Every so often a project comes along that is so startlingly amazing that I simply do not have the capacity to gush about it enough. There is so much going on within the 84 pages of this book, assembled, composed, and created by one Garrett Gilchrist, that I daresay anypony could easily lose hours upon hours of their life going through it. Now, I can hear you out there asking me why you should care about a coloring book. Let me tell you!
This is an "all ages" book. What that really means is that it was created specifically for you bronies, always out there looking for your next pony hit and feeling a little bit guilty about picking up the youth-centric official books. What you'll find inside here is a vectoriffic pile of ponies featuring just about all of your favorite ponies, ready for your inks and photo editing software to bring them into glorious color. You'll also find a storybook version of the pilot episode, which is both fun to read and a great way to introduce the series to any younger relatives you might have who don't get the Hub (and trust me, parents will thank you for saving them from the other children's programming out there). There are crosswords, mazes, and puzzles designed to be intellectually stimulating for adult minds as well as for kids. And also one of my favorite things in the world: nonograms! If you're not familiar with those there's a detailed explanation in the book itself, but the best way I've found to describe them is sort of "drawing a picture by way of Minesweeper". Look at numbers, logically deduce the location of the squares you are meant to color. Gaze in awe upon the visage of the Great and Powerful Trixie. In short, this book is amazing. It is bursting to capacity with love and effort and creativity. Download it and have fun, everypony!
Pony Coloring Book Download
no first post here! oh wait
ReplyDeleteI fucking love coloring!
ReplyDeleteLove it!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes...I still like to color.
And yes...I still can't keep inside the lines.
ReplyDelete'Phoe Gawking' :D
My god! Teh epix!
ReplyDeleteGood lord!
ReplyDeleteRead post
ReplyDeletethink "weelp, it looks like im gonna be forking out some dough on pony merch"
realise it's a download
squee like a little filly
It just downloaded... Garrett Gilchrist, if you're out there, many internets and fluttershy cheers for you! Even by the standards of this fandom, this is crazy.
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know is if theres a page for colouring in Zecor- wait, hang on...
ReplyDeleteAnyways, incredibly predictable pun aside I wish I had a computer of my own to download this onto (using mother's computer atm)
Downloading as I type this. I haven't colored a book like this in years. Oh this is gonna be fun, play some Equestria girl and color the ponies the wrong colors, because I'm adventurous like that!
ReplyDeleteBecause you're awesome, that's why.
Maybe later i'll download it
ReplyDeleteThis thing is crazy good, far better than the "real" merch out there. If I were Hasbro I'd be contacting the author with an offer to throw money at him in return for creating an official activity book.
ReplyDeleteWow.... that is so EPIC!
ReplyDeleteVery well made indeed ^^
So, is it official?
ReplyDeleteWe have the recognition of Octavia, Lyra, Bon-Bon and others?
...I was loving it until I hit page 17. IT'S NOT A CELLO, IT'S A DOUBLE BASS! NERD RAGE! And then the next page was Rainbow Dash, and everything was better.
ReplyDeleteyay colorless ponies waiting for me to color them!!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap this is incredible. I can't even color anything but I managed to solve the first maze! It's getting late (or early?) though so I'm going to have to return to this in the morning (afternoon?), but this really is terrific and definitely worth a download. I can't believe the productivity of you people, making stuff like this and sharing it with the world.
ReplyDeleteI must say this is pretty incredible.
ReplyDeleteA crazy amount of time must of gone into this, congratulations and praises to you Mr Garrett Gilchrist.
ReplyDeleteNah, it's a fan made piece of brilliance. Hard to believe, I know.
yay! i was looking for one of these
ReplyDeleteThey really need to get this up as a torrent. Megaupload is such a slow website.
ReplyDeleteYay, I love colorbooks. :)
ReplyDeleteRarity looks kind of high there.
ReplyDeletePage fucking 49; proving I'm not smarter than an 8-year old
ReplyDeleteToo many people DLing it right now so people should DL it later.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about making a coloring book, but it was closer in tone to the mass effect coloring book floating around on the interwebs. But making something that measures up to this is going to be a lot of work.
ReplyDeleteWow...this is pretty good quality actually! A lot of work has indeed been crammed into this - particularly the storybook version of the pilot episode. That part has been translated well onto a coloring/activity book.
ReplyDeleteLooking at all the pages...must get out my colored pencils and my number 2 pencil!
This is bloody brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI want a hard copy.
One without having to print off 84 pages.
I'm going to just have to reiterate how awesome this is.
This is pretty awesome.
ReplyDeleteThose nonograms were awesome! Lots of thanks to the author for introducing them to me!
ReplyDeletei've seenthis pages individually floating around in ponibooru finally they are all together i think i'm gonna print this
ReplyDeletei downloaded it at 2mb a second. megaupload is one of the fastest sites on the web with a 45 sec wait XD
I cant wait to color this.
ReplyDeletehmm, i just realized that this only overs part one of "elements of harmony" wonder if there is a sequel planned?
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh those later nonograms. 0_0 I... I want to do them... but I think they might just kill me instead.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, this is really well thought out! I was just expecting a big pile of vector outlines, but this is so much more entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna be spending all darn day tomorrow on those picross puzzles, and I don't care who sees me doing 'em.
"LYRA and BON BON are the best of friends! They love to go out together and try new things!"
ReplyDelete... Ahahahahahaha <3
For anyone who doesn't feel like dealing with MegaUpload, have a torrent!
My favorite page is "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL COLORING PAGE OF THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" Mostly because of the lines
ReplyDelete"Tell your friends!
Shows Thrice Daily
No Refunds!"
Better rev up the printer..
ReplyDeleteWow, quite nicely done indeed. Pretty comprehensive too. Also, yay, Derpy page. <3 And I also enjoyed the fun Trixie pages.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure this is the greatest thing the fandom has ever produced. I mean, for like, sheer scope and scale, and all the hard work that must have gone into it.
ReplyDeletePage 78: If that doesn't get Granny to watch MLP, nothing will!
ReplyDeleteI've never done a nonogram, but that Great and Powerful one sure is enticing.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous at 5:01PM
ReplyDeleteJust noticed that. The file would've been very beneficial, and self-efficient if the images are compressed - if say they're PNGs. I mean it's black and white for Celestia sakes! :P
I also notice that there's a lack of an actual numbering for pages...but I don't really mind. I just feel that there must be consistency when flipping page between page.
I started the download; it stalled, so I cancelled it then cleared it from my downloads list. Now megaupload won't let me try again because I haven't finished the first download--which I can no longer resume. CRAP
ReplyDeleteI tried my hardest to print it, I really did, but my poor printer couldn't take it :(
ReplyDeleteWow, awesome job!
ReplyDeleteColor me impressed. This should totally be posted on the official MLP facebook page.
ReplyDeleteThis is so brilliantly done! I downloaded and plan to print a copy for my sister's birthday.... and perhaps a few pages for myself too!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I didn't like is that Luna is black so you can't color her dark purple. Shucks!
AWESOME! But, is there any other way I can download it? I can't get it to work from that link & I don't have the money to pay for a membership.
ReplyDeleteI offer gratitude to the creator of this charming collection. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteYou have to click the link, wait 45 seconds or so, and a free download link will appear.
The Great and Powerful Coloring Page made me burst out laughing. Good job. XD
ReplyDeleteGAH I spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out why the Great and Powerful Nonogram Puzzle wouldn't work out... it turns out there's an error in the fifth row down! It should read "2 1 4 8 2 2 4" instead of "2 4 8 2 2 4".
ReplyDeleteWish I could edit that comment... there's also an error in the third column from the right, which should be "1 2 12 14 10" instead of "1 2 12 14 9".
ReplyDeleteWell, its quite obvious for my username, but I must say... rather, quote:
ReplyDelete"It comes in PINTS?!
Aaaand this show has once again made me 8 years old.
ReplyDeleteFilling in the crossword puzzle as we speak...
ReplyDeleteWow, this is really clever and adorable~!
ReplyDeleteI was just about to go out and give Hasbro a dollar for their Jumbo book, but this is even better! I'll still give Hasbro their dollar, but I can't wait to finish reading this book!
But where is page 45?
Phoe has Sold out! And it's awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing and a half. I almost died of ponygasm when I saw Derpy Hooves.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much everyone! Really appreciate the kind words.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the errors on the Trixie page. I actually uploaded a fixed version like an hour later, but I'd already sent the old link to Seth.
There's a fixed version here.
If any more typos turn up, I'll fix them at that link, and upload new versions to Ponibooru [under artist:tygerbug]
And they called me crazy!
Anyway, this book is awesome and the creator should feel awesome.
Yay, Phoe posts!
ReplyDeleteThis activity book is awesomely ponytastic. Definately gives me something to do in between 'casts of the pony kind and Team Fortress.
Download the book, ponies, if you scrolled down this far and haven't yet. It is totally worth looking at and shows us just how awesome hasbro COULD be doing with official merch later on.
Sentiments agreed, ya'll best be hirin him' for your merchandising hasbronies.
Coloring ponies who are coloring ponies.
ReplyDeleteI completed the Applejack [hard mode] nonogram. It gave me an enormous sense of personal well-being.
ReplyDeleteWhy, hello there childhood! Long time no see.
ReplyDeleteThere's a typo on the Rarity nonogram. [Row 2 should be 6 1 1 2 1 1.] Uploading a fixed version now, which is also half the file size!
ReplyDeletethis is like a dream come true...you know i always wanted a coloring book!! XD when small no one bought one for me. truly a childhood trauma for me XD LOL
ReplyDeleteNOW I love coloring!
ReplyDeleteAnd here's the original art, if you need the pages as individual images, or if you'd like very high res versions of the images:
68.21 MB, PNGs and hi-res GIFs [also has two joke pages]
Where's the fixed version?!
ReplyDeleteHow can we contact you?!
The fixed version is at my DeviantArt, which is now linked in the above post.
ReplyDeleteYou can contact me via orangecow.org.
The last line of Twilight's Cutie Monogram should be:
ReplyDelete2 3 1 3 3 1, not
1 3 1 3 3 1
Every time I try to open it after I download it, I keeps getting a message telling me that the file is broken or corrupted.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it's just a problem on my end.
Is there another link that you can provide?
I am a sad pony. D:
Anon, you can also download the individual pages here as images:
Or search ponibooru for artist tygerbug.
Other anon, I'll fix Twilight's cutie mark nono and reupload.
Awesome. Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been this excited about a coloring book since...well, actually, I've never been this excited about a coloring book. Which I find a little sad, since there's still a small part of me that still thinks its weird that I watch "My Little Pony."
But thanks again! The Nonogram puzzles are pretty good so far.
Either I keep making compound errors on the nonograms or their numbers are...um...glitched? Misprinted?
ReplyDeleteI'll try again another day. Maybe it'll make sense then.
Actually just tried the Pinkie Pie Cutie Mark nonogram twice and decided it was unsolvable. Then I compared it with its solution. Then I patted myself on the back: I was right. The solution does not conform to the numbers. The eighth row from the top reads 6 7; it should instead read 6 5. Yay vindication!
ReplyDeleteAs to the ones I was doing before that, I was just doing them wrong.
Where can I get this printed and bound? :D