Below the break you can find a whipping 42 new songs to listen to! SO MUCH PONY!
They have also set up a website for any of you remixers/music enthusiasts out there! You can find it here!
Primary Streaming Spot for all music: here!
Synchtube here!
Warning: Lots of embeds! Takes a while to load! Slow computers should probably just hit the mp3 downloads!
MP3 Downloads
Part 1
47 kommentaari:
so much musics
VastaKustutaThanks so much to everyone who helped organizing this! I was very impressed by everyones work, see you in round III!
VastaKustutaI GOTTA MAGGIICCC IN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is the catchiest song ever.
Oh shit, I am second and third video!
VastaKustutaSome great things here by everyone here, please take the time to listen to them!
For more streaming, please click here
VastaKustutaI don't care if people like mine or not, I'm just so excited to be participating! YAY!
VastaKustuta#13 is the best.
VastaKustutaAnd im not just saying that cause i contributed the background o3o
It was a pleasure participating in this! Is this some sort of record for most pony remixes slammed into one Equestria Daily post or something?
VastaKustutaWhoa holy shit that was fast. O.o
We apologize to all those who's songs were not included in the MP3 downloads. Due to time constraints, we could only include songs that provided MP3 download links; some links were missing and other linked to .wav files are too large to convenient download.
VastaKustutaSteaming all these songs just now @
VastaKustutaTune in!
VastaKustutaUm, I think that ought to be whopping. I mean, you don't have to change it... you know, if you don't want to... *squeak*.
On a more serious note, I can't wait to listen to all of these. ^_^
VastaKustutaThis just made my weekend! The first set was really awesome and I can't wait to hear what the new stuff sounds like (downloading all of them right now).
Thanks to everyone for their hard work for these remixes! I can't wait to sit down and listen to all of these songs.
A big thank you to everyone who's contributed to this.. I friggin'love these pony remixes.
VastaKustutaI'm working my way from the bottom to top, I can't get past the second to last! It's AMAZING! Trixie makes everything awesome!
So much music to go! Can't wait!!
We're streaming music in the synchtube, now.
VastaKustutaThis whole list is glorious.
VastaKustutaHalf-way through. I don't know if I can make it.
VastaKustutaSo. Much. Music.
I wonder if anypony has actually done a remix that incorporates the fanfare from Trixie's Magic Show. If that's in here, I might could die. If not, how come?
Apple Skytree seems to be missing from the downloads :o
VastaKustutaNext time, everyone so agree on a tempo, so we can listen to all of them at the same time...
VastaKustutaSo much music <3
VastaKustutaI think i finally have more pony remixes than actually licensed songs on my ipod. =O
VastaKustutaI truly love how pony is becoming a musical micro-genre in itself.
VastaKustutaAwesome, downloading now! :D
VastaKustutaI love the idea of these remix wars, I'd love to join in on the next one if I get the chance
AWESOME!! Music my Ears were BLOW AWAY!! Shout out to all the people's remixs enjoyed them :]
VastaKustuta>Below the break you can find a whipping 42 new songs to listen to! SO MUCH PONY!
>I count 43
>I thought only Phoe was into that
VastaKustutaAfter downloading the 2 parts provided and then ripping mp3s of the songs not in them, I ended up with 44. Oh well, time to go find that one duplicate with a different file name now...
Dang bro I love Megaman music and Pony music so #2 is pretty much awesome.
VastaKustutawooo number 5 was great the voice for trixie was a little annoying though
VastaKustutaaaaah I didn't have an mp3 up in time.
VastaKustutaSorry for the delay.
From the sync-listen last night: the entries were all AMAZING.
Also, the 10 minute compo was great, silly fun. ;p
and for the record: the duplicate from the two mp3 packs is "Foozogz Vs ChainAlgorithm - FriendsForever(AndTillTheEndOfTimeRmx).mp3"
Gah! Kisuke-Trixie: A Star no more has me crying, and I don't know why!
VastaKustutaIt was fun to listen to all of these while I spent time working on stuff, but listed here are the ones I liked enough to download (in order of appearance):
VastaKustutaIt's Love on Trixie Day (And Everypony's Celebratin'): This made me laugh. Is it by the same person/people who made the Derpy Hooves songs? I like it for the same reasons I like those, anyway.
Kisuke - Trixie: A Star No More: I usually prefer songs with a more prominent beat, but this was a well-done, soft and sad piece. The rain sound effects were a nice touch, too.
DavidReinold befriends Voodoopony: Flight of the Wonderbolts (Remix): Another good slow piece. This one has a more laid-back, jazzy feel, though. I will say that it's hard to hear the lyrics, but for me, I think that just added to the laid-back atmosphere.
sci befriends PinkiePieSwear: Winter Wrap Up (Late Night, Long Night): Now this is the kind of music I really like. A strong beat, a bittersweet and dreamy tune, and some experimental bits. I think I might like the original a little more, but this is still really good.
PinkiePieSwear - Trixie's Good Side: I couldn't explain exactly why, but I think this is my favorite of the whole batch. It's cute, bouncy, and sweet. Between this and the song just above, I think I'm going to pay closer attention to PinkiePieSwear's work from now on.
All-Powerful Trixie [FanMusic]: Not a Clever Pony also does consistently good work, and this piece isn't an exception. Musically, it does a good job of capturing the desparation Trixie shows in the sound clips used for the song.
Spirit Befriends Sci - Apple Skytree (Spirit Remix): This works well as an atmospheric piece. It's got a weird dreamy quality, and for some reason it reminded me of Earthbound.
Lol, ya'll saved the best for last ;P (jk)
VastaKustutaNo one probably got to mine after being overwhelmed by pony music lol. Notacleverpony's stuff is amazing as usual. Glad I could be included in this round and I will be back for the next ^_^
So much great music...
VastaKustutaI especially enjoyed both pieces by Makkon (Waltz for Trixie & Highlanders)and I Will Rise by psychgoth. There's some interesting attempts with symphonic synths...
too... much... electronic... music...
VastaKustutaThat said, there are definitely some gems in there, I'm just not sure if I wanna wade through all the bad stuff to find them next time around.
Mine got left out T_T of the mp3 zips...
This is really impressive! Out of the MP3 downloads, the following are now in my best pony playlist:
VastaKustutaISMBOF-The Great and Powerful x20
The Marking Dude creates CYBORG Milly-Respect for Distorted Art
Makkon-A Waltz for Trixie
General Mumble/Allicorn-Atomic Cupcakes
Lenich/Not A Clever Pony-Hydra Pulse
[voodopony]/Jackle App-My Destiny is a Rock
Kisuke-Trixie - A Star No More
Cats Millionaire/Sci & Chain Algorithm-Trixie has the Great and Powerful, Anyway
Infinity Dash/Derpy Hooves-Ze Magicz - Fluttershy's Fashion Show [Derp'd]
I'll have to wade through the embeds and see which ones are missing from the MP3 packs (these posts kind of need to come with a spreadsheet!)
Most of them go overboard with the beats and it turns out into an amalgamation than a clean, enjoyable song =/
VastaKustutaSome of the MP3:s in the downloads at the top have HORRENDOUS compression quality. Both of Circuitfry's songs and DerpyGrooves Trixie song had really nasty quality compression. Most of the songs were fine, though, quality wise.
VastaKustutaOh, and all songs are just fucking awesome. I didn't think it would be possible to top the 1:st round, but you guys did it anyway!
My favourites would either have to be NightColt's song or psychgoth's I Will Rise.
Everyone, good work. It's been a fantastic journey.
VastaKustutaManly tears, etc. :')
Favorites (to listen to time and again):
VastaKustutaKisuke - Trixie: A Star No More
General Mumble vs Allicorn - Atomic Cupcakes (Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes!)
Foozogz vs ChainAlgorithm - Friends Forever (but there is an unfortunate skip at the 3 minute mark)
Jeffthestrider vs ExoFusion: Pinkie Pie's Exomix
PinkiePieSwear - Trixie's Good Side ("What, how aboooout, what..." Sound bites, trippy with good rythm)
Makkon vs PinkiePieSwear - WWU Late Again Highlanders (read the liner notes on YouTube)
Makkon - a Waltz for Trixie (Wow! Very nice. Trixie waltzes alone through the night.)
The Cosmos Will Aid in Her Escape (Space Core Remix) is... It's amazing. It's science.
VastaKustutaAll-Powerful Trixie [FanMusic]
So Awesome!
Man! I'm going to have to say PinkiePieSwear - Trixie's Good Side is my favorite right now. It is very catchy, it's very uplifting happy feeling, and I love when and how she says "how aboooouuut you". It just fits really well. I can't explain shit! Phuck, it's so good!
VastaKustutaAgreed, Trixie's Good Side is a real stunner.
VastaKustutaTrixie's Good Side definetly has a "Pogo" feel. No complaints, it's just something I noticed.
VastaKustutaAm I the only who imagines fluttershy screaming
VastaKustuta"GOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM" in the title panel?