This is from over on the IMDB page for Friendship is Magic. Apparently someone let slip the title for Season 2, Episode 19!
Speculation time! What could it possibly mean!?
Has Luna finally had it with her sister, and started a full on uprising?!
Has the Great and Powerful Trixie returned to challenge Twilight Sparkle to a rematch?!
Is Ditzy Doo fed up with the calls of "Derpy Hooves" and going on a mailmare strike?
Who knows!
Thanks to casey for the heads up!
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Speculation: Fluttershy becomes more assertive.
VastaKustutaMust I? FIRST :3 (or should it be :1)?
VastaKustutanot first
VastaKustutaMaybe Dash is tired of all the rumors and finally does something to show everyone her sexual orientation once and for all!
VastaKustutaMaybe Fluttershy will be tired of putting up with Angel
VastaKustutaBAH! Anyway, hmmm, I'm going with a Fluttershy story as well. Something just makes me think it will be.
VastaKustutaSpeculation: Rainbowdash loses her wings/ability to fly?
VastaKustutaIt's probably just going to be an average episode, I guess.
VastaKustutaBut air date 2011? I need to run the math on this to see the latest possible time that Season 2 can be released now! x3
Look at the air date "2011"
VastaKustutaIt would be very interesting if Fluttershy was the central character of that episode.
VastaKustutaIf EP 19 is being aired in 2011 then EP must be broadcast in earthier August or early september.
VastaKustutaI have a feeling I've heard that title somewhere before...but where?
VastaKustutaI hope it is airing that early
VastaKustuta*EP 1 not EP
VastaKustutaIf it's not a Fluttershy episode then it's gonna be an Applejack episode. Or maybe a CMC episode.
VastaKustutaDo want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want Do want
VastaKustutaNo Spaz Season 1 episode 19 was aired in March 2011.
VastaKustutaI'd expect the same for season 2
@Spazturtle If so, celebrations are very much in order.
VastaKustutaOne of the tags for the episode is "Cult Favorite". I lol'ed.
VastaKustutaApplejack episode. Her inability to say 'no' when asked for a favor will begin to overtax her again.
VastaKustutaRemember when MLP's Twitter said the 15h is Brony Appreciation Day?
VastaKustutaRemember when that producer's daughter got to see the mostly done Season 2 Ep 1?
I predict that it's an episode all about the hokey pokey.
VastaKustuta"You put your left hoof down, you put your left hoof up, you put your left hoof down, and you shake it all about..."
Wonder how long til hasbro go "OH SNAP!" and take it down.
VastaKustutaBtw, the math:
VastaKustutaReleased weekly, that gives 18 weeks before this is aired. That's 4.5 months. Essentially, if they're released weekly, assuming that this episode comes at the end of the year, the release would be in mid-August.
And that's at latest.
I seriously hope that I'm right.
VastaKustutaAnd then I noticed the full list of tags.
Cult Favorite
Best Friends
Blue Horse
2d Animation
Critically Acclaimed
My Little Pony
Cult Cartoon
Actress Playing Multiple Roles
Based On Toy
Heres a link to the page so you can see for yourself.
I don't see it airing before next year. We didn't even get close to episode 19 of last season till this spring.
VastaKustutaAlso, it's really Celesta getting fed=up with being called a tyrant and going on a tyrannical rampage across Equestria.
First thing that comes to mind:
VastaKustutaEverypony takes advantage of Fluttershy, but then she decides to stand up for herself.
I think everyone is jumping the Gun a bit when it comes to the Air Date. It should be noted that when a air date like this is released so early it should be noted it's subject to change
VastaKustutaIt wasn't 'mostly done'. It's 'completely done'.
Nayuki's already confirmed that the first two episodes of S2 are the two that were already made before S1 ended.
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but I noticed this on IMDB a few days ago and got excited for about 2 seconds and then realized that it's in a section that anyone can openly edit, if they've registered at IMDB. Odds are it was just some parasprite having some fun.
VastaKustutaassuming s02e19 airs in 2011 (latest date december 31st) the first episode of season 2 will air on the 20th of august - assuming one episode per week, always the same day.
VastaKustutaOoh, I know: They turned that chapter of Reconnection into an episode.
Then by calculations alone... They probably will air some previews at least on Brony Appreciation Day...
I DON'T CARE!!! I WANT TO WATCH THEM!!! *heavy breathing*
VastaKustuta*clears throat*
Sorry everypony.
On a side note... Twilight is best pony *runs away cackling madly*
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutawe all know how well that turned out last time *scared*
VastaKustutanotice the shiny "add new episode" button at the bottom
With a title like that, I can only assume it's going to be something a slightly bit grimdark.
VastaKustutaLike "Party of One" levels of grimdark.
We can only hope that this means the New Lunar Republic will come into being.
VastaKustutaScootabuse becomes canon.
VastaKustutaI don't think we should confirm this based on recent developments
But maybe if she learned about moderation, then she'd been fine.
Whoa, I hope the thing saying it airs in 2011 isn't false. I would love for season 2 to start late August. I would freak.
VastaKustutaHaha. Kinda funny. But fun, let the speculations commence!
VastaKustuta"Is Ditzy Doo fed up with the calls of "Derpy Hooves" and going on a mailmare strike?"
I ain't even mad!
I bet Hasbro did this on purpose.
VastaKustuta>Probably Fake<
please refer to
VastaKustutaI can't see it airing this year. It would be cool but I just can't see it happening.
I'm guessing the episode has something to do with Fluttershy. :3
@JakandRatchet79 Most likely it is I do believe they would give at least 3 months notice of when the First episode is scheduled to air
VastaKustutaI call for Luna going nuts. But Trixie returning to get her revenge would be a very nice idea. XD
VastaKustutaCar chase. Calling it.
VastaKustutaPutting your hoof down. Right on the pedal.
All hail Luna.
VastaKustutaLife just got about 20% cooler. I found this, freak out, and land being mentioned in an article on here.
VastaKustutaBEST DAY EVER. /)^3^(\
Trixie aint coming back.
VastaKustutaGreat, an episode on conflict. Can't wait to see where this series is headed... :|
VastaKustutaMy guess:
VastaKustutaPonies will be bullying somepony, or doing otherwise just doing something that they're not supposed to be doing. And somepony puts they're hoof down, and says "no".
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today, I learned that you should should stand up for what's right, even if nopony else (including your friends) does so. A true friend will realize what's right and will stand by your side too.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle
The Speculation is KILLING ME!!!
VastaKustutaMy first thought was maybe somepony breaks their leg...
VastaKustutabut then Seth's ideas were pretty good
Too much speculation, not enough hard facts to take it seriously.
VastaKustutaPlus, feel Season 2 is far away, HUB/Hasbro/People working on the show so far have been open about Season 2. I suspect the exact date of Season 2 start and episode names will come from them first.
IE; it's the internet, take everything you find on it with mountains of salt.
VastaKustutaIt's about clopping.
VastaKustutaI calculated this. If episode 19 comes out on December 31st, then episode 1 comes out in a week or two.
VastaKustutaI call bullshit on the air date.
"Release Date: 2011 (Canada)"
>inb4 someone points out it's probably the same for the US
>inb4 someone insists its fake
Please stop getting excited guys
VastaKustutaThere's a good 99% chance this is fake
they can add episodes, cast, credits etc.
Hell, I'm at the page that can edit the supposed Season 2 episode 19 title, what would you like me to change it to? =(
VastaKustutaEdit it to "It's fake" to drive the point home
VastaKustuta20th of august is my birthday!
VastaKustuta"may take a few days for the change to take place" but done.
@Star Whistle
VastaKustutaBig Macintosh has a new hobby?
The Buck Stops Here.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustuta> Trixie's coming back, greater and more powerfuller.
VastaKustutaShe was a throwaway character. How anybody can have a borderline obsession with her both surprises and scares me.
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustuta"You always hurt (the feelings of) the one you love."
Calling it now that it's a Fluttershy episode. People are taking advantage of her and she's too timid to do anything about it and has to learn to better stand up for herself.
Aye, I'm not buying it. Not to mention that the Grammar Nazi in me is noticing that the 'your' is not capitalized, and in a proper title, it would be: 'Putting Your Hoof Down'. While it might be a plain error, I just get the feeling that such a slip wouldn't happen normally.
VastaKustutaHoly hay.Luna!Where have you been?
I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but can't be edited anonymously? Maybe it's a joke.
VastaKustutaI regret saying that, sorry.
VastaKustuta>any season 2 information whatsoever
VastaKustuta>everypony's face when
@Twilight Sparkle
VastaKustutaCertainly not being mugged by Robin Hoof and hi band of Cheerful Colts, if that's what you were thinking... hehe...
What a wild imagination you have, Twilight Sparkle...
Guys, guys, don't get your horn blown yet.
VastaKustutaIt's imdb, they are a wiki, everypony can post there.
Saw this post and my eyed instantly teared up.
VastaKustutaSeason 2 is going to be incredible!
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutaIt isnt unusual for throwaway characters to come back. A LOT of popular ones usually end up appearing a few more times, or even becoming recurring characters later in the shows life. Simpsons has had this happen for characters like Sideshow Bob and Fat Tony, for example.
You are all silly ponies.
VastaKustutaOBVIOUSLY this is gonna be an episode about spike's hands and feet getting covered in tar, he needs to wear artificial hooves over them, and learn to walk, write, and eat like a pony. Duh!
@Seth-Awr. I like the name Derpy. I don't think it's that bad of a name as names go. Ditzy's almost worse to me.
VastaKustutaAs for my speculation:
Rainbow Dash refuses to stop flying until Fluttershy becomes more assertive, so that only when Fluttershy puts her hoof down that Dashie can put her hooves down.
My theory:
VastaKustutaIf its the true name of S2 EP 19, then I think it'll be about My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic.
I like the spike idea.
VastaKustutaThis is a shot in the dark, but I'm gonna guess it has something to do with Fluttershy.
VastaKustutaSpeculation: Fluttershy is sick of losing The Game.
VastaKustutaBut Trixie has literally no character. All this development of her was given to her by fanboys.
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony You better back up that argument lest you be banished to the moon by seth
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutaAnd so has mine, which, surprise surprise, I'm coming back next season. And I had even less personality revelation than Trixie.
So what if it's fake, lulzy speculation go!
VastaKustutaThe Cutie Mark Crusaders get fed up with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's bullshit, and kill them in a hit and run, discovering their talent is murder. Then they go on the lamb with hilarious results. :V
[citation needed]
VastaKustuta@Anonymous 7:35
VastaKustutaA true brony. * brohoof *
anyone else make an IMDB account just to rate FiM 10/10?
VastaKustutaWHEN? :o
VastaKustutaMATH TIME!!!
VastaKustutaIf they air a new episode every friday, with Ep 19 being on December 30th, that means that we'll hav episode 1 by... August 26th 2011.
Personally, I'm thinking IMDB means '2012' since Winter Wrap Up was the last 2010 episode, and it was #11. =/
And of course, it IS probably a fake, so no need to get excited, since the above math and previous release tell a different tale. Personally, I'm not getting excited until Hasbro gives out the air dates of the first couple of episodes in the season.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutaNo character? lolwat. Did you even watch the episode?
Last I checked, she wasnt simply a background character.
Pinkie is being Pinkie inappropriately or increasingly obnoxiously. Somepony finally has to tell her to stop her bullshit, and that partying is not always the correct response to a situation.
VastaKustutaActually, that is about the time the show started on the HUB in 2010.
I think it'll include fluttershy's stare ability!
VastaKustutaOh Luna, all three of those episodes sound amazing!
VastaKustutaFor a pony like Trixie to have hit the road and live alone as a gypsy in a world whose lifeblood is friendship and social ties, it's not inconceivable that something bad happened to her in the past. Maybe she couldn't live up to the expectations put on her as a young unicorn pony with a talent for magic, and wasn't so blessed to attend a special school or have a caring mentor like some other magic-talent having unicorn.
VastaKustutaShe probably did her best. The few tricks she learned she was proud of, and to eek out a living she learned how to make them sound and look greater than they really were. Over time she crafted a performance, a new persona -cocky, confident, even arrogant to a degree- to sell herself, to sell a story, but most of all to hide from herself, to keep others away. To protect herself.
It didn't save her. Poor Trixie had her home and business destroyed, and was sent running off into the cold night, terrified, naked and penniless with no one to turn to and only herself to rely on. All because a small gang of hecklers wouldn't back down, even to the point of turning violent. Notice that every other pony in the crowd was enjoying the show, and didn't get pissed until the 'Mane 6' starting their bullying? Do you think they disapproved of the performer, or the jerks ruining the show?
That's ep19! where is the ep1?
VastaKustutaI hope the season2 is better one!
@Vermillion Twilight
VastaKustutaIt was actually only three of the Mane Six. Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight didn't get involved, and when Trixie went after Twilight, she ran. She's still a bit at fault since, as the 'leader', she did nothing to even mock an attempt to stop the three.
Going off of this;
It seems that it will be a Rainbow Dash episode, (Pegasus, Blue Horse, Actress Playing Multiple Roles) with at least one Gummy appearance (Alligator).
Speculation; Rainbow Dash puts her hoof down on Gummy, killing him and causing Pinkamena Diane Pie to go on a murderous rampage, before a final showdown with her and Rainbow which, through a combination of sonic rainboom and Pinkamena's famous "Cupcake Surprise," ends up destroying all of Ponyville and the surrounding area.
Or not.
If Winter Wrap Up was the last episode in to air 2010, that would mean season 2 is premiering 2 months earlier than season 1, which seems plausible. Then again, I don't know too much on how TV scheduling works.
VastaKustuta...I'm blue, have wings, and the voice actress of another character.
All I can confirm from my sources (which I have none) is that Season 2 Episode 19 is the 19th Episode of Season 2.
VastaKustutaNarrows it down a lot, I know.
Fools! It's obviously going to involve Pinkie Pie's old friend Megatron causing chaos all over the town, untill someone stops him, ie; putting their hoof down.
VastaKustutaSo it does mean that her name is Ditzy and it is extremely popular that she resents being called derpy thank you Seth!
VastaKustutaI'm seriously doubting that this information is even accurate. I'm also thinking that particular episode will air in 2012.
VastaKustutaI won't believe any episode title unless someone can prove it with TV Guide or AOL Television.
If it's real, and not a hoax, I assume it has something to do with either being more assertive(Fluttershy), or something to do with overcoming peer pressure.
VastaKustuta''Putting your hoof down''
VastaKustutaSounds like a ''down to earth'' kind of title, so...
Something with Applejack probably.
*Oooohhhh Start the bets ! Who bets for what where who ? Oooooohhh the bets are ON ! :D *
It is a fake do not believe this. It was done by a troll just to see our reactions.
VastaKustutaITS A TRAP
VastaKustutaThe 4chan /co/ general even confirmed it a fake
VastaKustutaThey already have the title for episode NINETEEN?!!?
VastaKustuta~One of the tags for the episode is "Cult Favorite". I lol'ed.
>>That's on several of the earlier episodes as well. I thought it was weird 'Alligator' was one of the keywords, was hoping it was an insight into the plot, but the GGG had the same keywords...
I'd probably lean my speculation towards it being a Fluttershy ep as well
Huge Ass Troll detected
VastaKustutaI think that it'll involve ponies in some way.
VastaKustutaNot sure why though, it's just speculation on my part.
Oh, Oh! It's a Pinkie and Dash episode, involving Gummy the alligator getting into everything (such as punch bowls, packed lunches, cupboards and more).
VastaKustutaMaybe we'll see Speedy!
Episode 19: 2011... This is good news...
VastaKustutaI was think it could mean that somepony got in a fight with another, then I realized what it is: Applejack gets a big pink truck...
VastaKustutaYou can shoot me for suggesting it now.
Either Fluttershy tries to be more assertive OOOOR
VastaKustutaRarity is getting used by her friends because of her generosity and starts saying no to giving out free stuff
I'm gonna go with an episode about Twi's studying addiction. She locks herself in her room studying and won't come out, so the other 5 have to assert themselves and stage some form of intervention.
VastaKustutaIt's a fake ?
*Don't care and continue thinking and making theories*
Season 2 Episode 19?
VastaKustutaThat's like...late winter / early spring of 2012.
Too far away, I can't even bother to speculate.
I'm moody. I need more ponies. Nao.
Just going by title alone, it sounds like a Fluttershy episode where she learns to be more assertive. Which I totally don't mind since Fluttershy is my best pony. :3
VastaKustutaUGH I CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 2 quote the title of Family Guy's Return of the Jedi spoof, "IT'S A TRAP!!"
VastaKustutaDOUBLE Yeah...19 episodes into the second season's GOTTA be Spring 2012.
I seriously need to upgrade my cable service so I get The Hub.
VastaKustutaI am so excited,i'm throwing money at my monitor and nothing happens,especialy the speed up of S2 making :|
VastaKustutaomg my b-day is on the 28 ... if ep 1 is on 20 august ..omg omg omg omg :D
VastaKustutaI like all the theories here, but it's a fake. Why would you post the title of the 19th episode, and not even mention the first episode? Especially since there isn't even one hint of what the episodes are about.
VastaKustutaPrincess Luna knows that Celestia is being controlled by a monster.... So she puts her hoof down and for the rest of the episodes of the season, Luna, Twilight and friends try to rid of Trollestia and free the real Celestia. On episode 26 of season 2, Celestia is free and is now in a similar form as Luna.
VastaKustutaAlright, here's how to really blow your mind: we know that the people who make FiM know about what the bronies get up to. So, let's say they know about this, and how excited people have been getting about it. They have to announce that the name and date are fake, but when they finally put it out, they ACTUALLY NAME IT THAT. Wouldn't that be awesome?
VastaKustutaWow, it actually wasn't fake.
VastaKustutaLol at the very first comment being correct.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutaAre you psychic?
@Spikely Whiplash
VastaKustutaNope he can time travel
Lee Sin uses Iron Will to make FS strong.
VastaKustutaAnd I say, HEEYYEEYYEEYEYA HEEYYYEEEYYEYYEYEYA, I said hey, what's going on??
VastaKustutaGuys, we have a serious problem here...
VastaKustutaI went on YouTube to watch the new episode today and every version of the this episode had been terminated, and when I say "every" I mean EVERY version. The full HD versions, the normal full versions, the split in half ones, and even the quartered ones. Guys if I don't get my ponies it may not end well.
It better be a Fluttershy episode, because there has not been one in season 2 dedicated to my favourite pony yet! God knows why...
VastaKustutaI heard its a Flutershy episode.
VastaKustuta@#comment alias Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutaDamn, you rock o_0
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony Oh my gosh. You actually called it, AND you were the first poster. Do you work at DHX Media?