Fluttersquid? What the FUCK! I mean really Shutterfly was horrible but why this? Why not a Fluttertree? At least they aren't slimy and a sin against nature.
I'm the original commissioner of the Pinkie Pie plushie, I bought both versions, one of which i'm giving away for free too somepony who really, really wanted a pinkie pie.
There is plushies of background characters, "Cupcakes" Rainbow Dash and Luna in Sock but no Shutterfly Plushie. I'm kind of glad that there isn't once of that but considering the fact that everything else as something, Its kind of weird. Still, Fluttersquid is really cute, I was always a fan of cephalopods.
48 kommentaari:
FlutterSquid! Also, First
VastaKustutaAlmost first!
Those eyes... They can see EVERYTHING.
VastaKustutaPony squiddles, it MUST happen.
VastaKustutaDo want
VastaKustutaFluttersquid is the FUCKING BOMB.
VastaKustutaFluttersquid? What the FUCK! I mean really Shutterfly was horrible but why this? Why not a Fluttertree? At least they aren't slimy and a sin against nature.
VastaKustutai dunno why, but its kinda cute!
VastaKustutaHere's sauce for fluttersquid, I'm glad it's succeeding in making many people confused: http://fav.me/d42am1p
Cute Pinkie Pie is Pie. She's kinda chibified there with that huge head and little body. More than usual even. lol
VastaKustutaAnd Fluttersquid! Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! That's creative, kinda interesting, and oddly adorable. <3
Fluttersquid is now cannon.
VastaKustutaThat squid is totally awesome!!! <=K
VastaKustutaI inked.
VastaKustutaMy little chthulu, My little Cthulu ahhhhhhh... AGH!
VastaKustutaMy little chthulu, I wondered how fast we can be sent crazy.
My little chthulu, staring at us causes madness you see.
Bring on the cultists.
It'll be tons of fun.
Khalimah tear their hearts out, even if its wrong.
Killing with kindness is an easy feat!
And these world destroying squids makes it all complete.
My Little Cthulu...
Don't you know we're all screwed in the end!
I'm sorry for my response to fluttersquid, but that is definitely the on my top ten list of cutest deadliest things I've seen to date.
Fluttersquid? Why does this actually work??
VastaKustutaMy only complaint is that it's being displayed on a white sheet, and I can all too easily see Fluttersquid trying to hide behind a cloud of ink.
That Rarity is really well done if not a little bit tall compared to her head size. I'd still totally want it though.
VastaKustutaThat Pinkie Pie is kinda chibified, but it works for her and I think it makes her more cute. I'd want it.
The Fluttersquid...I wtf'd, but then I saw the section with it blushing and I d'awwed a bit.
I forgot it's spelled 'Cthulhu'... woops, derp.
VastaKustuta... why is Fluttersquid so adorable...?
VastaKustutaSeriously, I hate almost all molluscs, but the plush drive me to d'aww.
I'm the original commissioner of the Pinkie Pie plushie, I bought both versions, one of which i'm giving away for free too somepony who really, really wanted a pinkie pie.
VastaKustutaDid you know that Shutterfly is a real photo sharing site?
VastaKustutaI lol'd when I saw their ad.
@D. Shadows
VastaKustuta...I'd watch that. Squidified ponies for the win. Would Celestia be Cthulhu, and if so what would Luna be?
...And now I'm thinking about "Friendship is Witchcraft" where Fluttershy is a cult leader.
Just goes to show, ponies make even slimy and disgusting things like squid awesome/adorable.
VastaKustutaI still wtf'd when I saw that though.
We gonna get all of the mane six as squids now? Maybe throw them in socks?
VastaKustutaI'm thinking she'd be a either a Night Gaunt, Nodens who controls Night Gaunts or a Shantak depending on her situation.
I'm a squid?! *sighs*
VastaKustutaI am not a squid...
VastaKustutaYou are a tree though right?
The first episode of Friendship Is Magic premiered on the first Hub broadcast, October 10, 2010.
Uploaded by GhostNorik on Aug 30, 2010
VastaKustutaI don't know whether to laugh uncontrollably, or vomit everywhere.
Probably both?
Fluttersquid has got to be the most amazing thing ever.
VastaKustutaThat fluttersquid should be turned into a hat
VastaKustutaFluttershy started that trend with Fluttertree
VastaKustutaConfound our 4chan origins
release the kraken
VastaKustutathat is ... if its okay with you ...
Now I totally want a flutterquid plush. It's absolutely adorable.
VastaKustutaFluttershy squid is Nanerpus.
There is plushies of background characters, "Cupcakes" Rainbow Dash and Luna in Sock but no Shutterfly Plushie. I'm kind of glad that there isn't once of that but considering the fact that everything else as something, Its kind of weird. Still, Fluttersquid is really cute, I was always a fan of cephalopods.
VastaKustutaThanks RD for your sarcasm which leads to a fluttersquid... somehow
VastaKustutapinkie looks like one of those The Dog plushies (CUTE)
Fluttersquid is so DAMNED ADORABLE I just want to eat her up!!!
Fluttersquid is clearly part of Fluttershy's robot army of animal care-takers for the Ocean division.
At least she isn't a deathsquid.
VastaKustutaI adore Fluttersquid! Rarity and Pinkie are cute as well. :D
VastaKustutaFluttersquid reminds me of the Ood.
VastaKustutaAugggh. Now I have to make a nightmarish horror of a Fluttertree.
VastaKustutaI hate all of this pressure. I can't be the last person to make Fluttershy into something... something... just /horrible/.
My love for ponies and for tentacled marine life, together in the same object!
VastaKustutaMy life is complete~ <:E
Ooh, the Pinkie Pie is AWESOME. And Fluttersquid: ROFL.
VastaKustutaseen enough hentai to know where this is going