
I did check for this before I wrote the stories, because I was wondering and was a little "eeuuugh" until I found out that no, this was not incesty.
ReplyDeleteCheck the cutie marks. All of the Apple family seem to have apple cutie marks.
Also, nopony really thinks 'rural backwoods' people do the incest thing, just like nopony thinks north easterners are all murderers.
ReplyDeleteACK! I was complacent with the cutie mark checking (insert bad pun about staring at butts here). My bad.
@Nitro -
Thank you. That was really nice of you to say. Honestly I Partially put that last part on there just for gags (since the whole incest thing has become kind of a laughable cliche' when referring to rural areas), but to have an honest and mature response like this that doesn't make me feel like manure ... that's just plain awesome. You made my day. :)
That was cute.
ReplyDeleteQuite different from the normal every day fillyfooler fic you see. Quite refreshing.
Eeee, Caramac! <3 I approve greatly. c:
ReplyDeleteSorry this took so long to appear! And it is, indeed, squee and d'awww.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think their Magical Gay Baby SHOULD be named Caramel Apple. It's too perfect.
(If Trixie and Twilight can have a magical lesbian baby, then why not a male pair?)
There is something that really exists, though it seems that most people deny it.
ReplyDeleteIt's called: Bisexuality
ReplyDeleteAnd then there were no more stallions left for the mares...
And that meant there was no season 3
and that's how Equestria was unmade!
Only LunaMac, CarmelApple, and SoarDash shipping will save Equestria!
SoarDash... That's what she said!
ReplyDelete"(If Trixie and Twilight can have a magical lesbian baby, then why not a male pair?)"
Screw SoarDash! How does baby come out! O_o
ReplyDeleteHow else?
Unsure if want..
ReplyDeleteThe advantage of being gay: I can fully enjoy both this AND the regular fare of shipping!
ReplyDeleteHow is foaal formed?
How colt get pragnent?
Update? Update. Happy? Happy.
ReplyDeleteGoodness, the Apple family is going to have an awfully small next generation at this rate.
ReplyDeleteApple Bloom's cutie mark will be a baby carriage, and she'll be prolific
ReplyDeleteAn Internet. You win one.
Didn't feel much for this chapter. Applejack seemed kind of... "off" for some reason, like she had shades of Pinkie Pie creeping into her personality. I liked that Applejack was messing with Dash's head, but I'm just not sure that it was done in a way that Applejack would do it. The little skirmish and the dialog that they had immediately after was lovely, though.
Don't get me wrong: It is nice to see some of the other characters' reactions to what was going on in the main story, and it isn't as if the AppleDash wasn't spelled out earlier in the story anyways, nor is it as if AppleDash wasn't already my OTP; but I just think AppleDash has been done better.
I seriously lol'd at this. Male to female ratio is probably something like 1:30. M/M shipping is the only logical choice.
ReplyDeleteUm. EWWWWWWWW!
ReplyDeleteI knew every MLP fan was gay. This proves it.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I can justify to myself the fact that M/M shipping is less common in this fandom than F/F shipping is that this is based off of a girl's cartoon, and that the M/F ratio is so unbalanced.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, I gotta read this once I find some time.
I decided to give this a shot in the name of equality and it's... surprisingly good! I'm not usually for these cheesy lovestories, but this is actually quite well written. I'm actually baffeled by the fact of how little the M/M shipping bothers me.
ReplyDelete-Heterosexual male reader.
Ha ha, these are cuuute! "Caramel! Y’ open this door right now, or I’ll buck it down!" Never change, Applejack, never change.
ReplyDeleteThis actually isn't the first Big Mac/Caramel story I've seen--there's one on FF.net called "A Triangle Most Obtuse." Maybe by the same author? I don't know, I just keep hoping it will be updated again . . .
ReplyDeleteWell played, sir. Well played.
ReplyDelete"A Triangle Most Obtuse" wasn't written by me, but it's the fic that gave me the inspiration to do this one.
Plus it's where I got the "Caramel is terribly unlucky" idea.
Seconded on wanting to see it updated as well.
For the love of Celestia the author is COGS!!! Add the author or I'mma send Caramel to attempt to assist you with a simple task and watch as he charmingly thwarts you every effort with lovable incompetence!
ReplyDelete*William Shatner voice* COGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaa... It is good to be able to not care about what 'moronic trolls of low class' say. :)
Well, those stories are rather 'ok', I would say.
And, honestly, there's not much in the way of actual ''shipping'', really. Especially compared to the average ''shipping'' story.
It's more like a slight ''romance'' story, with just a few ''Hi'' and ''friendly hoofshakes''...
Not that it's a bad thing. It's just make for a more, hmm, simple story I would say.
And then Equestria's birthrate dropped to zero.
ReplyDeleteAnd then they invented a spell to allow mare-mare (and the like) reproduction.
Hah !
Also... *Boot to the Head*
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to use your shipping references in the fanfic I am writing for the Luna contest. I really enjoyed and I think it might add a little flavor.
ReplyDeleteIt might be a bit late for you to see this, but go right ahead!
ReplyDeleteYay! Thank you! I will be sure to give you credit!
While I'm all for gay shipping (Soarin' x Caramel /)^3^(\ ) aren't Big Mac and Caramel related?
ReplyDelete@Pony In Chief
ReplyDeleteNope. Caramel is a different pony than the Caramel Apple introduced in the first episode.
Trust me. I checked.
'But Big Macintosh, colts have cooties!'
ReplyDeleteThat is the simplest and cutest damn kid logic I've ever heard.
I've enjoyed these quite a bit. I'm particularly curious if we're going to see a return to the suddenly dark turn that this latest chapter took at the end.
Confound these ponies. They drove me to M/M shipping. And I liked it! As someone who has been in the final fantasy (and even worse the Kingdom Hearts) fanbase for so long I assumed it was impossible to have an M/M ship that didn't devolve into shameless fluff and then some. I read one chapter and it was d'awdorable. Well played author. Well played.
ReplyDeleteEh, I honestly didn't like this chapter. At all.
ReplyDeleteIts fun to joke about, but an actual story where Braeburn is portrayed as "wants to have sex with everything that moves, especially relatives" like he seems to be in this one just annoys me. And the whole implied "Caramel's sister has thugs beat him up" ending doesn't help.
The biggest problem, though, is that this chapter didn't seem to do anything. Caramel visits his estranged sister for something that is presented as being a big deal, and he talks to her for a few paragraphs (most of it being recap of previous chapters) and then he leaves. Big Mac goes to Braeburn's farm to check the apples, and finds nothing is wrong with them, and then he leaves. Caramel and Big Mac wonder to themselves whether they are ready to further their relationship, they talk to each other about it, and then they don't.
There is no conflict here; no real reason for this chapter to exist. Big Mac and Caramel do some stuff of no real importance, and then the story ends.
Filly fooling = Cool, awesome, erotic
Ok... That was a bit more harsh on Braeburn then it needed to be. I take it you don't care for the character?
ReplyDeleteThis is the first fandom I've been in where it's NOT M/M slash all the time. Which makes sense since all the interesting characters are female, so when I ship, it's inevitably fluffy F/F (which is a welcome change!)
ReplyDeleteBless your heart, anon@ 4:54. Gotta say, ladies are a lot more likely to embrace F/F slash than dudes are to M/M slash. Loosen up! Your heterosexuality is still intact.
As a bisexual...
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know where it hinted at Brae wanting to sleep with his relatives, please.
And there is a reason for this story to exist; for one, it introduced Braeburn, gave us a feel for his personality, and showed how the other ponies react to him.
Trust me, I'm planning ahead. We haven't seen the last of Brae, or Caramel's sister.
ReplyDeleteActually I like him just fine.
I just don't have a problem with doing terrible things to the characters I like.
Caramel's bad luck is almost like Pinkie Sense in a way. I wonder if they will ever try to expand the idea that Earth ponies can have unique supernatural quirks and abilities despite lack of magic.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Cogs this is a really great story. I think you have captured the entire thing beautifully. I really look forward to future installments!
ReplyDeleteAnd I would know… having grown up on an apple farm in a small country town with two little sisters who are all kinds of crazy and being gay (I am completely serious).
BTW to the haters. I’m still your friend. We can’t all be happy and secure in who we are.
ReplyDeleteFor your reply to TenchiFreak5 (in case whatever you're linked to doesn't let you know) - I think it was "Or Ah’ll tell Granny Smith what you got up to last time y’ visited Ponyville for the reunion." Maybe the fact that "reunion" is in there, but that's all I can think of.
@Alexander Dash
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one that finds that hilarious?
ReplyDeleteThe mention of some scandalous event happening at the reunion combined with his "wants to have sex with anything that moves" behavior that was evident over the course of the story.
How Applejack wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, acting uncomfortable as hell even bringing his name up.
How Braeburn seemed intently interested in asking Big Mac about his sex life with Caramel, or how Braeburn seemed to invite Big Mac to Appleoosa for basically no reason whatsoever.
By themselves, all of that stuff would have been fine. But all of it combined makes it hard for me to picture his motives as being anything but something along those lines.
@North Quill
ReplyDeleteI hope not. If I ever meet another pony called Caramel I will be a little freaked though.
My bossy little sister has even gotten the nickname jacks from me… Lets hope it sticks!
It was not a funny situation to grow up in though… I think that ponies on here are a little more accepting and loving than others.
ReplyDeleteI see I have some work to do on defining characters a bit better, then.
AJ was supposed to be a bit more annoyed at the thought of spending time around Braeburn's relentless cheerfulness, not "oh god not the perv". Brae was supposed to sound like he was wanting to know more about Caramel (slightly creepy stalkerism ahoy!), and he did worry about the trees.
I just didn't seem to express it well this time. When he appears next, I'll try to have it sorted out a bit better. I'm sorry.
@North Quill
ReplyDeleteYou were right, among other reasons.
I'll get it sorted out in the next story or two.
I love these.... I need moar.
ReplyDeleteThese are sweet. Nice to see some M/M shipping in a fandom that's mostly lacking it.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream - because of these fics - that the show had a whole episode about Big Mac moving out from Sweet Apple Acres to go and live with Caramel in the city.
ReplyDeleteThe show handled it by not mentioning their relationship - just stating that he was moving in with him very matter-of-factly. The episode centered on Applejack being upset about him leaving the farm and feeling like she was losing her family.
I think i eventually woke up, but i'm pretty sure Pinkie Pie threw a house warming party and there were muffins and probably a song about home is where the heart is or something.
ReplyDeleteYou really should put more words there...
Because, with just those few words, I don't know if you are a Crazy-Religious-Fanatic, a weird Troll, or just forgot to add a sentence...
@Nova25 (About the first 3 stories. Just a quick thing, really.)
Striped Apple (4) :
... Intermission ? Ok ...
>“If’n I let y’ fly, you’d miss things! Rainbow Dash
-Huhhhh... What ? There's no apples on TOP of trees now ?
Ok, ground first, but then a quick pass OVER the trees to be sure ? I find odd that AJ don't use RD's ability to fly, at least a bit... it would be more efficient.
(And we can't go saying that it's because she wants to do things ALL natural... it was only during the WWU (tradition)... and we see Fluttershy flying and Twilight using amgic in 'Applebuck Season' )
Desert Apple (5) :
>“I’m over Bloomberg, Big Macintosh.”
-Heh, Bloomberg :). Surely, she still remembers that tree.
...On an unrelated note, I heard that the name of the Mayor of New-York is : Michael Bloomberg ;). Fun thing.
>“I’m just bein’ hospitable, cousin!”
-''A new challenger appeared'' ?
>Suddenly he froze, horrified eyes turning to stare at the grass between his teeth. What was he going to do when this one was gone?
-What's that now ? Wheat stem addiction or something ?
>“Pistachio?” >“Sis? You home?”
-His sister's name is 'Pistachio' ?
...Hey, cool name ;). (random note : I like pistachio ice cream :D.)
>Oh, what was her name... Ditzy? Tripsy?” >“Derpy.
-Well... Would have sounded better if you had inverted the 'Derpy and Ditzy'... It would have also worked a bit better with the ''joke''.
>Please... make sure he knows how much my Caramel’s absence hurts me.”
-Not sure to approve of this ''beat him, just because I'm not happy'' thing... doesn't seem necessary.
ReplyDeleteFor the Intermission comment, this is after the harvest, so there's no apples left - RD is supposed to be looking for tools and such left on the ground.
As to the Desert Apples, well... There MIGHT be a bit of a running gag set up where the wheat gets treated like a cigarette. You're the second to point it out. Well done!
As for switching Ditzy and Derpy, well, her official name is still up in the air, and it did make me hesitate before I went with the fanon version, so... *Coughs.*
As for Pistachio/Almond... she's a spoiled brat, who always, always gets what she wants. Good luck is not always a good thing.
Well, as someone with a giant crush on Big Mac, I have to say I completely loved the story, it was well written and it was very cute.
ReplyDeleteNow, from a more serious point of view, I really liked the way the characters developed through the story.
Looking deeper into it I could see insecurity in Big Mac when he left Caramel, like if he was yet to come in terms with his sexuality; he may like reading those Playmare magazines, but we all know getting involved with another person means having to face one's sexuality and some confidence issues that we may never seen may arise without us knowing.
As for AJ, I could see she wasn't worried about Big Mac being gay, but she was afraid of her brother getting hurt, and she wanted to protect him by any means, even if that meant to get Caramel away from him. Maybe not the wisest idea, but we all do stupid things out of love.
As for Caramel, his development came quite nicely. I know he wasn't meant to be emotionally healthy, but, in spite of everything, I felt it got quite close to something more human, give or take some reactions that vary from one person to another. He came out to Mac without being too brash or bold, he demonstrated insecurity about it without being too dramatic about it, he had quite the turmoil for his loss of Big Mac, and it had the perfect mix of sadness, frustration and anger without becoming a Drama Queen.
Overall, all the characters came out nicely, they could use some more development, but that comes with practice. The story flows particularly nice, it allows one to understand it without being too slow or boring.
In conclusion, loved the story, keep up the good work.
Please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease say there will be more of this. I love this story so much. Its one of the best MLP fanfics Iv'e ever read.
ReplyDeleteSo cute! I loved it, can't wait for more!
ReplyDeleteDid anypony else's mind go into the gutter at "Ah' see your hindquarters are still sore..."
ReplyDeleteNever read M/M before.( not that much is on here >.>) I'll give it a shot.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. I liked it. Never read M/M ANYTHING before, so it was kind of strange reading it. Not bad, just strange. I liked the characters a lot, and especially the amount of detail put into Caramel. It would be nice to read more about Big Mac and Caramel though, without other ponies. Have them develop their characters a little more. But overall, it was very good. I approve. Cant wait for more :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, I dislike the term 'coltfriend' Sounds flaky.
Hmm. After reading the latest chapter, I feel that the author deserves an apology.
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions like that about Braeburn. My bad.
Nice little series, this.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to sound very weird, but please Don't ever stop writing this until they get together. Please.
ReplyDeleteI love this series more than you can possibly imagine- It inspired me to become a less shy person through Caramel's development, and forced me to not give up on finding love in my life.
I don't think any other fanfiction I've read has ever impacted me this much and if you don't decide to update it in the future, then I want to thank you for putting this much effort into it.
ReplyDeleteWell, after a comment like that, I certainly can't stop now, can I?
I've been a bit stonewalled - the story's not over yet, I know where points A and C are, but not quite sure where B is.
I'll come up with something though, don't worry.
Now we have more stallions to dilute the worry about birth rates! Fancy Pants, Rarity's dad, various unnamed background ponies... I'd mention Prince Blueblood, but who the hell would willingly reproduce with him?
ReplyDeleteIncest? HAHA! Nope.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow I totally thought this fic was dead.
ReplyDeleteYessss, I was just thinking about checking if this fic had updated a little while ago! Also..., no, Xamrin, it's not incest. Caramel isn't related to the Apple family.
ReplyDeleteOk, so after reading a couple of the comments my disappointment in you bronies has faded a little. If any of you guys had someone acusing you of being "gay" because you watch MLP and defended yourselves then I think you don't really have a right to shun this. Love and tolerance guys! C'mon!
ReplyDeleteThe layout of all the parts here is confusing as hay, and has spoilers everywhere.
ReplyDelete@Lavender Harmony
ReplyDeleteGiven how ludicrously huge this is getting, I'll ask for it to be condensed down when it reaches a thematically appropriate point.
@Xamrin No incest to be found here. >.> You're likely thinking of Caramel Apple, who is not Caramel, nor is she a colt.
ReplyDelete...I just imagined a Caramel/Caramel Apple shipping. That would be confusing. This is a sign that it's time for sleep.
ReplyDelete/] [\
This series is what SHOULD have made up the Hearts and Hooves episode...
Yay appledash
ReplyDeleteBut mm shipping
But appledash
but mm shipping
But appledash
D: i am so torn right now
Finally caught up with the last three chapters. I have to say, this most recent one did a much clearer job displaying the RainbowXAJ dynamic than the first AppleDash chapter did. While that one came close, it had some problems with dialog, and I think this one solved all of them.
ReplyDeleteHey, Cogs, a link is missing in between "Striped Apple" and "Cooking Apples". The one where they go to appleoosa. Is that a mistake, or was it intentional?
ReplyDeleteLove it. Need more M/M pony-love darn it!
ReplyDeleteWhen does the next one come out?!
ReplyDeleteCan I plz has just ONE spoiler? Just a little one?
ReplyDeleteI talked with Cogs on Skype. He gave me a few spoilers, but he's not exactly planning to share them with the public...
Gah! I just finished reading the latest one, after a long session of "n'aws" and "d'aws". Beautiful story and by far the best m/m fanfic i've read (I should note that it is the ONLY m/m fanfic i've read, but i digress!). I absolutely can not wait for the next part! Mainly for Caramel and Big Mac but it will still be interesting to see how the relationship between Sorin and Braeburn goes! Thankyou for this awesome story! :3
ReplyDeleteThree months! Cogs are you still working on this?
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is also on FimFiction..
ReplyDeleteI don't know why the link isn't included in the description.
???? In what way did it update?
ReplyDeleteOk, I know I probably bug the most about updates, but I am seriously asking: have you abandoned this fic?
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is interesting; I'd thought I'd submitted the latest one, but it's not up there.
In any case, http://cogsthebrony.blogspot.com/2012/05/apple-branches-pegasus-feathers.html
Hey, Cogs. I find myself coming back to read this again eery few weeks just because. So I was wondering if you would terribly mind me copying this to an epub and keeping it on my iPhone or Kindle. I do not intend to distribute this to anyone, I just like it so much that I want to keep it within easy reach.
ReplyDeleteCool. Been wondering what happened to this story.