• Ponytales / Friendship cannot be displayed...

    Random as hell PMV queue! Everything from Duck tales, to a big old steaming pile of youtube poop.

    1.) My Little Book of Mormon
    2.) Ponytales
    3.) Friendship cannot be displayed because it contains errors


    1. #2 - Not Pony tales? :( FALSE ADVERTISING

      Just kidding, it was awesome. :D

    2. My little pony: friendship is glitchy

    3. Combining musicals and ponies, two of some of my favorite things. :)

    4. #2...

      Nostalgia bomb right there...

    5. Well, now I want to see the Book Of Mormon.

    6. Saw the 3rd on Ponychan, still funny as hail, but he shoulda worked on the audio a little more.

    7. Slenderowl just wants his $20!

    8. Number one. Is that taken from the broadway event made by Trey Parker and Matt Stone?

    9. Ahaha, that YTP was good. Better than the ones in the 3-PMV post a bit ago, I thought. Mormon thing was funny and seemed well PMVed, though I was paying more attention to the lyrics than the video because I hadn't heard it before.

    10. I saw Book of Mormon. Great even if you're not a South Park fan. It was hilarious but carried a good message that made you feel all warm inside. Kind of like our favorite ponies. Only a lot more explicit...

    11. @Anonymous

      Yup. The show is called The Book of Mormon, which recently won nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical. It's sold out until January of next year; crazy successful.

    12. #1: Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Delightful.

    13. @BronyMike

      Assisting Matt Stone and Trey Parker on the music and lyrics for the show was Robert Lopez, from Avenue Q fame.

    14. Somepony needs to do "Turn it Off" from Book of Mormon with Rainbow Dash as Elder McKinley. Anybody who has seen the show/heard the song knows what I am talking about.

    15. Being a "mormon" myself, I found the play and PMV very funny.

    16. The first sounded funny but since I don't know what a mormonn is, I didn't quite get it.
      PonyTales made mee feel nostalgic...
      And last but not least... the third one is awesome! Probably the best YTP I've seen thus far!

    17. Huffy the Magic Rarity.

    18. question from an Equestria Daily newbie: How do I send videos? :3

    19. @adan "Submit" among the links at the top of the page.

    20. I ROFL'd at all three. Spectacular batch! Please make more ^^

    21. The first one was pretty funny.

      I liked the second one, mostly because Duck Tales Theme. <3

      The third one was kinda meh at some parts, but some others it was hilarious. A duck! /)^3^(\ Then mayor trollface!

    22. @Makkon

      Really? I'm a Mormon too, just from hearing that, I don't think I'd be fond of the play, and I'm very hard to offend. I enjoy South Park though, and the episodes they've done on Mormons were pretty funny. But saying Joesph Smith did frogs to cure AIDs (which wasn't even around back then), even if in the play it was still pointed out as (obviously) false, is a bit too much even for me.


      You've never heard of the LDS church? Or did you just not know what the term "Mormon" referred too?

      Oh, and, uh, Mormon bronies FTW!

    23. @Ace2401
      I've never heard of LDS church or mormons either, but according to the comments I think it may be some kind of relilgion...
      I'm not american btw... I don't think mormons exist in Hungary. I'm gonna look it up in wikipedia

    24. @bobmortar

      I'm sure there are Mormons in Hungary, there just wouldn't be that many of them. There are about 12 million members of the church worldwide, and the only place in the world that has a large concentration of Mormons is the state of Utah, which was more or less founded by the LDS church.

      Apologies to everyone for derailing the comments, I'll stop now.

      Sorta OT:
      Fluttershy is best pony. :D

    25. Didn't like the first one. Loved the other two.

    26. #2 My favorite show as a kid combined with my favorite show now?

      My life is complete.

    27. I though that it had been long enough that I could watch any Ducktales related things without hearing Brentalfloss's voice. Alas, I was wrong. Now if you excuse me I have to sing about ducks in space.

    28. Is Owloucios a proxy now? Just let himi take his 20 bucks.

    29. 2# Am I the one who was looking out for the Twilight duck vector?

    30. I LOOOOVVVVED the Book Of Mormon one! Probably just because I love book of mormon... and ponies.

    31. Someone should of swapped "Ponytales" with "Ducktales" in the 2nd one. Would of fit much better.

    32. @Makkon

      Heh, you're a mormon too? You're the guy that did the Luna Deos Remix, right? I love that remix!

    33. Well THAT was an interesting PMV.

      PMV the magic dragon!

      Fluttershy, I think you need to go lay down for a while.

    34. Huffy the magic mormon. Lol mormons crack me up.

    35. I'm an LDS brony too, but even though i'm more of a liberal Mormon, I couldn't put myself through watching the Book of Mormon. I normally love what the South Park guys do, but I've never liked it when they bag on Religion, EVEN Scientology. Its fine to heckle the seriousness of churches sometimes, but when you take into account how much money they're raking in, its a bit of an obscenity in my mind.

      in other news, loved all the PMVs :D excellent quality as always.

    36. @Anonymous And while you're at it, give Slender Mane HIS 20 dollas, too...

      And remember: NO wifin' in the club!

    37. Meh, I've always thought that the Mormon religion was... well, OFF, to say the least...

      "And Joseph Smith, the son of a convicted scam artist, and likely a scam artist himself, went out into the woods of America and prayed, 'O LORD, I give up: which is the true religion?' And the LORD spake to Joseph, saying 'LOL, no, all the other religions are false. I thought it would be funny to confuse people for thousands and thousands of years. Now go start your own. If anyone doubts your authenticity, go put your head into a hat with a rock. That'll convince them.'"

      ...yeah... that sounds legit... *facehoof*

    38. @NotAGoodUsername360

      Love and tolerance, NotAGoodUsername. Let's not go insulting the beliefs any fellow-bronies.

    39. @NotAGoodUsername360

      Thanks for being a genuine dick. Not the true brony way.

    40. Obviously you need to add 'Poop' as a Label now.

    41. If there is anything about anyone that i will make fun of its their religion lol. No beliefs are sacred, everything is up for debate, and if i think your opinions are stupid ill tell you so and Ill tell you why. Love and tolerance, sure. I cant garuantee respect and agreement.

    42. Did anypony else see the "totheark" symbol in #3?

    43. @Noteperson

      No, we definitely need to insult them. Mountain Meadows Massacre (kill a bunch of innocent people then cover it up), overt racism and sexism, CA prop 8. Just to name a few.

    44. @Makkon@Noteperson *posts sign up on comment saying "This is what Mormons actually believe"*

      I wouldn't say it if it weren't true. Besides, I've always believed that the best sign of faith is to have a strong enough belief in your faith that you can take a joke or two against it. For example, I myself am a Christian and one of my favorite films of all time is Monty Python's Life of Brian. *pony shrug*

      Still, I have nothing against individual Mormons or what they do, I just am very disturbed their doctrine. That's all. And I am certainly not prejudiced against any faith- one of my very best friends is a Satanist, for Celestia's sake! So yeah, sorry for any perceived hate, Mormon bronies. It's nothing personal.

    45. @Prison It's the Operator symbol, and yes, it's there. Right after the Slendowlowicious skit.

    46. 1. haha, matt & trey + ponies = awesome
      3. not a good poop by any standard, really. far too much unedited material. see Dikekike for proper ways to YTP FiM

    47. Lordy... I haven't heard the Duck Tales theme song in over a decade... Talk about nostalgia!

    48. 1. Oh my god: My Little Pony + Book of Mormon!?!?!?! = this all equals WIN/EPICNESS! xD
      2. I think i'm too young to get it.
      3. Thisis one of the funniest thigns ever. lol "it has a dragons head and a dragons body"

    49. " Chocoalate Rain " best joke ever.

    50. Loved the PonyTales, but even more loved our new minianthology. Seriously cracked up, I'm kinda glad noone's around right now.

    51. @Anonymous

      1- It's not like anyone, Mormon or no, condones those kinds of actions. It wasn't like it was the whole church that did it, just a small group of people.

      2- There is nothing in our church doctrine itsself that is racist or sexist. I'm fairly sure I know what you're referring to on both counts, and if you want me to explain them, I will.

      3-Not every single member of the church was in agreement on prop 8. I personally was okay with the allowance of gay marriage. I think the church was worried about getting sued by gays who were denied a marriage in an LDS temple. The church does teach that homosexuality is wrong, but I'm pretty sure all other Christian churches do as well.

      It's not cool to insult others' beliefs dude. You'd think a brony would know that.


      I couldn't find anything about Joesph Smith Sr. ever being convicted of anything, and Joseph Smith Jr (the one who founded the church) was 14 at the time of the events you described.

      And I'm gonna nip this in the bud right here: Mormons are Christians. The church's official name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Your beliefs are probably very similar to ours, I can't imagine what part of our actual doctrine you would find disturbing. If you disagree with things our church has done in the past, that's fine (so do some to many members depending on the issue),just don't be a douche about it.

      P.S Making stuff up is being a douche. I'll take that back when you give me reliable proof that Joseph Smith Sr was a convicted scam artist.


      Maybe you shouldn't have posted that first one, just because of the inevitable conflict in the comments. Not that I can't take a joke, I just don't think anyone wants a war about religion in the comments.

    52. It's like the LDS brony magnet post! w00t! (even though I missed it)

      Meh, haters gonna hate. Least I have ponies...

      That Poop was also great and I was half-disappoint that that was Duck Tales instead of Dragontales.

    53. @Ace2401

      If I could just say, "Shush." It's the internet, bro. No one's converted to anything (especially religion) over the internet. Sad, but true.
      Just know you're not the only one here.

    54. That was to your comment above my first one, btw.

    55. @Someonelse

      Yeah, it's just that guy who said "we should insult them" referring to us pissed me off. I'm not trying to convert anyone, lol.
