• Season 1 Backwards PMV's

    Yep! I got two of these yesterday.  Compilation time!

    1.) Best of MLP FiM - Backwards!
    2.) Return to Ponyville

    That first one is actually really freakin cool.  Pony gibberish sounds like it would work as an actual language.


    1. The first one reminds me of the gibberish noises they used to put in RPGs back in the day to fake voice acting.

    2. The second one makes sad, it's like none of it ever happened.

    3. Forst: Eh? What... the... ok. funny.

    4. Both great videos, been a good while since I'd heard any Enigma...good stuff.

    5. Dang, I was hoping for backmasking.

    6. The second vid doesn't make me sad, it just makes me more resolved to enjoy the series more each time. No room or time to frown!

      First one was surprisingly funny!

    7. Second one is cute.

      First one... strangely compulsive....

    8. 2nd video didn't make me feel bad. In fact, it makes me feel somewhat "accomplished"

      Great choice of music!

    9. I lost it when Applejack stuck cucumber slices on her eyes with her tongue.

    10. 1st one had loads of vomiting things or eating strange things (loved the Rarity moment with the punch).

      2nd one made me emotional, rewatching key moments of the show in backwards order made me remember why I love this series so much <3

      Two great PMVs

    11. I liked both of em.

      The first one was. . . interesting. My brain basically shut off and went into "OOOH COLORS AND RANDOM NOISES" 2 month old baby mode while watching it. That's a good thing!

      The second one was nice. A good way of doing a S1 retrospective piece. It was kinda sad at the end, watching all of the cutie marks go away, because all the ponies went from ecstatic to depressed / angry though =(

    12. Sholdn't the first one betitled MIF:PLM?

    13. Wow. I know it was meant as a happy zany thing, but that second video actually hit me. At first I got misty-eyed when Twilight started "unmeeting" all her friends, but then the video went on to show them losing their cutie marks too. When the smile on Pinkie's face faded away as the Sonic Rainboom retreated, leaving only grey clouds, I actually shed a manly tear.

      Maybe it's in part because of what I read in the most recent update to "Past Sins". It sensitized me to this sort of thing. :)

    14. Though I did like it, the second vid, kind of made me think that Whooves had failed in foiling some kind of plot and Equestria's history and the mane six's lives were being reversed...not fun.

    15. These videos made me feel kinda weird.

    16. The first one was pretty funny.

      The second one made me remember why I love this show so much, and Im glad that I decided to start watching it.

    17. Maybe its because I've heard (And loved) the song in the second video before, but everypony is taking that second video WAYYYY too negatively. (Putting aside the actual purpose of the video) If you consider it, you can see that video as rewinding through the show to just before the Sonic Rainboom, and so we see the mane six just about to embark on all the adventures we know they have (but they don't yet). BE HAPPY, PONIES. (This is either really deep, or really incomprehensible)

    18. in the 1st video, Pinkie RESTORED food!

    19. #1 should be called ''Ponies of Persia''.

    20. A nice job done on the second one, definitely brings out some emotion and I think that was obviously the intention of the creator. Lol, that song brings me back a bit too, I remember the first time I heard it was in an episode of the 90s Outer Limits TV series.

    21. Redact my previous statement, the both should be called ''Ponies of Persia''.

    22. Oh man, Pinkie Pie's slowly fading smile broke me.

    23. @Rekiara
      it was simply because they realized you had almost watched the entire video and you realized that you had both this vid and season 1 watched


    24. soǝpıʌ ǝɯosǝʍɐ ɥʇoq

    25. Yeah, I intended for my pmv to be emotional yet happy. It wasn't easy making it from an emotional aspect. I'll admit I had to stop and take a deep breath and fight back a few tears while I made this. Thanks for the comments! ;)

    26. I watched the second one first. Like a boss. B)

    27. Backwards FOREVVAR is fantastic! As is backwards Spike belching tickets. And of course, the cupcake jokes.... =/

    28. I like the part where Pinkie vomits an entire cake.

    29. Sounded like Sim-Speak to me XD

    30. These ar eactually pretty nice :P

    31. Whoa. Backwards emotions really screw with me o.o

    32. If you want the second video to be more epic just mute it and start playing "Inside the Winter Storm" by Dragonforce (I'm sorry if you hate them) at 8 seconds in. Synchs up surprisingly well.

    33. Oh, and here's a linky-thingy.


    34. And now i'll sit here waiting for a "The Scientist" PMV, would love to see what backwards clips are fitting for the song and video.

    35. No Sonic Rainboom backwards?

    36. @Vintage VCR

      GREAT idea. Thats such an beautiful song. If I had even the slightest knowledge of how to make these videos I would give it a shot. Hopefully somebody does go about doing that.

    37. Rarity: No wings? I should do something about that. *ash formation* better.

    38. @Vintage VCR

      I was thinking 'The Scientist' by Coldplay while watching this aswell. This video blocks rather well to that track as the actions eerily fit to the rhythm and lyrics. Start the music 39s into the video. Fade as track ends with Twilight reading.

      Manly tears will be shed.

    39. Double posting time.

      I think I looked at this a bit much. Using this Coldplay link [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdBym7kv2IM ] it should line up with the 'Return to Ponyville' video if started ~40s into the latter [or add an additional 8 intro bars starting at ~14s]. You'll know it if you got it, because movement and actions tend to be in synch with the piano background.
      It really is bizarre that this song fits so well without further video-editing.

    40. anyone else having trouble viewing return to ponyville?
