Rounding up our selection of blogponies (unless Tek resurfaces and shows interest), it's none other than me! Whether you've been anticipating this, dreading it, or were just plain ambivalent, here I am to shed as much light on as many topics as I can in the time allotted.
Same format as Seth and Cereal's, but later editions of this we're going to change things up to make it easier to get your question out there. Ok, let's have some fun, everypony!
Cereal Velocity
What is your most irrational fear?
Spiders. Also, you're cheating.
I shall ask the most obvious question: Why Lyra?
Her mannerisms are adorable, and her color scheme is beautiful. She's more fun than other background ponies.
S.Aura Knight
So, the magenta/pink mane was created by the fans, but why a white Pegasus, Phoe, and not a Unicorn or Earth Pony?
I've had a bunch of conversations with friends about what kind of pony I'd be. I used to insist earth pony, but a whole bunch of them told me pegasus, because 'wings suit you, Phoe.' Thought about it, eventually agreed.
Kimba the White Lion
How'd you get into ponies?
Heard about them while reading Shortpacked, thought 'wait, that thing from my childhood that bored me to death?' Tried it out, got hooked. Now I'm here!
Creative question: If you could be any musical instrument, what would you be and why?
A violin, so people would think I was artistic and intelligent.
Is Seth as insane behind the scenes as he appears to be on the blog?
More, actually.
Who has better fanon, Octavia or Lyra?
Octavia. She's had a lot more thought exercises done for her that I'm aware of, so she's better developed. Which is a shame.
How did you get to be one of the site admins?
I have no idea. Seth randomly asked me one day if I'd like to be.
Sphere of Suggestion
Are you an actual artist yourself?
I have a sketchbook, if that counts. Whether or not that means I can draw is a matter if perspective (I say no! =D)
Least Favorite Pony?
No such thing.
Why choose a background pony as your favorite (or if not technically your "favorite", your avatar)? Did a certain piece of fanfiction or art charm you to Lyra?
I don't know if there was a specific piece of art so much as a deluge of it. I was just sort of flipping through pictures and was... struck by her. I've been entranced ever since.
Axle and Wheel
Besides Ponies, What are your other interests?
Writing, gaming, art, music, and getting people to make as much of all of these things as possible
Would you say there's any dynamic amongst the three of you, Seth, Cereal, and you, or is it all strictly business? How much do you interact beyond blog-maintenance?
We talk all the time. Honestly, they feel almost like family at this point. Brothers or children, I'll leave to your imagination.
what's your favorite ship?
Believe it or not, FlutterDash.
Were you a nerd before ponies, or do you even consider yourself one now? (I have always been a nerd)
I was born a nerd and I will die a nerd. Eventually.
Question: What was your favorite theme from the NATG and why?
I hate power outages, too. That question's hard, though. I guess Crying Ponies because of the sheer depth of emotionality that unleashed, but honestly, they were all amazing.
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck had power-tools?
None. The woodchuck would be too busy checking his Blackberry.
Crimson Warning
Hey, Phoe. What was it like running the Training Grounds? I bet it was real busy...
It was amazingly hectic and crazy, but so much fun. I cried when it ended. Then I slept for a week.
are you single? ;)
Sorry, I'm taken. D=
How long did it take to get your sleep schedule back to normal after the Artist Training Ground?
So far?
Cereal didn't answer me, maybe you know. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
2,583. And your tongue will be very raw and sensitive for hours.
Why the bondage?
I think the better question is why not the bondage?
Sometime in the future, do you see yourself reviving the Newbie Artist Training Grounds?
100% absolutely without doubt.
What do you love most about the community, and also what do you think has been one of the most inspiring story from the community?
My favorite part of this community is how amazingly creative it is. Every day we get tons of amazing fanfiction, music, and videos. I've never been a part of something like this before. It's magical.
Would you rather the MLPFiM team paid more attention to the "brony" audience in the next season (such as with those funny ads), or continued to work as they did in the previous (with a minor nod every now and again)?
I think the best move for them is to not limit their options by writing for any one fanbase over another, and give us our shoutouts in commercials and other things outside the show. Brony Appreciation Day is a wonderful idea; they don't need to change their writing for us, too.
What's your favorite type of cookie?
Gingersnaps. So delicious.
How have ponies and Equestria Daily affected your life?
I have significantly less free time than I used to, but I haven't been this HAPPY in a long, long time.
Star Winged Brit
Out of the mane 6 who would you most like to hang out with?
I think I'd have the must fun hanging out with Twilight. I adore Rainbow Dash, but I'm just not active enough to keep up with somepony like her.
Hey phoe, whats with the name?
It's an abbreviation of my real name.
There's this guy who seemed cool at first, but then later turned out to be really mean and made my friend cry. How do you deal with mean people?
You tell them what they've done and ask them to stop. If they don't, do your best to keep on smiling and move on with your life. Also, don't forget to hug your friend.
What happens when you cross Lyra with bondage?
It starts with wing and ends with a word I'm not going to say in this segment.
If there was an episode centered around Lyra, what in your wildest dreams would you want to happen to our beloved lyre playing protagonist?
I'd like to see them explore her relationship with Bon Bon, although of course I know in the show they'd never be able to make them overt lovers. Mostly I'd like to know what she thinks about. Does she fantasize about being a human? Was she one, once? Does she taste like mint ice cream? An episode that answers those questions would be amazing.
Favorite fanfic?
Misted Stage or Bubbles. It depends on what mood I'm in.
Sir Peppermint Jam
What kind of advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming a brony? And what would you say to someone who completely dislikes the show and characters within without really giving a reason why? Also, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but what kind of advice would you give to a newbie writer/artist/anything else?
I think if you're thinking about becoming a brony, you should just go ahead and get your feet wet. Watch an episode or two, chuckle at a PMV, see where things go from there. If somepony dislikes the show without reason... well, I'm sorry for them. They're missing out on a really wonderful experience, and some classic animation jokes and references. But you can't force it down their throats; that's not very pony. If you're a new writer, my first piece of advice is to read. Always keep your favorite stories in mind, and try to emulate the bits that leaped out at you and captured your imagination. As you become more comfortable, branch out and try new things. Experiment until you find a voice that's uniquely yours. But above all, keep on writing. Or drawing. Give yourself permission to "fail", that is to make a bad piece. It will happen, and it's ok. Just keep working at it!
Tiny ponies make you squee. Why is that?
Ponies are cute. Tiny things are cute. Tiny ponies are earth shatteringly cute. QED.
Conner Cogwork
You have a tiny Lyra in your hooves. What do you do with her?
I lose hours of my life brushing her mane. I haven't really planned it out any farther than that.
What exactly is the appealing of the show to you?
It's a culturally rich show that's both impossibly cute and intellectually stimulating. And it spawned a kick-flank community.
You and Lyra are being chased by a velociraptor, but Lyra can't keep up and is doomed to be caught. What do you do????? (no super powers)
I stand perfectly still, because I think that maybe their vision is based on movement, like a T-Rex. When that turns out not to be the case, I make fun of them for looking like a chicken. Later, it turns out it was Scootaloo all along. The End.
The first time you watched Episode 2, did you feel sorry for Luna, or were you disapointed that Nightmare Moon had a change of heart rather than being defeated?
Why would I be disappointed that she was redeemed instead of defeated? I think that's the only appropriate way to deal with a villain like that in a show like this. That said, she's had her climax of drama, and while you might set me on fire for suggesting this, I'm hoping she does not play a major role in Season 2.
The Great and Powerful Trixie
Trixie would like to know how some mint colored filly who is obviously far inferior to The Great and Powerful Trixie herself can be ones favorite pony. When it is I, Trixie who although lost the title of the most powerful to that annoying Twilight Sparkle, she still retains the title of the greatest unicorn in all of Equestria! So long story short Trixie would like to know, do you not like Trixie? If so why not?
I love you, Trixie. You're a charismatic and smug little jerk, and you're delightfully upfront about it. Villains with stage presence are usually my favorites in any series. But can you
How do you pronounce your name?
Whom, in your opinion, is the best voice actress and/or singer in the show?
'Fee'. Nopony gets it right.
Ashleigh Bell, no question. Her work in At the Gala cemented this forever, no matter what happens from here on out.
What is the blog's stance on trollfics?
They're not usually well written enough to be posted.
What title do you like best for female bronies? Just 'brony' or 'filly' or something else?
I'm partial to 'Equestria Girl' myself.
what is your favorite ship, like *schwoo PEWPEWPEW* ship not "AND THEN THEY FUCKED!" ship?
A specific one? I dunno. But I love aircraft carriers.
What kind of story is scarier:
Spiritual horror like white noise 2
Mental horror like the grudge
or Physical horror like night of the living dead.
Mental horror, almost every time. Really it depends on how it's presented, but I think no matter what for it to be scary it has to get inside your head.
Gozer the Equestrian
What do you think is Celestia's real motive for having Twilight study friendship in Ponville?
It's a convenient excuse to reward her student for all her hard work rescuing her sister, and also places the most-likely most powerful unicorn in Equestria in a place that seems to be a hotspot for trouble. Celestia is always rocking the Batman Gambits.
What does purple smell like?
Like snozzberries.
What is your most irrational fear?
ReplyDeleteI shall ask the most obvious question: Why Lyra?
ReplyDeleteSo, the magenta/pink mane was created by the fans, but why a white Pegasus, Phoe, and not a Unicorn or Earth Pony?
ReplyDeleteHow'd you get into ponies?
ReplyDeleteWhat got you into ponies?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhat is your Favorite Metal band?
ReplyDeleteStandard question: what got you into ponies in the first place?
ReplyDeleteCreative question: If you could be any musical instrument, what would you be and why?
Phoe, who are you and why are you so awesome?
ReplyDeleteIs Seth as insane behind the scenes as he appears to be on the blog?
ReplyDeleteWho has better fanon, Octavia or Lyra?
ReplyDeleteHow did you get to be one of the site admins?
ReplyDeleteAre you an actual artist yourself?
ReplyDeleteLeast favorite pony?
ReplyDeleteWhere did the idea of Artist Training Ground come from?
ReplyDeleteWhy choose a background pony as your favorite (or if not technically your "favorite", your avatar)? Did a certain piece of fanfiction or art charm you to Lyra?
ReplyDeleteBesides Ponies, What are your other interests?
ReplyDeleteSo, Phoe. What would you REALLY like to see in a future episode of the show?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the meaning of life the universe and everything?
ReplyDeleteWould you say there's any dynamic amongst the three of you, Seth, Cereal, and you, or is it all strictly business? How much do you interact beyond blog-maintenance?
ReplyDeleteAre you gay?
ReplyDeletewhat's your favorite ship?
ReplyDeleteWere you a nerd before ponies, or do you even consider yourself one now? (I have always been a nerd)
ReplyDeleteWhat's your story of being recruited onto the EqD blogger crew with Seth and Cereal?
ReplyDeleteQuestion: What was your favorite theme from the NATG and why?
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck had power-tools?
ReplyDeleteDo you clop to ponies?
ReplyDeleteHey, Phoe. What was it like running the Training Grounds? I bet it was real busy...
ReplyDeleteare you single? ;)
ReplyDeleteHow long did it take to get your sleep schedule back to normal after the Artist Training Ground?
ReplyDeleteWhat's your preference for ponies taking over the world?
ReplyDeleteMonster Ponies, Alien Ponies or Alternate Reality Ponies?
Cereal didn't answer me, maybe you know. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
ReplyDeleteHey Phoe
ReplyDeletewhat color are your socks right now
What kind of story is scarier:
or Physical
Chuck Norris or Pinkie Pie, who would win?....
ReplyDeleteCan you solve a Rubik's Cube?
ReplyDeleteAre you a reader, writer, artist, or all of the above?
ReplyDeleteAnd if you are an artist, do you do commissions?
✈ ▌▌ What does this remind you of?
ReplyDeleteSo we have a picture of Seth, and Cereal is too insecure- can you be a better pony than he and upload a picture of your undoubtedly beautiful visage for us?
ReplyDeleteAlso, what is the color of night?
Why the bondage?
ReplyDeleteSometime in the future, do you see yourself reviving the Newbie Artist Training Grounds?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you love most about the community, and also what do you think has been one of the most inspiring story from the community?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather the MLPFiM team paid more attention to the "brony" audience in the next season (such as with those funny ads), or continued to work as they did in the previous (with a minor nod every now and again)?
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping run the site, by the way!
What's your favorite type of cookie?
ReplyDelete█ █
ReplyDeleteAre you a polymath?
How have ponies and Equestria Daily affected your life?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do for fun?
ReplyDeleteOut of the mane 6 who would you most like to hang out with?
ReplyDeleteWhat brought you to the herd and why is lyra your fav?
ReplyDeleteHey phoe, whats with the name?
ReplyDeleteThere's this guy who seemed cool at first, but then later turned out to be really mean and made my friend cry. How do you deal with mean people?
ReplyDeleteWhat happens when you cross Lyra with bondage?
ReplyDeleteIf there was an episode centered around Lyra, what in your wildest dreams would you want to happen to our beloved lyre playing protagonist?
ReplyDeleteFavorite fanfic?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming a brony? And what would you say to someone who completely dislikes the show and characters within without really giving a reason why? Also, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but what kind of advice would you give to a newbie writer/artist/anything else?
ReplyDeleteWhat was your favorite day in the artist training grounds?
ReplyDeleteAre you a mare or a stallion?
ReplyDeleteTiny ponies make you squee. Why is that?
ReplyDeleteWho are your fave ponies besides Lyra? As in, Mane Six, Supporting, Minor Character, and... well, you already have Background level chosen, it seems.
ReplyDelete@Answer: Oh? So your friends insisted, and you broke down and agreed? Well, a Pegasus suits your flighty personality on the blog (don't hurt me for the pun XD)
ReplyDeleteNow, another question: What genres of video games do you enjoy, and what are your favorites?
[s]Also why haven't you gotten back to my email yet[/s]
You have a tiny Lyra in your hooves. What do you do with her?
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is the appealing of the show to you?
ReplyDeleteIf you were magically transported to the world of Equestria, but could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
ReplyDeleteHow did you end up as part of Equestria Daily along with Seth and Cereal?
ReplyDeleteHow many 50ft Lyra statues would you place in your town?
ReplyDeleteDo you think Pinkie Pie is skilled in bagpipery?
ReplyDeleteWhat order, chronologically, would you say the series are in? (ie, G3 came before G1, but after G2 ,etc.)
Do pony parents just get really lucky with their naming?
Why does Zecora talk in rhymes, anyway?
What profession do you think Twist will go into?
Am I doing this whole thing wrong? I've never done one of these before, So I'll pretend it's okay to just dump a whole bunch of questions at you.
The blind-bag ponies, do you think they'll ever make TV appearances?
Rainbow Dash's turtle, when do you expect he'll make an appearance in the show?
Is Hasbro ever going to make toys for, say, Carrot Top and G4 Cherilee? How about Zecora? How about Twist?
What would you guys like to see as far as merch goes? Figures, shirts, what? specifically, I mean.
Are you the same Phoe from Giant in the Playground?
ReplyDeletedo u drink water?
ReplyDeleteWhy did you start the training grounds? Any plans on doing it again?
ReplyDeleteWhats your favorite episode and why?
ReplyDeleteYou and Lyra are being chased by a velociraptor, but Lyra can't keep up and is doomed to be caught. What do you do????? (no super powers)
ReplyDeletewhat did your first work of pony art look like and who was it of?
ReplyDeleteWhat made you decide to help out with Equestria Daily? It seems like such a stressful job.
ReplyDeleteAre you now afraid that Cereal will write a Grimdark/Nightmare-fuel fanfic featuring your pony and spiders?
ReplyDeleteThe first time you watched Episode 2, did you feel sorry for Luna, or were you disapointed that Nightmare Moon had a change of heart rather than being defeated?
ReplyDeleteTrixie would like to know how some mint colored filly who is obviously far inferior to The Great and Powerful Trixie herself can be ones favorite pony. When it is I, Trixie who although lost the title of the most powerful to that annoying Twilight Sparkle, she still retains the title of the greatest unicorn in all of Equestria! So long story short Trixie would like to know, do you not like Trixie? If so why not?
ReplyDeleteIs there anything specific you would like to see produced from us, the EqD community?
ReplyDeleteHow do you pronounce your name?
ReplyDeleteWhom, in your opinion, is the best voice actress and/or singer in the show?
Shaken or stirred?
ReplyDeleteHow were you invited to be on equestria daily?
ReplyDeleteHmm, loads of questions already so this probably won't be answered but why not.
ReplyDeleteIf you really were a pegasus with all the abilities of such as seen in the show, but still in the world we live in, what would be the first three things you'd do aside from normal shock of suddenly being a pony?
What do you suspect Luna will really be like once she appears on the show?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the blog's stance on trollfics?
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite thing about the My Little Pony fanbase?
ReplyDeleteI have to ask, what do you see in Lyra and Bon-Bon? Don't get me wrong, I love that you posted my Lyra x Bon-Bon fanfiction, but I'm just a curious pony.
ReplyDeleteFav shipping couple
ReplyDeleteHow do you feel about being twenty percent more popular and being asked all these inane questions?
ReplyDeleteNot a question, but HOLY CRAP, you're the first person (other than myself) who I've ever heard say that they were first linked to ponies by David Willis ('Dragonshy' specifically, if I recall correctly). You are now my new brony hero.
When was the last time you went kite flying?
ReplyDeleteWhat title do you like best for female bronies? Just 'brony' or 'filly' or something else?
ReplyDeleteHasbro gives you a call, and says you get to name a basic plot for an episode of Friendship is Magic. What do you tell them to do?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your new Avatar/OC that I've hard is very good?
ReplyDeleteDo you ever listen to the fan made music for Lyra or Octavia (or in some cases duets)?
ReplyDeletewhat is your favorite ship, like *schwoo PEWPEWPEW* ship not "AND THEN THEY FUCKED!" ship?
ReplyDeleteWhat's your pony like?
ReplyDeleteWant more info on her.
What's your favorite food/drink?
Do you have plans to be more involved with the ATG group on DA?
What kind of games do you like play?
ReplyDeleteSpecific titles and/or genres
What kind of story is scarier:
ReplyDeleteSpiritual horror like white noise 2
Mental horror like the grudge
or Physical horror like night of the living dead.
If you found a mysterious pencil that could give you three wishes, would you trust it, and what would your three wishes be?
ReplyDeleteEvery question I can think of has been asked. xP Okay, here's my question.
ReplyDelete"How on Equestria are you going to answer all of these questions?" xD (Or at least the ones that make sense)
Do you hope there'll be a 'Lower Decks' episode in Season 2 giving Lyra, Bon Bon and other ponies some time in the limelight?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat other TV shows do you watch/like besides My Little Pony?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think is Celestia's real motive for having Twilight study friendship in Ponville?
ReplyDeleteReddit or Digg?
ReplyDeleteWhat does purple smell like?
ReplyDeleteIn case you don't know that, in what way do you pick a favorite character? Is it some physical trait, personality, or is it because if you would want to have them as a friend IRL?
PHOE, is that you real name?
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine yourself swamped in Pony merch?
ReplyDeleteCutting off questions here. Still compiling, thanks for being patient!
ReplyDeleteOh, and the final major question that everyone will want to know: Popcorn or muffins?
ReplyDeleteHow many questions more can we get out about ponies for you Phoe than everyone previously did for either Cereal or Sethisto?
ReplyDeleteWhat types of music do you listen to? Pony related or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteMy question made it! FUCK YEAR!
ReplyDeleteAw, I got cut off XD
ReplyDeleteAnyway, wow, that was like... a hundred more questions than Cereal and Seth.
What is love?
ReplyDeleteOkay, serious question... when I can think of one.
Actually, jjust make that the question you end your questionnaire with or something; I accidentally my good questions on Seth and Cereal.
In regards to the NATG, how do you feel about being part of encouraging so many people to draw, and in some cases rediscover their creativity?
ReplyDeleteWhat's ur favorite Fanfic? (if to broad, what's your favorite a) Doctor Whoof b) Epic and c) Crossover fanfic?)
ReplyDeleteWhat is something funny about you I can add to the Brony Dictionary =)?
ReplyDeleteI assume from the name that your female?
ReplyDeletePhoe, you submitted a post that was an interview with butterscotch sundae and a disertation on why sexualization in ok. As of now though the blog hasn't posted anything that discusses why sexualization of the show might be considered wrong. Something that covers the facts that maybe if the mainstream perceives bronies as perverts people will think that we watch the show cause we're sick not because the show has any merit. Also if everybody thinks we're perverts they're not gonna let hasbro (a childrens toy company mind you) cater to us. This would limit on things like equestria girls and shout outs to bronies in general. Do you think that this blog is slightly bias due to the blogponies (such as yourself) being ok with sexual content?
ReplyDeleteYour awesome. Well that's not my question just wanted to say that. My question is did you liked the older series before this one or just the new as they call them G4 ponies?
ReplyDeleteI meant a dissertation on why sexualization of the show is ok*
ReplyDeletesry about that
Boxers or Briefs?
ReplyDeleteLuna, or Celestia?
ReplyDeleteSince you brought it up, 'Shortpacked!' related question(s). Why is there not more fanart of Sodomuffin? She seems like a parody concept that bronies would embrace...also, I've never seen Willis linked by EqD, though many smaller webcomics have been. Why?
ReplyDeleteRarity or Trixie?
ReplyDeleteWhat be it your favorite style musica from community of ponyfolk bronies? (It's fun to virtually speak like a douche)
ReplyDeleteDo you like muffins?
ReplyDeleteWhich upcoming pony fangame are you looking forward to most?
ReplyDeleteare you going to make your girlfriend learn the lyre so you can pretend she is lyra?
ReplyDeleteWhy did you give Midnight a Tarot Card with an Earth Pony Wizard Cutie Mark? And what are the chances that particular Earth Pony Wazard has the same thing as his Cutie Mark?
ReplyDeleteHow would you handle being banished to a place you were banished to for 1000 years?
ReplyDeletewhat do you think your cutie mark would be?
ReplyDeleteDo you like Pie? If so what flavor?
ReplyDeletePhoe: is pronounced "Foe" or "Foh-ee"?
ReplyDeleteDoh! Missed this one too. 1 out of 3 isn't bad though... why did you change the schedule on us? I thought this would be another 9 o'clock thing.
ReplyDelete...bondage? what?
ReplyDeleteYour guiltiest pleasure (before ponies, not actually saying that your guilty of ponies, well, you know what I mean~)
ReplyDeleteWhat would you love to see Lyra do in season 2?
ReplyDeleteWhat (if anything) is there anything you can't draw?
ReplyDelete"They're not usually well written enough to be posted."
ReplyDeleteWow, just what I wanted to hear! Yay!
*goes off to make insane, but well-written trollfic more presentable to EqD*
I asked 2 questions before you cut off and neither got answered. Feels bad. But I know you are busy so I won't get mad/upset.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Derpy Hooves is actually smarter than what people think?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your dream fic?
ReplyDeleteAs in...if ANYTHING could happen, and it was written perfectly, what would happen in the fanfic?
@Dr. Henry Killinger
ReplyDeleteI just did it when Seth told me to.
Also, I live on the east coast, so it's waaaaaay later for me than it is for Seth.
if someone made Lyra for Garry's mod, would you download her?
ReplyDeletefirstly would you say ponies has greatly improved your quality of life, if so how?
ReplyDeletesecondly in Phoe short for Phoebe?
thirdly how should i go about telling my girlfriend about my love of ponies?
Can you answer a 150 questions?
ReplyDeleteDidn't even get a "no".
ReplyDeletethat makes me a saaaad pony.
What does your name come from, Phoe?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I made you a sad pony. I don't generally like pictures of me taken, and I couldn't think of a funny way to say that. Time constraints and all.
That's one of the reasons we're switching up the format for the next time this event occurs. We need more time to give everypony the answers they deserve!
"...I'm hoping she [Luna] does not play a major role in Season 2."
ReplyDeleteI tend to feel the same way. It just seems that the fanon is better and more diverse than the canon could ever hope to be.
I am curious though, would you prefer that she have no role, a cameo role or perhaps an episode specific role a la a Trixie or Gilda?
What is your favorite pmv/remix? I'm partial to "Your Typical Magic show" Myself.
ReplyDeleteIf you were suddenly transported to ponyville in human or pony form what would your first reaction be, and then what would you do first after that?
ReplyDeleteThat's ok, I didn't have any good questions prepared anyway. I was trying to guess the times based on when they were the previous two nights.
Also, if it's 9'oclock my time on the west coast... its probably time to sleep on the east! What was all that about normalizing your sleep schedule up there? Don't answer my post, to bed with you!
Oh goodness, I hope this makes it in. Um...
ReplyDeleteOut of all of the media you see (fanfics, art, pmvs, music, ect.).. What excites you the most and what do you feel that you're the best at?
ReplyDeleteDo you have a Pet?
ReplyDelete@Chris Lowrey
ReplyDeleteSame here. Feel sad.
What's your favorite color?
ReplyDeleteAfter noticing the question about your screen name being part of your real name, I realized that Phoe was a piece of the word, "phoenix," and because of that I changed the way I pronounced your name to Phee before I even got to the question about how you pronounce your name. :3
ReplyDelete"Fee"? Ha, I got it right!
ReplyDeleteAnyway! Since you're a gamer, favorite videogame/series?
Trollestia or Molestia?
ReplyDeleteHas this question been asked yet?
ReplyDeleteWhile most any regular to the blog knows that Seth collects nearly anything pony, what about you? Do you have any of the merchandise from this new generation of My Little Pony?
ReplyDeleteWho do you think is more huggable, Princess Celestia or Princess Luna?
ReplyDeleteWhy did you answer so many more questions than Seth or Cereal? Is it because they are incredibly lazy, or you are incredibly bored?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you actually do?
ReplyDeleteAre you a princess too?
ReplyDeletepoor feebs
ReplyDeleteman I can't believe I missed all 3 Q&As!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I totally found out about ponies from Shortpacked as well!
Why don't you post more?
ReplyDelete[Assuming questions are still open]
ReplyDeleteIs it true that you and Lyra have been hiding your forbidden love for each other from Bon-Bon for well over three months?
*hiding reporter's hat and notepad behind back*
Klondike Bars: What would you do for one?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you looking forward to the most for season 2?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your daily routine?
ReplyDeleteWhat would you do if you woke up in Equestria?
ReplyDeleteAw, rats, missed it... Was gonna ask who your favorite fanartist was.
ReplyDeleteinb4 Joseco
I'm writing a 'Lyra used to be a human' fic as she's my favorite pony as well (besides Derpy and Fluttershy, but that's just because of the cute factor). Do you have anything in particular you want to see? I might not include it, but if it's a good idea I probably will.
ReplyDeleteWith the unofficial pony MMOs coming out are you worried about what would happen if little girls discovered the game?
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite kind of game? (Shooter, fighting, RPG, etc.)
ReplyDeleteIf you had the means to travel back in time to kill Hitler and prevent the holocaust from happening would you? The catch is that you would have to kill him in an extremely horrible torturous manner, the likes of which would give you nightmare the rest of your life while also shattering most of your mind, quite possibly turning you into a murdering monster.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow, enormous Q&A right there! Thanks so much, Fee ^^ It's great to know more about the people you look up too :D
ReplyDeleteHow you tell to your friends that you were a bronie?
ReplyDeleteHow they react?
Did you ever try to assimilate them into the herd?
Why didn't you answer to my email? Do you hate me?
ReplyDeleteAww too late again, I guess :<
ReplyDeleteNice read anyway, it's always nice to get to know more about the folks behind the blog.
Have you ever watched a brony movie night?
ReplyDelete@Phoe!, The Great and Powerful Princess. It was nice to read your interview. You did a good job of answering a lot of questions. This pony is impressed. It would be nice to see you over at DA again if you have the time. Take care.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite episode?
ReplyDeleteWell this one was at 11 pm. I look forward to you "changing it up" so maybe I could participate.
ReplyDeleteYou never said "Time's up" or anything, so here's my question. ^^ :
ReplyDeleteWhat pony merch do you have? Be it gifted stuff or purchased.
I actually got your name right. I figured it was short for Phoebe.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure questions are over, but just in case they're not -- if you had the time/had someone else to do the dirty work of putting all the pictures up and all, why don't you participate in the next Training Grounds too?
ReplyDeleteOf course! That explains the pronounciation! And maybe the whole wings or no wings persona thing.
Buuuut, hold on to your hats! Phoe is bringing the Training Grounds back! Wowsers! (I really should get a scanner.)
@reliasI got her name right, too; I actually hadn't initially considered the other way people seem to mispronounce it. Admittedly, I knew the right way to pronounce it for the wrong reason (it was 1am or something ridiculous): I initially saw it and thought "Oh, like Phoe from Burn Notice." It took me two seconds to then recall that the character in question is in fact Fi, short for Fiona, not Phoe for Phoebe.