• Possible MLP Theme Re-Recording

    Over on Daniel Ingram's facebook page, he threw up a poll a few minutes ago asking for feedback on a possible re-recording/remix of the main theme song for Season two. 

    You can find the status update here!

    118 kommentaari:

    1. I'm totally cool with a new intro


    3. :D Hopefully he does it. A new intro wouldn't hurt at all

    4. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony16. juuli 2011, kell 01:42

      Make the New Intro in a Jazz-Funk style, k thnks.

    5. Kinda funny how so many of the comments are in support of the new intro. People need to read the post.

    6. Like that shit. It's not like he could do it wrong.

    7. What's the harm in it? Daniel wouldn't let it go through if it wasn't any good.


    9. I definitely wouldn't mind an axing of the beginning "My Little Pony" Part!

    10. As long as they keep the same vocalists, I wouldn't be averse to trying out a new theme song.

      Unfortunately, I don't have a fb with which to like his post.

    11. Depends on what it sounds like. He should upload a little sound clip of the remix.

    12. I'll actually have to think about this. I mean, i don't doubt a remix would also be good but I like it the way it is. Inner conflict!

    13. Rock or speed metal intro would be great. Maybe not for the three kids that watch the show, though...

    14. I am so ready for new season two intro! ^_^

    15. @Sethisto

      Neigh, Seth.

      I like the callback to the original series. Bad that it was, it's good to acknowledge it in some way. It reminds us how much better this one is.

    16. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony16. juuli 2011, kell 01:52

      What people think remix is
      What it actually means
      "We made some stuff louder, and added some stuff."

    17. I would like it if i had Facebook. I trust in your skills Daniel show us what you've got!

    18. To be fair, I think all of us should hear a sample of the re-recording first so we can determine if we like it or not. The intro seemed fine to me.

      Hmm, does this speak of a new intro for Season 2? Another MLP tradition perhaps?

    19. I don't want it to change, it's good.

      I wouldn't, however, be opposed to a longer version of it, for, say, iPods. That runs about 2 or 3 minutes...

    20. I don't see any harm in it, especially if we get to hear a sample of said remix.

    21. "Daniel Ingram - Composer/Songwriter These are great comments!! I should clarify a little... The change would be pretty subtle... I'd use the same singer (Twilight), but sung a little more naturally, and a fresh mix of the same bed recording to make it jump out more. Essentially the same song with a fresh coat of paint."

    22. I have no problem with this whatsoever. Intros for cartoons get stale if you don't change them every so often. Plus, it would give Season 2 and more "Season 2-ey" feel to it if that makes sense.

    23. I wouldn't mind a change. Just as long as it's not too... fru-fruie.

    24. I'm glad he clarified in a comment that its simply a re-recording of essentially the same thing. Not a pure remix.

    25. Anon--"it would give Season 2 and more "Season 2-ey" feel to it if that makes sense."

      I both love and hate this theme idea for that very reason. I'm a little worried. If first the theme song, what next?

    26. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony16. juuli 2011, kell 02:01

      Again, a remix isn't adding a bunch of Rave shit, it's just remastering it, making it sound better ect.

    27. You know what? Fuck it! Let's just change it to some 30's big band music with a flare of 50's Doo-wap and a screaming chorus line of death metal. That will fix everything.

    28. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony16. juuli 2011, kell 02:05

      It's Doo WOP, and Death Metal doesn't scream, it growls

    29. you rage to much, give the man a chance to work... DAH MAGIX!

    30. > Daniel Ingram - Composer/Songwriter These are great comments!!
      > I should clarify a little... The change would be pretty subtle...
      > I'd use the same singer (Twilight), but sung a little more
      > naturally, and a fresh mix of the same bed recording to make it
      > jump out more. Essentially the same song with a fresh coat of
      > paint."

      Why didn't you say so? :P
      I APPROVE!

    31. I'd be down for a remix. The current one's a bit girly and doesn't really do too well when trying to sell the show to new bronies.

      None of my friends have been shallow enough for it to be much of an issue yet, though, but still, I know lots of bronies find the current one a bit annoying (I actually like it quite a bit) and skip past it every time they watch an episode.

      ...Wait... New theme could mean new animation, which could mean BRONY IN-REFERENCES IN BACKGROUND OF INTRO. Derped derpy flyby, Lyra and Bon Bon together, who knows. Subtle stuff. Maybe they've already put it into the current intro.

      Fuck, Season 2 can't get here soon enough.

    32. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony16. juuli 2011, kell 02:09

      No, and for that, you'll be punished with Avenged Sevenfold.

    33. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony16. juuli 2011, kell 02:10

      The more fanservive they throw in, the shittier the show will get.

    34. New Remix, see if you can add new animation to the intro as well. One which adds Cutie Mark Crusaders, Luna and any important Season 2 Characters in the intro.

    35. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      Depends on how they tackle the fanservice.

      If its shoved down our throats, and every fan-character becomes a main character, and every popular fan-fic becomes canon, then yes it'll ruin the show.

      But if its simply harmless nods to the fanbase and background references, then thats not going to hurt the show any bit.

    36. A lot of bronies seemed to jump on this one. As much as I'd appreciate a full remake, seems he's only looking to do some minor tweaks.

      On one hand, it's a little hard to envision exactly what changes would be made - listening to the song, I can somewhat hear where it's a bit 'rigid' (though I'm uncertain if my definition would be the same as a professional composer).

      I think I'd actually vote against this, even if it could be made better. My rationale is that we now have something to compare the remake against. With the song from the first season we've all become accustomed to, hearing the new version will instinctively remind us of the older version, the original version, the 'correct' version. I find this happens a lot when modern artists in the music industry. I was grocery shopping today and heard a remake of American Pie
      I find it a little hard to listen to the new version without comparing it to the original. I'm a purist at heart, and I don't seem to share my peers' view on this, but it's food for thought. It doesn't seem like Ingram's shooting for a full remix, so hopefully it wouldn't be that stark a difference as the example above if this were to go through.

      I have to ask 'why?' though. If the change is minor, such that many won't notice it, is it really worth the time to pursue? If the change is more noticeable, then will the new version be considerably better? I think I'd motion for going forward with the recording, but only using it in the new season if the new version is distinctly better, such that the fan base will generally appreciate the revision. It's good to have warning that this may happen, so hopefully whatever happens in the long run, we'll be prepared for it.

    37. He could remix it, post it (Or at least a sample of it) on YouTube, see the reaction to it, then decide whether or not to use it for Season 2.

    38. @Sethisto

      Aww but Seth, it's just not the start to an MLP episode if you aren't reminded that you burned your man card long ago.

    39. I liked his post. If what I'm understanding is correct, it'll basically be like the old digimon or yu-gi-oh intro's where it's basically the same thing, just with different pictures and a few changes to the song. Well, not as bad as those, but the same concept. I'm okay with that. Even if he were to remake it entirely, I'm not too against that. I'd just be more worried if he were to remake it entirely.

      Off topic now.

      Why would hearing Avenged Sevenfold be punishment? I like that band.
      Besides, who offers punishments that they have to willingly copy and paste a link to?

    40. I like the idea of each new season having a slightly different opening. It gives each season a sense of personal style and distinction. I am not opposed to this idea, as I believe Mr. Ingram would do it absolute justice!

    41. @Fallin' Winter

      I'm thinking Simpsons season 1 op and season 2-19 op would be a better example. Or better yet, South Park season 1-2 OP, and Season 3-4 OP.

    42. @Anon

      Maybe. I just went with what I remembered. I don't watch South Park and I barely remember the early Simpsons stuff.

    43. If I've learned one thing from six years in the online Pokemon fandom, it's that fans of a series can be pretty ridiculous about changes to the status quo, no matter how subtle or even good (such as Pokemon names going from all caps to regular capitalization, or TMs being useable an unlimited number of times) the change is. Hopefully, we'll be able not to go crazy in the face of any minor and unimportant changes like the theme song.

      Also, I really love and appreciate the trust David is putting in the bronies to help him decide on the theme song.

      I also like that not only is Dave Mustang not pissing everyone off this time, but he is also making a lot of sense.

    44. A theme song change would be okay....as long as you don't make any changes to the series itself. Although, including Princess Luna again is not such a bad idea. I really like her. :) I would say do the new theme as a Techno or Rock style. Also and I know this was on a Hub commercial, Equestria Girls sung by Pinkie Pie would work very well, too.

    45. I trust Daniel Ingram but I'm kinda going to miss the original opening. I mean part of me wants to get a new song but the other part makes me think what if I like the new one less and the older one was better.

    46. I approve! Do ittt...
      I'd 'like' it,but I don't have a FB...

    47. Here's a stupid question: How do I like a post on Facebook? I don't use it but I've created a dummy account and I've logged in, but there's no "Like" link, just "386 people like this."

    48. Hell yes.

      Just give us an extended version of the original one first, tho, K?

    49. Daniel hasn't done us wrong thus far. And if it's just a version of the intro with a "fresh coat of paint", as he put it, I don't see why not.

    50. I trust in him to make it awesome, plus I've always been a fan of new intros for new seasons. If anime can do it why not us shows, Pokemon has like more than a dozen at this point.

    51. I see why not to do it.
      Spongebob Squarepants never re-mixed their intro, - top show on YTV,
      Fairly Odd Parents never re-mixed their intro, - 2nd best show in canada,
      Even The Powerpuff Girls never re-mixed their intro and they were still A-ok.
      Why risk having a crap intro when It's already known for what it is? Someone wanna write a letter to princess celestia on that lesson?

    52. @"Facebook Like" Anon:

      I would try liking daniel ingram's whole page first. Once I did that and went back, the little like button showed up below his post.

    53. inb4 fandumb
      Either they change it and there'll be people


      Or they don't and


    54. lol

      I could dig a change.....altho I finally admitted my brainwashing into the herd the intro song still makes me cringe XD

    55. yeah... the opening season 1 had was okay, but a tad sacharine for my tastes. I'm okay with this.

    56. Hopefully it will be less intimidating to listen to. I mean the song itself is fine, but the "My little Pony" shit at the beginning sends a shiver down my spine every goddam time.

    57. Oh man this is so hard to choose... I would love to hear a new intro but at the same time I would miss the original...

    58. I don't have face book, I'm not getting it again after loosing an email address i had for more than 10 yrs to facebook spam again. ANYWHO

      I grew to love the intro thats in place now, cept the First lines saying "My Little Pony."

      I would love to have a different intro, sorta differentiates the second season from the first, plus it could lead to some awesome new music...

      That being said, GO FOR IT!!! I would be most excited to hear the results!

    59. If you want to make a different intro for season two that's totally fine with me. I think that the people who are outright opposed to changing it though are scared that it might not be as good as the original. Maybe if you leaked a sample of what you have so far as to extinguish the fears of some of the fans. Plus I'm a little curious as to what it would sound like.

    60. Change is good, yes
      But change for the sake of change is not.

      I see little point in a minor remix when the song is already fine as is.

    61. I really want to respond to this, but that would entail revealing my bronydom to all my facebook friends, so I will hold off...for now.

    62. @Pegasi

      Phew! And I thought I'm the only one with the creeps for the theme's opening lyrics...

    63. "Like"
      does that count? I dnt have facebook...
      I would like to hear a new version of the opening.

    64. Making the song better sounds good.

      Though whatever changes are made they need to keep the beginning "my little pony" bit. I don't care if it's cheezy, I like it.

    65. Can we listen to it first?

    66. Guys, it's the Great and Powerful Daniel Ingram we are speaking of. Of course he will not ruin the theme song's awesomeness, if he chooses to remix it.

    67. I really like the idea of editing the theme song for season two you know like most animes get an entirely new song to MAKE you know its a different season. Tweak the song a little change the animation for the opening credits, could be a great revision or a small tweak, but newer ponies require newer ideas right?

    68. Depends on the remixing, if Season 2 is going to introduce more characters that are going to be around for more then just one episode, I'd be for it.

      Luna, hint, hint.

      Otherwise, not so much if the mane six will be the primary focus like season 1.

    69. I'm pretty cool with this myself.
      It's not a totally new intro folks, just a rerecording / remix.

      So, since we are talking about Daniel Ingram, I doubt he would be able to ruin it, even if he tried, so what we will get is a familiar intro but in a likely better version, probably less girly.
      It took me months to be able to listen through the intro and not just skip it. :P

    70. Re record it, but this time get soundtrack rights before you go in the studio.

      Nobody else sees this as a possibility?
      This was literally my immediate reaction to the very idea of that post.

    71. Honestly im looking forward to brony shoutouts in season2 similar to the equestrian girls commercial, except hopefully with a rock song.

    72. Remix the song and add characters to the current opening every new season. Gummy to Pinkie's part, Luna with Celestia, CMC running around in the background etc.

    73. A new vocal track and changing the mix up should be just enough of a change to make it feel fresh. I say go for it.

    74. I like the idea of a remix to help differentiate Season one and two.

      And when he talks about a remix he is not talking about the kinds of remixes you find on YouTube. It would be more simpler. Modify a cord or add or remove an instrument.

    75. @Anonymous

      That I like. I heard "re-mix" and was nervous that it would lose something from season one or would try too hard to appeal to bronies. Some minor tweaks sound good as long as it's still the same MLP that we're used to.

      To the anon who mentioned Spongebob Squarepants and Fairly Odd Parents, they were the top shows because they were fun to watch, the intros were annoying as hay after a few seasons. I actually muted them when they came on because I'd heard them a thousand times already.


    76. A New intro would be excellent, would hate if season 2 had the same song...

      What Daniel should really add is more deepness, like when Shannon sings...

      There might also be a tactic, in which they refference the older generations A LOT, so we compare the new show only to the older generations and not other shows

    77. Haha, I was just telling my brother that they should do a new opening for Season 2.

    78. Even though lots of people are breaking the rules he set (like for yes, comment for no), the fact that likes outweigh comments threefold indicates that it's pretty much "yes"es all around.

    79. Why do people think that he's making a new intro. He is not. He just wants to re-record the current intro and add some new instruments fix some things he may have not been happy with the first time. I for one thing he shod re-record the intro.

    80. @Parallel Logic

      While the idea of comparing it to the original is there, there is also a lot of history of a cover becoming the "original version" such as Counting Crows and "yellow taxi" or Quiet Riot and "Cum on Feel the Noize." Both of these are not the original recordings of the songs but became more popular than the original

    81. I don't see a reason to re-record it; it's just fine like it is. I suppose if the intro video was being changed up, re-recording it would make some sense.

      So really, my only opinion on the matter is that re-recording could potentially be a waste of effort, depending on what he's trying to accomplish. What I really want them to re-record is the Cutie Mark Crusaders theme. You know, so it isn't painful to listen to. ^_^ The lyrics and style of that song are awesome.

    82. If it makes it not so cringe-worthy, fine with me.

    83. Jazz intro ftw.

    84. Kimba the White Lion16. juuli 2011, kell 10:27

      As long as they take out the line "A beautiful heart, faithful and strong". The rest of the song is fine, but I can't help but cringe during that part.

    85. I am of the opinion that a new season should always be accompanied with a new theme song, so I hope they totally do it. :D

    86. I support this, I'm faithful that Daniel Ingram will turn out something good :)
      A few small changes to differentiate from the previous season's theme would be a good idea, in my opinion

    87. He said the changes would be subtle, so I doubt they would be distinguishably noticeable unless you listened really hard.

      Compare the early version (or the beta version on Ingram's soundcloud, for more distinction in mixing and instrumentation) of the theme to what we have now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuDGL2jZ8Rc

      If he were to make changes, I doubt they would be any more large of a leap than what was produced then compared to what the current outcome is.
      Or, at least, that's my rationale for it.

    88. Tears of a Valedictorian16. juuli 2011, kell 11:04


      Damn straight, man. Nevar forget!

    89. "My Little Poooo-nyyy, My Little Po-nyyyy..."



    90. Hmm...not sure if want...

    91. @Fallin' Winter
      That did it, thank you!




    93. Tears of a Valedictorian16. juuli 2011, kell 11:48

      Regarding the people who want the main theme a little less girly, a little more rocking:

      The theme tune could be played on 80 Flying Vs through a wall of Marshall stacks a mile high, with Eddie Van Halen dropping in a sick guitar solo from his permanent position orbiting fucking Mars, and you would still be watching My Little Pony.

    94. The current intro already feels like a remix of the older songs, so would the new one sound like a remix of a remix? Let's hold on making such changes until a third season at least.

    95. I really hope it changes. The "my little pony my little pony aaaahhhhh" is what instantly turns off a lot of potential bronies from FiM.

    96. @ Kimba the White Lion

      So what other lines would you have to represent Rarity and Applejack ? I think linking Rarity with Beauty and Applejack with being Faithful and Strong is just fine.

    97. I approve of the Remix

      P.S. I like the "My Little Pony, My Little Pony, aaaahhhhh" in the beginning.

    98. Oh, BTW the very beginning is pretty nice I think. Yes it's corny as *beep* but it's supposed to be, and it works! Reminds us of how the show could have been if it had followed it predecessors.

    99. I think he should do the theme song in the style that Kevin Smith described it as on SModcast.
      Meh-manna-manna-manna-meh PONIES!
      Meh-manna-manna-manna-meh PONIES!

    100. I approve the remix.

    101. I think that if they do change the intro, they should change it each season as a way to differentiate them. Otherwise, I'd rather have it stay as is.

      I guess what I'm saying is that I want a pattern to it. Having one season different from the rest would bother me.


      ...But, uhm.... whatever you wanna do is... fine.

    102. I have no strong feelings on a remix. The current track has room for improvement, but it's at least good enough that it has room to falter too. A remix could be great or terrible.

    103. I think theres STILL confusion going around here. He clarified in a comment that its simply a RE-RECORDING of generally the same thing. Not a full on remix in the sense of changing the genre or what not.

    104. "These are great comments!! I should clarify a little... The change would be pretty subtle... I'd use the same singer (Twilight), but sung a little more naturally, and a fresh mix of the same bed recording to make it jump out more. Essentially the same song with a fresh coat of paint."

      exact quote

    105. But i just started singing along to the current intro (reads part that says it's just a remix of current one to improve how it sounds) oh I see, I'm okay with that (walks off singing theme song)

    106. I say, if you do that, do it only for one or two episodes. Use it to emphasize a special episode.

      But if the change is really minor, is it worth going through?


    108. I'm always interested in official remixes, and... well, dude, it's Dan Ingram. You're not gonna get something lame out of him.

    109. Now see, this, my dear bronies, is a red flag. Remix of the intro? This could mean a better arrangement. OR it could mean a step closer to girlifying the series and bringing it back to the way MLP was before. I suggest you watch out, because the new intro could very well say what the new season is going to look like...

    110. People can be judgemental. Hope they don't get discouraged over there if/when it releases.
