and then I watched the other video's that I didn't realize were also less than a minute. I feel stupid now.
#1 I thought it was going to be happy Luna until I realized it was the fail hasbro video. Then I waited for the rage.
#2 Would have been better if I actually liked Spongebob. It matched with the characters somewhat well though, although Derpy's far smarter than Partrick. At first I thought it was Timon and Pumba because of Squidward's voice.
#3 I want a 4 hour loop like the myomyomyo Pinkie Pie video, it's mesmerizing and the song loop sounds catchy.
#4 I still don't really get what's going on in this one, but I'm happy that I recognized Metroid music.
The last one is probably referencing how in the Metroid Prime games (and Fusion), you first encounter Metroids in energy-based cells, and they instinctively try to lunge at you if you come too close. Then you shut off the power two minutes later and immediately have to backtrack through those areas.
Oh btw, if anyone doesn't know, just type repeat before the .com part of the youtube video link of the derpy one to have it repeat forever. You're welcome ^.^
The Tarmare Moon thing actually has a prequel, which shows her as being an alien blob thing which becomes an alicorn by ABSORBING a normal unicorn and pegasus into itself, followed by an evil grin.
It's creepy as hell, and.. apparently a reference to something? I dunno.
(standard FA warning: You can't view NSFW stuff there without both an account and enabling it, so if you fit that criteria and don't wanna see such things.. don't click anywhere but there)
Anyone? Anyone? Epic Mickey? *voices grow higher with each question* Shadow Blot, the main antagonist? Mickey inadvertently creates him and destroys the Wasteland? Blot drags him down into that invariable hell, and he ends up meeting his half-brother Oswald? Mickey has to defeat the Blot to save the Wasteland? *voice returns to normal* Yeah, I'm probably explaining the joke too much...
50 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta"The last metroid is in captivity." That is all.
VastaKustutaWhat was the last one referencing? It feels very familiar.
VastaKustutaim still kind confused by "tarmare moon"
Oh ok.
VastaKustutaand then I watched the other video's that I didn't realize were also less than a minute. I feel stupid now.
VastaKustuta#1 I thought it was going to be happy Luna until I realized it was the fail hasbro video. Then I waited for the rage.
#2 Would have been better if I actually liked Spongebob. It matched with the characters somewhat well though, although Derpy's far smarter than Partrick. At first I thought it was Timon and Pumba because of Squidward's voice.
#3 I want a 4 hour loop like the myomyomyo Pinkie Pie video, it's mesmerizing and the song loop sounds catchy.
#4 I still don't really get what's going on in this one, but I'm happy that I recognized Metroid music.
The last vid references this:
VastaKustuta@Anonymous It's referencing "The Odd Scout"
VastaKustutaThe last one is probably referencing how in the Metroid Prime games (and Fusion), you first encounter Metroids in energy-based cells, and they instinctively try to lunge at you if you come too close. Then you shut off the power two minutes later and immediately have to backtrack through those areas.
VastaKustutaDramatic look at 0:37
VastaKustuta@Lupus Albus Nope, it's referencing a TF2 video called The Odd Scout.
VastaKustutaTrixie Clock? What?
VastaKustutaAlso, DONATE BUTTON! When did that get there?!
VastaKustutaIt's referencing all the "Odd" things...
VastaKustutaThey give me the heebee jeebee weebees.
i can watch #3 for hours. (and i just might)
VastaKustuta#1: Problem Luna?
VastaKustuta#2: LULZ were had
#3: That shouldn't be as adorable as it is.
#4: Oh Super Metroid, what are you doing in my My Little Pony? Get outta there, that's no place for you.
Never enough Carrot and Derpy in the world. They need their own sitcom.
VastaKustutasuper maretroid
VastaKustutaWhat's with all the adds, are they some how a joke? I mean they are all strangely horse related... Like the equine cremation one.
VastaKustutaI missed a joke here, where is the Trixie clock?
VastaKustutaHaha, these videos were hilarious. I especially liked the first one, very nice. :D The third wasn't as funny. But it has Derpy, so it's fine. :)
VastaKustutaTarmare moon is more than likely a reference to the evil pollution antagonist from "Ferngully."
VastaKustutaOh btw, if anyone doesn't know, just type repeat before the .com part of the youtube video link of the derpy one to have it repeat forever. You're welcome ^.^
VastaKustutaI just noticed we hit 22 million, and then I noticed we're about to hit 23 million.
VastaKustutaWhere'd that graph go from a while back, I want to see if we're on schedule or not.
If that's a Ferngully reference I will die!
VastaKustutaWhy is #3 so mesmerizing? I don't understaaaand!
VastaKustutaBut I do see it becoming a new repeatmeme, just because.
When I first saw "Tarmare Moon" the bad guy from Ferngully came to mind at first too. But there's other things it can be related to as well I'm sure.
VastaKustutasaw the second one in comic form but its way funnier in video
VastaKustuta#1: And that's why Nightmare Moon will be appearing in Season Two.
VastaKustutaPoor luna... on a different note, Derpy has invaded my thought process, it is a good pain.
VastaKustutaI enjoyed these a lot. You should do this more often, Seth.
VastaKustutaThat brightened up my morning :)
VastaKustutawtf, is all i need to say.
VastaKustutaTarmare Moon makes me think of the Goo game, personally...
VastaKustutaAlso, I no see a Trixie Cloxk... am I be trolled in a Great and Powerful manner, or am I just blind?
I'm proud to mass spam Seth with random videos once in a while xD
VastaKustutaTarmare Moon: Hexxus in pony form.
VastaKustutaI'll take the guess and say that "TarMare Moon" is a "Tarboy" reference. if you don't know what "Tarboy" is, visit newgrounds and search for it.
VastaKustutaThe Tarmare Moon thing actually has a prequel, which shows her as being an alien blob thing which becomes an alicorn by ABSORBING a normal unicorn and pegasus into itself, followed by an evil grin.
VastaKustutaIt's creepy as hell, and.. apparently a reference to something? I dunno.
(standard FA warning: You can't view NSFW stuff there without both an account and enabling it, so if you fit that criteria and don't wanna see such things.. don't click anywhere but there)
#1 That's how it starts. Haven't they learned anything, you shouldn't ever ignore Luna.
VastaKustutaAll you need is Palpatine at her side at the end, "Feel your hate."
I love it when videos make me giggle like and idiot.
VastaKustutaFor reference, the music for the third one comes from Sonic Colors.
VastaKustutaFail!Hasbro, Spongebob, Sonic, and Metroid/TF2 all in one pony video post? This... is the BEST video post. :D
(my guess it that it's a Tarboy reference and I LOVE Tarboy)
Sonic Colours Music + Derpy Hooves = Win.
VastaKustutaThe source is in aramaru's post above yours.
Tarmare Moon? More like Nightmare Blot.
VastaKustutaAnyone? Anyone? Epic Mickey?
*voices grow higher with each question*
Shadow Blot, the main antagonist? Mickey inadvertently creates him and destroys the Wasteland? Blot drags him down into that invariable hell, and he ends up meeting his half-brother Oswald? Mickey has to defeat the Blot to save the Wasteland?
*voice returns to normal*
Yeah, I'm probably explaining the joke too much...
And I was just thinking about Super Metroid today.
VastaKustutaRainbow Aran, anyone?
With a speed boost, duck, and jump she could even do a sonic rainboom!